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Academic Honesty:

Students are expected to adhere to the University�s Academic Honesty Policy.

Failure to do so will result in a failing grade for this course. NU�s Academic
Honesty Policy: �Northeastern University is committed to the principles of
intellectual honesty and integrity. All members of the Northeastern community are
expected to maintain complete honesty in all academic work, presenting only that
which is their own work in tests and assignments. If you have any questions
regarding proper attribution of the work of others, contact your professor prior to
submitting the work for evaluation.� While I encourage you to study together, you
are expected to complete your assignments and exams independently. Anyone caught
violating this policy will be referred to OSCCR.
Communication: I will communicate with you using your Northeastern University
(husky) email address. I realize that many of you use your personal email accounts;
please enable email forwarding so that you receive course communications. You are
responsible for any announcements which I make via email, whether you check your
University email or not.
Grading: Case Discussion/Participation � 5% Cases, Quizzes, Assignments � 45%
Midterm Project/Exam � 25% Final Project � 25% Due to the quantitative nature of
the course, the lectures move at a fast tempo. Missing classes will be very
impactful for your understanding of the course material. Make-ups will not be given
(unless it is an urgent medical reason) and late assignments will not be accepted.
I will drop your worst grade from your quiz/case/assignment pool. The other thing
is that due to the nature of this course, there will inevitably be some subjective
components in the evaluation process. Most students in the course are in the latter
half of their college career, so I hope we can all get above and beyond a simple
GPA/grade obsession and focus on the real learning aspects of the class. The grades
therefore are non-negotiable.

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