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Chapter 7: FLUID FILM LUBRICATION OBJECTIVE: Students should be able to understand the main principle of fluid film principle based on Reynolds equation and grasp the nature of hydrostatic, dynamic and elastodynamic lubrication and their applications in the simple bearings. 7.1, INTRODUCTION JotS< Po odsim 001 fy | __—. I NP Figure 7.1. Lubrication film parameter (h/c) and coefficient of friction as a function of nN/P (Stribeck curve) showing different lubrication regimes observed in fluid lubrication without an external pumping agency. Prepared by Associate Professor. Dr. Quang The Phan and Ms. Ha Thi Thu Phan 122 Friction and wear due to frictional interactions between two contacting surfaces. In particular cases depending on the properties at the interface, friction and wear are very high. Lubrication is an active method with the use of liquid, gases and solid in order to reduce friction and wear at the contacting surfaces. A thin film of the order of the surface roughness of moving surfaces results in relatively low friction and wear as compared to solid-solid contact because it prevents this type of direct contact. 7.2, REGIMES OF FLUID FILM LUBRICATION Regimes of unlubricated and lubricated surfaces are shown in Figure 7.1. including unlubrication, boundary, mixed, elastohydrodynamic and hydrodynamic lubrication. The figure plot for a hypothetical fluid-lubricated bearing system presents the coefficient of friction as a function of the product of absolute viscosity (n) and rotational speed [rev/s] divided by the load per unit projected bearing area (P). The regimes of lubrication are sometimes identified by a lubricant film parameter equal to h/s, mean film thickness divided composite standard deviation of surface heights of the surfaces 7.2.1. Hydrostatic lubrication Hydrostatic bearings support load on a thick film of fluid supplied from an external pressure source, a pump, which feeds pressurized fluid to the film. Hydrostatic bearings are designed for use with both incompressible and compressible fluid. Hydrostatic bearings provide high stiffness and of course the system is complicated 7.2.2. Hydrodynamic lubrication (HD) Abearings is designed with convergent shape in the direction of motion starts to move from rest, a thin layer of fluid is pulled through because of viscous entrainment and is then compresses between the bearing surfaces, creating a sufficient (hydrodynamic) pressure to support the load without any external pumping agency as shown in Figure 7.1. A high load capacity can be achieved in the bearings that operate at high velocities in the presence of fluids of high viscosity. HD lubrication is often referred to as the ideal contact condition because the lubricating films normally may times thicker (5 um to 500 nm) than the height of the irregularities on the bearing surface and solid contact do not occur. The coefficient of friction can be as small as 0.001. Prepared by Associate Professor. Dr. Quang The Phan and Ms. Ha Thi Thu Phan 123 One disadvantage is adhesive wear occurs during start-stop operations and corrosive wear due to interaction with the lubricant. 7.2.3, Elastohydrodynamic lubrication Elastodynamic (EHD) lubrication is a subset of HD lubrication in which elastic deformation of the contacting solids plays a significant role in the HD lubrication process. The film of EHD is thinner (typically 0.5 + 5 um) than that of HD. However, the load is still primarily supported by the EHD film. Heavy loaded contacts in EHD with high pressure can lead to both changes in the viscosity of the lubricant and elastic deformation of the bodies in contact resulting to consequent changes in the geometry of the bodies bounding the lubricant film. In EHL, adhesive wear during start-stop operations and corrosive wear of the bearing surfaces also occur. 7.2.4. Mixed lubrication The transition between the hydrodynamic/elastohydrodynamic and boundary lubrication regimes is a mixed lubrication in which two lubrication mechanisms may be functioning. The solid contact is more frequent but a portion of the bearing surface remains supported by a partial hydrodynamic. Adhesion, material transfer, wear particle formation, eventually seizure may take place 7.2.5. Boundary lubrication When the load increases, speed decreases or the fluid viscosity decreases, the coefficient of friction can increase sharply and approach high levels (0.1 or much higher). This regime is called the boundary lubrication. The solid asperities dominate the contact. Failure in boundary lubrication occurs by adhesive and chemical wear. Boundary lubricants form an easy sheared film on the bearing surfaces, thereby minimizing adhesive wear and chemical wear. 7.3. VISCOUS FLOW AND REYNOLDS EQUATION 7.3.1. Viscosity of Newtonian fluids Definition of viscosity The shear stress is proportional to the velocity of the film. n= ne 71) Prepared by Associate Professor. Dr. Quang The Phan and Ms. Ha Thi Thu Phan 124 Ifus of a velocity of a layer at a distance of h to the solid surface: Cr ne (7.2) The unit of absolute (dynamic viscosity): Ib s/in?. The kinetic viscosity (7.3) The unit of v is mms. Effect of temperature, pressure and shear rates on viscosity Viscosity of fluids changes as function of temperature, pressure, and shear strain rates. A simple expression for viscosity-temperature dependence of a liquid is given as: a= wenle=2)] a) Where: 1 and n0 are the viscosity at temperature T and reference temperature To, respectively. B is the temperature-viscosity coefficient. Bingham plastic Yiold stress. Dilatant Shear stress Absolute viscosity Pseudoplastic) ‘Shear rate Shear rate Figure 7.2. Schematic curves to show dependence of shear rate on shear stress and absolute viscosity on various fluids. The relationship for the isothermal viscosity ~ pressure dependence of liquids. 1 = no exp(ap) (7.5) Fluid obeyed equation (7.2) is called a "Newtonian fluid” as shown in Figure 7.2 such as water. Many liquids exhibit non-Newtonian behavior at Prepared by Associate Professor. Dr. Quang The Phan and Ms. Ha Thi Thu Phan 125 high shear rates. The fluid exhibits non-Newtonian behavior known as “shear-thinning’. In some cases, at high shear rates, lubricant becomes plastic and can only support constant stress known as the limiting shear strength 1. as shown in Figure 7.3. The limiting shear strength is a function of temperature and pressure. It increases at higher pressure and at low temperature. At high pressure, on the order of 0.1 to 1 GPa relevant for nonconforming contacts such as in rolling element bearings, most liquid lubricants behave as a plastic solid at relatively low shear rates. z — Mot £1 -0(-2) 9 w= t+ Cp to is the shear strength at normal atmosphere and Cis the limiting shear strength proportionality constant, d/op. The limiting shear strength is linearly dependent on pressure. Limiting shear strength - ~ Plastic shear ‘Shear rate Figure 7.3. Schematic curve to show dependence of shear rate on shear stress for many liquid lubricant (non-Newtonian flow). 7.3.2. fluid flow Turbulent and laminar flow The dimensionless Reynolds number is: Re Prepared by Associate Professor. Dr. Quang The Phan and Ms. Ha Thi Thu Phan 126 ‘A Reynolds number of about 2000 turbulent flow initiates. Petroff’s equation SI Figure 7.4. Schematic of a concentric journal bearing A concentric (light loaded) journal bearing shown in Figure 7.4, the friction force for Newtonian flow is given as: Fanta (7.8) Where: A is the surface area of the bearing interface. nois the viscosity at ambient pressure and constant temperature. For a bearing of radius r, width b, angular velocity [rad/s]. 2angr*bo = i) The coefficient of friction: _F _ 2amgr?bo BSW wh (G0) The friction torque is given as: 2angribw T=Fr== sree (7.11) The power loss from viscous dissipation, Hy, is given: 3 bat Hy = Fua=To = ee (7.12) One-dimensional flow between parallel plates Prepared by Associate Professor. Dr. Quang The Phan and Ms. Ha Thi Thu Phan, 127 Figure 7.5. Schematics of (a) fluid flowing through a clearance between two parallel plates as a result of pressure difference acting on it and stresses acting on a fluid element (b) linear velocity profile with two plates in relative motion (c) parabolic velocity profile with both plates and at rest. "Consider a flow as shown in Figure 7.5, the simplified Navier-Stokes equation: 2 wore (7.13) Integrated twice, and use of boundary conditions: uaz, (-Z)ehh-2)+ wz (7.14) The volumetric flow rate per unit width through the gap as: Prepared by Associate Professor. Dr. Quang The Phan and Ms. Ha Thi Thu Phan 128 a= fy ude =F (-%2) +48 (7.16) Since q does not vary with x, the pressure gradient is constant: dp = Pa-Pr at aT The power loss is given as: Hy = qb(p: — pz) (7.18) If all friction losses are dissipated as heat assuming to be carried away by the fluid, the increase in the fluid temperature is: Q(P1 — P2) = (Gp) cp At (7.19) p [kg/m*] and c, [J/g*K] Therefore: t= Phe (7.20) Pep Reynolds equation by Figure 7.6. Schematic of fluid flowing between two surfaces and ‘stresses acting on a fluid element and the velocities in the x-z plane. First of the two subscript in the shear stress indicates the direction normal to the side of the element, and the second, the stress or strain component is parallel. Analyze fluid flow between two surfaces as shown in Figure 7.6 with the following assumptions: - The surfaces are smooth; Prepared by Associate Professor. Dr. Quang The Phan and Ms. Ha Thi Thu Phan. 129 - The fluid is Newtonian and laminar flow; - Inertia forces from acceleration u = 0; » = 0; w =0, bodies forces are negligible; - Surface tension effects are negligible; ~ The fluid film thickness is much smaller than other bearing dimension, so that curvature of the fluid film can be ignored; - At any location, the pressure, density, viscosity are constant across the fluid film; - No slip boundary condition at the wall; Only velocity gradients ©, © >> all other velocity gradients. The generalized Reynolds equation is derived as: 2, (pe ad & 2 [oh(ua tun) (va+vp) Seca eis ani al 2 1+ 2 ] + ple We) — Waa Ya'g| + hg (7.21) The generalized Reynolds equation provides a relationship between the film thickness and the fluid pressure. There is no general closed form solution for this equation but numerical methods with boundary conditions and other simplifications required Consider the case of pure tangential motion under steady state conditions and there is no change in viscosity with time. The Reynolds equation is given as: aG2+sE9 Where: a =“ and 9 = 1208 + 1208 (7.22) YasYs 2 For a gas-lubricated bearing with perfect gas: p=pRT (7.23) The equation can be integrated with respect to x give: a ee rec ndx nh phd (7.25) Prepared by Associate Professor. Dr. Quang The Phan and Ms. Ha Thi Thu Phan 130 The integration constant C; can be calculated using the boundary condition that dp/dx = 0 at x = Xm, h = hm and p = pm (maximum pressure location). The equation (7.25) reduces to: aD 4g a Rohm 212mm (7.26) The Reynolds equation in cylindrical polar coordinates for tangential motion is given as: 2 rena) 4 an a, 5 2) 495 is 129, 9224125, (7.27) Where: 7.4. HYDROSTATIC LUBRICATION = (ret) and oy = (ant Yep) 2 Pump Flow tur 1 lino Tank © Figure 7.7. Schematics of (a) a hydrostatic thrust bearing with circular step pad (b) a fluid supply system. Prepared by Associate Professor. Dr. Quang The Phan and Ms. Ha Thi Thu Phan 131 Hydrostatic is called externally pressurized, lubricated bearings can operate at little or no relative tangential motion with a large film thickness. The external pressure provides a high bearing stiffness and damping. There is no physical contact during start-up and shut-down as in hydrodynamic lubrication. It is applied in cases of high load carrying capacity at low speeds. High stiffness and damping also provides high positioning accuracy in high speed , light load applications. However, the system is very complicated. The principle of this type of bearings is shown in Figure 7.7. The two surfaces are separated and the friction force is reduced due to the lubricant. Figure 7.8. (a) Geometry (b) pressure distribution for a circular step hydrostatic thrust bearing. A typical hydrostatic thrust bearing with a circular step pad to carry thrust load is shown in Figure 7.8. The simplified Reynolds equation in the polar coordinates is given as: Prepared by Associate Professor. Dr. Quang The Phan and Ms. Ha Thi Thu Phan 132 2. fy: BN <(r2)=0 (7.28) Integrating with the boundary conditions: p = pratr= rand p =O atr= ro, the radian volumetric flow rate per unit circumference in polar coordinates is given as ce (ee ear ae aE a) * Tangr In(ro/rd (7.29) The total volumetric flow rate is: Q = 2nrq (7.30) The expression for p in term of Q is: p= 08 tn role) (7.31) The load carried by the bea load carrying capacity is given as: = tPr(r§-17) Wie > In(ro/7) (7.32) The load capacity in term of Q is expressed as: int (2 — 72) (7.33) For a bearing with a candi flow-valve compensation. The film stiffness is given as: aw, kre pee 10rd = |= We (7.34) nh The shear force on a fluid element of area dA is expressed as: or? drdo f= nod Ag = —— (7.35) The friction is given as follows: Tae ot) (7.36) The total power loss consists of viscous dissipation, Hy and pumping, Hp, which are given as: Apo ah pe = SOO Org at = Hy + Hp tt) + ene (7.37) Prepared by Associate Professor. Dr. Quang The Phan and Ms. Ha Thi Thu Phan 133 In general, it is assumed that the total power loss is dissipated as heat appearing in the fluid, then the temperature rise At is given as: Hi= Qpep At (7.38) The load-carrying capacity, associated flow rate and pumping loss are often expressed in nondimensional terms for load WW,, for flow rate Q, for pumping loss fi, by defining bearing pad coefficients are given as follows: We app Bia(e/rd (ees?) a OW Tn = Tame (7.40) a= Hy = _2zIn(ro/ri) My (W/Ap) (08 /) 3 = Gi/r0)7F (G41) Where: Ay is the total projected pad area, xr?. The three bearing pad coefficients for various ratios of recess radius to bearing radius is shown in Figure 7.9. ° ° 02 aa a6 8 os Figure 7.9. Bearing pad coefficient as a function of bearing geometry for circular step hydrostatic thrust bearing Prepared by Associate Professor. Dr. Quang The Phan and Ms. Ha Thi Thu Phan 134 7.5. HYDRODYNAMIC LUBRICATION The lubricant adheres to the stationary and moving surfaces of the bearings and is dragged into a wedge-shaped gap, converging in the direction of motion where it develops a liquid pressure sufficient to carry the load, He developed a governing differential fluid flow equation for the wed- shaped film know as Reynolds equation. In a properly designed component, a hydrodynamic film is thick enough compared to roughness of two sliding surfaces to make no physical contact during steady operation. However, the contact exists during start and stop periods. Mating materials should be selected properly to minimize and friction during these periods. Journal bearing Figure 7.10. Schematics of typical thrust and journal bearing configurations. Hydrodynamic actions occur in bearings with a convergent clearance space through the length of the bearing. The radial load is carried by a journal bearing and the thrust load is carried by a thrust bearing as shown in Figure 7.10. Thrust bearings consist of multiples pads that can create a convergent Prepared by Associate Professor. Dr. Quang The Phan and Ms. Ha Thi Thu Phan 135 clearance. Eccentricity of the shaft to the center of the journal during rotation resulting in a formation of a convergent clearance. The Reynolds equation is solved for a given bearing configuration to obtain performance including pressure, film thickness distribution, film stiffness, fluid flow rate and viscous shear forces, viscous loss, and temperature rise. Bearings involving with nonconforming contacts experience high contact stresses leading to local deformation and affects the fluid viscosity. If the contact stresses are relatively low, the local deformation and changes in fluid viscosity can be neglected so bearing configuration can be analyzed using hydrodynamic lubrication. Otherwise, it should follow elastohydrodynamic lubrication. 7.5.1. Thrust bearings u =u Figure 7.11. Schematics of various shapes for pads in thrust bearings. Figure 7.11 shows some shapes for thrust pads which satisfy the conditions for successful hydrodynamic lubrication during sliding motion and are applied in practice. The third one from the left is Rayleigh step bearing in which for the same inlet and outlet film thickness, the highest peak pressure is produced. Thrust bearings used to support thrust loads consist of multiple pads either fixed or pivoted as shown in Figure 7.12. A single pad is analyzed with a straight line motion and the effect of curvature is neglected. The load capacity, film stiffness, volumetric flow rate, and power losses of a bearing would be equal to the value of a single pad times the number of pads. Fixed-inclined-pad thrust bearing Prepared by Associate Professor. Dr. Quang The Phan and Ms. Ha Thi Thu Phan 136 Figure 7.12. Schematic of a multiple-pivoted-pad thrust bearing. Fixed-inclined pad Figure 7.13. Schematic of a fixed-inclined-pad thrust bearing. A simple case is shown in Figure 7.13. The lower surface moves and the upper is stationary. A convergent fluid film is formed between the surfaces to produce hydrodynamic pressure. Assume the width of the bearing b is much greater than its length | (b/l > 4) so most of the flow therefore occurs in the x axis and in y axis only significant near the ends or the bearings at y = 0 or y = b. The coordinates are shown in the Figure 7.13. Prepared by Associate Professor. Dr. Quang The Phan and Ms. Ha Thi Thu Phan 137 Itis clear that 7 = uo/2, and the fluid is incompressible with viscosity no. Take the integrated form of the Reynolds equation (equation 7.27), we have: 222% 5m (7.27) dpe h-itm SE = 6 Ugg (7.42) Where: hm is the film thickness at dp/dx = 0. The film thickness h at any point may be expressed as: Be1+m(1- 4) (7.43) 024 Paging! Dimensionless pressure 5: te Leasing oogo| Tratog AlL 1.889 the load capacity is very insensitive to m. The film stiffness is given as: 2W, ho The volumetric flow rate per unit width through the bearings may be easily found at xm (dp/dx = 0) because there is no pressure-induced flow at this location. ki dW 2 fesse dig gl hB W, (7.50) Prepared by Associate Professor. Dr. Quang The Phan and Ms. Ha Thi Thu Phan, uoha(5="") = ucho@ (7.51) Where: @ is the dimensionless volumetric flow rate The shear force per unit width experienced by the lower sliding member is given as: F=f. tedx (atz = ) = Jp my dx tol gl = = ES [ima + m) — =o] = Met (7.52) Where: F is the dimensionless friction force. The dimensionless coefficients p,,, W,, @, and F as a function of m are presented as shown in Figure 7.15. 9 1 2 3 m Figure 7.15. A plot of dimensionless coefficient p,,, W,, Q, F as a function of m. The coefficient of friction can be expressed as: wet (7.53) We The friction loss because of viscous or power loss is: aa = MUobL 4 6 b= F up = SatsPt [inca +m) ~ 55] (7.54) If all of the friction losses are dissipated as heat and be carried away by the fluid (convection), then the increase in the fluid temperature is: Prepared by Associate Professor. Dr. Quang The Phan and Ms. Ha Thi Thu Phan 140 = ate ate (7.55) Pivot-pad or tilling-pad bearing In engineering applications, the minimum film thickness is in the order of 25 um to 1 mm. With small film thickness, geometrical parameters are extremely small and are not easy to manufacture. Pivot pad or tilled-show bearings are commonly used and take up the own tape angle with respect to the other surface. For a given ratio between the inlet and outlet film thickness, the center of pressure must coincide with the pivot position. poe Pivot ©) Figure 7.16. Schematic of thrust bearings with (a) upper member pivoted, and (a) lower member pivoted. The location of the center pressure xX., the position of resultant force act is expressed as: We Xo= fp px dx (7.56) The ration of xc/l can be given as: 2e = (14m)(34m) In(a4m)~3m—25m2 v ‘m(2-+m) In(a-+m)—2m= (757) Note that xc/l is a function of m only and increases with an increase in m. The Xe locates the position of the pivot for a given m as shown in Figure 7.16, Prepared by Associate Professor. Dr. Quang The Phan and Ms. Ha Thi Thu Phan. 141 7.8.2. Journal bearings Journal bearings are commonly used as machine component to carry loads both in dry and lubricated conditions. A loaded, rotating shaft (journal) is supported in a sleeve (bearings or bushing) with slightly larger in diameter than that of a journal. The lubricant is supplied through a hole or a groove. Figure 7.17 shows a schematic of a journal bearing. c is the radial clearance. The value c/r is typically 10 to 10°. If the shaft rotates in the presence of a viscous fluid, a convergent channel formed by the clearance gap on the upstream side of the contact point A, drags the fluid into the gap. If the journal speed Is fast enough to develop hydrodynamic pressure larger than the applied load, the two surfaces start to separate and the journal moves around the bearing until it reaches an equilibrium with its center to the left of o as shown in Figure 7.17b. The distance between the centers of the journal and bearing is called as the eccentricity e. Figure 7.17. Schematics of plain journal bearing geometry with journal rotating at angular speed w under (a) dry and (b) lubricated conditions. The eccentricity ratio ¢ is defined as: & =f (7.58) 0 << 1, the minimum film thickness hmin is given as: hmin = ¢-€ = 0 (1 -e) (7.59) For the case of c/r << 1, the film thickness can be approximated as: h~c(1 + cosé) (7.60) Prepared by Associate Professor. Dr. Quang The Phan and Ms. Ha Thi Thu Phan 142 The angle represents the minimum film thickness location and the load axis $ called the attitude angle. Infinite-wide journal bearings 1 oT y Figure 7.18. (a) Unwrapped film shape (b) shape of pressure distribution in a journal bearing for full Sommerfeld solution and Reynolds boundary condition If the width of the bearings is greater than its diameter, most of flow through the gap will follow the circumference direction. The flow in axial direction is small with constant pressure in this direction. these assumption is valid for b/d > 2. For unidirectional motion with no normal motion and a constant viscosity, the integrated form of Reynolds equation is given as: 2 = 6ror’o Ge) (7.61) Where: hm is the film thickness corresponding to the maximum pressure location. Note that dx = rd, after integration, we have: ty’ GesinO (2+ ecosd) p= po 6nuo (F (@+ 2) (+ ecoso? Prepared by Associate Professor. Dr. Quang The Phan and Ms. Ha Thi Thu Phan. 143, P~po=6no0 (¢) (7.62) and: zeGre) cur) (7.63) Where: p is the dimensionless pressure. The shape of the pressure distribution is shown in Figure 7.18b. The positive region is the convergent film (0 < 0 < x) and the negative is the divergent (x < 0 < 2n) The fluid pressure at the clearance is equal to the supply pressure. From equations (7.60) and (7.63, we get Om: ae 8m = cos'(- 34 ) (7.64) The maximum pressure is: 3 6(4-524 ot) 7(4- 2) im 24 2A 2) (785) Figure 7.19. Coordinate system and force component acting on the journal bearing Based on practical experience, the negative pressure predicted in the divergent film cannot be supplied by liquids so subambient pressures predicted by analysis should be ignored. A better condition is a Reynolds cavitation boundary condition, the pressure curve terminates with zero gradient with unknown position in the divergent part of the film: =Oat0=0", n<0"<2n (7.66) Prepared by Associate Professor. Dr. Quang The Phan and Ms. Ha Thi Thu Phan 14a Setting the film pressure equal to zero at values of x < 6 < 2x (the half ‘Sommerfeld solution), the force per unit width acting on the journal as shown in Figure 7.19 is given as: We fpr sinOd0 and We = - fp rcond (7.67) ry)? xe = re w= noot (2) semazae= neo (Z) We (7.68) We = 6noor Omat= = noor (2) We, (7.68) The resultant load: wee (we Fw = noor (2) (7.69) Where: W,, W,, W;, are the dimensionless loads in corresponding directions. 7.6, ELASTO-HYDRODYNAMIC LUBRICATION nar | Figure 7.20. Schematics of (a) a radial ball bearing, and (b) contact of two spur gears. In the elastohydrodynamic (EHD) lubrication (EHL), the elastic deformation of the bounding solids is large and affects the hydrodynamic Prepared by Associate Professor. Dr. Quang The Phan and Ms. Ha Thi Thu Phan 145 lubrication process. It is important in nonconforming, heavily-loaded contacts as shown in Figure 7.20. It also occurs in some elastic modulus contacts of high geometrical conformity. In heavily loaded contacts, high pressure can lead both to changes in the viscosity of the lubricant and elastic deformation of the bodies in contact with subsequent changes in the geometry of the bodies bounding the lubricant film. Hertzian contact stresses in bearing or gears range from 0.5 to 3 GPa, at such these pressures, the viscosity of most liquid lubricant can be 10° times higher resulting in a change to a solid phase. The elastic deformation of steel surfaces can be several orders of magnitudes than the minimum film thickness by a factor as much as 10°. Therefore, the Reynolds equation, the elastic deformation and the equation relating viscosity and pressure have to solve simultaneously. In this section, we discuss simple examples of nonconforming contacts relevant for rolling element bearings and gears. 7.6.1. Forms of contacts The most common forms of contacts is known as footprints, point and line contacts. Sphere — fiat results in a circular shape of contact and the size of the footprint grows as a function of load. Cylinder — flat is a line contact, it grows into a rectangular footprint as the load increased. [" QA Figure 7.21. Schematics of two cylinders of radii ra and re and with a film thickness of ho between them and equivalent cylinder of radius r against a plane surface Prepared by Associate Professor. Dr. Quang The Phan and Ms. Ha Thi Thu Phan 146 From Figure 7.21. the contact between two cylinders or two spheres with radii re and re, can be represented by an equivalent cylinder or sphere, respectively in contact with a plane surface with the radius of the equivalent R= lab (7.70) Tatre The two cylinders move with velocities us and us, then the entraining velocity of interest in lubrication called the rolling velocity: gaat g=s 2 If Ua + Us, a relative sliding between the two surfaces equal to |11, — up| The relative amounts of sliding and rolling are expressed by a slide-to-roll ratio, S, also known as slip ratio: S axreuing mincig ht ates (771) In pure rolling condition, us = Uo. If Ua = - Us, the rolling velocity is zero and hydrodynamic pressure is not developed. 7.6.2. Line contact Rigid cylinder contact Isoviscous Consider an infinite wide, rigid cylinder moving over a plane surface in one direction (x), under steady-state conditions on the presence of an incompressible fluid as shown in Figure 7.22. A relevant integrated Reynolds equation is gives as: B= 12a (SE) (7.72) . The film thickness can be expressed as a parabolic function: h~ho+= Forx<

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