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Name: Madeleine Tayupanda

Department:Earth sciences

Career: Civil Engineer

Nrc: 1099

By derivation of the five-term acceleration equation with a spinning and translating

reference frame, we see that there are two terms that appear when an object moves
inside this rotating frame. One of these is Coriolis acceleration, which was not well
known until long after Newton worked out his three laws and Euler applied them to rigid
bodies. The Coriolis term is

𝑎⃗𝐶𝑜𝑟 = 2Ω⃗⃗ × 𝑣⃗𝑥𝑦

How this term arises mathematically when there is movement in a rotating frame is the
topic of another article This article explains Coriolis acceleration from a more pragmatic
standpoint, to allow you to develop your intuition a bit regarding this non-intuitive

First note that the components of Coriolis acceleration involve only two velocities: 1)
the rotational velocity of the rotating frame, usually attached to a rotating body, and 2)
the velocity of an object within this rotating frame. A simple case would be a rotating
rod with a collar moving along the rod as shown in the figure below. Thus, like normal
acceleration, Coriolis acceleration results from velocity.

The Euler force will be felt by a person riding a merry-go-round. As the ride starts, the
Euler force will be the apparent force pushing the person to the back of the horse, and
as the ride comes to a stop, it will be the apparent force pushing the person towards
the front of the horse. The Euler force is perpendicular to the centrifugal force and is in
the plane of rotation.

Notice that the right side of the equation has a negative sign in front of it. In this case, it
means that the resultant acceleration and force is in the opposite direction as the
rotation. This is why it is better to launch rocket ships eastward. They weigh less when
they are travelling in that direction. And since they weigh less, there can be only one
conclusion. In the Spiral Dimension, when one is moving or accelerating in the direction
of the system rotation, there is an acceleration vector that in this case, is in opposition
to the force of gravity.


Consider an object moving in a circle of radius r with constant angular velocity. The
tangential speed is constant, but the direction of the tangential velocity vector changes
as the object rotates.

Definition: Centripetal Acceleration

Centripetal acceleration is the rate of change of tangential velocity:


 The direction of the centripital acceleration is always inwards along the radius
vector of the circular motion.
 The magnitude of the centripetal acceleration is related to the tangential speed
and angular velocity as follows:

ac = = r.

 In general, a particle moving in a circle experiences both angular acceleration

and centripetal accelaration. Since the two are always perpendicular, by
definition, the magnitude of the net acceleration atotal is:
a total = = .

Definition: Centripetal Force

Centripetal force is the net force causing the centripetal acceleration of an object in
circular motion. By Newton's Second Law:

=m .
Its direction is always inward along the radius vector, and its magnitude is given by:

Fc = mac = m =m r.

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