Reading in Philippine History Test 2

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Reading in Philippine History

Prepared by: Mae Angela Cacananta

I. Multiple Choice: Juan Luna and his Paintings

1. A Filipino painter, sculptor and political activist of the 6. He is Juan Luna’s friend who exposed him to the art
Philippine revolution during later 19th century. of Renaissance.

a) Juan Luna a) Don Alego Vera

b) Juana Luna b) Don Alejo Vera
c) Juan Lluna c) Don Aleyo Vera
d) Juaaan Llluunnnaa d) Don Alejio Vera

2. He is the one who said that Juan Luna’s brother is 7. It is known as “The blood compact”.
better painter than him?
a) La Muerte De Cleopatra
a) Jose Pasion b) Spoliarium
b) Jose Luna c) El Pacto De Sangre
c) Patriot Jose Rizal d) La batalla de lepanto
d) Rizal Jose
8. It is work that receive 3 gold medal.
3. Who is Juan Luna’s Brother who influenced him?
a) La Muerte De Cleopatra
a) Manuelle Luna b) Spoliarium
b) Emanuel Luna c) El Pacto De Sangre
c) Emannuel Luna d) La batalla de lepanto
d) Manuel Luna
9. It is his famous work that have a lot of speculations.
4. It is now known as Philippines Merchant Marine
a) The Parisian Life
b) Spoliarium
a) Academia De Dibujo Y Pintura c) El Pacto De Sangre
b) Edcuela Nautica De Manila d) La batalla de lepanto
c) Academia De San Fernando
10. He is the one Juan Luna’s accused his wife having an
d) Escuela De Bellas Artes
affair with.
5. He is Juan Luna’s Painting teacher.
a) Monsiur Dussac
a) Lorenza Guerrero b) Monsier Dussak
b) Lorenzo Guerero c) Monsieur Dussaq
c) Lorenzo Guerrero d) Monseur Dussag
d) Lorenza Guerero

II. Jumble Words: Amorsolo and his Paintings


III. Identification: Roces and McCoy

1. He is and American Historian and Educator.
2. McCoy is born on?
3. McCoy is currently a professor of history in what university? Give the full name of the university and the place.
4. McCoy received this award on the year 1985, 1995, and 2001.
5. McCoy is a member of Philippine studies since when?
6. A gifted artist-writer from the known Roces Clan in the Philippine print media.
7. What position did Roces have in his early years of journalism?
8. What year did Roces acquire a column with the Daily Mirror?
9. Roces’ column Title.
10. What year did Manila Times close down because of the declaration of martial law?
11. What year did “Looking for liling: a family history of world war II martyr Rafael R. Roces Jr. “come out?
12. A graphic depiction of events that went on under the American colonial period.
13. A weekly English language news magazine founded in 1908.
14. A satirical-entertainm-ent weekly tagalog magazine that circulated in the Philippines in 3 different periods.
15. A weekly magazine published based in Newyork.

IV. Enumeration: Raiders of Sulu Sea, Grievances and Gov. Wood.

1-3. Ancient maritime vessels

4-6. tools of war

7-9. 3 tribes in Maguindanao with excellent warriors reside.

10-11. The things that will happen to the slave once captured.

12-14. The profession of Gregorio F. Zaide.

15-16. The position that Leonard Wood acquire in the regular army and Moro Province.

17-18. They are the leading lawyers’ drafts.

19-20. Zaide is a founder and a president of this associations.

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