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You will receive the Early Riser Trophy / Achievement upon starting

¯¯¯¯¯¯ Episode 1.

NOTE When fighting enemies, make sure to defeat each unique enemy several
¯¯¯¯¯¯ times to ensure that you are able to unlock all of their data in the
Bestiary. A white check mark will appear next to their name once it

We'll now see Serah waking up from a... dream? Perhaps a memory? Either
a strange meteorite has landed outside and apparently changed her clothes for
her (which is REALLY weird.) The game will ask you if the camera scheme is ok
at this point as well (you can change it now if you wish.)

Once you have control, head out the nearby door to trigger a Live Trigger

NOTE Live Trigger events will make you pick an answer. Depending on
¯¯¯¯¯¯ HOW you answer, you will see different dialog and maybe even get
different rewards. Answers that have an (XD) beside them will denote
a comical answer, which usually leads to receiving a comical
after the series of triggers are done.

We'll let you know when something IMPORTANT is at stake with an (*)
when something is at stake. DO NOT SKIP THESE LIVE TRIGGERS; doing
may result in you getting an almost-worthless Potion instead of a
Adornment. To be safe, DON'T SKIP ANY SCENE!

"Dreams of strange worlds; clothes appearing from nowhere. What's going on?"

[1] Am I still dreaming?

[2] Is someone coming here?
[3] A message from Lightning?
[4] Was that a vision of the future?

Answer however you wish and head towards the house exit. You'll learn about
jumping on the way (and thankfully Serah stops WALKING.) Head outside to see
a scene and reach another Live Trigger. "Where's the village? Everything out
here is completely different. What is this place?"

[1] Have I died?

[2] Is this the future?
[3] Is this still a dream?
[4] Is everything I remember a lie?

Walk forward as Serah struggles to deal with what is happening. Soon reality
will kick in as the village of New Bodhum on Pulse deals with a monster
attack. One that appears to be especially rough. Noel will soon find Serah
and protect her, giving her the bow that Lightning gave him and telling her
she needs to fight instead of lying down and waiting to die.
You'll now be in a battle against a Nekton and a Meonekton, two very basic
enemies. The paradigm you are using now is "Double Trouble" and works well
for this battle, so just use auto-battle to finish them off with ease.

NOTE Serah comes equipped with the [_STARSEEKER_] by default, and Noel
¯¯¯¯¯¯ comes equipped with the [_FLAME FOSSIL_] by default. Also, if you
loaded Final Fantasy XIII save data, you will have the
[_ETERNAL CRYSTAL_] in your inventory; it will help you out later on.

After the fight, you'll be back in the village with a new goal: defeat all
hostiles. You'll have Noel with you, so it's our job to protect the village.
Head slightly to your left to get into another fight where you'll learn about
how "Paradigm Shifts" work. Go through the tutorial to learn some very useful
and important information about HOW the game works. Trust me, knowing your
paradigms inside and out is key.

During the tutorial the game will have you use "Slash and Burn", a Ravager /
Commando paradigm that quickly STAGGERS targets and makes kills faster. When
you stagger a target, they take a big drop in defense, so use that paradigm
along with auto-battle to easily win.

You will now need to clean up the rest of the beach. "Double Trouble" is OKAY
to use on the Nekton enemies (the small enemies) as they die easily enough,
but be sure to use the "Slash and Burn" paradigm on the Meonekton enemies
(the bigger ones) for quicker kills.

After four battles you'll see even more scenes showing Gadot and company
leaving to check out the meteorite while Serah and Noel do some much-needed
introductions. You'll be given free reign now and you can talk to some NORA
members out on the beach if you wish, but after that head out the gate to the

Talk to Noel out here for a Live Trigger. "This strange young man says he met
with Lightning in Valhalla. I need to find out more."

[1] You're a hunter? (XD) = Comical

[2] Where are you from? * = Available
[3] Tell me about Valhalla. revisiting
[4] Did you really see Lightning? area
(XD)*[5] What is a moogle anyway?
(XD)*[6] What's your favorite food?

Ask whatever you will and head onwards (Noel's not so good at small talk,
after all). You'll run into the "Mog Clock" tutorial, which is important info
to know as it concerns enemy encounters (and pre-emptive strikes.) As if to
illustrate the point, you can run into a Pulsework Soldier nearby. Use "Slash
and Burn" on him to take him out (he hits HARD by the way).

NOTE We won't be pointing out every little fight from this point on.
¯¯¯¯¯¯ are too many fights, after all. Just use smart paradigms and you'll
be okay.
Head up the ramp and jump up to the rock at the end. To your right is a
treasure sphere with [_POTION x3_] in it. As Noel runs past you and talks
about Cocoon, you have a chance for a Live Trigger by talking to him as he
stares up at it. "Noel is staring at Cocoon like he's seeing it for the first
time. What to say?"

[1] My sister is there. * = Available

[2] You seem a bit shaken. revisiting
[3] Not used to seeing Cocoon? area
[4] What do you mean, "in the legend"?
*[5] My home was there.
*[6] There's a legend about Cocoon?

Ask him whatever you'd like, and then head down the path. You'll encounter
the beach foes, as well as Pulsework Soldiers and the lizard Spiceacilian,
who is weak enough to use "Double Trouble" on. Try to get some pre-emptive
strikes on the Pulsework Soldiers as they often drop Iron Bangles, which could
be your first accessory for +10% HP, or even the Gorgonopsids, who have a
chance of dropping Power Wristbands for +10% STR.

Head down the path to find another treasure sphere (Notice how Mog helps you
find these sometimes) with a [_MAP OF NEW BODHUM_] in it. You'll get a quick
primer on how to use the map now. Head up the ramp to see a scene with Gadot;
talk to him for a Live Trigger. "Gadot seems concerned for Serah's safety.
should Noel respond to Gadot's distrust?"

[1] Who's the boss? (XD) = Comical

[2] I'll keep Serah safe. * = Available
(XD) [3] I thought you were the boss. revisiting
(XD) [4] This boss sounds like a bully! area
(XD)*[5] I'll be sure to pass that on to Snow!
*[6] You look out for your friends, huh?

Turn around and head up the western southern path. Keep your eyes peeled for
a treasure sphere past the wall of junk for a [_LIBRASCOPE_]. Head forward
past some skinny walkways to see the world... zone out for a bit again. Noel
and the others sense it too this time at least, so maybe you're not crazy.
Past some more jumps you can find and talk to Yuj. You can get a Live Trigger
here. "Yuj seems curious about my new attire. What should I tell him?"

[1] They fell from the sky. (XD) = Comical

(XD) [2] You want to try them on? * = Available
[3] You're one to talk, Yuj! revisiting
[4] I don't remember putting them on. area
(XD)*[5] I wore this for you!
*[6] Might be another aberration.

After talking to Yuj, head down the path to find another treasure sphere, this
one with a [_PHOENIX DOWN_] in it. Head to the left now and talk to Maqui to
see another scene. You'll get another Live Trigger upon learning of the over-
lapping realities. "After the meteorite hit, different realities started
bleeding into ours. Let's ask Maqui what he thinks."

(XD) [1] Where did the moogle come from? (XD) = Comical
[2] Where are the monsters coming from? * = Available
[3] Where did the meteorite come from? revisiting
[4] Even you can't figure out what's going on? area
(XD)*[5] Where did Noel come from?
*[6] Should we call in an expert?

Choose what you will and then head down the right path to see a scene, leading
into a boss fight against the freaky-looking...

After the fight you'll receive the [_GOGMAGOG FRAGMENT ALPHA_] along with
[_500 CP_]. Sweet!

You'll now also learn about fragments, which you can receive by resolving the
anomalies along the timeline. Each fragment contains knowledge, and gives you
a reward as you find them. There are a total of 160 fragments all together,
making them collectable as we play through the game.

After the fight be sure to explore the left area to fill it out and then go
back and continue on. Be sure to look out for a treasure sphere on your left
for [_300 GIL_], then jump down. BEFORE MOVING, examine the treasure sphere
on that level, to your left, for [_GYSAHL GREENS x2_], then head down to the

Watch the scenes that occur as Noel explains where he is from and what is
going on. Quite a story! He's lucky Gadot didn't kill him! Once you regain
control again, you'll get a quick note saying that you can now access the
"Party Paradigms" and "Crystarium" through the main menu. Go ahead and check
both of those out. For quick tips on Crystarium building, read the Authors'
tips at the beginning of the walkthrough. [W-01-00]

As for Paradigms, I recommend going with this setup for now:

Double Trouble (COM/COM) (for attacking/taking advantage of Stagger)
Slash & Burn (RAV/COM) (for doing decent damage while trying to
*Twin Shields (SEN/SEN) (for reducing damage)
Dualcasting (RAV/RAV) (for quickly causing a Stagger)
*Twin Shields (SEN/SEN) (for reducing damage)

* - SEN/SEN is listed twice here so that you are always 1 button away from
being able to quickly switch to SEN/SEN to prevent damage, regardless
which Paradigm you're currently in.

After playing around with the Crystarium and Paradigms, check out the treasure
box nearby. This treasure box is a reward for our Live Trigger options, and
the contents vary depending on the options you chose during the events. Make
sure to encounter every Live Trigger event to obtain the best possible

- For choosing every comical answer possible, you receive a [_GOLDEN

- For choosing the others, you receive [_LEBREAU'S OLIVE TATTOO_].
- Both of the items listed above are adornments; they will be explained when
the time comes.
- If you miss a Live Trigger or two, you'll most likely end up with a lowly
Potion. This goes for every Live Trigger reward from here on out.

Head out to the living room where you can talk to the NORA gang. Be sure to
talk to Lebreau, who is up and about now, for a Live Trigger. "Lebreau was
injured saving me yesterday. She looks fine this morning, so how do I

[1] Good morning! (XD) = Comical

(XD) [2] Good morning, kupo! * = Available
[3] Good morning to you! revisiting
[4] Sorry about yesterday... area
*[5] How you feeling?
(XD)*[6] Give me some cooking tips!

When you're ready, head outside. Noel will admit to not knowing much himself,
but wants you to look for an artefact with him nonetheless. You'll get a
quick note about your Moogle's Bobble as well. Before going anywhere, turn
around and talk to Noel for a Live Trigger. "Noel wants to search for an
'artefact' to open a 'gate.' Maybe I should find out more..."

[1] What's this 'gate'? * = Available

[2] A world without Cocoon? revisiting
[3] What's with the moogle? area
[4] How do you know Lightning?
*[5] Do people use magic in the future?
*[6] Tell me about the people you lived with.

After that, head toward the gate. Mog will scurry off towards the objective
marker, but before following him, talk to the lady sitting down on the beach
nearby to receive a new Mission:

NOTE Missions are listed in their own section, so look up the names of the
¯¯¯¯¯¯ Missions to find out how to do them. If possible though, they will
explained in the walkthrough as you go along; just note that many
quests can only be done later.

"Heart Prism" Mission began!

NOTE You can only have 2 Missions going on at the same time in the same
¯¯¯¯¯¯ area. Once you have two, you won't be able to trigger new ones until
you complete the ones you have already taken on.

After getting that quest flagged, go back to Mog and inspect the objective.
You'll find [_LIGHTNING'S KNIFE_], which triggers a flashback for Serah. This
will also lead to a Live Trigger event. "Only I remember Lightning being
on the plain. Why don't the others?"

[1] Maybe it was a dream... * = Available

[2] Because history changed? revisiting
[3] I can see different futures? area
[4] It's a message from Lightning?
*[5] Because I was a l'Cie?
*[6] History's become warped?

After that, you can talk to Noel for yet another Live Trigger event. "An
artefact is something that 'doesn't belong' in this time. What else can Noel
tell me?"

[1] I don't get it. (XD) = Comical

[2] Where should we look? * = Available
[3] What does one look like? revisiting
[4] Who told you about them? area
(XD)*[5] Are you an artefact!?

Okay, with that done we need to continue investigating the town. Check out
the southern section of the town to find Mog go after a group of cats. Hmm,
maybe one of them has something. Chase down the cat Mog is following to see a
scene, then keep on its trail. It'll go behind the housing to the far
southwest, so follow him to catch him to see a scene about Serah's pet cat,
Snow. You'll also get another Live Trigger here. "Noel says that my friends
have become like family. How do I respond to that?"

[1] If only Snow was here... (XD) = Comical

(XD) [2] The cat is my only family! * = Available
[3] If only Lightning was here... revisiting
[4] Why don't you settle down here, too? area
*[5] I hadn't thought they would be, but...
(XD)*[6] Are you a cat or a dog person?

You can also trigger another Live Trigger event by examining the vegetables
to the far left of NORA house (to the left if you are facing the house, they
are growing on a plank platform near another set of stairs, and near a group
kids). This makes Noel comment on Pulse in the future. "In the future, Noel
said he was the last human left. What do I say to that...?"

[1] I can't believe it. (XD) = Comical

[2] How did it come to that? * = Available
[3] It was the end of the world? revisiting
(XD) [4] So you're like an endangered animal? area
*[5] What happened to the future world?
*[6] Why did the human race die out?

At the southern part of the village, near the docks, Mog will find a group of
kids. It turns out that Serah is a school teacher! Go talk to them to see a
small scene and to trigger yet another Live Trigger event (man there are a lot
of these!) "In the future world, Noel's grandmother was also his teacher.
should I ask him?"

[1] What was she like? * = Available

[2] Do you want to go back there? revisiting
[3] Do you know what happens next? area
[4] Are you really from the future?
*[5] Are there fal'Cie in the future?
*[6] Did she tell you about Valhalla?

Ask whatever you want and then you'll see a scene with Maqui pointing out one
of the kids, who runs off to the monster infested area. Time to follow him!
He'll run past where you saw Gadot and towards the meteorite path, but I
should point out that a new path has opened up on the right-hand side: the
Tidal Shallows. While you can't fully explore the area (damn you, Gadot) you
can find a treasure sphere with an [_IRON BANGLE_] in it.

Keep following the kid until he runs himself into a dead-end. Now we got him,
which triggers a Live Trigger event. "This boy's hiding something. What
approach would work best...?"

(XD) [1] I'll buy you lunch for a year! (XD) = Comical
[2] All right now! Spill it, mister! * = Available
[3] What have you been up to, young man? revisiting
[4] Talk to Miss Farron. Promise I won't get mad. area
*[5] If you don't talk, the boogeyman will get you!
*[6] Talk to Miss Farron, kupo!
You must choose 4 to continue, but make sure to choose 1 first if you're
aiming for comical choices. Either way, he still doesn't talk, so you have to
try one more time. "Maybe if I give it one more shot. I think I can get him

[1] I don't want to yell at you. * = Available

[2] Right! Out with it already! revisiting
[3] Why did you run from Maqui? area
[4] You don't have to talk if you don't want to.
*[5] I'll go get Gadot!
*[6] I'll give you a thousand gil!

Choose 1 to continue. By going through these choices you'll end up with

[_SNOW'S NECKLACE_]. After talking about the meaning of the necklace and what
happened to Snow, you'll have to answer another Live Trigger. "Snow has been
gone a long time. Noel wonders why I didn't go after him. How should I

[1] I have faith in Snow. * = Available

[2] Snow told me to wait. revisiting
[3] Because of the children. area
[4] Well, I wanted to follow him...
*[5] Noel, have you been on a long journey?
*[6] Because I was an enemy of Cocoon.

After that scene start to head back to town. You can talk to Noel along the
way for another Live Trigger event. "Noel's asking me about Snow. How should
answer him?"

[1] My hero. (XD) = Comical

[2] My fiancé. * = Available
(XD) [3] He's like this really cool guy! revisiting
[4] The most important person in my life. area
(XD)*[5] It's my cat's name!

3 is actually a pretty funny choice. Oh, the clichés... In any case, head
back to NORA house. On the way you'll view a cut scene. After the cut scene,
you'll notice a TON of people gathering outside your window... Head inside
NORA house and go into your room to see a mirror that wasn't there EARLIER.
VERY weird. Watch the cut scenes and you'll receive a [_GIANT'S ARTEFACT_].
Amazing. After the scene you'll also have a Live Trigger treasure box pop up
nearby with your reward.

- For choosing all comical answers, you receive a [_SUMMERY PARASOL_].

- For choosing the others, you receive an [_AQUA RIBBON_].
Our objective now is to head back towards the time gate. Head outside to see
a scene where Noel will finally explain his motivations (it's about time!).
Talk to the people around town if you wish and then head towards the

NOTE The Gorgonopsid enemies have Power Wristbands, which increase

¯¯¯¯¯¯ strength by 10%. Think about grabbing a couple of them. Also, if by
chance you haven't leveled up in the Crystarium yet, NOW would be a
GRAND time to do so. The extra HP and stats will be welcome for the
upcoming boss battle.

Be sure to take the right path (the shore shortcut) as it is open now. You
can find a treasure sphere with some [_PHOENIX DOWN_] on the way, past an

At this next fork, before continuing north to the meteorite, head west to come
to a grey box that wasn't there before; open it for the [_MEDICAL KIT_] that
you were asked to get, then make your way all the way back to the beach to
talk to Nell to get your reward: the [_HEART PRISM_] fragment, as well as
[_50 CP_]!

"Heart Prism" Mission complete!

As you approach the meteorite again, you'll be confronted by Gogmagog once

again! Time to fight!

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