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Negotiation of negotiable document by delivery


Art. 1509
INTRODUCTION A negotiable document of title may be negotiated by the
Nature and function of documents of title (2) endorsement of the person to whose order the goods are by the
1. Goods not to money terms of the document deliverable. Such endorsement may be
2. Symbol of goods covered by it, evidence of transfer of in blank, to bearer or to a specified person. If indorsed to a
title and transfer of possession specified person, it may be again negotiated by the
endorsement of such person in blank, to bearer or to another
Most common forms of documents of title (3) specified person. Subsequent negotiations may be made in like
1. Bill of lading manner.
2. Dock warrant
3. Warehouse receipt Negotiation of negotiable document by indorsement (3)
1. Specified – only
Laws governing documents of title (3) 2. Blank – delivery
1. Civil Code 3. Specified- may be
2. Warehouse Receipts Law
3. Code of Commerce

Art. 1510
CIVIL CODE PROVISIONS If a document of title which contains an undertaking by a carrier,
Art. 1507 warehouseman or other bailee to deliver the goods to bearer,
A document of title in which it is stated that the goods referred to a specified person or order of a specified person or which
to therein will be delivered to the bearer, or to the order of any contains words of like import, has placed upon it the words "not
person named in such document is a negotiable document of negotiable," "non-negotiable" or the like, such document may
title. nevertheless be negotiated by the holder and is a negotiable
document of title within the meaning of this Title. But nothing
Definition of terms in this Title contained shall be construed as limiting or defining
1. Documents of title to goods the effect upon the obligations of the carrier, warehouseman,
2. Goods or other bailee issuing a document of title or placing thereon
3. Order the words "not negotiable," "non-negotiable," or the like.
Classes of documents of title Negotiable documents of title marked “non-negotiable”
1. Negotiable documents of title No effect
2. Non-negotiable documents of title
WRL - void
Art. 1508
A negotiable document of title may be negotiated by delivery: Art. 1511
A document of title which is not in such form that it can be
(1) Where by the terms of the document the carrier, negotiated by delivery may be transferred by the holder by
warehouseman or other bailee issuing the same undertakes to delivery to a purchaser or donee. A non-negotiable document
deliver the goods to the bearer; or cannot be negotiated and the endorsement of such a document
(2) Where by the terms of the document the carrier, gives the transferee no additional right.
warehouseman or other bailee issuing the same undertakes to
Transfer of non-negotiable documents
deliver the goods to the order of a specified person, and such
Cannot be negotiated
person or a subsequent endorsee of the document has indorsed
it in blank or to the bearer. Even if document is indorsed, transferee acquires no additional
Where by the terms of a negotiable document of title the goods
are deliverable to bearer or where a negotiable document of Art. 1512
title has been indorsed in blank or to bearer, any holder may A negotiable document of title may be negotiated:
indorse the same to himself or to any specified person, and in
such case the document shall thereafter be negotiated only by (1) By the owner therefor; or
the endorsement of such endorsee.
(2) By any person to whom the possession or custody of the Art. 1514
document has been entrusted by the owner, if, by the terms of A person to whom a document of title has been transferred, but
the document the bailee issuing the document undertakes to not negotiated, acquires thereby, as against the transferor, the
deliver the goods to the order of the person to whom the title to the goods, subject to the terms of any agreement with
possession or custody of the document has been entrusted, or the transferor.
if at the time of such entrusting the document is in such form
that it may be negotiated by delivery. If the document is non-negotiable, such person also acquires
the right to notify the bailee who issued the document of the
Persons who may negotiate a document transfer thereof, and thereby to acquire the direct obligation of
Does not give power to negotiate documents of title equal to such bailee to hold possession of the goods for him according to
that allowed by law the terms of the document.
If owner permits another to have possession or custody of Prior to the notification to such bailee by the transferor or
negotiable receipts, representation of title upon which bona transferee of a non-negotiable document of title, the title of the
fide purchasers for value are entitled to rely despite breaches of transferee to the goods and the right to acquire the obligation
trust or violations of agreement on the part of the apparent of such bailee may be defeated by the levy of an attachment of
owner. execution upon the goods by a creditor of the transferor, or by
a notification to such bailee by the transferor or a subsequent
As between 2 innocent persons, the loss must fall upon him
purchaser from the transfer of a subsequent sale of the goods
whose misplaced confidence made the loss possible
by the transferor.
Art. 1513
Rights of persons to whom document has been transferred
A person to whom a negotiable document of title has been duly
negotiated acquires thereby:
1. Title to the goods as against the transferor
(1) Such title to the goods as the person negotiating the 2. Right to notify the bailee of the transfer
document to him had or had ability to convey to a purchaser in 3. Right to acquire the obligation of the bailee to hold the
good faith for value and also such title to the goods as the goods for him.
person to whose order the goods were to be delivered by the
Right of the transferee is not absolute as it is subject to the
terms of the document had or had ability to convey to a
terms of any agreement with the transferor. He merely steps
purchaser in good faith for value; and
into the shoes of the transferor.
(2) The direct obligation of the bailee issuing the document to
hold possession of the goods for him according to the terms of
Attachment of goods covered by document transferred (2)
the document as fully as if such bailee had contracted directly 1. Receipt non-negotiable
with him. 2. Receipt negotiable.

Rights of person to whom document has been negotiated Art. 1515

(3) Where a negotiable document of title is transferred for value by
1. Title of the person negotiating the document over the delivery, and the endorsement of the transferor is essential for
goods covered by the document negotiation, the transferee acquires a right against the
2. Title of the person (depositor or owner) to whose order transferor to compel him to endorse the document unless a
by the terms of the document the goods were to be contrary intention appears. The negotiation shall take effect as
delivered over such goods of the time when the endorsement is actually made.
3. Direct obligation of the bailee (warehouseman or Transfer of order document without indorsement (2)
carrier) to fold possession of the goods for him, as if the 1. Right to the goods as against the transferor
bailee directly contracted with him 2. Right to compel the transferor to indorse the document
One who purchases a negotiable document of title issued to a Rules where document subsequently indorsed
thief acquired no rights over the goods. But the purchaser Negotiation shall take effect as of the time when indorsement
acquires a good title where the owner is estopped from is actually made, not at the time the document is delivered.
asserting his title.
Art. 1516
A person who for value negotiates or transfers a document of
title by endorsement or delivery, including one who assigns for
value a claim secured by a document of title unless a contrary faith for value would bind the owner and a negotiable
intention appears, warrants: document of title is issued for them they cannot thereafter,
while in possession of such bailee, be attached by garnishment
(1) That the document is genuine;
or otherwise or be levied under an execution unless the
(2) That he has a legal right to negotiate or transfer it; document be first surrendered to the bailee or its negotiation
enjoined. The bailee shall in no case be compelled to deliver up
(3) That he has knowledge of no fact which would impair the the actual possession of the goods until the document is
validity or worth of the document; and surrendered to him or impounded by the court
(4) That he has a right to transfer the title to the goods and that
Attachment or levy upon goods covered by a negotiable
the goods are merchantable or fit for a particular purpose,
document (3)
whenever such warranties would have been implied if the
1. Document be first surrendered
contract of the parties had been to transfer without a document
2. Negotiation is enjoined
of title the goods represented thereby.
3. Document is impounded by the court
Warranties on sale of document (4)
Where depositor not owner
Similar to person negotiating instrument by delivery
Does not apply
Person negotiating or transferring document could be held
To actions for recovery or manual delivery of goods
liable as when the document was a forgery or he had stolen it.
Art. 1520
Art. 1517
A creditor whose debtor is the owner of a negotiable document
The endorsement of a document of title shall not make the
of title shall be entitled to such aid from courts of appropriate
endorser liable for any failure on the part of the bailee who
jurisdiction by injunction and otherwise in attaching such
issued the document or previous endorsers thereof to fulfill
document or in satisfying the claim by means thereof as is
their respective obligations.
allowed at law or in equity in regard to property which cannot
Indorser not a guarantor readily be attached or levied upon by ordinary legal process.
Indorsement merely to a conveyance by the indorser, not a
Creditor’s remedied to reach negotiable document
contract of guaranty.
Gives court full power to aid by injunction
Not liable to holder if the bailee fails to deliver the goods
because they were lost due to his fault or negligence. Art. 1532
Art. 1532. The unpaid seller may exercise his right of stoppage
Art. 1518 in transitu either by obtaining actual possession of the goods or
The validity of the negotiation of a negotiable document of title by giving notice of his claim to the carrier or other bailee in
is not impaired by the fact that the negotiation was a breach of whose possession the goods are. Such notice may be given
duty on the part of the person making the negotiation, or by the either to the person in actual possession of the goods or to his
fact that the owner of the document was deprived of the principal. In the latter case the notice, to be effectual, must be
possession of the same by loss, theft, fraud, accident, mistake, given at such time and under such circumstances that the
duress, or conversion, if the person to whom the document was principal, by the exercise of reasonable diligence, may prevent
negotiated or a person to whom the document was a delivery to the buyer.
subsequently negotiated paid value therefor in good faith
When notice of stoppage in transitu is given by the seller to the
without notice of the breach of duty, or loss, theft, fraud,
carrier, or other bailee in possession of the goods, he must
accident, mistake, duress or conversion.
redeliver the goods to, or according to the directions of, the
When negotiation not impaired by fraud, mistake, duress, seller. The expenses of such delivery must be borne by the
etc. seller. If, however, a negotiable document of title representing
It may be negotiated even by a thief or a finder and the holder the goods has been issued by the carrier or other bailee, he shall
thereof would acquire a good title thereto if he paid value not obliged to deliver or justified in delivering the goods to the
therefor in good faith without notice of the seller’s defect of seller unless such document is first surrendered for
title. cancellation.

Art. 1519 Unpaid seller’s right to stop in transitu

If goods are delivered to a bailee by the owner or by a person The right of the purchaser for value in good faith to whom such
whose act in conveying the title to them to a purchaser in good document has been negotiated is superior to the seller’s lien or
stoppage in transitu even when he acquired the same after
notice of stoppage to the carrier or other bailee.

Art. 1535
Subject to the provisions of this Title, the unpaid seller’s right of
lien or stoppage in transitu is not affected by any sale, or other
disposition of the goods which the buyer may have made, unless
the seller has assented thereto.

If, however, a negotiable document of title has been issued for

goods, no seller’s lien or right of stoppage in transitu shall
defeat the right of any purchaser for value in good faith to
whom such document has been negotiated, whether such
negotiation be prior or subsequent to the notification to the
carrier, or other bailee who issued such document, if the seller’s
claim to a lien or right of stoppage in transit.

Effect of issuance of a negotiable document on seller’s lien

or right of stoppage
Seller can give no larger right than he has

Art. 1749
A stipulation that the common carrier’s liability is limited to the
value of the goods appearing in the bill of lading, unless the
shipper or owner declares a greater value, is binding.

Stipulation limiting common carrier’s liability to an agreed

1. That exempting the carrier from any and all liability for
or damage by its own negligence
2. That providing for an unqualified limitation of such
liability to an agreed valuation
3. That limiting the liability of the carrier to an agreed
valuation unless the shipper declared a higher value and
pays a higher rate of freight

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