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Cultural value
How China sees America


Introduction ................................................................................................................... 3


THE FOUR RINGS ............................................................................................................. 4

THE AMERICAN REVISIONIST ................................................................................... 5

I NSCRUTABLE AMERICA .................................................................................................. 6

OPERATION OF T AIWAN .................................................................................................. 7

THE PERILS OF PLURALISM ................................................................................................ 7

HOFSTEDE THEORY'S:..................................................................................................... 9

HIERARCHICAL DISTANCE ................................................................................................ 9

I NDIVIDUALISM ............................................................................................................... 9

M ASCULINITY ................................................................................................................. 9

C / L TERM ORIENTATION ................................................................................................ 9

CULTURE WITH UNCERTAINTY CONTROL .......................................................................... 10

Negotiation ................................................................................................................. 11

THE FIRST CONTACT IS PARTICULARLY IMPORTANT ........................................................... 11

CLEAR SPEECH ............................................................................................................. 11

DOUBLE POTENTIAL TRAP ............................................................................................... 11

THE FORMULA ............................................................................................................... 12

Conclusion ................................................................................................................... 13

References .................................................................................................................. 14


From a long time ago, there is a conflict between china and USA. The
Chinese way of view to United States of America is a result of this conflict and
also a result of differences in term of culture. What is sure before knowing the
details of the report is that United States of America and China are not lovers
and neither friend.

This report will begin with a summary of the article: how china sees America.
This summary is including the four rings, revisionism of America, the operation
of Taiwan and the perils of pluralism and why America is not clean for china?

On the other hand, we will study both American and Chinese culture using
the six dimensions of Hofsted and their both ways and techniques of
negotiation. In this part, we will include negotiation techniques in United
States of America and also in china, as we know that the first contact is very
important, a clear speech is the way to move forward this negotiation and
the formula of good negotiation with Americans.

And finally we end this report with a conclusion including my point of view
and summering all the report. After that I put some references that helped me
to gather information for analyzing both cultures American and Chinese.



At the first level, the majority of the territory in the world consists of seaway
plus land route, Beijing mentions that China has become a country
threatened by several actors and foreign forces that want to disrupt the
stability of the country. Compared to other major countries, China must
defend its territory from those foreign players who are influenced by the
performance and development of China, the latest was the Foreign
investors, development advisors, tourists and students who plan for a good
future of their country, all its elements determine that Chinese people want
to defend all person how want to disturb the Chine’s economy.

At the borders, politicians suffer from security problems, noting that China
has relations with more than 14 neighboring countries. Including five
countries in which China has wage wars in the 19th century (India,
Japan, Russia, South Korea and Vietnam) and some states governed by
unstable regimes.

The third ring is also linked to security, the geopolitical distance between
the six distinct regions. Here are the regions that suffered from the security
threats for example Northeast, Oceania, Southeast Asia, South-East Asia
and Central Asia.

The fourth ring: Beyond the neighborhood of China, the latter doesn’t
want to enter to the farthest circle until the years 1990: the aim of China
was to provide some sources of basic products, such as oil; China would
love to establish some investment in different markets; and finally China
obtained aid at the diplomatic level for the isolation of the Dalai Lama
from Taiwan and Tibet; As well as they were trying to recruit allies with a
positioning conform to international norms and regimes.


Chinese security analysts have realized that the United States is trying to
damage China's economic interests. The United States is still the world's largest
power, its market is more important than the Chinese market, without
considering the European Union as a single entity. The United States is the first
source of foreign direct investment in technology from China. Sometimes,
Washington, after the great success of the Chinese economy, wants to apply
its economic power in a coercive way.

After the decline of Tiananmen in 1989, the United States began imposing
several diplomatic and economic sanctions towards China, including a
specialized embargo and the sale of advanced weapons. Finally, a Congress
was scheduled to figure out ways to punish China for its violations of human
rights and after that the cancellation of the lowest tariffs of the most favored
nation as a Chinese importer.

Recently US lawmakers have applied sanctions against China for maintaining

the value of the Yuan to Chinese exporters. Chinese analysts assume that the
US is very powerful at the military level and confirms that they won’t hesitate
to use them. After the Second World War, the United States was able to take
advantage of its power to impose some American principles in the Universal
Declaration of Human Rights; they had the power to put in place what China

considers Western democracies in Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, and other

The Chinese authorities accept that the United States applies such ideas of
democracy and human rights to destabilize some regimes that use other
values, such as socialism and Asian-type development authoritarianism.
According to Li Qun, member of the Shandong Provincial Party Committee
and rising star of the Communist Party, "The Americans aim not to protect
human rights, but to invent some pretext for influencing and destabilizing the
Chinese economy and preventing them from maintaining their economic
development ".


On every ring related to China's security, the United States is ubiquitous. The
latter is the main external actor of China's internal affairs, the guarantor of
status quo in Taiwan, the United States is also present in the seas of eastern
and southern China, several military allies that either formal or informal are
founded in many neighboring countries, and of course the existence of
international legal regimes. This omnipresence represents the comparison of
Chinese and American activities in terms of security.

In addition, Chinese political leaders are more impressed and obsessed with
policies and behaviors that they perceive as incestuous. The US military is
committed to deploy all the periphery of China. In addition, the Americans
maintain close defense relations with neighboring countries of China.
Eventually, Washington took control of Taiwan, a desire for power and
pressure to nourish the designs of the Americans. The United States maintains
political and social propaganda on the Chinese, putting in place many
maneuvers to exert pressure on the country in all areas of strength.

On the other hand, Karl Marx, the first capitalist that influenced a large part of
political leaders and dictators, continues to exercise his moral power, as the
ideologies and visions of Chinese for the Americans are still changing. For
example, the design of resources in a market with higher added value, China
believes that the economic powers of the West resist to the strong
competition. Despite the good management of trade surpluses of Chinese
with the United States, many say that the united States have a positive
terminology since the debts of the Chinese towards them.

International relations theory in China is offensive realism, which aims to

maintain security in order to control the extent that its capabilities allow.
According to this theory, the United States is aware the existence of a
powerful China, So US tried to make the regime weak which will help the
Americans to be more developed. Some Chinese analysts have received
evidence in Washington's calls to democracy and in particular, China that
considered a separatist movement in Taiwan, Tibet and Xinjiang.


The Chinese do not know the cause that makes the United States still
attached to Taiwan. Most Chinese see strategic motives at the root of
Washington's behavior. They say Taiwan's problem is helping the US to catch
up with China. According to Luo Yuan, retired general and deputy general
secretary of the Chinese Military Science Society, the US manipulates the rise
of China through Taiwan.


In the consideration of the Chinese, the slow rapprochement of Washington

with Peking was not born of idealism and generosity; on the contrary, it has
been pursued that the United States can take advantage of China's
economic openness by reducing the profits of American investments,

consuming cheap Chinese products and borrowing money to support
commercial deficits and taxation of the United States. While American
bankers were feasting at the Chinese table, American strategists neglected
the risk of rising China until the late 1990s. “Now that the United States
perceives China as a threat”, affirm Chinese analysts; there is no realistic way
to prevent it development.

Thus, the American engagement strategy failed, confirming the advice of

Chinese leader Deng Xiaoping who in 1991 advocated a strategy of
"concealing our light and nurturing our strength". Faced with a China that has
gone too far to be arrested, the United States cannot do more than that:
demanding cooperation in the United States, threatening China, covering up
militarily and try to change the regime.

The relationship between Washington and Beijing is not due to their generosity
but on the contrary it is a result of the evolution of China’s economy which
obliges the United States to apply some laws in their favor by reducing profits
of the American investments (consumption Of Chinese products), and also
the loan to alleviate the trade and fiscal deficits of the United States.

In spite of the close American-Chinese relations, the Americans didn’t take

into consideration the possible positive growth of China until 1990, after that,
when the United States opened there eyes, they found themselves faced to a
strong and experienced country that have reached all areas , so it became
impossible to stop its development. The American maneuvers are therefore
fallen, paying tribute to the advice of the Chinese leader who in 1991 had
planned a strategy that would "conceal our light and nurture our strength".
The United States, faced with this huge threat, can now only protect itself
militarily, attack China and force cooperation with the United States, while
thinking about changing their regime.



In China, there is a very high hierarchy, people accept superiority, power is

well distributed, and people don’t feel unequal. In this country the
organization is a pyramidal structure with a remote control of the base and
with accentuated importance attributed to the status. But the USA is more
individualistic, it does not accept the hierarchy, with a more flattened
pyramidal structure, a reduced framework oriented towards an adhocracy
management procedure.


In comparison with what we saw during the course, China has a collectivist
coast, decision-making is done by the opinion of several parties, they seek
perfection, so the US is a very individualistic country; the people of this country
are looking for time for them, freedom and are trying to face the challenges.


At the level of masculinity we can notice that there is an equality of value

between China and the USA, there people seek to gain more, to climb the
social scale, and like the challenge. Equal rights explain this masculinity;
communication is informal, direct and participative, chatting with people for
the first time.


For China, its economic growth is linked to the values of perseverance,

economy, respect for the status, the sense of the shame and also the respect
of the traditions and the individual rigor. Chinese people are always looking

for results, social obligations and perception of old age because the future is
coming and should be built prudently, while the Americans try to live the


Chinese work with using specific rules, they apply the law in everything and
are not aggressive. While concerning the American, I can say that they are a
little bit aggressive, their behavior is anxious towards foreigners, so they leaves
in a high level of uncertainty control.

Hofstede Theory's









Uncertainty Long term
Power distance Individualism Masculinity indulgence
Avoidance orientation
USA 45 82 55 48 40 70
CHINA 70 35 60 40 75 42



This first contact involves an exchange of business cards or gifts; if it’s from a
luxury brands the other part appreciate this special gift. The Chinese
consultant will confirm you the value of the gift. The business card
are bilingual English-Chinese, must be stretched with both hands
to your partner.


The tongue should be handled carefully because the Chinese language was
known with their hard symbols. The speech must be clear, with good
illustration of the message; the speech could be respectful without negative
answers. Before the meeting the text should be well prepared to eliminate the
improvisation and shocking answers.

In case of conflict, we must change the subject, don’t despair and try to fix
another meeting with the same person to more organize your arguments. The
punctuality is important in that case, the win-win strategy is the strategy used.


Negotiating with an American has a double potential trap. We may have the
wrong impression of knowing the American culture, but “No”. The negotiator
act in a normal way, his culture is abstract. So we need to step back and

understand his culture before starting negotiation.
It’s necessary to be accompanied by an American

In the USA, a customer or a supplier will explain his need to help us achieve
the objectives; it is recommended to proceed step by step and gradually
discover the pitfalls if it takes place, while remaining calm to put forward its

Negotiation can take place at any time; it should not be impressed by the
speed of the opening of the negotiation. The American approach to
evaluate a product or solution is summarized by the formula: what's in it for


At first, the buyer will believe us and ask us for more information, we must
defend without asking too many questions as a direct consequence of the
above; an American is unlikely to ignite for a spectacular innovation, unless
he clearly sees it benefiting.

Do not drown the other person under the details, but mastering them in
practice is the key to success for a lasting relationship. Practice is a key word
in the USA. Our clients will be interested in the tasks to be accomplished first
and foremost. We will tend to spend time establishing a good relationship and
then dealing with the practical aspects. Our priorities are reversed.

Frequently a new partner will work to establish a win / win relationship from
the start, at a point that will arouse our suspicions ... most of the time wrongly.
This is one of the charms of the business relationship in the USA.


As a conclusion, we have seen in this report that china feels that especially
United States of America threats it to destroy its interests. Chinese look to USA
from a Marxist point of view and criticize them because they are capitalist.
We can understand this opposition, but what is not clear is how USA is egoist
and at the same time helps the word to avoid pollution, analphabetism and
other issues? The Chinese answer to this question says that the American tries
to protect their interests and increase their power but they consider
protecting the environment and human rights as a reason to do whatever
they want.

On the other hand, we can see that there is a lot of different points between
the two cultures. Americans are more open that Chinese, but people from
china work harder than people from USA. After analyzing the six dimensions of
Hofsted and the ways of negotiation of both countries, we confirm that it is
difficult to have an agreement between them and we can understand now
why Chinese see American that way and why American are looking only for
their interests.

This document is very interesting in term of culture value and show how
culture shock and differentiation between people all of the word can be a
barrier to negotiate and work. This case is very clear and builds a new idea for
me, which consists of understanding the other, learning about him, adapting
my culture to him before negotiating or working with him.


 The case of how china sees America.

 Culture differentiation, Robert DAF 2005.

 Negotiation techniques, Jack Neckf 2009.

 Chinese life: Fast to learn, Lee chak 2011.

 Capitalism in USA, economist 20 march 2011.

 Marxist vs capitalism, the war, telquel 2012.

 American negotiation behavior (Richard H, Solomon and Nigel



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