FE DDE Dexp - Platico - Asq - Azeredo PDF

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Improve Molded
Part Quality

he injection molding process, while simple Traditionally, molders have sought the best molding con-
in concept, is complex in execution. Typical dition through a combination of many years of working
injection molding machines have many experience and trial and error, but this method is time con-
adjustable parameters that affect the quality of fin- suming and costly. Due to the global competition in the
ished plastic parts. Quality can be described in injection molding industry, the trial and error approach to
terms of mechanical characteristics, dimensional determine process parameters no longer suffices.
conformity and appearance. Several researchers have attempted various approaches to
To ensure failure free operation, it is necessary to determine process conditions that will not only reduce the
quantify the effect of product performance proper- time to market but also result in high quality of molded
ties on the molding condition. Since there are many parts.1 One of the most efficient methods of process opti-
process parameters involved, determination of the mization and systematic investigation of the process is
molding condition is very complicated. In addition, design of experiments (DOE). This method consists of pur-
no established design rules are available. poseful changes to the inputs of a process to observe the cor-
responding changes in the outputs.2

In 50 Words Practical Use of DOE

Or Less Medical products, while sharing many material and process
requirements with other injection molding applications, also
• The effect of process parameters on the force differ significantly. After molding, the product is often subject-
ed to washing or cleaning steps, dried at high temperatures
required to open an injection molded closure
and assembled into final form using ultrasonic sealing.
for medical infusion bottles was investigated A thermal sterilization product using either ethylene oxide
using design of experiments. or radiation is applied to the final product before it leaves
the plant. Finally, the product experiences shipping, ware-
housing and shelf life conditions at various temperatures
• Analysis of the results shows injection
and humidity levels before it is used.3
speed, mold temperature, melt temperature, The plastic part we studied is the closure for infusion bot-
cooling time and ejection speed were the tles, which is shown from four angles in the illustration. The
closure is molded in high density polyethylene and has com-
most significant parameters. plex geometry plus many functional properties. For this arti-
cle, we selected only one functional property—the force to

72 I JULY 2003 I www.asq.org

Due to the global competition
in the injection molding
industry, the trial and error
approach to determine
by Maurício Bagueira de Vasconcellos Azeredo, process parameters no
Sérgio Sodré da Silva and Kamel Rekab longer suffices.

open the closure, shown in another photo. We selected TABLE 1 Process Parameters
this property because of its importance to product perfor- And Their Two Levels of Work
mance. Extremely high forces will make it difficult to
Process parameters Low level High level
open the product. On the other hand, low forces can result
in damage during handling, shipping or warehousing. Injection speed (percentage setting) 40 75
Mold temperature (Celsius) 25 45
Experimental Approach Melt temperature (Celsius) 205 235
The approach we used involves an experiment that Holding pressure (bar) 25 45
included all the parameters that could affect the selected
Holding time 2 3
functional property. The process parameters under con-
Cooling time 10 25
sideration are presented in Table 1. For each parameter,
two levels of work were selected. The high and low values Ejection speed (percentage setting) 5 25
of each processing parameter indicate the maximum and
minimum values at which the
plastic part could be molded
with no process disturbance.
We conducted the molding TABLE 2 Design Matrix for Seven Factors and Two Levels
experiments using a 12-cavity
injection mold on an Engel Injection Mold Melt Holding Holding Cooling Ejection Force to open
Run speed temperature temperature pressure time time speed the closure
100-ton injection molding
A B C D E F G y1 y2 y3
machine. The experiments
included eight combinations 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 64.33 73.43 70.95
at two levels according to a 2 -1 1 1 -1 -1 1 -1 42.77 41.15 39.49
2III7-4 fractional factorial 3 1 -1 1 -1 1 -1 -1 71.62 78.44 73.96
design.4 Under each treat- 4 -1 -1 1 1 -1 -1 1 65.51 62.48 59.05
ment, we made three replica-
5 1 1 -1 1 -1 -1 -1 63.02 64.12 62.67
tions. We used a tensile
device to measure the force 6 -1 1 -1 -1 1 -1 1 44.12 46.46 32.33
needed to open the closure. 7 1 -1 -1 -1 -1 1 1 68.59 70.89 71.53
Table 2 shows the coded test 8 -1 -1 -1 1 1 1 -1 41.04 44.02 41.89
matrix with response values.



Analysis of Results We also built an empirical model to relate the signifi-

We analyzed the results by calculating the cant parameters with the predicted force. The validity of
main effect and then identifying the most sig- the empirical model was checked by means of residual
nificant parameters. We used three methods to analysis and coefficient of determination calculation.
identify the latter: the first method, a numerical
analysis carried out in a standard way through
Main Effects
the analysis of variance technique (ANOVA), The main effect is a quantitative measure of the impact
and the next two, graphical analyses using of the parameters on the response. Based on the data
average effect plots and a Pareto diagram. from Table 2, we calculated the average response for each
variable and its effect. The effect is calculated by subtract-
ing the average response at the low level from the aver-
age response at the high level. Table 3 shows the process
FIGURE 1 Average Effect Plots
parameters and the average response and effect for each.
90 We carried out the ANOVA5, 6 to identify the most
important parameters to the force to open the injection
closure. Table 4 shows the ANOVA results.
Mean force (N)

-B +C +D -E -F +G Based on the F-distribution, for a parameter to be sta-
-D +E +F tistically significant at the 5% confidence level, its F-ratio
+B -C -G
50 has to be larger than Fc (0.95, 1, 16) = 4.49. When using
40 this methodology, only injection speed (A), mold tem-
30 perature (B), melt temperature (C), cooling time (F) and
ejection speed (G) are considered significant.
Additional information about the significance of
effects may be obtained graphically from the average
FIGURE 2 Pareto Diagram of Half Effects effect plots and the Pareto diagram. The average effect
plots7 give the relative importance of each effect on the
15 response. Figure 1 shows how the force to open the clo-
sure is affected by all the injection molding parameters.
|Effect / 2|

The plots indicate the most variation in the average force

needed to open the closure is coming from injection
speed (A) and the least is coming from holding time (E).
Another approach to represent the significance of
TABLE 4 Analysis of Variance Results

Average Response and Effect Source of Sum of Degree of Mean

variation squares freedom square
For Each Process Parameter
A 3110.84 1 3110.84 226.34*
Process Average response
Effect B 452.23 1 452.23 32.90*
parameters Low level High level
C 356.51 1 356.51 25.94*
A 46.69 69.46 22.77
D 40.46 1 40.46 2.94
B 62.42 53.74 -8.68
E 34.27 1 34.27 2.49
C 54.22 61.93 7.71
F 120.15 1 120.15 8.74*
D 56.78 59.38 2.6
G 178.65 1 178.65 13*
E 59.27 56.88 -2.39
Residual 219.90 16 13.74
F 60.32 55.84 -4.48
Total 4513.01 23
G 55.35 60.81 5.46
* (p-value<0.05)

74 I JULY 2003 I www.asq.org

effects is the Pareto diagram of the absolute value of all
half effects. These values are presented in Table 5. More
details on this method can be found in Understanding
Industrial Designed Experiments.8
The Pareto diagram in Figure 2 indicates injection
speed (A) is the most important parameter and holding
time (E) is insignificant.
The average effect plots and the Pareto diagram sup-
port the ANOVA findings. There is no conflict among
the three methods. The most important parameters are Product Usage: Closure opening and performance.
injection speed, mold temperature, melt temperature,
cooling time and ejection speed. At run one, for example, the predicted force to
open the closure can be calculated, substituting
Regression Model the regression model A = 75%, B = 45˚C, C =
We fitted an empirical model using only the most 235˚C, F = 25 s and G = 25%, as follows:
important injection molding parameters. We built this
model using multiple regression analysis.9, 10 It can be
used to obtain the predicted values of forces at any point ( ) ( ) (
ŷ = 58.08 + 11.38 75 - 57.5 - 4.34 45 - 35 + 3.86 235 - 220 - 2.24
17.5 10 15 ) (
in the region of experimentation. The fitted regression
model is: ( ) 10( ) 15( ) 7.5( ) 10 (
ŷ = 58.08 + 11.38 A - 57.5 - 4.34 B - 35 + 3.86 C - 220 - 2.24 25 - 17.5 + 2.73 25 - 15 = 69.47
17.5 )
( 17.5 ) 10 ( ) 15 ( ) (
ŷ = 58.08 + 11.38 A - 57.5 - 4.34 B - 35 + 3.86 C - 220 - 2.24 F - Since )
17.5 +
the ( )
G - 15 values for run one are
64.33, 73.43 and 70.95, the residuals are e1 = y1- ŷ
) ( ) ( )
B - 35 + 3.86 C - 220 - 2.24 F - 17.5 + 2.73 G - 15
10 15 7.5 10 ( ) = 64.33 - 69.47 = -5.14, e2 = y2 - ŷ = 73.43 - 69.47 =
3.96 and e3 = y3 - ŷ = 70.95 - 69.47 = 1.48. The val-
ues of y1, y2, y3, ŷ, e1, e2 and e3 for each run are
where: presented in Table 6.
ŷ = Predicted force. Figures 3 and 4 (p. 76) present the plot of
A = Injection speed. residuals vs. the predicted values and normal
B = Mold temperature. probability plot of the residuals, respectively.
C = Melt temperature. Both check the validity of the model.
F = Cooling time. The residual plot in Figure 3 looks for indepen-
G = Ejection speed. dence of the residuals and for inequality of vari-
ance in the data. An increasing or decreasing
pattern may indicate the residuals are not inde-
pendent. This plot reveals neither an obvious pat-
TABLE 6 Residuals tern nor inequality of variance.
The normal probability plot
Run A B C F G y1 y2 y3 ŷ e1 =y1- ŷ e2 =y2- ŷ e3 =y3- ŷ of the residuals in Figure 4 tests
1 75 45 235 25 25 64.33 73.43 70.95 69.47 -5.14 3.96 1.48 normality. Because no points
fall any great distance from the
2 40 45 235 25 5 42.77 41.15 39.49 41.24 1.53 -0.09 -1.75
line, the error terms appear to
3 75 25 235 10 5 71.62 78.44 73.96 77.17 -5.55 1.27 -3.21
be normally distributed.
4 40 25 235 10 25 65.51 62.48 59.05 59.86 5.65 2.62 -0.81 Figures 3 and 4 and the calcu-
5 75 45 205 10 5 63.02 64.12 62.67 60.78 2.24 3.34 1.89 lated value for the coefficient of
6 40 45 205 10 25 44.12 46.46 32.33 43.47 0.65 2.99 -11.14 determination (R2 = 0.935) sup-
7 75 25 205 25 25 68.59 70.89 71.53 70.44 -1.85 0.45 1.09 port our conclusion that the fit-
ted model is a good prediction
8 40 25 205 25 5 41.04 44.02 41.89 42.21 -1.17 1.81 -0.32



Product Performance REFERENCES

Understanding which factors were critical to the 1. S.L. Mok, C. K. Kwong and W.S. Lau, “Review of
cap opening indicated what had to be controlled to Research in the Determination of Process Parameters for
improve product performance. Improvement in Plastic Injection Molding,” Advances in Polymer Technology,
vol. 18, no. 3, pp. 225-236.
performance means easy and safe opening.
2. S.R. Schmidt and R. G. Launsby, Understanding
Using an empirical model of the critical injection
Industrial Designed Experiments, Air Academy Press, 1994.
molding parameters and the opening force allowed 3. Karim Amellal, Costas Tzoganakis, Alexander Penlidis,
us to estimate the studied product property and et al, “Injection Molding of Medical Plastics: a Review,”
made it easier to achieve the ideal opening condi- Advances in Polymer Technology, vol. 13, no. 4, p. 315-322.
tion. DOE, thus, seems to be a quick, efficient and 4. D.C. Montgomery, Introduction to Statistical Quality
cost saving way to investigate the injection mold- Control, Wiley, 1996.
ing process. 5. G.E.P. Box, W.G. Hunter and J.S. Hunter, Statistics for
Experiments, Wiley, 1978.
6. D.C. Montgomery, Design and Analysis of Experiments,
Wiley, 1997.
7. Schmidt, Understanding Industrial Designed Experiments,
TABLE 5 Absolute Value of Each Half Effect see reference 2.
8. Ibid.
A B C D E F G 9. Norman Draper and Harry Smith, Applied Regression
Analysis, third edition, Wiley, 1998.
|Effect / 2| 11.38 4.34 3.86 1.30 1.20 2.24 2.73
10. Box, Statistics for Experiments, see reference 5.


FIGURE 3 Plot of Residuals a project engineer at Laboratorios B. Braun S.A., São
Vs. Predicted Values
12 Gonçalo, Brazil. He earned a master’s degree in production
10 engineering from Universidade Federal Fluminense in Rio
6 de Janeiro.
0 SÉRGIO SODRÉ DA SILVA is a professor of statistics and

-4 quality control at the Universidade Federal Fluminense. He
-6 earned a doctorate in operations research from Florida
-10 Institute of Technology, Melbourne. Da Silva is a member
30 40 50 60 70 80 90 of ASQ and an ASQ certified quality engineer..

KAMEL REKAB is a professor of mathematical sciences and

software engineering at Florida Institute of Technology. He
FIGURE 4 Normal Probability earned a doctorate in statistics from the University of
Plot of Residuals
2 Please
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-8 post your remarks on the Quality Progress
-12 Discussion Board at www.asqnet.org, or e-mail
-2.5 -2.0 -1.5 -1.0 -0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 them to editor@asq.org.

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