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Notulen Business is Fun

Build profitable & AUTO-

PILOT Business

Oleh Yohannes G Pauly

Kamis, 17 Oktober 2019

!. Pemutaran video prestasi

Coach Yohannes G Pauly
Materi utama seminar :
!. Entrepreneurs Secret to
Effective Delegation
3 essential fuels in school
of life :
– Time

– Energy

– Money.

– Karena uang tidak bisa

membeli energy dan waktu,

energy dibutuhkan untuk
menghasilkan uang dan
menghabiskan waktu tetapi
waktu tidak bisa dibeli namun
bisa menghasilkan energy
dan uang jika punya banyak
2. 3 Business tools for
practical leadership
– leading self (time)

– leading team (energy)

– leading business (money.

– Untuk memulai menjadi

pemimpin harus memulai

memimpin diri sendiri baru
tim kemudian Business.
H. 7 practical Business tools
for leadership &
Leading Self ( Time
Management )
!. Leading Self; Fun & Skill
Matrix :
– Low skill and low fun :

delegasikan semua untuk

orang yang baru belajar
bukan semua dikerjakan
( time energy dan waster)
– Medium skill and medium

fun : delegasikan dan dibagi

dengan orang yang naik
tingkat sesuai Skill
– High Skill and High Fun :
kerjakan yg terbaik karena
akan wealth creation
T. Leading Self; Urgent &
Important Matrix :
– Not urgent & important

– Urgent & important

– Urgent & not important

– Not urgent & not important

H. Leading Self ; Default Diary &

– Schedule ditambah To

Achieve List bukan lagi To Do

List saja dan harus ada
satuan waktu
– Pareto priority & time slot

everything realistically
– Jadikan kebiasaan timeslot

everything in your schedule

– Leadership is communication;

real communication is
response you get. Practical
communication rules Repeat
my Brief, please.
U. Leading Team; .Org. Chart
– Meaning; how to to organize

(the organs to manage the

flow in the business
– Tools; organization structure

& positional guidance

\. Leading Team; KPIM & R/C
– important consideration.

Harus diukur. Tidak akan bisa

kita memperbaiki jika kita
tidak mengukur dan menilai
– Measure OUTPUT first, then


]. Leading Team ; Team TAL To
Achieve List (Process)
– you as Leader ; clear tasks

system & clear monitoring

– The What ; Bukan melihat

masalah namun
menyelesaikan masalah
dengan action apa
– By Who : PIC nya siapa?

– By When : deadline

– Making crew

^. Leading Team; Performance

– above : meet expectation and

great attitude
– Low : meet expectation and
low attitude

4 Table Legs to build

successful profitable & AUTO-
PILOT Business
– Leads creation

– Lead conversion

– Customer & suppliers

fulfillment (system)
– Shareholders fulfillment

Dengan meja ;
– Team creation

– Team conversion

– Team system

– Team fulfillment

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