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Evidence: Life from a wheelchair

What does Ashley for a living?

She is a Senior at the University of Northem Iowa where she studies general communication.

How does her condition affect her daily activities and how does she deal with it?

Due to her condition some activities that are easy for us are a little more difficult for her, in the
video Ashley mentions that she writes a little slower, that she must avoid the crowds and that's
why she must leave the class before, also, sometimes the weather makes it harder for her be on
time in the classes. But during all the video, she show us that she simply deals with it, and does
everything that any student does, every obstacle that comes in her way, like the extreme weather,
the rude people around her and even going to the bathroom, it's just a daily challenge for her and
she always looks the way to overcome it.

What is her attitude towards life? Does she feel disabled from certain activities?

Ashley is a woman with a lot of courage, she assumes that she has a disability, but she has never
let that disability dominate her, even with some people who discouraging her. I see that Ashley
always look for ways to do everything, so it takes longer to do it, she is sure that she can achieve
her goals.

How would your life be different if you were handicapped and had to use a wheelchair? What
would be different for you? (Use mixed conditionals in the answer).

Well if I have any type of disability, my life would completely different; I am a very active person,
so. If I had used a wheelchair, I might be a single woman with no kids. If I had any disability, I
would be a depressive person. I love do exercise, so, I wouldn’t have exercise if I didn’t the
capability of walk.

How do you react when you have to interact with a handicapped person?

well, I just realize that sometimes I’m not so useful for them, Ashley through this video let me see
that sometimes I act like they are incapable, maybe I don’t treat them with enough respect that
they really deserve. So, I learn that I have to treat them like I treat any other person, look at the
person and not the disability.

How can you contribute to improve the life of handicapped people?

I want that they know that they are important for our society, give them the chances to show their
talents, given them a space to achieving their goals.

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