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The Role of Long-Acting

Bronchodilators in the Management of
Stable COPD*
Donald P. Tashkin, MD, FCCP; and Christopher B. Cooper, MD, FCCP

Bronchodilators form the foundation of symptomatic treatment of COPD. Several long-acting

bronchodilators are now available for use in COPD, but publications of large-scale studies of their
efficacy have, for the most part, postdated the publication of major clinical guidelines. This article
provides a critical review of large (> 50 patients), double-blind, clinical trials of three long-acting
bronchodilators in COPD (the once-daily anticholinergic tiotropium, and the twice-daily ␤2-
agonists formoterol and salmeterol) within the context of the objectives of treatment defined by
the Global Initiative for Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease (GOLD) guidelines. Fourteen
published studies were identified, of which 12 studies were published since the release of the
GOLD guidelines. All three long-acting bronchodilators were found to effectively improve lung
function; however, they differed in their effects on outcomes other than bronchodilation, with
salmeterol demonstrating inconsistent efficacy compared with placebo in preventing exacerba-
tions and improving health status, and only tiotropium demonstrating consistent superiority to
the short-acting bronchodilator ipratropium. Based on this review, a treatment algorithm for the
introduction of long-acting bronchodilators to patients with COPD is proposed, which includes
the use of long-acting bronchodilators early in the treatment algorithm.
(CHEST 2004; 125:249 –259)

Key words: bronchodilators; COPD; exacerbations; formoterol; Global Initiative for Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease;
health status; lung function; salmeterol; tiotropium

Abbreviations: GOLD ⫽ Global Initiative for Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease; ICS ⫽ inhaled corticosteroid;
SGRQ ⫽ St. George Respiratory Questionnaire; TDI ⫽ transition dyspnea index

C expiration
OPD is characterized by reduced airflow on
due to airway obstruction that is
worsening of symptoms (exacerbations). The sepa-
rate or combined effects of dyspnea, reduced exer-
partially reversible and usually worsens over time. cise capacity, and repeated exacerbations cause im-
Patients with COPD have reduced lung function and pairment of the health-related quality of life of many
patients with COPD,1 as well as causing a greater
*From the Division of Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine burden on health-care resources.2
and the UCLA Pulmonary Function and Exercise Physiology Currently, COPD is the second most common
Laboratory, David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA, noninfectious disease in the world, causing some
Los Angeles, CA.
Dr. Tashkin has received consulting fees from Boehringer In- 2.75 million deaths annually,3 and global mortality is
gelheim, and Dr. Cooper has received consulting fees from predicted to more than double by 2030. The increas-
Boehringer Ingelheim and is affiliated with the Boehringer ing burden of COPD has stimulated research into
Ingelheim Speakers’ Bureau.
Manuscript received October 28, 2002; revision accepted April
14, 2003. For editorial comment see page 9
Reproduction of this article is prohibited without written permis-
sion from the American College of Chest Physicians (e-mail: novel treatment approaches (including new pharma-
Correspondence to: Donald P. Tashkin, MD, FCCP, Division of cotherapies) and optimized management strategies.
Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine, UCLA School of Medi-
cine, PO Box 951690, 10833 Le Conte Ave, Los Angeles, CA An international collaboration has been convened,
90095-1690; e-mail: the Global Initiative for Chronic Obstructive Lung CHEST / 125 / 1 / JANUARY, 2004 249

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Disease (GOLD), which seeks, among other objec- studies of long-acting bronchodilators. These new
tives, to provide evidence-based recommendations studies provide a valuable body of evidence on the
for an integrated COPD management strategy. In relative efficacy of short- and long-acting broncho-
2001, the GOLD committee published guidelines dilators, as well as the relative efficacy of long-acting
for the diagnosis, management, and prevention of ␤2-agonists and anticholinergics. This review seeks to
COPD, including recommendations for pharmaco- examine these new data within the context provided
logic management.4 by the GOLD guidelines.
The GOLD guidelines4 provide a staging system
for the classification of disease severity based on a
combination of spirometric lung function and symp- Rationale for the Use of Bronchodilators
toms. In a departure from earlier guidelines, the in COPD
GOLD guidelines identify a stage 0, which includes
patients who may not have symptoms, and still have Impaired lung function in COPD is caused by
normal lung function, but are at risk of acquiring structural narrowing of the airways, combined with the
COPD by virtue of tobacco smoking or certain effects of cholinergic vagal bronchoconstrictive tone
environmental exposures. Beyond stage 0, COPD is and decreased lung elastic recoil.8,9 Bronchodilators
identified by the presence of airflow obstruction as improve the airflow limitation observed in patients with
primarily defined by a reduction in the forced expi- COPD by producing airway smooth-muscle relaxation,
ratory ratio (FEV1/FVC) below 70%. The severity of although ␤2-agonists and anticholinergics achieve this
COPD is defined in four stages—mild, moderate, effect through different mechanisms. Anticholinergic
severe, and very severe—according to the severity of bronchodilators (in particular, tiotropium) produce re-
impairment in the FEV1. laxation of airway smooth muscle through antagonism
The GOLD guidelines recommend a stepwise of acetylcholine at M3-muscarinic receptors on airway
approach to disease management, with broncho- smooth muscle,10 whereas ␤2-agonists induce bron-
dilators being the mainstay of treatment. Short- chodilation through stimulation of ␤2-receptors, lead-
acting bronchodilators are recommended initially, as ing to an increase in cyclic adenosine monophosphate
needed, in mild disease. As the disease progresses, (as also occurs with phosphodiesterase inhibitors, such
regular maintenance treatment is indicated; for this, as oral methylxanthines).11
the guidelines note that long-acting bronchodilators The mechanistic differences between these two
are more convenient. In more severe disease, poly- classes of inhaled bronchodilator are reflected in the
pharmacy becomes common and a trial of inhaled relative utility of each for the management of
corticosteroids is recommended. COPD. Short-acting ␤2-agonists, such as albuterol,
The bronchodilators currently available for use in have a more rapid onset but shorter duration of
COPD can be broadly categorized into three classes: action than anticholinergics, and thus are commonly
anticholinergics, ␤2-sympathomimetic agonists, and prescribed as a “rescue” medication to help relieve
methylxanthines. All three have proven effective in acute bronchospasm. Inhaled anticholinergic medi-
improving lung function in patients with COPD, cations, such as ipratropium, have a slower onset and
although the narrow therapeutic range of methyl- slightly longer duration of action. One consequence
xanthines and their relatively weak bronchodilator of the differences in their modes of action is that the
effect make them a less attractive initial therapeutic effects of combining anticholinergic and ␤2-agonist
option. bronchodilators are additive, providing greater effi-
The GOLD guidelines do not, however, distin- cacy than either agent alone.12
guish between anticholinergic and ␤2-agonist bron- The two classes of agent also differ in their
chodilators, regarding both as equally effective based nonbronchodilator effects. For example, muscarinic
on evidence then available. Nor do they provide receptors play a role in regulating mucus secretion,
specific guidance on the choice between inhaled although the effect of antimuscarinics on sputum
long-acting and short-acting bronchodilators (simply volume is variable.13,14 Viral infections increase cho-
noting that long-acting bronchodilators are more linergic tone, an effect that may be directly counter-
convenient). This position was perhaps inevitable acted by anticholinergics.15 Ex vivo, long-acting ␤2-
given that, at the time the guidelines were being agonists have shown cellular effects beyond those
developed, only two studies5–7 of long-acting bron- exerted on bronchial smooth muscle, including ef-
chodilators in COPD were available, and only one of fects on mucociliary transport and neutrophils.16 –18
these5 included an active comparator. These nonbronchodilator effects may provide addi-
However, since initial publication of the GOLD tional benefits, although the relevance (if any) of
guidelines in 2001, there have been 17 publications these effects to their clinical efficacy in COPD is
featuring data from large, comparative, double-blind currently unknown.

250 Reviews

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Long-Acting Bronchodilators indication since 1997 in Europe and since 1998 in the
United States. Formoterol, approved for use in COPD
Three long-acting, inhaled bronchodilators have in the United States and some European countries in
been approved in the United States or Europe for
2001, is a long-acting ␤2-agonist that is administered,
use in COPD: tiotropium (the most recently li-
like salmeterol, twice daily.
censed), formoterol, and salmeterol. An overview of
Only one published trial has directly compared
published, double-blind studies of long-acting bron-
chodilators in COPD involving at least 50 patients is two long-acting bronchodilators; this study com-
given in Table 1. prised two 6-month trials, both placebo controlled,
Tiotropium, which became available in many parts of comparing tiotropium with salmeterol.21,22 Although
Europe in 2002, is a once-daily, long-acting, inhaled no large-scale, direct comparisons of the clinical
anticholinergic that, unlike the short-acting anticholin- efficacy of salmeterol and formoterol have been
ergic ipratropium, acts through prolonged M3-receptor made, smaller studies36,37 have found that formoterol
blockade. Salmeterol, the first long-acting ␤2-agonist to has an onset of action that is faster than salmeterol
be licensed for COPD, has been available for this and similar to salbutamol.

Table 1—Overview of Published Double-Blind Studies of Long-Acting Bronchodilators in COPD Conducted in

> 50 Patients

Source Long-Acting Bronchodilator Control Trial Duration

Casaburi et al (2002)19 Tiotropium 18 ␮g/d Placebo 1 yr

Vincken et al (2002)20 Tiotropium 18 ␮g/d Ipratropium 40 ␮g qid 1 yr
Donohue et al (2002)21 Tiotropium 18 ␮g/d Placebo 6 mo
Salmeterol 50 ␮g bid 24 wk
Brusasco et al (2003)22 Tiotropium 18␮g/d Placebo 6 mo
Salmeterol 50 ␮g/d 24 wk
Aalbers et al (2002)23 Formoterol 6 ␮g bid Placebo 12 wk
Formoterol 12 ␮g bid
Formoterol 24 ␮g bid
Dahl et al (2001)24 Formoterol 12 ␮g bid Ipratropium 40 ␮g qid 12 wk
Formoterol 24 ␮g bid Placebo
Rossi et al (2002)25 Formoterol 12 ␮g bid Theophylline (individualized 52 wk
Formoterol 24 ␮g bid
D’Urzo et al (2001)26 Formoterol 12 ␮g bid/ipratropium 40 ␮g qid combination Salbutamol 200 ␮g 3 wk
qid/ipratropium 40 ␮g
qid combination
Szafranski et al (2003)27 Formoterol 4.5 ␮g bid Placebo 12 mo
Formoterol 4.5 ␮g/budesonide 160 ␮g bid combination Budesonide 200 ␮g bid
Boyd et al (1997)6 Salmeterol 50 ␮g bid Placebo 16 wk
Salmeterol 100 ␮g bid
Jones and Bosh (1997)7 Salmeterol 50 ␮g bid Palcebo 16 wk
Salmeterol 100 ␮g bid
Mahler et al (1999)5 Salmeterol 50 ␮g bid Ipratropium 40 ␮g qid 12 wk
Rennard et al (2001)28 Salmeterol 50 ␮g bid Ipratropium 40 ␮g qid 12 wk
van Noord et al (2000)29 Salmeterol 50 ␮g bid Placebo 12 wk
Salmeterol 50 ␮g bid/ipratropium 40 ␮g qid combination
Rutten-van Mölken et al (1999)30 Salmeterol 50 ␮g bid Placebo 12 wk
Salmeterol 50 ␮g bid/ipratrotropin qid combination
Chapman et al (2002)31 Salmeterol 50 ␮g bid/ipratropium 40 ␮g qid combination Ipratropium 40 ␮g qid 24 wk
ZuWallack et al (2001)32 Salmeterol 50 ␮g bid Theophylline 12 wk
Salmeterol 50 ␮g bid/theophylline combination
Cazzola et al (2000)33 Salmeterol 50 ␮g bid 3 mo
Salmeterol 50 ␮g/fluticasone 250 ␮g bid combination
Salmeterol 50 ␮g/fluticasone 500 ␮g bid combination
Salmeterol 50 ␮g/theophylline bid combination
Mahler et al (2002)34 Salmeterol 50 ␮g bid Placebo 24 wk
Salmeterol 50 ␮g/fluticasone 500 ␮g bid combination Fluticasone 500 ␮g bid
Calverley et al (2003)35 Salmeterol 50 ␮g bid Placebo 52 wk
Salmeterol 50 ␮g/fluticasone 500 ␮g bid combination Fluticasone 500 ␮g bid CHEST / 125 / 1 / JANUARY, 2004 251

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Long-Acting Bronchodilators and GOLD was seen at only half the time points in one of two
Treatment Goals studies.5,28 With long-term administration, both
tiotropium and salmeterol significantly improved
The GOLD guidelines4 specify the following prac-
morning trough (predose) FEV1 when compared
tical objectives that define effective disease manage-
with both placebo and ipratropium at all time points
ment: to relieve symptoms, improve exercise toler-
over 1 year.5,19,20
ance, prevent and treat exacerbations, prevent and
treat complications, improve health status, reduce Combination therapies appear to improve the
mortality, and prevent disease progression. The bronchodilator effects of long-acting ␤2-agonists.
GOLD guidelines also note that these objectives The simultaneous administration of salmeterol and
should be achieved with a minimum of side effects. ipratropium produced an additive effect on postdose
In the following sections of this article we will FEV1,29 and a combination with either theophylline
compare published clinical trial data for each long- or fluticasone increased the effect of salmeterol on
acting bronchodilator in the context of the objectives trough FEV1.33 The combination of formoterol twice
recommended by the GOLD committee. While daily and ipratropium four times daily also improved
preventing disease progression, preventing and morning trough FEV1 compared with a combination
treating complications, and reducing mortality are of salbutamol and ipratropium.26
important goals of treatment, there have as yet been All the long-acting bronchodilators, therefore,
no published studies that have investigated the effi- have shown efficacy over periods of either 12 h
cacy of long-acting bronchodilators with respect to (salmeterol, formoterol) or 24 h (tiotropium). The
these outcomes. We have, therefore, confined our only direct comparison of different classes of long-
review to the effects of these treatments on relieving acting bronchodilators found that salmeterol and
symptoms, increasing exercise tolerance, preventing tiotropium had similar effects on day 1, but peak and
exacerbations, and improving health status. We have average FEV1 were significantly higher with tiotro-
also reviewed the effects on lung function data since, pium from day 15 onwards, and trough FEV1 was
although improved lung function is not explicitly significantly higher at 24 weeks.21,22 It appears that
stated by the GOLD as an objective of treatment, it the difference at the end of the study (24 weeks) may
is a fundamental measure of bronchodilator efficacy. be due, in part, to the fact that the response to
A summary of the findings is shown in Table 2. tiotropium was maintained, whereas the response to
salmeterol decreased over the time course of the
study,21 suggesting the development of tachyphy-
Lung Function laxis.
Other studies have not demonstrated tachyphy-
All the long-acting bronchodilators have shown laxis to the bronchodilator effect of salmeterol. The
substantial improvements in lung function compared latter observation may reflect the relatively shorter
with placebo, although comparisons are made diffi- (12 to 16 weeks) duration of most trials, since
cult by the multitude of end points employed. All another 24-week trial showed that the bronchodila-
three long-acting bronchodilators produce acute im- tor efficacy of salmeterol relative to placebo dimin-
provements in lung function that are similar to those ished over time, suggesting tachyphylaxis.31 Such
observed with ipratropium. These are sustained for tachyphylaxis would be consistent with the reduction
24 h in the case of tiotropium, and 12 h in the cases in bronchodilator efficacy seen in long-term (90-day)
of salmeterol and formoterol,5,19,20,24,25,28,32 although studies of albuterol (since both albuterol and salme-
the improvement in FEV1 area under the curve from terol are partial ␤-agonists).38 In contrast, a 12-
0 to 12 h with salmeterol compared with ipratropium month study of formoterol (a full ␤-agonist) did not

Table 2—Summary of Long-Acting Bronchodilator Efficacy in Lung Function and GOLD Treatment Goals*

Improve Lung Relieve Improve Exercise Reduce Exacerbation

Drugs Function Symptoms Tolerance Frequency Improve Health Status

Salmeterol ⫹⫹ ⫹ ⫺ ⫹/⫺ ⫹/⫺

Formoterol ⫹⫹ ⫹ ⫺† ⫹ ⫹⫹
Tiotropium ⫹⫹⫹ ⫹⫹ ‡ ⫹⫹ ⫹⫹
*⫺ ⫽ no demonstrated efficacy; ⫹/⫺ ⫽ equivocal efficacy; ⫹ ⫽ superior to placebo; ⫹⫹ ⫽ superior to placebo and ipratropium; ⫹⫹⫹ ⫽ su-
perior to placebo, ipratropium, and salmeterol.
†One study with ⬍ 50 patients found an improvement in exercise tolerance with formoterol.
‡No published data.

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reveal evidence of tachyphylaxis, although the earli- Exercise Tolerance
est time point assessed in this study was 3 months
after initiation of study drug, so that the possibility of There have been few publications describing
large-scale studies of the effects of long-acting bron-
early onset tachyphylaxis cannot be excluded.25
chodilators on exercise tolerance in COPD, and
those that have been published have yielded largely
negative results. Formoterol did not improve shuttle
Symptoms walking test distances compared with placebo,23 and
salmeterol did not improve the distance walked in
One of the most important symptoms in COPD is
the 6-min walking test.5,6,28 A more elaborate test of
dyspnea, or the perception of breathlessness.39 Most exercise performance is cycle ergometry, and a small
of the studies examined here used the transition study42 has found a significant effect of formoterol
dyspnea index (TDI), a validated instrument for the on time to exhaustion during an incremental work
measurement of dyspnea that is incurred by activities rate protocol. Recent presentations at national meet-
of daily living in COPD.40 The TDI focal score is a ings indicate that larger studies (with ⬎ 50 patients)
total of three component scales, and a 1-U change is using cycle ergometry have been performed compar-
considered to be clinically meaningful.41 ing the effects of tiotropium and placebo on exer-
Tiotropium has been shown to improve TDI focal tional dyspnea (Borg scale) and endurance time.
scores compared with both placebo and ipratropium While results of these studies in abstract form43,44
at all time points over a 12-month period.19,20 Sal- suggest that tiotropium improves exercise tolerance,
meterol did not improve TDI focal scores compared definitive peer-reviewed publications have not yet
with theophylline,32 and it does not provide consis- appeared.
tent benefit compared with placebo.5,22,28,34 Formot-
erol, 24 ␮g bid, but not 12 ␮g bid, improved TDI
focal scores compared with placebo over 3 months,23
but formoterol has not yet been compared on this Although some small studies have investigated the
measure with other active treatments. role of long-acting bronchodilators in the treatment
A second measure of COPD symptoms is patient of exacerbations, this area is beyond the scope of the
use of “reliever” short-acting ␤2-agonists, since a current article. Therefore, we will focus here on the
treatment that effectively reduces symptoms should evidence that long-acting bronchodilators can reduce
also reduce the need for rescue medication. Tiotro- the incidence and/or severity of exacerbations in
pium reduced the use of rescue medication com- COPD.
pared with both placebo and ipratropium,19,20 Assessing the incidence or severity of exacerba-
whereas salmeterol at 50 ␮g and 100 ␮g reduced tions relies on a robust operational definition, and as
rescue medication use compared with placebo but yet no consensus has been reached on how exactly to
not compared with ipratropium or theophyl- define an exacerbation in COPD.45 Commonly, ex-
line.5,6,29,32,34 The effect of formoterol on the use of acerbations are defined on the basis of an increase in
rescue medication has not been reported. symptoms using a modification of the criteria of
In many of these studies,5,6,19,27–29,32 COPD symp- Anthonisen et al46 (increased cough and sputum,
sputum purulence, and increased dyspnea), although
toms were also assessed by means of a patient diary
a consensus panel47 has proposed a definition based
record. The details of this assessment varied from
also on a need for increased health-care resources
study to study, but always involved assigning a score
(eg, prescription of additional medications, or physi-
either to overall symptoms or to a series of symptoms cian or hospital visits).
commonly associated with COPD, such as cough, The studies reviewed here have used differing
breathlessness, and chest tightness; however, there definitions of exacerbations, thus inevitably making
was no consistent effect of any long-acting broncho- comparisons more difficult. The studies of salmet-
dilator on these outcomes, which may suggest that erol have used a definition based on a need for a
this instrument is not a sensitive outcome measure in change in drug therapy and/or hospitalization,
COPD. whereas the definition of exacerbations in the tiotro-
The evidence suggests, therefore, that tiotropium pium studies was based on an increase in two or
is superior to ipratropium in relieving dyspnea, and it more respiratory symptoms for at least 3 days (which,
also appears to have a more consistent effect com- for the majority of events, required additional med-
pared with placebo than does salmeterol. There are ication). The formoterol studies defined exacerba-
fewer data for formoterol, but the data that do exist tions using both symptoms and health-care use. The
suggest that formoterol is superior to placebo.23–25 symptom-based definition, “bad days,” was broadly CHEST / 125 / 1 / JANUARY, 2004 253

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based (worsening in two or more symptoms on any 1 the impact of impaired health on his or her quality of
day, coupled with a ⬎ 20% reduction in peak expi- life. Measures of health status can be either generic
ratory flow rate), and so is likely to have detected (ie, applicable across a range of diseases) or disease
events that would not conventionally be thought of as specific. In COPD, the most commonly used mea-
exacerbations. The health-care– based definition was sure of health status is the disease-specific St.
similar to that used in the salmeterol studies. George Respiratory Questionnaire (SGRQ), which
In addition to employing varying definitions of consists of three components (symptoms, activity,
exacerbations, the studies reviewed here are of dif- and impacts).49 The Chronic Respiratory Disease
ferent lengths. The differences in study duration are Questionnaire is also commonly used.50 For both
important because exacerbations, in general, occur scales, thresholds of change have been defined that
with an average annual frequency of one to two times are regarded as clinically meaningful.51
and at most only a few times per year in any Tiotropium improved health status as measured by
individual patient, so that longer studies are more SGRQ compared with both placebo and ipratropi-
likely to reveal significant effects.48 um.19,20 Tiotropium, but not salmeterol, improved
The 1-year studies19,20,22 of tiotropium found that SGRQ scores compared with placebo, and more
it reduced the incidence of symptom-based exacer- patients achieved a clinically meaningful improve-
bations, the time to first exacerbation, and the time ment in SGRQ scores with tiotropium vs placebo as
to first hospitalization compared with either placebo compared with salmeterol vs placebo.22 Formoterol
or ipratropium. However, although tiotropium also was superior on the SGRQ total score to placebo and
reduced the incidence of hospitalizations for COPD ipratropium over 12 weeks, but not to placebo over 1
compared with placebo, it did not significantly re- year or theophylline over 12 months.24,25,27
duce the incidence of hospitalizations compared with Most studies of salmeterol have not shown any
ipratropium. significant effect on health status compared with
Formoterol has been shown to reduce the number either placebo,28,30,31,34,35 ipratropium,5,28 or theoph-
of bad days compared with placebo and theophylline, ylline.32 The combination of salmeterol and ipratro-
but not with ipratropium.23–25 Formoterol at 24 ␮g, pium also did not improve overall health-related
but not lower doses, also reduced the number of quality of life compared with placebo, although the
exacerbations that were serious enough to require combination did provide clinically and statistically
additional therapy compared with placebo.26,27 significant improvements in the SGRQ symptoms
Salmeterol alone did not reduce the exacerbation domain.30
rate compared with placebo in six of seven stud- Only one study6,7 has found a significant effect of
ies,5,6,22,28,29,31,34 although the combination of salme- salmeterol on health status compared with placebo,
terol plus ipratropium did29; in one study35 salmet- finding a significant benefit of low-dose (50 ␮g)
erol did reduce the exacerbation rate in patients with salmeterol compared with high-dose (100 ␮g bid)
a history of exacerbations. Salmeterol also does not salmeterol. The latter interesting result was hypoth-
seem to have a consistent effect on exacerbations esized to be due to greater CNS stimulation as
compared with ipratropium,5,28 and did not reduce evidenced by the higher incidence of tremor in the
the incidence of exacerbations compared with the- high-dose group. These effects may have led to sleep
ophylline.32 disturbances and worse overall health status, thereby
In summary, tiotropium has been shown to reduce counteracting the improvements that would be ex-
the incidence of exacerbations over 12 months com- pected due to a reduction in respiratory symptoms.
pared with both placebo and ipratropium. Salmet- Studies published to date, therefore, show that
erol did not significantly reduce the incidence of both tiotropium and formoterol have demonstrated
exacerbations compared with placebo in five of six improvements in health status compared with pla-
12- to 16-week studies, although a combination of cebo and ipratropium. However, while there may be
salmeterol and ipratropium may provide a protective some benefit on health status with salmeterol com-
effect against exacerbations. Formoterol at 24 ␮g, pared with placebo, no consistent effect has been
but not 12 ␮g, appears to offer a protective effect demonstrated.
against moderate-to-severe exacerbations over 12
months, while lower doses reduce the incidence of
mild exacerbations. Safety and Tolerability

Health Status All long-acting bronchodilators appear to have

good safety and tolerability profiles. Tiotropium was
Health status is a broad term that encompasses the associated with a higher incidence of dry mouth (a
patient’s overall health, with particular emphasis on class effect of anticholinergics) in all the studies

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reviewed, although most cases were mild and there bronchodilators in COPD, an inevitable conse-
were few resultant withdrawals. Formoterol ap- quence of the paucity of data available when the
peared to be associated with increased tachycardia guidelines were drafted; however, based on the
and tremor in one study.23 Both tremor and tachy- review of data available from clinical trials now
cardia are a class effect of ␤2-agonist use and are published, it is reasonable to propose some specific
unlikely to be problematic at recommended doses recommendations with regard to the relative role of
unless the patient suffers from preexisting arrhyth- tiotropium, formoterol, and salmeterol in the main-
mia and hypoxemia.52 Rennard et al28 reported that tenance treatment of COPD. An algorithm for the
salmeterol was associated with an increased inci- introduction of the various treatment alternatives,
dence of adverse events related to the ear, nose, and based on the framework of the GOLD guidelines, is
throat, although this was not found in other trials, suggested in Table 3 and Figure 1. Some of the
and salmeterol 100 ␮g was associated with a higher principles that led to the development of this algo-
incidence of tremor.6 rithm will be described briefly below.
The introduction of bronchodilator and other
treatments is stratified according to the classification
Discussion and staging of COPD proposed in the GOLD guide-
lines. Table 3 illustrates this classification and staging
This review has sought to examine the evidence along with the defining pulmonary function impair-
for the efficacy of long-acting bronchodilators in ments at each level, and what are regarded as typical
COPD from within the framework provided by the symptoms for each stage. The fact that individual
GOLD guidelines. To this end, we have examined patients might not exactly fit all categories shown in
the mechanistic differences between ␤2-agonists and Table 3 is noted. Instead, the stratification chosen is
anticholinergics, and reviewed the results of impor- meant as a general guide to disease severity. A typical
tant studies of three long-acting bronchodilators: age of presentation is assigned to each level of
a once-daily M3-antagonist (tiotropium), and two disease severity, and again this is meant only as a
twice-daily ␤2-agonists (salmeterol and formoterol). general expectation recognizing that individual pa-
The trials reviewed here used different patient tients may differ in age of presentation due to
inclusion criteria, employed somewhat different end varying disease susceptibility and rates of disease
points, and were of varying duration. These differ- progression. Also, patients often consciously or un-
ences in study design and subject characteristics consciously avoid symptoms by adjusting their life-
likely influenced the results; therefore, it is difficult style, thus choosing to limit their range and magni-
to judge the relative efficacy of different pharmaco- tude of physical activities to prevent experiencing
therapeutic agents based on these trials, underscor- dyspnea. In these patients, maintenance bronchodi-
ing the need for more head-to-head clinical trials. lator therapy might permit an increase in physical
The studies reviewed have shown that all the activity while not necessarily reducing breathless-
available long-acting bronchodilators are effective in ness. The list of investigations in Table 3 is also
improving lung function, but that they vary in their meant as a guide to what might be deemed an
effects on other clinical outcomes. Salmeterol, in appropriate degree of investigation for each stage.
particular, has demonstrated inconsistent efficacy in While Table 3 separates bronchodilator therapy from
symptom relief, prevention of exacerbations, and other treatments, Figure 1 focuses on inhaled ther-
improvement of health status. This conclusion is in apies, including corticosteroids, in order to illustrate
accord with a formal meta-analysis of the use of a proposed three-step approach.
salmeterol in COPD.53 Formoterol, also, has dem- Figure 1 illustrates two alternative pathways for
onstrated inconsistent effects on symptoms com- the staged introduction of long-acting bronchodilator
pared with placebo, although high-dose formoterol therapy with increasing COPD severity. Both path-
(24 ␮g) does appear to reduce moderate-to-severe ways lead from as-needed, short-acting bronchodila-
exacerbations. Of the three long-acting bronchodila- tors alone in mild disease (stage I) to a single
tors, only tiotropium has demonstrated superiority to long-acting bronchodilator plus an as-needed, short-
both placebo and ipratropium on the outcomes acting agent in moderate disease (stage II), to the
reviewed, except for exercise tolerance (for which combination of long-acting anticholinergic and long-
published data are not yet available). These different acting ␤2-adrenergic therapy with progression of
effects on outcomes may reflect differences in either disease severity with or without the addition of
the mechanism or the duration of action of these inhaled corticosteroids for patients with frequent
agents, or a combination of both. exacerbations or inadequate symptom control de-
As discussed earlier, the GOLD guidelines do not spite optimal treatment with bronchodilators alone
provide much guidance on the role of long-acting (stage III/IV). However, available evidence, already CHEST / 125 / 1 / JANUARY, 2004 255

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Table 3—COPD Staging by Symptoms, Pulmonary Function, and Management Algorithms*

GOLD Typical
Classifications Stage Age, yr Typical Symptoms Appropriate Investigations FEV1/FVC, % FEV1, % Predicted Bronchodilator Therapy Other Treatments

At risk O ⬎ 20 None None Normal Normal None Smoking cessation

Mild I ⬎ 35 Productive cough Screening spirometry ⬍ 70 ⱖ 80 As needed, short-acting Smoking cessation
bronchodilator (eg,
ipratropium, albuterol
or combination
Moderate II ⬎ 50 Productive cough; Spirometry before and after ⬍ 70 ⬍ 80 and ⱖ 50 Tiotropium (algorithm Smoking cessation;
reduced physical bronchodilator step 1); with or rehabilitative exercise
activity with or without without short-acting

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exertional dyspnea, bronchodilator (eg,
episodes of acute albuterol)†
Moderately III ⬎ 60 Productive cough; Annual pulmonary function ⬍ 70 ⬍ 50 and ⱖ 30 Tiotropium; long-acting Smoking cessation;
severe dyspnea with moderate testing; annual arterial ␤-adrenergic rehabilitative
exertion; occasional blood gas analysis; chest bronchodilator exercise;
exacerbations radiograph (algorithm step 2) [eg, supplemental oxygen
salmeterol or if indicated; with or
formoterol]‡§ without trial of ICS㛳
Severe IV ⬎ 70 Productive cough; Six-monthly pulmonary ⬍ 70 ⬍ 30 Tiotropium; long-acting Smoking cessation;
dyspnea with mild function testing; annual ␤-adrenergic rehabilitative
exertion or at rest; arterial blood gas bronchodilator (eg, exercise; with or
frequent exacerbations; analysis; chest radiograph salmeterol or without supplemental
with or without ankle formoterol); with or oxygen; ICS
swelling without (algorithm step 3)㛳
*This is a general schema. Individual patients may not exactly fit the classifications of COPD shown.
†Alternatively, the right-hand pathway shown in Figure 1 could be selected at this step.
‡A short-acting bronchodilator can be used for rescue medication.
§Low-dose methylxanthines can be prescribed if the response to inhaled bronchodilator therapy is insufficient.
㛳ICS indicated if repeated exacerbations requiring treatment with antibiotics and/or oral glucocorticoids.

Figure 1. The proposed three-step algorithm (1, 2, and 3; bold arrows) for mild, moderate, and severe
COPD. #Alternatively, the right-hand pathway (arrows) could be selected at this stage.§A short-acting
bronchodilator can be used for rescue medication. †ICS indicated if repeated exacerbations requiring
treatment with antibiotics or oral glucocorticoids; or if favorable response (decreased symptoms,
increased lung function, and/or decreased health-care utilization). ‡Low-dose methylxanthines can be
prescribed if the response to inhaled bronchodilator therapy is insufficient.

reviewed, suggests certain advantages in choosing long-acting bronchodilator. The proposed algorithm
the left-hand pathway (in bold in figure) in less provides a three-step schedule for introducing these
severe disease (stage II). The rationale for preferring to the patient, depending on the level of disease
the three-step algorithm (presented in the left of Fig severity.
1) over alternatives is presented below. The evidence reviewed above suggests that, of the
All the long-acting bronchodilators have demon- long-acting bronchodilators, tiotropium provides the
strated superior efficacy on at least some outcomes most consistent improvements on the widest range
compared with short-acting bronchodilators. There- of outcomes. Therefore, the recommended step 1 is
fore, the use of short-acting bronchodilators should the introduction of tiotropium. As with other long-
be restricted to symptomatic relief for patients with acting bronchodilators, tiotropium should be given in
infrequent, intermittent symptoms, and long-acting combination with a reliever medication (short-acting
bronchodilators should be used for maintenance rescue ␤2-agonist medication was available to all
treatment. patients in the studies reviewed).
Patients whose symptoms are not adequately con- Studies of the combination of long-acting anticho-
trolled with short-acting bronchodilators, or whose linergics and long-acting ␤2-agonists have not been
use of relief medication becomes more frequent or published. However, both salmeterol and formoterol
regular rather than intermittent, should be given a in combination with ipratropium have additive ef- CHEST / 125 / 1 / JANUARY, 2004 257

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