Psychology Bulletin Is Produced Two To Three Times Per Year

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Sociedad de psicología general

Multiespecialidad en las aplicaciones de la psicología

Sociedad para la enseñanza de la psicología
The Society for the Teaching of Psychology advances understanding of the discipline by promoting
excellence in the teaching and learning of psychology. The Society provides resources and services,
access to a collaborative community, and opportunities for professional development. The Society
also strives to advance the scholarship of teaching and learning, advocate for the needs of teachers
of psychology, foster partnerships across academic settings, and increase recognition of the value of
the teaching profession.
Sociedad de Psicología Experimental y Ciencia Cognitiva
Society for Experimental Psychology and Cognitive Science members are employed in a variety of
settings including universities, colleges, government, and industry and are united by their
commitment to the development of experimental psychology as a science. The Experimental
Psychology Bulletin is produced two to three times per year.
Métodos cuantitativos y cualitativos
Quantitative and Qualitative Methods is concerned with promoting high standards in both research
and practical application of program evaluation, measurement, statistics, assessment and qualitative
methods. Division members can also opt for membership in three different sections: assessment;
qualitative methods; and evaluation, measurement and statistics. The division sponsors
a Distinguished Scientific Contribution Award. The division sponsors a dissertation award to
encourage and honor promising young scholars. Div. 5 publishes the quarterly newsletter The
Sociedad de Neurociencia del Comportamiento y Psicología Comparada
Society for Behavioral Neuroscience and Comparative Psychology members are devoted to
studying the biology of behavior. Their focus is on behavior and its relation to perception, learning,
memory, cognition, motivation, and emotion. Behavioral neuroscientists study the brain in relation
to behavior, its evolution, functions, abnormalities, and repair, as well as its interactions with the
immune system, cardiovascular system, and energy regulation systems. Comparative psychologists
study the behavior of humans and other animals, with a special eye on similarities and differences
that may shed light on evolutionary and developmental processes.
Psicología del desarrollo
Developmental Psychology promotes research in the field of developmental psychology and high
standards in the application of scientific knowledge to educational, child care, policy, and related
settings. The Division selects recipients for the G. Stanley Hall Award for senior scholars, the Boyd
R. McCandless Award for young developmental psychologists, and the Outstanding Dissertation
Awards for new PhDs. The newsletter Developmental Psychology is published twice a year.

Sociedad de personalidad y psicología social

Division 8: Society for Personality and Social Psychology seeks to advance the progress of theory,
basic and applied research, and practice in the field of personality and social psychology. Members
are employed in academia and private industry or government, and all are concerned with how
individuals affect and are affected by other people and by their social and physical environments.

Sociedad para el Estudio Psicológico de Asuntos Sociales (SPSSI)

Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues (SPSSI) welcomes psychologists and allied
social scientists who share a common concern with research on psychological aspects of important
social issues and social subjects to bring theory and practice into focus on human problems of the
group, the community, and the nation, and the increasingly important problems that have no
national boundaries. The quarterly Journal of Social Issues and the SPSSI Newsletter, published
three times a year, are SPSSI's official publications.
Sociedad para la psicología de la estética, la creatividad y las artes
Division 10: Society for the Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity and the Arts is committed to
interdisciplinary scholarship, both theoretical and empirical, encompassing the visual arts, poetry,
literature, music and dance. Broadly conceived, we study three interrelated topics: creativity
(including developmental, motivational, affective and cognitive processes), the arts (including
aesthetic content, form and function) and audience response to the arts (including preferences and
judgments). To this end, we apply personality, clinical, cognitive, perceptual, cultural and
postmodern psychologies to diverse artists, styles, and epochs. Division 10 offers a biannual
publication; three annual awards, the Berlyne, Arnheim, and Farnsworth Awards; and discounts on
five specialized journals.

Sociedad de psicología clínica

Division 12: Society of Clinical Psychology includes APA members who are active in practice,
research, teaching, administration, and/or study in the field of clinical psychology are invited to join
the division. Graduate students in APA approved or regionally accredited doctoral programs may
become student affiliate members at a reduced rate. Membership includes a subscription to the
journal, Clinical Psychology: Science and Practice, and the quarterly publication The Clinical

Sociedad de psicología consultora

Division 13: Society of Consulting Psychology members share an interest in the consultative
process including applied activities, research and evaluation, and education and training. The
division serves as a forum for consultation skill, theory and knowledge development, and
dissemination. It provides a professional home for those who have an identity as consulting
psychologists. The division plugs each member into a nationwide information and referral network.
The division's journal, Consulting Psychology Journal: Practice and Research, is sent to members
four times per year.

Sociedad de Psicología Industrial y Organizacional.

Division 14: Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology (SIOP) advocates the scientist-
practitioner model in the application of psychology to all types of organizational and workplace
settings, such as manufacturing, commercial enterprises, labor unions, and public agencies.
Members work in several fields within I-O psychology, such as testing/assessment, leadership
development, staffing, management, teams, compensation, workplace safety, diversity, and work-
life balance.

Psicología Educacional
Division 15: Educational Psychology provides a collegial environment for psychologists with
interest in research, teaching or practice in educational settings at all levels to present and publish
papers about their work. Division members' work is concerned with theory, methodology and
applications to a broad spectrum of teaching, training and learning issues. Members receive
the Newsletter for Educational Psychologists three times per year and the quarterly
journal Educational Psychologist.

Psicologia Escolar
Division 16: School Psychology is composed of scientific-practitioner psychologists whose major
professional interests lie with children, families and the schooling process. The division represents
the interests of psychologists engaged in the delivery of comprehensive psychological services to
children, adolescents and families in schools and other applied settings. The division is dedicated to
facilitating the professional practice of school psychology and actively advocates in domains, such
as education and health care reform, which have significant implications for the practice of
psychology with children. Members receive the journal School Psychology and the quarterly
newsletter The School Psychologist. The division welcomes student members. Non-doctoral-level
school psychologists and practitioners are welcome to join the division as professional affiliates.

Sociedad de psicología consejera

Division 17: Society of Counseling Psychology brings together psychologists, students, professional
and international affiliates who are dedicated to promoting education and training, scientific
investigation, practice, and diversity and public interest in professional psychology. The division
contains sections representing Advancement of Women; College and University Counseling
Centers; International; Promotion of Psychotherapy Science; Counseling Health Psychology; Ethnic
and Racial Diversity; Independent Practice; Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual Awareness; Prevention; and
Vocational Psychology. Other Special Interest Groups also exist. Membership is open to masters- or
doctoral-level psychologists whose interests and activities support the advancement of counseling
psychology. Six issues of the journal The Counseling Psychologist and three issues of the Division
17 Newsletterare sent to members each year. Student members are welcome to affiliate with
Division 17 through membership in the Student Affiliate Group (SAG). Non-APA members may
join the division as professional or international affiliates.

Psicólogos en Servicio Público

Division 18: Psychologists in Public Service responds to the needs of the public in areas such as
psychological practice, research, training and policy formation. The division is comprised of five
sections representing a variety of settings: community and state hospital psychologists, criminal
justice, police and public safety, psychologists in Indian Country and veterans affairs. The division
and its sections provide a forum for its members to discuss common professional interests, to
advocate for the mental health needs of the public and to promote the use of evaluation and research
in public research programs. The newsletter Public Service Psychology is sent to members three
times a year.

Sociedad de psicología militar

Division 19: Society for Military Psychology encourages research and the application of
psychological research to military problems. Members are military psychologists who serve diverse
functions in settings including research activities, management, providing mental health services,
teaching, consulting, work with Congressional committees, and advising senior military commands.
The division presents four annual awards at the APA convention, including the Yerkes Award for
contributions to military psychology by a nonpsychologist, plus two student awards, one of which is
a travel award. Members receive the quarterly journal Military Psychology and the newsletter The
Military Psychologist, published twice a year.

Desarrollo de adultos y envejecimiento

Division 20: Adult Development and Aging strives to advance the study of psychological
development and change throughout the adult years. The Division produces the newsletter Adult
Development and Aging News three times per year.

Psicología Experimental Aplicada e Ingeniería

Division 21: Applied Experimental and Engineering Psychology promotes the development and
application of psychological principles, knowledge, and research to improve technology, consumer
products, energy systems, communication and information, transportation, decision making, work
settings and living environments. The goal is safer, more effective, and more reliable systems
through an improved understanding of the user's requirements. The division recognizes career
contributions through the George E. Briggs Dissertation Award, the Earl A. Alluisi Award for Early
Career Contributions, and the Franklin C. Taylor Award for Outstanding Career contributions to the
field. Members receive the Division 21 Newsletter, the Journal of Experimental Psychology:
Applied, and membership on an email list and website that hosts discussions and job information.

Psicología de Rehabilitación
Div. 22 (Rehabilitation Psychology) seeks to bring together all APA members interested in the
psychological aspects of disability and rehabilitation, to educate the public on issues related to
disability and rehabilitation, and to develop high standards and practices for professional
psychologists who work in this field. Members may be involved in clinical service, research,
teaching, or administration. The division publishes a quarterly journal, Rehabilitation Psychology®,
and has an active email list. Updates of current and future professional activities are now listed on
the division website.

Sociedad de Psicología del Consumidor

Division 23: The Society for Consumer Psychology (SCP) is an intimate collection of scholars and
practitioners dedicated to the growth and advancement of consumer psychology. Consumer
psychology employs theoretical psychological approaches to understanding consumers. Through the
active participation of its members, SCP fosters an environment of collegiality, promoting
interaction to facilitate and support intellectual contributions to the discipline. SCP reflects the
desire to advance the practice of consumer psychology and public welfare through the application
of these contributions. Division members receive the quarterly publication Journal of Consumer
Psychology, and the division hosts an annual winter conference.

Sociedad de Psicología Teórica y Filosófica.

Division 24: Society for Theoretical and Philosophical Psychology encourages and facilitates
informed exploration and discussion of psychological theories and issues in both their scientific and
philosophical dimensions and interrelationships. The division presents an award for the best student
paper submitted to the division for the annual APA convention. The division's Journal of
Theoretical & Philosophical Psychology is sent to members quarterly.

Análisis de comportamiento
Division 25: Behavior Analysis promotes basic research, both animal and human, in the
experimental analysis of behavior; it encourages the application of the results of such research to
human affairs, and cooperates with other disciplines whose interests overlap with those of the
division. It publishes Division 25 Recorder, a newsletter distributed two times a year to all members
and affiliates. The division participates in the APA annual convention, sponsoring individual
speakers, symposia, and special events, such as receptions and an annual dinner. Div. 25 is also an
active co-sponsor of social hours and presentations dealing with the field of behavior analysis.

Sociedad para la historia de la psicología

Division 26: Society for the History of Psychology seeks to extend the awareness and appreciation
of the history of psychology as an aid to understanding contemporary psychology, psychology's
relation to other scientific fields and its role in society. The division publishes the quarterly
journal History of Psychology®.

Society for Community Research and Action: Division of Community Psychology

Division 27: Society for Community Research and Action: Division of Community Psychology
encourages the development of theory, research, and practice relevant to the reciprocal relationships
between individuals and the social system which constitute the community context. The Division
supports 23 regional groups promoting communication among community psychologists in six U.S.
regions, Canada, Western Europe, and the South Pacific. The Division hosts a three day biennial
conference and has formed interest groups in the areas of international community psychology,
rural psychology, aging, applied settings, and children and youth (prevention issues). Members
receive the bimonthly American Journal of Community Psychology and The Community
Psychologist, published five times per year.

Psicofarmacología y abuso de sustancias

Division 28: Psychopharmacology and Substance Abuse promotes teaching, research and
dissemination of information regarding the effects of drugs on behavior.
Sociedad para el avance de la psicoterapia
Division 29: Society for the Advancement of Psychotherapy aims to advance the science, teaching,
and practice of psychotherapy. The Division of Psychotherapy is committed to preserving and
expanding psychotherapy, to advancing the evidence-base for psychotherapy and psychotherapeutic
relationships, as well as making the benefits of psychotherapy accessible to all. The division is a
community of practitioners, scholars, researchers, teachers, health care specialists and students who
are devoted to the advancement of the art and science of psychotherapy.

Sociedad de hipnosis psicológica

Division 30: Society of Psychological Hypnosis is devoted to exchanging scientific information,
advancing appropriate teaching and research, and developing high standards for the practice of
hypnosis. Areas of interest of the membership are diverse, including topics such as mind/body
connections; dissociation; and hypnosis with women, children, and adolescents. Current initiatives
of the division include advancing applications of hypnosis in behavioral medicine, professional and
public education, and establishing clinical hypnosis as a certifiable proficiency. The division
presents awards for distinguished career contributions, outstanding convention papers and the E. R.
Hilgard Dissertation Award. Members receive Psychological Hypnosis, the division's bulletin,
quarterly. The bulletin includes articles on current research and practice, announcements and the
annual convention program.

Asociación de Psicología del Estado, Asuntos Provinciales y Territoriales

Division 31: State, Provincial and Territorial Psychological Association Affairs main goal is to
provide you and your psychological associations with useful resources, services and benefits as well
as being your voice for psychological association issues within APA. Division 31 provides a
guidebook for getting involved in APA governance activities, an abridged version of Keesey’s
parliamentary procedures, our mentoring program, advocacy alerts as well as notes about what
other psychological associations are doing throughout the states, provinces and territories.

Sociedad de sicología humanista

Division 32: Society for Humanistic Psychology recognizes the full richness of the human
experience. Its foundations include philosophical humanism, existentialism and phenomenology.
The Society seeks to contribute to psychotherapy, education, theory/philosophy, research,
organization, management, social responsibility and change. The Humanistic Psychologist is the
society journal, published quarterly.

Discapacidades intelectuales y del desarrollo / Trastorno del espectro autista

Division 33: Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities/Autism Spectrum Disorder endeavors to
advance psychology, based on scientific inquiry and high standards of practice in the treatment of
intellectual and developmental disabilities. The division has five special interest groups: behavior
modification and technology, dual diagnosis, early intervention, aging and adult development, and
making the transition into adulthood. Members receive the newsletter Psychology in Intellectual
and Developmental Disabilities/ Autism Spectrum Disorder.

Sociedad e Psicología Ambiental, de Población y de Conservación

Division 34: Society for Environmental, Population and Conservation Psychology members apply
psychological knowledge and practice to improve interactions between humans and our natural and
built environments. Topics of interest include (1) human behavior and well-being related to the
design of built spaces, landscapes and natural environments, (2) conservation of wildlife and other
species, (3) synergies between human mental health and the ecology of the natural environment,
and (4) the psychological consequences of high population density. We maintain websites, an
electronic mailing list and social networking sites; publish newsletters; organize APA convention
programs; publicize activities and employment opportunities; and promote diverse approaches in
the study of environmental psychology.

Sociedad para la psicología de las mujeres

Division 35: Society for the Psychology of Women provides an organizational base for all
feminists, women and men of all national origins, who are interested in teaching, research, or
practice in the psychology of women. The division recognizes a diversity of women's experiences
which result from a variety of factors, including ethnicity, culture, language, socioeconomic status,
age and sexual orientation. The division promotes feminist research, theories, education, and
practice toward understanding and improving the lives of girls and women in all their diversities;
encourages scholarship on the social construction of gender relations across multicultural contexts;
applies its scholarship to transforming the knowledge base of psychology; advocates action toward
public policies that advance equality and social justice; and seeks to empower women in
community, national and global leadership. We welcome student members and affiliates. Members
are provided two publications: Psychology of Women Quarterly, which is a journal of research,
theory and reviews, and the Feminist Psychologist.

Sociedad para la psicología de la religión y la espiritualidad.

Division 36: Society for the Psychology of Religion and Spirituality promotes the application of
psychological research methods and interpretive frameworks to diverse forms of religion and
spirituality; encourages the incorporation of the results of such work into clinical and other applied
settings; and fosters constructive dialogue and interchange between psychological study and
practice on the one hand and between religious perspectives and institutions on the other. The
division is strictly nonsectarian and welcomes the participation of all persons who view religion as a
significant factor in human functioning. The division's quarterly Psychology of Religion newsletter
contains original articles, book reviews, announcements and news of interest to division members.

Society for Child and Family Policy and Practice

The Society for Child and Family Policy and Practice is committed to the application of
psychological knowledge to advocacy, social justice, service delivery and public policies affecting
children, youth and families in a diverse and inclusive society. The society advances research,
education, training and practice through a multidisciplinary and culturally informed perspective.
The society is interested in supporting culturally informed, evidence-based practice that promotes
health equity with underserved and vulnerable populations.

Sociedad de la Salud Psicológica

Division 38: Society for Health Psychology seeks to advance contributions of psychology to the
understanding of health and illness through basic and clinical research, education and service
activities and encourages the integration of biomedical information about health and illness with
current psychological knowledge. The division has a nursing and health group and special interest
groups in aging, women, and minority health issues. The division publishes the monthly
journal Health Psychology and the quarterly newsletter The Health Psychologist. Division 38 offers
a listing of training programs in health psychology and presents an annual student paper award.

Sociedad de Psicoanálisis y Psicología Psicoanalítica

Division 39: Society for Psychoanalysis and Psychoanalytic Psychology represents, within the
broad field of psychology, professionals who identify themselves as having a major commitment to
the study, practice and development of psychoanalysis and psychoanalytic psychotherapy.

Sociedad de Neuropsicología Clínica

Division 40: Society for Clinical Neuropsychology provides a scientific and professional forum for
individuals interested in the study of the relationships between the brain and human behavior. As
such, Division 40 promotes interdisciplinary interaction among various interest areas including
physiological cognitive, developmental, clinical rehabilitation, school, forensic and health
psychology. The exchange of ideas in facilitated by the Division's encouragement of scientific
research, education and practice. Members receive (twice a year) the Society for Clinical
Neuropsychology, Newsletter 40, in which pertinent divisional issues and information are published.
In addition, the Division presents student awards for distinguished scientific research at the APA
annual convention.

Sociedad Americana de Psicología-Derecho

Division 41: American Psychology-Law Society promotes the contributions of psychology to the
understanding of law and legal institutions, the education of psychologists in legal matters and law
personnel in psychological matters, and the application of psychology in the legal system. The
Division holds a biennial two and one half day spring meeting which includes paper and plenary
sessions. Members receive the bimonthly journal Law and Human Behavior and the American
Psychology-Law Society Newsletter three times per year.

Psicólogos en la práctica independiente

Division 42: Psychologists in Independent Practice offers tools and learning opportunities to
increase professional skill building and practice development across the career span.

Sociedad de Psicología de Pareja y Familia

Division 43: The Society for Couple and Family Psychology provides a home for psychologists
interested in families in their many forms. Clinical, scientific, educational and public policy
perspectives are well represented in the wide range of divisional activities. The society has achieved
specialty status in ABPP and has developed the Journal of Family Psychology, currently one of the
fastest growing APA scientific journals. The society works with the practice directorate to ensure
inclusion of psychologists in health care reimbursement plans. As the only APA division focusing
primarily on families, the Society for Couple and Family Psychology strives to educate the
professional community regarding the many advantages of a broader conceptual focus. Division 43
sponsors an annual midwinter convention. The society's quarterly newsletter is The Family

Sociedad para la psicología de la orientación sexual y la diversidad de género

Div. 44: Society for the Psychology of Sexual Orientation and Gender Diversity focuses on the
diversity of human sexual orientations by supporting research, promoting relevant education, and
affecting professional and public policy. Division 44 has task forces on accreditation, bisexuality,
professional standards, public policy, youth, families, ethnic/racial issues and science. The Division
supports the Maylon-Smith Award for student research and presents annual Distinguished
Contribution Awards. The Division publishes its Div. 44 Newsletter three times a year and a
program of Division 44's activities at the annual APA convention.

Sociedad para el estudio psicológico de la cultura, etnia y raza

Division 45: Society for the Psychological Study of Culture, Ethnicity and Race encourages
research on ethnic minority issues and the application of psychological knowledge to ethnic
minority issues. The division promotes public welfare through research and encourages professional
relationships among psychologists who share these concerns and interests. Membership includes a
subscription to the peer-reviewed quarterly journal Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority
Psychology and the division newsletter, Focus, which is published two to three times per year.

Sociedad de Psicología y Tecnología de Medios

Division 46: Society for Media Psychology and Technology seeks to advance psychology in the
practice and science of media communications and technology. The society is a community of
researchers, psychologists and other mental health providers, consultants, educators and
communications professionals actively involved with all forms of traditional and evolving media
and emerging technologies. The society supports the study and dissemination of information related
to the impact of the media on human behavior, as well as the development of media literacy
essential to the public and profession.

Sociedad de Psicología del Deporte, el Ejercicio y el Rendimiento

Division 47: Society for Sport, Exercise and Performance Psychology brings together
psychologists, as well as exercise and sport scientists, interested in research, teaching and service in
this area. APA Running Psychologists is an affiliated group of Division 47. The division currently
has committees on diversity issues and education and training. The division sponsors preconvention
workshops at the APA Annual Convention. The Exercise and Sport Psychology Newsletter is
published three times a year.

Sociedad para el Estudio de la Paz, Conflicto y Violencia: División de Psicología de la Paz

Division 48: Society for the Study of Peace, Conflict, and Violence: Peace Psychology Division
works to promote peace in the world at large and within nations, communities and families. It
encourages psychological and multidisciplinary research, education and training on issues
concerning peace, nonviolent conflict resolution, reconciliation and the causes, consequences and
prevention of violence and destructive conflict. The division fosters communication among
researchers, teachers and practitioners who are working on these issues and are applying the
knowledge and methods of psychology in the advancement of peace and prevention of violence and
destructive conflict. The division seeks to make connections between all areas of psychological
work and peace and welcomes participation from all areas of the discipline. A division
journal, Peace and Conflict:The Journal of Peace Psychology, is published quarterly.

Sociedad de psicología grupal y psicoterapia grupal

Division 49: Society of Group Psychology and Group Psychotherapy provides a forum for
psychologists interested in research, teaching, and practice in group psychology and group
psychotherapy. Current projects include developing national guidelines for doctoral and post-
doctoral training in group psychotherapy. The Division's quarterly journal, Group Dynamics:
Theory, Research and Practice, and its newsletter, The Group Psychologist, are sent to all members
and affiliates.

Sociedad de psicología de la adicción

Division 50: Society of Addiction Psychology promotes advances in research, professional training,
and clinical practice within the broad range of addictive behaviors including problematic use of
alcohol, nicotine and other drugs and disorders involving gambling, eating, sexual behavior or
spending. Membership includes a subscription to the peer-reviewed journal Psychology of Addictive
Behaviors and the newsletter of the division.

Sociedad para el estudio psicológico de hombres y masculinidades

Division 51: Society for the Psychological Study of Men and Masculinities (SPSMM) advances
knowledge in the new psychology of men through research, education, training, public policy and
improved clinical services for men. SPSMM provides a forum for members to discuss the critical
issues facing men of all races, classes, ethnicities, sexual orientations and nationalities. SPSMM
publishes a newsletter for members and sponsors programs at the annual APA convention.

Psicología internacional
Division 52: International Psychology seeks to develop a psychological science and practice that is
contextually informed, culturally inclusive, serves the public interest and promotes global
perspectives within and outside of APA. The Division of International Psychology represents the
interest of all psychologists who foster international connections among psychologists, engage in
multicultural research or practice, apply psychological principles to the development of public
policy or are otherwise concerned with individual and group consequences of global events.

Sociedad de Psicología Clínica Infantil y Adolescentes

The purpose of Division 53: Society of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology is to encourage
the development and advancement of clinical child and adolescent psychology through integration
of its scientific and professional aspects. The division promotes scientific inquiry, training,
professional practice, and public policy in clinical child and adolescent psychology as a means of
improving the welfare and mental health of children, youth, and families. In the service of these
goals, the division promotes the general objectives of the American Psychological Association.

Sociedad de psicología pediátrica

Division 54: Society of Pediatric Psychology members are part of an integrated field of science and
practice in which the principles of psychology are applied within the context of pediatric health.
The field aims to promote the health and development of children, adolescents, and their families
through use of evidence-based methods.

Sociedad Americana para el Avance de la Farmacoterapia

Division 55: American Society for the Advancement of Pharmacotherapy (ASAP) was created to
enhance psychological treatments combined with psychopharmacological medications. It promotes
the public interest by working for the establishment of high quality statutory and regulatory
standards for psychological care. The Division encourages the collaborative practice of
psychological and pharmacological treatments with other health professions. It seeks funding for
training in psychopharmacology and pharmacotherapy from private and public sources, e.g., federal
Graduate Medical Education programs. It facilitates increased access to improved mental health
services in federal and state demonstration projects using psychologists trained in

Psicología del Trauma

Division 56: Division of Trauma Psychology provides a forum for scientific research, professional
and public education, and the exchange of collegial support for professional activities related to
traumatic stress. By doing so, we facilitate a state-of-the-art response by psychologists and move
our understanding of trauma psychology forward.

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