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Module 17, Propeller. Option C. is fitted to an engine on the left side Question Number. 8.

The purpose of
of the aircraft. propeller twist is.
Correct Answer is. rotates clockwise when Option A. coarsen the blade angle at the root.
17.1. Fundamentals. viewed from the front. Option B. to maintain Blade Angle along the
Explanation. Left hand propeller rotates anti- blade.
Question Number. 1. High speed propellers clockwise when viewed from the Option C. to maintain Angle of Attack at the
are designed to. rear. same value along the blade.
Option A. rotate at high RPM. ml Correct Answer is. to maintain Angle of Attack at
Option B. operate at high forward speeds. the same value along the blade.
Option C. operate at supersonic tip speeds. Explanation. Jepperson Aircraft Propellers and
Correct Answer is. operate at high forward Question Number. 5. Forces acting on a Controls Page 13 Refers.
speeds. propeller are.
Explanation. NIL. Option A. centrifugal, twisting, and bending.
Option B. torque, thrust and centrifugal. Question Number. 9. The forces acting on a
Option C. torsion, tension and thrust. propeller blade are.
Question Number. 2. When in the windmill Correct Answer is. centrifugal, twisting, and Option A. bending, twisting and centrifugal.
position ATM. bending. Option B. thrust, aerodynamic and tension.
Option A. opposes CTM. Explanation. Jepperson Powerplant Page 12-5 to Option C. thrust and torque.
Option B. is not related to CTM. 12-7 refers. Correct Answer is. bending, twisting and
Option C. assists CTM. centrifugal.
Correct Answer is. assists CTM. Explanation. Refer Jepperson Powerplant Page 12-
Explanation. ATM normally increases blade angle Question Number. 6. The blade angle at the 5 to 7.
but in the windmill condition reverses and assists root is.
CTM. Option A. less than the tip.
Option B. same from tip to root. Question Number. 10. Blade angle at the root
Option C. greater than the tip. is.
Question Number. 3. The optimum angle for Correct Answer is. greater than the tip. Option A. low.
a fixed pitch propeller is. Explanation. Jepperson Aircraft Propellers and Option B. high.
Option A. 15 degrees. Controls Page 13 Refers. Option C. master blade angle.
Option B. 2 - 4 degrees. Correct Answer is. high.
Option C. 6 - 10 degrees. Explanation. Jepperson Aircraft Propellers and
Correct Answer is. 2 - 4 degrees. Question Number. 7. What force on a Control Pages 55-58 Refer.
Explanation. Jepperson A&P Powerplant Page 12-4 propeller blade turns the blades to a fine
Refers. pitch?.
Option A. ATM. Question Number. 11. Blade angle is taken
Option B. Torque. from the chord and.
Question Number. 4. A left handed propeller Option C. CTM. Option A. propeller shaft.
is one that. Correct Answer is. CTM. Option B. relative airflow.
Option A. rotates clockwise when viewed from Explanation. Jepperson Aircraft Propellers and Option C. plane of rotation.
the rear. Controls Page 15 refers. Correct Answer is. plane of rotation.
Option B. rotates clockwise when viewed from Explanation. Jepperson Aircraft Propellers and
the front. Control Page132 refer.
Explanation. CTM always rotates towards the Option C. the ratio of the useful work done by
plane of rotation. the propeller to work done by the engine on the
Question Number. 12. What forces act on a propeller.
propeller blade?. Correct Answer is. the ratio of the useful work
Option A. Thrust and torque. Question Number. 16. If the blade angle is done by the propeller to work done by the engine
Option B. Bending, thrust, torque. increased. on the propeller.
Option C. Bending, CTM and ATM. Option A. the pitch becomes finer. Explanation. Kermode Mechanics of Flight Page
Correct Answer is. Bending, CTM and ATM. Option B. the pitch becomes coarser. 134 Refers.
Explanation. Refer Jepperson Aircraft Propellers Option C. lateral stability decreases.
and Controls Page 14-15 Note Thrust and Torque Correct Answer is. the pitch becomes coarser.
are both. Explanation. Pitch is an alternative name for blade Question Number. 20. Geometric Pitch is the
angle. distance moved.
Option A. in one revolution.
Question Number. 13. CTM will. Option B. in one revolution when slip is
Option A. try to bend the blade away from the Question Number. 17. As a propeller blade maximum.
engine. moves through the air, forces are produced, which Option C. in one revolution without slip.
Option B. turn the blade about the lateral axis. are known as. Correct Answer is. in one revolution without
Option C. cause the tips to rotate at supersonic Option A. lift and torque. slip.
speeds. Option B. lift and drag. Explanation. Jepperson Aircraft Propellers and
Correct Answer is. turn the blade about the Option C. thrust and torque. Controls page 15. CTM increases as a function of
lateral axis. Correct Answer is. thrust and torque. Centrifugal.
Explanation. Jepperson Aircraft Propellers and Explanation. Jepperson A & P Powerplant Page 12-
Controls page Page 15 refers. 6.
Question Number. 21. As propeller rotation
speed increases the centrifugal turning moment on
Question Number. 14. From reverse pitch, to Question Number. 18. A rotating propeller the blades will.
return to normal pitch it. imparts rearwards motion to a. Option A. increase.
Option A. passes through coarse then fine. Option A. small mass of air at high velocity. Option B. decrease.
Option B. passes through coarse. Option B. large mass of air at low velocity. Option C. remain constant through r.p.m.
Option C. passes through fine. Option C. small mass of air at low velocity. range.
Correct Answer is. passes through fine. Correct Answer is. large mass of air at low Correct Answer is. increase.
Explanation. NIL. velocity. Explanation. Jepperson Aircraft Propellers and
Explanation. Kermode Mechanics of Flight Fig 4.4 Controls page 15 refers.
Question Number. 15. When in reverse pitch,
CTM will tend to move the propeller blades Question Number. 22. Propeller torque is the
towards. Question Number. 19. Propeller efficiency resistance offered by the propeller to.
Option A. a positive pitch. is. Option A. feathering.
Option B. a position depending on rpm. Option A. the ratio of output speed to input Option B. changing pitch.
Option C. a negative pitch. propeller speed. Option C. rotation.
Correct Answer is. a positive pitch. Option B. the ratio of the work applied to the Correct Answer is. rotation.
geometric pitch to useful work on the C.S.U.
Explanation. Jepperson A&P Powerplant Page 12-4 Correct Answer is. decreases from root to tip. Option B. maximum propeller drag.
refers. Explanation. Jepperson Aircraft Propellers and Option C. Centrifugal Twisting Moment.
Controls Fig 11-33 refers. Correct Answer is. maximum propeller drag.
Explanation. NIL.
Question Number. 23. The angle between the
resultant airflow direction and the propeller blade Question Number. 28. Coarse pitch is used
plane of rotation is known as. for. Question Number. 32. Torque acts.
Option A. angle of attack. Option A. take off and climb. Option A. in the same direction as the plane of
Option B. blade angle. Option B. maximum economical cruise in level rotation.
Option C. helix angle or angle of advance. flight. Option B. at right angles to the plane of
Correct Answer is. helix angle or angle of Option C. landing and power checks. rotation.
advance. Correct Answer is. maximum economical cruise in Option C. in opposition to the direction of
Explanation. The helix angle is the angle between level flight. rotation.
the plane of rotation and the relative airflow. Explanation. Jepperson Aircraft Propellers and Correct Answer is. in opposition to the direction
Controls page 30 refers. of rotation.
Explanation. Jepperson Aircraft Propellers and
Question Number. 24. At constant rpm, Controls Page 15 refers.
advance per revolution depends on. Question Number. 29. Effective pitch
Option A. SHP. is.
Option B. forward Option A. distance moved in one revolution. Question Number. 33. The purpose of blade
speed. Correct Answer Option B. geometric pitch plus slip. twist is to.
is. forward Option C. pitch measured at the master station. Option A. reduce angle of attack at the blade
speed. Explanation. Jepperson A&P Correct Answer is. distance moved in one root.
Powerplant Fig 12-12 refers. revolution. Option B. to ensure that tip speed does not go
Question Number. 25 . Aerodynamic Explanation. Effective pitch is geometric pitch faster than Mach 1.
Twisting Moment. Option A. turns the minus slip. Option C. to even out thrust distribution across
blade to windmill. Option B. turns the the propeller.
blades to high pitch. Correct Answer Correct Answer is. to even out thrust distribution
is. turns the blades to high Question Number. 30. A windmilling across the propeller.
pitch. Explanation. Jepperson A&P Powerplant Propeller has. Explanation. Jepperson Aircraft Propellers and
Page 12/6 refers. Option A. a small positive blade angle. Controls Page 14 refers.
Question Number. 26 . Under normal Option B. a small positive angle of attack.
operation the point of maximum stress on a Option C. a small negative angle of attack.
propeller blade is at the. Option Correct Answer is. a small negative angle of Question Number. 34. Thrust is
A. root. Correct attack. greatest.
Answer is. root. Explanation. Jepperson Explanation. Windmilling occurs with a small Option A. at 70 to 80% of propeller length.
A&P Powerplant Fig 12-8 refers negative AoA and a small positive blade angle. Option B. in the first 50%.
Question Number. 27 . Propeller blade Option C. the same all along the length.
angle. Option A. is constant along the Correct Answer is. at 70 to 80% of propeller
blade length. Option B. decreases from Question Number. 31. Windmilling length.
root to tip. causes. Explanation. Beyond this point the blade chord is
Option C. increases from root to tip. Option A. propeller underspeeding. reduced to lessen tip thrust.
Correct Answer is. rotates clockwise when Option B. the plane in which the propeller
viewed from the rear. rotates.
Question Number. 35. CTM changes the pitch Explanation. Left or right is determined by sitting Option C. the angle at which the blade strikes
of a blade. in the cockpit and viewing the rotation. the airflow.
Option A. about its twisting axis. Correct Answer is. the plane in which the
Option B. bending forward. propeller rotates.
Option C. towards the feather plane. Question Number. 39. Given that blade angle Explanation. NIL.
Correct Answer is. about its twisting axis. is measured from the centre of the hub, the blade
Explanation. CTM reduces pitch towards the plane angle at the hub is considered to be.
of rotation, about the twisting axis. Option A. lowest. Question Number. 43. Thrust bending force
Option B. Master Station value. on a propeller blade.
Option C. highest. Option A. intensifies the centrifugal forces to
Question Number. 36. The velocity of the Correct Answer is. highest. some degrees.
slipstream behind the aircraft in relation to the Explanation. Refer to Jeppesen Aircraft Propellers Option B. can be used in propeller design to
ambient air is. and controls page 13. reduce some operation stress.
Option A. less. Option C. tends to bend the propeller blade
Option B. greater. forward at the tip.
Option C. equal. Question Number. 40. A windmilling Correct Answer is. tends to bend the propeller
Correct Answer is. greater. propeller will create. blade forward at the tip.
Explanation. If there was not a difference then no Option A. more drag in feather. Explanation. NIL.
thrust would be produced. T = mass ( Vout-Vin). Option B. more drag in fine pitch.
Option C. more drag in coarse pitch.
Correct Answer is. more drag in fine pitch. Question Number. 44. What conditions are
Question Number. 37. High speed aerofoils Explanation. A windmilling propeller is always in applied to a propeller blade windmilling?.
are employed at. fine pitch. Option A. Positive angle of attack, thrust
Option A. the master station. negative.
Option B. the tips. Option B. Negative angle of attack, thrust
Option C. the root. Question Number. 41. The chord line of a positive.
Correct Answer is. the tips. propeller is. Option C. Negative angle of attack, thrust
Explanation. On helicopters they are called BERP Option A. a line joining the leading and trailing negative.
tips. edges. Correct Answer is. Negative angle of attack,
Option B. a line joining the tip to the root of the thrust negative.
blade. Explanation. NIL.
Question Number. 38. A right hand Option C. a line joining the tips of the blades.
propeller. Correct Answer is. a line joining the leading and
Option A. rotates clockwise when viewed from trailing edges. Question Number. 45. The primary purpose
the rear. Explanation. NIL. of propeller is to.
Option B. is always fitted to the starboard Option A. change engine horsepower to thrust.
engine. Option B. provide static and dynamic stability to
Option C. rotates clockwise when viewed from Question Number. 42. The plane of rotation aircraft.
the front. is defined as. Option C. create lift on the fixed aerofoils of an
Option A. the plane in which thrust force acts. aircraft.
Correct Answer is. change engine horsepower to Correct Answer is. birch. Option C. to increase flow of cooling air into the
thrust. Explanation. NIL. engine nacelle.
Explanation. NIL. Correct Answer is. to increase flow of cooling air
into the engine nacelle.
Question Number. 3. Electronic torque Explanation. Refer Jepperson Powerplant Page 12-
Question Number. 46. The primary purpose measuring systems utilise. 3.
of a feathering propeller is to. Option A. strain gauges in the reduction gear.
Option A. prevent further engine damage when Option B. stress gauges in the reduction gear.
an engine fails in flight. Option C. pressure transducers in the reduction Question Number. 7. Low torque sensing is
Option B. prevent propeller damage when an gear. used to.
engine fails in flight. Correct Answer is. strain gauges in the reduction Option A. increase power.
Option C. eliminate the drag created by a gear. Option B. increase pitch.
windmilling propeller when an engine fails in Explanation. NIL. Option C. initiate auto-feather.
flight. Correct Answer is. initiate auto-feather.
Correct Answer is. eliminate the drag created by Explanation. Refer Jepperson Aircraft Propellers
a windmilling propeller when an engine fails in Question Number. 4. A conventional and Controls Page 135.
flight. turboprop torque meter uses.
Explanation. NIL. Option A. hydraulic oil as the pressure medium.
Option B. coiled spring levers as the pressure Question Number. 8. Torque sensing is used
medium. to.
Option C. engine oil as the pressure medium. Option A. reduce drag.
Correct Answer is. engine oil as the pressure Option B. reduce drag following engine
medium. shutdown.
17.2. Propeller Construction. Explanation. Pallett Aircraft Instruments and Option C. synchronise blade angle.
integrated Systems page 357. Correct Answer is. reduce drag following engine
Question Number. 1. A fibreglass composite Explanation. Jepperson Aircraft Propellers and
blade. Question Number. 5. Metal at the tip and Controls page 135 Refers.
Option A. will never be struck by lighting. along the leading edge of a wooden propeller
Option B. does not require lightning strike is.
protection. Option A. for balancing. Question Number. 9. The minimum
Option C. requires lightning strike protection. Option B. for protection. percentage seating on a propeller rear cone should
Correct Answer is. requires lightning strike Option C. for Anti-icing. be.
protection. Correct Answer is. for protection. Option A. 90%.
Explanation. NIL. Explanation. Jepperson Aircraft Propellers and Option B. 70%.
Control page 18 refers. Option C. 95%.
Correct Answer is. 70%.
Question Number. 2. The timber most often Explanation. Jepperson Aircraft Propellers and
used today for propeller construction is. Question Number. 6. Blade cuffs are fitted Controls Page 31 shows 70% Old CAIPs shows 80%.
Option A. birch. to the root of the blades.
Option B. spruce. Option A. to increase the strength of the blade.
Option C. balsa. Option B. to increase thrust.
Question Number. 10. The propeller is Explanation. Jepperson Aircraft Propellers and Option A. locate the master spline.
'feathered' when the blades are at. Controls Page 55 refers. Option B. ensure the master spline and blade
Option A. 0° to plane of rotation. alignment are in accordance with the MM.
Option B. 20° to plane of rotation. Option C. ensure fully seated.
Option C. 90° to plane of rotation. Question Number. 14. The gear segments on Correct Answer is. locate the master spline.
Correct Answer is. 90° to plane of rotation. the blade roots of a hydromatic propeller mesh with Explanation. Jepperson Aircraft Propellers and
Explanation. Jepperson Aircraft Propellers and the. Controls Page 29 refers.
Controls page 75 refers. Option A. stationary cam.
Option B. torque tubes and eye bolts.
Option C. moving cam. Question Number. 18. What is the purpose of
Question Number. 11. The thrust of a Correct Answer is. moving cam. small holes at the tip of wooden
propeller is normally taken by the. Explanation. Jepperson A&P Powerplant Page 12- propellers?.
Option A. torque meter. 16 refers. Option A. Drainage.
Option B. propeller rear cone. Option B. Balancing.
Option C. front bearing in the reduction gear. Option C. Pivot points used during
Correct Answer is. front bearing in the reduction Question Number. 15. A propeller is manufacture.
gear. centralised on the propeller shaft by. Correct Answer is. Drainage.
Explanation. Jepperson A&P Powerplant Page 1- Option A. the front and rear cones. Explanation. Jepperson Aircraft Propellers and
30/1-31 refers. Option B. the front git seal. Controls Page 143 refers.
Option C. the rear pre-load shims.
Correct Answer is. the front and rear cones.
Question Number. 12. On which type of Explanation. Front and rear cones - Jepperson Question Number. 19. The thrust face of a
turbo-propeller would you expect to find a parking Aircraft Propellers and Controls. propeller blade is the.
brake?. Option A. root to which the gear segment is
Option A. Compounded twin spool. fitted.
Option B. Direct coupled twin spool. Question Number. 16. Reduction gearing Option B. blade face or flat side.
Option C. Free turbine. allows the. Option C. blade back or curved side.
Correct Answer is. Free turbine. Option A. blade tips to operate below the speed Correct Answer is. blade face or flat side.
Explanation. The parking brake stops the propeller of sound. Explanation. Jepperson A&P Powerplant Fig 12-16
rotating when the engine is stopped. Option B. blade tips to operate above the speed Refers.
of sound.
Option C. blade tips to rotate slower than the
Question Number. 13. What does the root of the propeller blade. Question Number. 20. Solidity of a propeller
torquemeter reading indicate in a gas turbine Correct Answer is. blade tips to operate below can be increased by.
engine?. the speed of sound. Option A. increasing blade chord.
Option A. Torque reaction at the reduction Explanation. Propellers always operate slower Option B. increasing blade angle.
gear. than the engine to ensure the blade tips do not go Option C. increasing blade thickness.
Option B. The ratio between engine thrust and sonic. Correct Answer is. increasing blade chord.
engine torque. Explanation. AC Kermode Mechanics of Flight Page
Option C. Engine torque. 138 refers.
Correct Answer is. Torque reaction at the Question Number. 17. When fitting a
reduction gear. propeller to a tapered shaft.
Question Number. 21. A turbo-prop Option C. LP Compressor driven by a free
engine. turbine. Question Number. 28. The oil used in the
Option A. uses an epicyclic reduction gear Correct Answer is. turbo prop twin spool torquemeter system is.
system. compressor. Option A. DTD 5 8 5.
Option B. uses a spur gear reduction system. Explanation. Rolls Royce Jet Engine Page 5 refers. Option B. engine oil pressure boosted by a
Option C. does not require a reduction gear pump driven off the reduction gear.
system due to the propshaft being driven from the Option C. PCU oil pressure.
low speed compressor. Question Number. 25. With the engine Correct Answer is. engine oil pressure boosted by
Correct Answer is. uses an epicyclic reduction stationary the indication that the propeller is in a pump driven off the reduction gear.
gear system. ground fine pitch is. Explanation. Rolls Royce The Jet Engine Fig 12-4
Explanation. All large engines use Epicyclic Option A. blade and spinner markings aligned. Refers.
reduction gearing. Option B. below stop warning light on.
Option C. flight fine pitch stop lever
withdrawn. Question Number. 29. Which type of
Question Number. 22. Total power of a Correct Answer is. blade and spinner markings turboprop engine is practically free from surge and
turbo-prop engine is measured in. aligned. requires low power for starting?.
Option A. Equivalent Shaft Horsepower Explanation. Unattributed notes. Option A. Compound twin spool.
(ESHP). Option B. Directly coupled.
Option B. Shaft Horsepower (SHP). Option C. One using a centrifugal compressor.
Option C. Brake Horsepower (BHP). Question Number. 26. When the power lever Correct Answer is. Compound twin spool.
Correct Answer is. Equivalent Shaft Horsepower on a turbo prop engine is moved from ground idle Explanation. Rolls Royce The Jet Engine page 5
(ESHP). to flight fine the fuel flow increases and the blade refers.
Explanation. ESHP is SHP plus residual thrust. angle.
Option A. increases.
Option B. decreases. Question Number. 30. Blade stations are
Question Number. 23. The disadvantage of Option C. remains the same. measured from the.
using reverse pitch on a turbo-propeller engine Correct Answer is. increases. Option A. centre of the hub.
is. Explanation. Ground idle is a lower pitch than Option B. tip.
Option A. exhaust gas ingestion , high gas flight idle. Option C. shank.
temperature and debris ingestion. Correct Answer is. centre of the hub.
Option B. debris ingestion. Explanation. Jepperson Aircraft Propellers and
Option C. high gas temperature. Question Number. 27. How is the blade Controls Page 13 refers.
Correct Answer is. debris ingestion. station measured?.
Explanation. Jepperson A&P Powerplant page 12- Option A. In inches from the centre of the hub.
33 refers. Option B. In inches from the tip. Question Number. 31. Auto feathering is
Option C. As a percentage of blade length from disarmed.
the tip. Option A. during landing.
Question Number. 24. A compound twin Correct Answer is. In inches from the centre of Option B. during take off.
spool engine is. the hub. Option C. in the cruise.
Option A. turbo prop propeller driven by a Explanation. Jepperson Aircraft Propellers and Correct Answer is. in the cruise.
power turbine. Controls Page 10 refers. Explanation. Jepperson Aircraft Propellers and
Option B. turbo prop twin spool compressor. Controls Page 136 refers.
Option B. IAS. Explanation. Jeppesen Aircraft Propellers and
Option C. TAS. controls page 108 refers.
Question Number. 32. With a multi-engined Correct Answer is. TAS.
aircraft the torque pressure would be. Explanation. Relative airflow is a function of
Option A. There is only one gauge for all rotational speed and TAS. Question Number. 39. The CSU oil pump is
engines. provided to.
Option B. same on all engines. Option A. boost engine oil pressure to decrease
Option C. similar on all engines. Question Number. 36. A ducted propeller is pitch.
Correct Answer is. same on all engines. used because. Option B. boost engine oil pressure to alter
Explanation. All engines are synchronised to the Option A. ducted props give more thrust for the pitch.
same RPM and are travelling at the same forward diameter of disc. Option C. boost engine oil pressure to increase
speed. Option B. only ducted propellers can be pitch.
vectored. Correct Answer is. boost engine oil pressure to
Option C. ducted props give less thrust for the decrease pitch.
Question Number. 33. If torque pressure fell diameter of disc. Explanation. A CSU is used on a single acting
to zero during the cruise what would indicate that Correct Answer is. ducted props give more thrust propeller system. Spring pressure + counterweights
the gauge had failed?. for the diameter of disc. move it to coarse pitch.
Option A. Engine would auto feather. Explanation. The duct provides for less tip losses.
Option B. Engine would overspeed.
Option C. Engine would continue to run. Question Number. 40. Counterweights are
Correct Answer is. Engine would continue to Question Number. 37. A two position prop used to.
run. uses. Option A. counter the ATM of the blades.
Explanation. Auto feather would engage if torque Option A. high pitch for take off and low pitch Option B. counteract the CTM of the blades.
had actually failed, but if it is just the gauge, then for cruise. Option C. balance the blades.
the engine would be unaffected. Option B. low pitch for take off and climb and Correct Answer is. counteract the CTM of the
high pitch for cruise. blades.
Option C. high pitch for take off, low pitch for Explanation. The counterweights are seen on
Question Number. 34. The purpose of using climb and descent and high pitch for cruise. single acting propeller systems.
reverse pitch propellers is to. Correct Answer is. low pitch for take off and
Option A. provide aerodynamic breaking. climb and high pitch for cruise.
Option B. allow aircraft to taxi backwards. Explanation. Jepperson aircraft propellers and Question Number. 41. The pressure face of a
Option C. reverse the direction of rotation of controls Page 49 Refers. propeller is.
the propeller. Option A. the flat face.
Correct Answer is. provide aerodynamic Option B. the leading edge.
breaking. Question Number. 38. A propeller operating Option C. the camber face.
Explanation. Jepperson aircraft propellers and in the Beta range is operating between. Correct Answer is. the flat face.
controls Page 97 Refers. Option A. Flight Idle and Ground Idle. Explanation. The pressure face is the thrust face or
Option B. coarse and flight fine pitch. blade face. They all mean the same.
Option C. maximum reverse pitch and Flight idle
Question Number. 35. The RPM of a pitch.
windmilling propeller is primarily related to. Correct Answer is. maximum reverse pitch and Question Number. 42. In blade station
Option A. EAS. Flight idle pitch. numbering the stations nearest the hub are.
Option A. datum. Correct Answer is. the fine pitch position to act as Explanation. Turbo props are used only below 450
Option B. highest. a brake. kts as the prop becomes inefficient above this.
Option C. lowest. Explanation. You must go through fine to get to
Correct Answer is. lowest. reverse- the braking position.
Explanation. Blade stations are measured in Question Number. 49. A propeller has the
inches-from the hub. requirement of a.
Question Number. 46. The term spinner is Option A. manufacturers data plate.
applied to. Option B. type certificate or equivalent
Question Number. 43. A propeller mounted Option A. a propeller tip vortex. certificate.
forward of the engine is known as. Option B. a streamline covering over the Option C. batch number.
Option A. hydromatic propeller. propeller hub. Correct Answer is. type certificate or equivalent
Option B. a tractor propeller. Option C. an acrobatic manoeuvre. certificate.
Option C. a pusher propeller. Correct Answer is. a streamline covering over the Explanation. JAR 25.905 refers.
Correct Answer is. a tractor propeller. propeller hub.
Explanation. A tractor propeller pulls the aircraft Explanation. The spinner covers the front of the
through the air. hub. Question Number. 50. Variable pitch
propellers are used because they are.
Option A. reduce vibration and noise.
Question Number. 44. Contra-rotating Question Number. 47. Turbo-prop engines Option B. have peak efficiency over a greater
propellers are. require a slightly higher viscosity oil than a turbo-jet speed range.
Option A. two propellers on the same shaft on engine due to. Option C. more economical.
one engine-each revolving in a different Option A. lower engine rpm. Correct Answer is. have peak efficiency over a
direction. Option B. higher engine rpm. greater speed range.
Option B. propellers geared to rotate in the Option C. reduction gear and propeller pitch Explanation. range from 150-350 kts.
opposite direction to the engine. chang mechanism.
Option C. propellers on a twin engined aircraft Correct Answer is. reduction gear and propeller
revolving in opposite directions. pitch chang mechanism. Question Number. 51. The condition lever
Correct Answer is. two propellers on the same Explanation. The mechanical gear system exerts normally has the following settings.
shaft on one engine-each revolving in a different higher forces on the lubricant. Option A. normal, beta-range and reverse
direction. range.
Explanation. Enables extra power to be absorbed. Option B. cut-off, idle and high idle.
Question Number. 48. The propulsive Option C. rich, lean and cut-off.
efficiency of a propeller-turbine engine is higher Correct Answer is. cut-off, idle and high idle.
Question Number. 45. An aerodynamic than that of a jet-turbine engine at aircraft Explanation. Jeppersen A&P Powerplant page 12-
braking propeller goes through. speeds. 36 refers. the condition lever controls the propeller
Option A. the feathered pitch position to act as Option A. above approximately 450 mph. governor.
a brake. Option B. within the range 450 mph and 700
Option B. the coarse pitch position to act as a mph.
brake. Option C. below approximately 450 mph. Question Number. 52. What is the ground
Option C. the fine pitch position to act as a Correct Answer is. below approximately 450 clearance for a Tricycle Geared Aircraft?.
brake. mph. Option A. 7 inches.
Option B. 9 inches.
Option C. 1 inch. Option A. counteract ATM.
Correct Answer is. 7 inches. Option B. assist blade to move to fine pitch. Question Number. 60. Which best describes a
Explanation. Jeppersen Aircraft Propellers and Option C. counteract CTM. Variable Pitch propeller?.
Controls Page 9 refers. Correct Answer is. counteract CTM. Option A. The blade angles can be changed in
Explanation. Jeppersen Aircraft Propellers and flight.
Controls Page 71 refers. Option B. Its blade angles are set with an
Question Number. 53. In a variable pitch automatic system with which the pilot has no
propeller system, a decrease in propeller RPM will input.
alter the angle of attack on the blade Question Number. 57. The limits for blade Option C. Its blade angles can only be set on the
to. angle are controlled by pitch stops on ground.
Option A. increase angle of attack. the. Correct Answer is. The blade angles can be
Option B. decrease angle of attack. Option A. propeller shaft. changed in flight.
Option C. increase negative torque. Option B. blade root. Explanation. propellers which can only be adjusted
Correct Answer is. decrease angle of attack. Option C. cylinder. on the ground are known as 'ground adjustable' not
Explanation. The blade fines off to maintain RPM. Correct Answer is. cylinder. 'variable pitch'.
Explanation. eppersen Aircraft Propellers and
Controls Page 81-83 refers.
Question Number. 54. To achieve reverse Question Number. 61. The holding coil of a
pitch the blade angle must be. hydromatic propeller feathering button switch holds
Option A. more than 17°. Question Number. 58. The range of angles of a relay closed that applies power to the
Option B. less than 0°. a VP propeller is usually limited by. propeller.
Option C. more than 90°. Option A. the fine pitch position. Option A. dome feathering mechanism.
Correct Answer is. less than 0°. Option B. the feathering angle. Option B. feathering pump motor.
Explanation. Jeppersen Aircraft Propellers and Option C. coarse and fine pitch stops. Option C. governor.
Controls Page 97 refers. Correct Answer is. coarse and fine pitch stops. Correct Answer is. feathering pump motor.
Explanation. A Variable Pitch (VP) propeller will Explanation. The feathering pump is required as
have at least 2 stops- coarse and fine; although the existing pressure from the engine will be
Question Number. 55. Centrifugal latches are sophisticated types also have ground fine and decaying. The pump is held energised until the prop
fitted to lock the propeller. reverse pitch stops. feather switches sense that the propeller has
Option A. in the feathered position. reached the feather position.
Option B. when stationary.
Option C. in the fine pitch position. Question Number. 59. The purpose of fine
Correct Answer is. when stationary. pitch stop is to. Question Number. 62. The primary purpose
Explanation. Used on lightweight single acting Option A. maintain constant speed in flight. of the front and rear cones for propellers that are
propeller systems; latches are used on shutdown to Option B. prevent the propeller moving below installed on splined shafts is to.
stop spring pressure pushing the blades to the flight fine pitch in flight. Option A. prevent metal-to-metal contact
feather position thus making the load on the engine Option C. maintain maximum RPM at takeoff. between the propeller and the splined shaft.
excessive for the next start. Correct Answer is. prevent the propeller moving Option B. reduce stresses between the splines
below flight fine pitch in flight. of the propeller and the splines of the shaft.
Explanation. CAIP's Leaflet PL/1-1 para 5.2.2 Option C. position the propeller hub on the
Question Number. 56. Counterweights are refers. splined shaft.
fitted to blade root to.
Correct Answer is. position the propeller hub on Correct Answer is. lock out the fine pitch oil line Question Number. 6. On an underspeed
the splined shaft. in the event of overspeeding. condition the blades are turned to.
Explanation. AC65-12A. Explanation. Refer Jepperson Aircraft Propellers Option A. fine.
and Controls page 136. Option B. feather.
Option C. coarse.
Question Number. 63. The constant-speed Correct Answer is. fine.
control unit is also called a. Question Number. 3. When in the beta Explanation. Jepperson Aircraft Propellers and
Option A. propeller pitch control. range, the propeller pitch is controlled. Controls Page 55-58 refers.
Option B. accumulator. Option A. directly from the power lever.
Option C. governor. Option B. indirectly from the power lever.
Correct Answer is. governor. Option C. directly from the pitch change Question Number. 7. In a hydromatic
Explanation. NIL. mechanism to the PCU. propeller with counterweights, what is used to
Correct Answer is. directly from the power make the propeller move to fine pitch?.
lever. Option A. A T M.
Explanation. Refer Jepperson Aircraft Propellers Option B. engine oil.
and Controls Page 102. Option C. centrifugal force acting on the
Correct Answer is. engine oil.
Question Number. 4. The advantage of the Explanation. Refer Jepperson Aircraft Propellers
17.3. Propeller Pitch beta range is it allows. and Controls Pages 55- 58.
Control. Option A. high power settings with higher than
normal pitch settings when in flight.
Option B. low fine pitch settings with high Question Number. 8. Relaxing tension on
Question Number. 1. When the compressive power. the governor spring will result in the blade
force on a speeder spring is reduced, the propeller Option C. low power settings with higher than coarsening and.
blades will. normal pitch setting for ground manoeuvres. Option A. RPM decreasing, manifold pressure
Option A. remain fixed. Correct Answer is. low power settings with higher increasing.
Option B. fine off. than normal pitch setting for ground manoeuvres. Option B. RPM increasing, manifold pressure
Option C. coarsen. Explanation. Refer Jepperson Aircraft Propellers increasing.
Correct Answer is. coarsen. and Controls Page 102. Option C. manifold pressure constant, RPM
Explanation. Aircraft Propellers and Controls. decreasing.
Correct Answer is. RPM decreasing, manifold
Question Number. 5. If the speeder spring pressure increasing.
Question Number. 2. A hydraulic pitch lock pressure of a CSU is increased the blade will. Explanation. Refer Jepperson Aircraft Propellers
is utilised in a hydromatic propeller to. Option A. coarsen off. and Controls Page 59.
Option A. lock out the course pitch oil line in the Option B. fine off.
event of underspeeding. Option C. will not move.
Option B. lock out the fine pitch oil line in the Correct Answer is. fine off. Question Number. 9. The ground fine pitch
event of overspeeding. Explanation. Jepperson Aircraft Propellers and stop is.
Option C. prevent the propeller overspeeding in Control pages 55-58. Option A. never removed.
the event of oil supply failure. Option B. removed on the ground.
Option C. removed during flight.
Correct Answer is. removed on the ground. Option A. Landing and takeoff. Correct Answer is. from fine pitch through plane
Explanation. Refer Jepperson Aircraft Propellers Option B. In cruise. of rotation, fine reverse then course reverse.
and Controls Page 32 Low pitch stop is an Option C. Engine starting to reduce propeller Explanation. Fine reverse must come before
alternative name on some applications. torque loading on starter motor. coarse reverse.
Correct Answer is. Engine starting to reduce
propeller torque loading on starter motor.
Question Number. 10. If governor flywheel Explanation. Caips Leaflet PL/1-1 refers to ground Question Number. 17. If pressure is increased
overcomes the speeder spring, it indicates. fine pitch; believed to be an alternative to Superfine on the speeder spring, rpm increases. What
Option A. underspeed. Pitch. happens to the blade angle?.
Option B. overspeed. Option A. Remains unchanged.
Option C. onspeed. Option B. Increases.
Correct Answer is. overspeed. Question Number. 14. When the flyweights Option C. Decreases.
Explanation. Jepperson Powerplant Page 12-4 fly outwards in a PCU, this is known as. Correct Answer is. Decreases.
refers. Option A. onspeed. Explanation. Jepperson Aircraft Propellers and
Option B. overspeed. Controls pages 55-58 Refers.
Option C. low power settings with higher than
Question Number. 11. Pitch control using normal pitch setting for ground manoeuvres.
torque measuring is for. Correct Answer is. overspeed. Question Number. 18. In a prop with
Option A. reducing drag in engine failure. Explanation. Refer Jepperson Aircraft Propellers counterweights, what is used to make it move to
Option B. increasing drag. and Controls Page 55-58. fine pitch?.
Option C. reducing drag in binding. Option A. ATM.
Correct Answer is. reducing drag in engine Option B. Centrifugal force acting on the
failure. Question Number. 15. In an on speed counterweight.
Explanation. Jepperson Aircraft Propellers and condition, oil in the tube. Option C. Governor oil pressure.
Control Pages 135 Refer. Option A. remains constant. Correct Answer is. Governor oil pressure.
Option B. flows in the tubes. Explanation. Jepperson Aircraft Propellers and
Option C. flows out of the tubes Controls page 81 refers.
Question Number. 12. If force is applied to Correct Answer is. remains constant.
the speeder spring, what will happen?. Explanation. Refer Jepperson Aircraft Propellers
Option A. Blade angle is frozen in last known and Controls Page 55-58. Question Number. 19. If a propeller is in fine
position. pitch and then moves to feather it will pass
Option B. Blade angle coarsen. throug.
Option C. Blade angle finer. Question Number. 16. On a reversing Option A. flight fine only.
Correct Answer is. Blade angle finer. propeller moving to the maximum reversing angle, Option B. reverse.
Explanation. Fly-weights will move inwards, the propeller goes. Option C. coarse.
tricking the CSU to believing there is a reduction Option A. from fine pitch through plane of Correct Answer is. coarse.
in speed, thus decreasing the blade pitch to speed rotation, course reverse then fine reverse. Explanation. Jepperson Aircraft Propellers and
the propeller back up. Option B. from course pitch through plane of Controls Fig 11.1 refers.
rotation course, fine reverse then course
Question Number. 13. When is superfine Option C. from fine pitch through plane of Question Number. 20. A 'double' acting
pitch used?. rotation, fine reverse then course reverse. propeller has.
Option A. nitrogen or air on one side of piston. Option B. boosts engine oil system pressure.
Option B. oil pressure on one side of piston. Question Number. 24. The hydromatic Option C. assist the governor valve to move.
Option C. oil pressure on two sides of piston. variable pitch propeller is operated on the principle Correct Answer is. boosts engine oil system
Correct Answer is. oil pressure on two sides of of. pressure.
piston. Option A. a venturi or 'u' tube with mercury. Explanation. Jepperson Aircraft Propellers and
Explanation. Jepperson Aircraft Propellers and Option B. an electrical motor moving a gear Controls Fig 11-33 refers.
Controls Fig 11-32 refers. segment.
Option C. oil pressure moving a piston.
Correct Answer is. oil pressure moving a piston. Question Number. 28. When an engine
Question Number. 21. During normal Explanation. Jepperson Aircraft Propellers and fails.
propeller operation, oil pressure for the governor is Controls Page 85 refer. Option A. the propeller is feathered using an
provided by. electrical feathering pump.
Option A. a pump in the governor. Option B. the propeller is feathered using the
Option B. a variable volume pump. Question Number. 25. The constant speed propeller governor pump.
Option C. the engine driven pump. unit (C.S.U.) governor works on the principle Option C. the propeller is feathered using
Correct Answer is. a pump in the governor. of. counterweights.
Explanation. Jepperson Aircraft Propellers and Option A. manual selection through a gearbox. Correct Answer is. the propeller is feathered
Controls refer. All governors have a built in pump. Option B. centrifugal twisting moments. using an electrical feathering pump.
Option C. spring pressure acting against Explanation. Jepperson A&P Powerplant Page 12-
centrifugal force. 30 refers.
Question Number. 22. Oil for an on-speed Correct Answer is. spring pressure acting against
condition passes through. centrifugal force.
Option A. the coarse pitch line. Explanation. Jepperson A&P Powerplant Page 12- Question Number. 29. The purpose of an
Option B. the fine pitch line. 7/8 refers. accumulator in a single acting propeller system is
Option C. neither of the lines. to.
Correct Answer is. neither of the lines. Option A. to port oil to the coarse pitch oil line
Explanation. Jepperson Aircraft Propellers and Question Number. 26. The purpose of the to assist in feathering the propelle.
Controls Pages 55-58 refer. pitch change cams is to. Option B. accelerate the unfeathering process.
Option A. convert rotary motion to linear Option C. provide back up to the governor
motion. pump.
Question Number. 23. If the spur gear pump Option B. prevent windmilling. Correct Answer is. accelerate the unfeathering
in a single acting propeller governor failed, Option C. convert linear motion to rotary process.
the. motion. Explanation. Jepperson A&P Powerplant Page 12-
Option A. blades would turn to a coarse pitch. Correct Answer is. convert linear motion to 26 refers.
Option B. blades would rotate to a fine pitch. rotary motion.
Option C. blades would move to the feather Explanation. Jepperson Aircraft Gas Turbine
position. Powerplants Fig 12-14 refers. Question Number. 30. When auto feathering
Correct Answer is. blades would turn to a coarse has taken place the feathering pump is switched off
pitch. by.
Explanation. Jepperson Aircraft Propellers and Question Number. 27. The gear type pump in Option A. pressure control drop switch.
Controls Page 62 refer. a C.S.U. or P.C.U. Option B. carrying out the manual feather drill.
Option A. lubricates the entire propeller system.
Option C. removing the pump circuit breaker or event of failure of the pitch lock mechanism. For a
fuse. description of this system see Jeppesen Aircraft
Correct Answer is. carrying out the manual Question Number. 34. What is the purpose of Propellers and Controls page 136.
feather drill. the auto coarsening system?.
Explanation. The pump is switched off by pressing Option A. To prevent overspeeding in the event
the alternate action pump switch-part of the of the flight fine pitch stop failing. Question Number. 37. The minimum
manual feather drill. Option B. To reduce drag during power loss. propeller pitch is established by the.
Option C. To save the pilot making minor Option A. superfine pitch stop.
changes when changing altitude. Option B. pitch Lock.
Question Number. 31. On a free turbine Correct Answer is. To prevent overspeeding in Option C. flight fine pitch stop.
engine it is possible to vary the propeller RPM whilst the event of the flight fine pitch stop failing. Correct Answer is. superfine pitch stop.
the engine RPM remains constant. Explanation. CAIP's Leaflet PL/1-1 refer - note this Explanation. CAIP's PL leaflets refer. Oil pressure
Option A. by operating the Power lever. is not an auto feather system. turns the prop to fine. If the oil pressure is released
Option B. it is not possible to vary the propeller by the CSU the spring and counterweights drive the
RPM. prop to feather.
Option C. by operating the PCU control Lever. Question Number. 35. In a single acting
Correct Answer is. by operating the PCU control propeller, blade angle is increased by.
Lever. Option A. counterweights and a feathering Question Number. 38. Oil for the feathering
Explanation. The PCU lever changes the pressure spring. system is taken from.
on the governor spring thus changing the pitch of Option B. CTM. Option A. a separate feathering oil tank.
the blades. Option C. oil pressure. Option B. a feathering reserve in the engine oil
Correct Answer is. counterweights and a tank.
feathering spring. Option C. the engine lubrication system.
Question Number. 32. A propeller control Explanation. CAIP's PL leaflets refer. Oil pressure Correct Answer is. a feathering reserve in the
Unit hydraulic system is supplied with oil from turns the prop to fine. If the oil pressure is released engine oil tank.
the. by the CSU the spring and counterweights drive the Explanation. Jepperson Aircraft Propellers and
Option A. engine lubrication oil tank. prop to feather. Controls Page 10 refers.
Option B. aircraft hydraulic System.
Option C. PCU oil tank.
Correct Answer is. engine lubrication oil tank. Question Number. 36. The function of a Question Number. 39. What are the
Explanation. Jepperson Aircraft Propellers and propeller pitch lock is to prevent the propeller centrifugal latches in a single acting propeller used
Controls Page 59 refers. from. for?.
Option A. coarsening. Option A. Prevent CTM.
Option B. reducing below flight fine pitch. Option B. Prevent feathering of the prop on
Question Number. 33. Low torque sensing is Option C. fining off in the event of pitch lock shutdown.
used to initiate. mechanism failure. Option C. Prevent Propeller moving to
Option A. relighting. Correct Answer is. fining off in the event of pitch superfine.
Option B. fine pitch selection. lock mechanism failure. Correct Answer is. Prevent feathering of the prop
Option C. auto feathering. Explanation. CAIP's PL leaflets refer to a pitch lock on shutdown.
Correct Answer is. auto feathering. that holds the fine pitch stop in position, but also Explanation. Jepperson Aircraft Propellers and
Explanation. Jepperson Aircraft Propellers and adds that some manufacturers have a pitch lock Controls Fig 11-4 refers.
Controls Page 135 refers. device that locks the prop in its last position in the
Correct Answer is. increase the blade angle to
Question Number. 40. In a two position provide constant RPM.
propeller. Question Number. 44. If governor weight Explanation. This causes blade to coarsen off to
Option A. ATM turns the prop to fine. spring pressure is reduced. stop overspeeding and as a result the speed
Option B. oil pushes the prop to fine. Option A. governor weights will pivot inwards remains the same.
Option C. oil pushes the prop to coarse. raising the governor valve allowing the blades to
Correct Answer is. oil pushes the prop to fine. move to a coarser pitch.
Explanation. Jepperson aircraft propellers and Option B. governor weights will spring outwards Question Number. 47. When governor spring
controls Page 96 Refers. raising the governor valve allowing the blades to load is less than governor weights, the CSU is
move to a finer pitch. in.
Option C. governor weights will spring outwards Option A. overspeed.
Question Number. 41. An overspeed raising the governor valve allowing the blades to Option B. underspeed.
condition causes governor spring pressure to move to a coarser pitch. Option C. underspeed.
be. Correct Answer is. governor weights will spring Correct Answer is. overspeed.
Option A. the same as centrifugal force. outwards raising the governor valve allowing the Explanation. Jeppersen Aircraft Propellers and
Option B. more than centrifugal force. blades to move to a coarser pitch. Controls Page 57 refers.
Option C. less than centrifugal force. Explanation. When 'on speed' spring pressure
Correct Answer is. less than centrifugal force. equals the governor centrifugal force.
Explanation. The bob weights lift the governor Question Number. 48. An aircraft's propeller
valve in this condition, thus they have more force system beta range.
than the spring. Question Number. 45. A constant speed Option A. is used to achieve maximum thrust
variable pitch propeller is running whilst stationary during take-off.
on the ground. If it is facing into a headwind it Option B. refers to the most fuel efficient pitch
Question Number. 42. When the engine is will. range to use at a given engine RPM.
running, the CSU is sensing. Option A. speed up. Option C. is used to produce zero or negative
Option A. propeller tip speed. Option B. remain constant. thrust.
Option B. propeller blade angle. Option C. slow down. Correct Answer is. is used to produce zero or
Option C. engine RPM. Correct Answer is. remain constant. negative thrust.
Correct Answer is. engine RPM. Explanation. A headwind acts the same as Explanation. Beta range is used on the ground.
Explanation. Engine RPM is sensed via the increased forward speed. The prop will coarsen off
governor bob weights. and the speed will remain the same.
Question Number. 49. How is a propeller
controlled in a large aircraft?.
Question Number. 43. An accumulator may Question Number. 46. If the TAS of an aircraft Option A. By engine power lever.
be fitted to. increases, the CSU will. Option B. By varying teh engine RPM except for
Option A. feather the propeller. Option A. increase the blade angle to provide feathering and reversing.
Option B. unfeather the propeller. constant RPM. Option C. Independently of the engine.
Option C. provide emergency control. Option B. decrease the blade angle to provide Correct Answer is. By engine power lever.
Correct Answer is. unfeather the propeller. constant RPM. Explanation. AC65-12A.
Explanation. The accumulator is needed to drive Option C. change the blade angle to provide
the prop out of feather and hence get it rotating. constant RPM.
Normally seen on a single acting propeller system.
Question Number. 50. Manually feathering a Option B. spring pressure. Option A. pulse probes and a single
hydromechanical propeller means to. Option C. oil pressure. synchrophase unit.
Option A. block governor oil pressure to the Correct Answer is. oil pressure. Option B. tachometers and correction motors.
cylinder of the propeller. Explanation. AC65-12A. Option C. coordinating the rpm of each engine.
Option B. port governor oil pressure to the Correct Answer is. pulse probes and a single
cylinder of the propeller. synchrophase unit.
Option C. block governor oil pressure from the Question Number. 54. What are the Explanation. Refer Jepperson Aircraft Propellers
cylinder of the propeller. rotational speed and blade pitch angle and Controls Page 134.
Correct Answer is. block governor oil pressure requirements of a constant-speed propeller during
from the cylinder of the propeller. take-off?.
Explanation. AC65-12A. Option A. High speed and low pitch angle. Question Number. 2. Synchronising can only
Option B. High speed and high pitch angle. be achieved if the slave propeller is.
Option C. Low speed and high pitch angle. Option A. the same speed as the master.
Question Number. 51. How is the oil pressure Correct Answer is. High speed and low pitch Option B. within 20 rpm of the master.
delivery on a hydromatic propeller normally angle. Option C. within 100 rpm of the master.
stopped after the blades have reached their full- Explanation. AC65-12A. Correct Answer is. within 100 rpm of the master.
feathered position?. Explanation. Jepperson Aircraft Propellers and
Option A. Stop lugs in the teeth of the rotating Control page 132 refers.
cam. Question Number. 55. A constant speed
Option B. Electric cut-out pressure switch. propeller provides maximum efficiency
Option C. Pulling out the feathering push- by. Question Number. 3. Synchronising is
button. Option A. increasing the lift coefficient of the carried out to.
Correct Answer is. Electric cut-out pressure blades. Option A. match propeller tip speed.
switch. Option B. adjusting blade angle for most Option B. match engine rpm.
Explanation. AC65-12A. conditions encountered during flight. Option C. match blade phase angle difference.
Option C. increasing blade pitch as the aircraft Correct Answer is. match propeller tip speed.
speed increases. Explanation. Jepperson Aircraft Propellers and
Question Number. 52. Counterweights on Correct Answer is. adjusting blade angle for most Control page 132 refers.
constant-speed propellers are generally used conditions encountered during flight.
to. Explanation. AC65-12A.
Option A. increase blade angle. Question Number. 4. The synchronisation
Option B. decrease blade angle. governor monitors.
Option C. unfeather the propeller. Option A. RPM.
Correct Answer is. increase blade angle. Option B. propeller tip speeds.
Explanation. AC65-12A. Option C. thrust tip speeds.
17.4 Propeller Synchronising. Correct Answer is. RPM.
Explanation. Jepperson Aircraft Propellers and
Question Number. 53. Constant speed non- Controls Page 37 refers.
feathering McCauley, Hartzell and other propellers
of similar design without counterweights increase Question Number. 1. Synchrophasing
pitch angle using. reduces vibration by the use of. Question Number. 5. Synchronisation is
Option A. centrifugal twisting moment. used to.
Option A. reduce vibration and noise. Option B. PCU governor. Option A. Synchrophasing is lost and the
Option B. reduce the pitch of the fastest running Option C. prop lever. engines continue to function normally.
blade. Correct Answer is. PCU governor. Option B. the slower engine immediately goes
Option C. preset the phase angle of propellers. Explanation. EHJ Pallett Aircraft Electrical Systems to feather.
Correct Answer is. reduce vibration and noise. Page 182 refers. Option C. both engines remain running until
Explanation. Refer Jepperson Aircraft Propellers there is a difference, of commonly, (4 to 5 percent),
and Controls Page131. at which the slower of the engines is then
Question Number. 9. Unlike the automatic feathered.
synchronizing system, the synchrophasing system of Correct Answer is. Synchrophasing is lost and the
Question Number. 6. Synchronisation is a two-propeller aircraft. engines continue to function normally.
used. Option A. sets the blade phase angle of two Explanation. Synchrophasing is used in
Option A. on the ground. constant speed propellers. conjunction with synchronising to reduce aircraft
Option B. in flight except landing and take off. Option B. causes the same rotation speed of the vibration.
Option C. in flight. two propellers.
Correct Answer is. in flight except landing and Option C. matches the blade angle of variable
take off. pitch propellers. Question Number. 12. Synchronisation
Explanation. Jepperson Aircraft Propellers and Correct Answer is. sets the blade phase angle of controls RPM within what range?.
Control Page136 refer to Auto Feather two constant speed propellers. Option A. 100 RPM.
systems. Explanation. Synchrophasing is the setting of blade Option B. 150 RPM.
phase angle difference to minimise Option C. 50 RPM.
vibration. Correct Answer is. 100 RPM.
Question Number. 7. The propeller Explanation. Jeppersen Aircraft Propellers and
synchronising system is put into operation Controls Page 132 refers.
by. Question Number. 10. In a propeller
Option A. adjusting the engine rpm at required synchrophasing system, an electric
cruise speed then switching on the actuator. Question Number. 13. When should
synchroniser. Option A. rotates (controls) the slave engine synchronisation be used?.
Option B. adjusting the engine rpm then governor. Option A. During cruise.
propeller rpm to required speed then switching on. Option B. equalizes the governor signals. Option B. During landing.
Option C. switching on the synchronizer then Option C. turns the flexible shaft leading to the Option C. Anytime.
adjust the engine rpm so that all engines adjust trimmer assembly. Correct Answer is. During cruise.
together. Correct Answer is. rotates (controls) the slave Explanation. Jeppersen Aircraft Propellers and
Correct Answer is. adjusting the engine rpm at engine governor. Controls Page 132 refers.
required cruise speed then switching on the Explanation. Jeppesen Propellers and controls Fig
synchroniser. 13-20 shows the actuator attached to the
Explanation. Jepperson aircraft propellers and governor. Question Number. 14. Propeller
controls Page 132 Refers. Synchronizing works utilizing.
Option A. RPM Levers.
Question Number. 11. If one signal is lost into Option B. propeller lever.
Question Number. 8. Propellers are the comparator unit when Synchrophasing is Option C. governor.
synchronised by the. operating. Correct Answer is. governor.
Option A. power lever.
Explanation. The governor is sometimes known as Question Number. 2. Propeller anti-icing
a comparator unit. Question Number. 18. What is the function of may be achieved by.
automatic propeller synchronizing system on Option A. using iso-propyl alcohol de-icing fluid
multiengined aircraft?. sprayed on the blade.
Question Number. 15. In relation to a Option A. To control tip speed of all propellers. Option B. using commercial de-icing fluid
propeller aircraft, synchrophasing would be used Option B. To control the power output of all sprayed on the pro.
on. engines. Option C. a using hot air from the compressor.
Option A. all Aircraft. Option C. To control engine RPM and reduce Correct Answer is. using iso-propyl alcohol de-
Option B. all Multi engine aircraft. vibration. icing fluid sprayed on the blade.
Option C. turbo prop Aircraft. Correct Answer is. To control engine RPM and Explanation. Jepperson Aircraft Propellers and
Correct Answer is. all Multi engine aircraft. reduce vibration. Control page 124 refers.
Explanation. Synchrophasing can be used on any Explanation. 65-12A.
multi propeller driven aircraft.
Question Number. 3. De-icing of the
Question Number. 19. On most reciprocating propeller can be monitored by.
Question Number. 16. A propeller multiengined aircraft, automatic propeller Option A. viewing the deicing fluid level sight
synchrophasing system allows a pilot to reduce synchronization is accomplished through the glass.
noise and vibration by. actuation of the. Option B. viewing the blade and observing ice
Option A. setting the RPM of all propellers Option A. propeller governors. falling off the blade.
exactly the same. Option B. propeller control levers. Option C. an ammeter in the flight deck.
Option B. adjusting the plane of rotation of all Option C. throttle levers. Correct Answer is. an ammeter in the flight
propellers. Correct Answer is. propeller governors. deck.
Option C. adjusting the phase angle between Explanation. AC65-12A. Explanation. Jepperson Aircraft Propellers and
the propellers. Control page 129 refers.
Correct Answer is. adjusting the phase angle
between the propellers.
Explanation. NIL. 17.5 Propeller Ice Protection. Question Number. 4. Insulation testing of
electrical de-icing systems should be periodically
carried out because of.
Question Number. 17. A propeller Option A. an open circuit in one of the blades.
synchronising system allows a pilot to reduce noise Question Number. 1. Electrically de-iced Option B. oxidation due to atmospheric
and vibration by. propeller slip rings have regular resistance checks conditions.
Option A. adjusting the phase angle between for. Option C. wear on the slip rings.
the propellers. Option A. oxidisation due to altitude. Correct Answer is. an open circuit in one of the
Option B. setting the RPM of all propellers Option B. open circuit heating elements. blades.
exactly the same. Option C. wear between brushes and slip ring. Explanation. CAIPs leaflet PL/1-4 refers.
Option C. adjusting the plane of rotation of all Correct Answer is. open circuit heating elements.
propellers. Explanation. A pair of slip rings conduct power to
Correct Answer is. setting the RPM of all the heating elements CAIP's leaflet PL/1-4 refers. Question Number. 5. Insulation checks on
propellers exactly the same. propeller electrical heating elements should be
Explanation. 65-12A. carried out frequently due to.
Option A. short/open circuits in the heating Correct Answer is. inboard and outboard boot Explanation. Jepperson Aircraft Propellers and
system wires along the propeller blade. sections heated in sequence by action of the Controls Page 126 refers.
Option B. oxidation of slip ring and brush gear timer.
assembly. Explanation. Jepperson Aircraft Propellers and
Option C. deposits formed due to the wear of Controls Page 126 refers. Question Number. 12. On an electrical
slip ring and brush gear assembly. deicing system fast cycle is used.
Correct Answer is. short/open circuits in the Option A. at low air temperature.
heating system wires along the propeller blade. Question Number. 9. Propeller blades are Option B. at high air temperature.
Explanation. CAIP's Leaflet PL/1-4 Para 3.3-2 de-iced by. Option C. on the ground.
Refers. Option A. electrical heating elements bound in Correct Answer is. at high air temperature.
rubber overshoes on the blade leading edges. Explanation. Rolls Royce page 151 refers. Slow
Option B. generating eddy currents in the cycle meaning the elements are on for longer.
Question Number. 6. Where is the de-icing blade.
boot?. Option C. electrical heating elements wound
Option A. Root. around rubber shoes. Question Number. 13. The output of an anti-
Option B. Trailing edge. Correct Answer is. electrical heating elements icing pump is controlled by.
Option C. Tip. bound in rubber overshoes on the blade leading Option A. a rheostat.
Correct Answer is. Root. edges. Option B. the hand pump.
Explanation. Refer Jepperson Aircraft Propellers Explanation. Jepperson Aircraft Propellers and Option C. a cyclic timer.
and Controls Pages 126-127. Controls Page 126 refers. Correct Answer is. a rheostat.
Explanation. Jepperson aircraft propellers and
controls Page 124 Refers.
Question Number. 7. How is anti icing fluid Question Number. 10. Electrical power
fed to the individual blades?. supplies on large aircraft, for electrical deicing
Option A. Pump to a slinger ring. are. Question Number. 14. De-icing fluid goes to a
Option B. Pump to each blade rubber feed Option A. AC. slinger ring from.
boot. Option B. DC. Option A. an electrical pump.
Option C. Under gravity to the slinger ring then Option C. Both AC or DC. Option B. a hand pump.
on to the blade. Correct Answer is. DC. Option C. a tank in the prop hub, providing
Correct Answer is. Pump to a slinger ring. Explanation. CAIPs PL leaflets Refer. constant feed once released.
Explanation. Jepperson Aircraft Propellers and Correct Answer is. an electrical pump.
Controls Page 124 refers. Explanation. The pump is controlled by a rheostat
Question Number. 11. Propeller slip to quicken or slow the flow.
Question Number. 8. Ice is removed from Option A. convey oil for PCU to pitch change
blades by. mechanism. Question Number. 15. To increase anti icing
Option A. a continuously heated electrical boot. Option B. minimise slip. effectiveness.
Option B. rubber boots inflated in sequence Option C. conduct electrical power for de- Option A. increase cycle times.
using compressor hot air. icing. Option B. increase the AC or DC current.
Option C. inboard and outboard boot sections Correct Answer is. conduct electrical power for Option C. use liquid as well as electrical anti
heated in sequence by action of the timer. de-icing. icing systems.
Correct Answer is. increase the AC or DC Correct Answer is. feeling the sequence of boot Question Number. 1. Thrust and camber
current. heating and have an assistant observe the faces of a propeller should be blended out
Explanation. Anticing refers to fluid deicing in loadmeter indications. to.
Jeppersen Propeller and Controls page 123 Explanation. 65-12A. Option A. 5 times the depth of damage.
therefore it is the rheostat that is adjusted to vary Option B. 10 times to the depth of damage.
current. Option C. 30 times to the depth of damage.
Question Number. 19. What unit in the Correct Answer is. 30 times to the depth of
propeller anti-icing system controls the output of damage.
Question Number. 16. Propeller de-icing for the pump?. Explanation. Answer found in unattributed notes.
varying rates of icing can be varied by. Option A. Pressure relief valve.
Option A. increasing propeller RPM. Option B. Rheostat.
Option B. increasing cyclic timing. Option C. Cycling timer. Question Number. 2. An aerodynamic
Option C. increasing the AC or DC voltage. Correct Answer is. Rheostat. correction factor that is preceded by the letter Q
Correct Answer is. increasing cyclic timing. Explanation. 65-12A. indicates.
Explanation. Usually a slow and fast cycle are Option A. thrust balance.
provided. Option B. dynamic balance.
Question Number. 20. Ice formation on the Option C. torque balance.
propellers, when the aircraft is in flight, will. Correct Answer is. torque balance.
Question Number. 17. Propeller De-icing can Option A. decrease available engine power. Explanation. NIL.
be checked by. Option B. increase aircraft stall speed and
Option A. checking the torque meter for increase noise.
abnormal readings. Option C. decrease thrust and cause excessive Question Number. 3. Leading edges should
Option B. checking the the de-icing ammeter. vibration. be blended out to.
Option C. visually checking for ice on the Correct Answer is. decrease thrust and cause Option A. 5 times the depth of damage.
blades. excessive vibration. Option B. 10 times the depth of damage.
Correct Answer is. checking the torque meter for Explanation. 65-12A. Option C. 30 times the depth of damage.
abnormal readings. Correct Answer is. 10 times the depth of
Explanation. Disturbed airflow due to ice will damage.
reduce the eficiency of the propeller. Question Number. 21. Propeller fluid anti- Explanation. Answer found in unattributed notes.
icing systems generally use which of the
Question Number. 18. Proper operation of Option A. Ethyl alcohol. Question Number. 4. If the tip of an
electric deicing boots on individual propeller blades Option B. Ethylene glycol. electrical overshoe is torn.
may be best determined by. Option C. Isopropyl alcohol. Option A. it may be cut back.
Option A. feeling the sequence of boot heating Correct Answer is. Isopropyl alcohol. Option B. it may be classified as acceptable
and have an assistant observe the loadmeter Explanation. 65-12A. damage.
indications. Option C. it must not be cut back.
Option B. feeling the boots to see if they are Correct Answer is. it must not be cut back.
heating. 17.6 Propeller Maintenance. Explanation. NIL.
Option C. observing the ammeter or loadmeter
for current flow.
Question Number. 5. The shank of the Question Number. 9. Composite propellers Correct Answer is. is taken between the prop and
propeller is permitted to have. may have minor repairs carried out by. the fuselage.
Option A. no repairs. Option A. any approved 3rd party maintenance Explanation. Refer JAR 25.925. Sometimes known
Option B. minor repairs. organization. as tip clearance.
Option C. no decals fitted. Option B. the operator.
Correct Answer is. no repairs. Option C. any approved composite repair
Explanation. Refer Jepperson A&P Powerplant facility. Question Number. 13. What position should
Page 12-55. Correct Answer is. any approved composite the blades be when installing the pitch change
repair facility. mechanism onto a hydromatic
Explanation. Must be composite specialist propeller?.
Question Number. 6. When blending out a organization. Option A. Feather.
gouge on the face or camber side of a blade, the Option B. Zero pitch.
additional metal to be removed for stress relief Option C. Full reverse.
is. Question Number. 10. Details of propeller Correct Answer is. Feather.
Option A. 0.02 inch. overhaul may be found in. Explanation. NIL.
Option B. 0.002 inch. Option A. Airworthiness Notice 75.
Option C. 0.2 inch. Option B. the AMM.
Correct Answer is. 0.002 inch. Option C. Airworthiness Notice 55. Question Number. 14. The ground (sea)
Explanation. NIL. Correct Answer is. Airworthiness Notice 75. clearance of a sea plane propeller is.
Explanation. Refer CAA Airworthiness Notice Option A. 1 inch.
75. Option B. 9 inches.
Question Number. 7. Wooden propellers are Option C. 18 inches.
permitted. Correct Answer is. 18 inches.
Option A. repairs that do not affect weight and Question Number. 11. The ground clearance Explanation. Jepperson Aircraft Propellers and
balance. of a single engine tail wheel aircraft propeller is Controls Fig 2-5 refers.
Option B. no repairs. measured with the aircraft.
Option C. repairs using sawdust and aeroglue. Option A. tail wheel on the ground.
Correct Answer is. repairs using sawdust and Option B. tail wheel in the take off position. Question Number. 15. Cropping is permitted
aeroglue. Option C. in the rigging position. to a maximum of.
Explanation. Jepperson A&P Powerplant page 12- Correct Answer is. tail wheel in the take off Option A. 1 inch on all blades.
53 refers. position. Option B. ½ inch on all blades.
Explanation. Refer JAR 25.925. Option C. ½ inch on one blade only.
Correct Answer is. 1 inch on all blades.
Question Number. 8. The preservative used Explanation. If 1 blade is cropped all must be
to protect metal blades is. Question Number. 12. The structural cropped equally.
Option A. lanolin. clearance of a multi engine aircraft propeller.
Option B. brown storage wax. Option A. is taken between the engines with the
Option C. petroleum jelly. props aligned. Question Number. 16. Dynamic balance is
Correct Answer is. lanolin. Option B. is taken between the prop and the confirmed by use of.
Explanation. NIL. fuselage. Option A. knife edges and mandrel.
Option C. is taken from the ground. Option B. a tracking check.
Option C. a vibration analyser.
Correct Answer is. a vibration analyser. Correct Answer is. is indicated in the form of Correct Answer is. prop at course to prevent
Explanation. Refer Jepperson Powerplant Page 12- degrees and minutes of pitch. overstressing the engine.
60. Explanation. A C F adjusts individual blade pitch Explanation. Maximum Boost indicates maximum
angle to compensate for aerodynamic differences of power is applied to the prop.
blades in manufacture.
Question Number. 17. A metal propeller may
be statically balanced by. Question Number. 23. Damage to a leading
Option A. adding varnish to the lighter blade. Question Number. 20. A propeller with an edge can be blended in comparison to a blade
Option B. removing metal from the opposite adjustable blade can be adjusted. face.
blade. Option A. on the ground with the engine Option A. by maintaining a smooth depression.
Option C. adding or removing lead wool to the stationary. Option B. by not exceeding 25% of the chord.
hollow blade roots. Option B. in flight. Option C. at a steeper angle.
Correct Answer is. adding or removing lead wool Option C. on the ground with the engine Correct Answer is. at a steeper angle.
to the hollow blade roots. running. Explanation. 10:1 compared to 30:1.
Explanation. Refer Jepperson Powerplant Page 12- Correct Answer is. on the ground with the engine
12. stationary.
Explanation. Jepperson Aircraft Propellers and Question Number. 24. The longitudinal
Controls Page 37 refers. clearance between the nose wheel and the
Question Number. 18. Mechanical vibration propeller on a tricycle geared propeller is.
relating to propellers in a piston powered Option A. 9 inches.
aircraft. Question Number. 21. When on the ground Option B. 18 inches.
Option A. is due to the crankshaft at with the engine idling the prop control should Option C. 1/2 inch.
intermittent power settings. be. Correct Answer is. 1/2 inch.
Option B. is due to the lead lag of the propeller Option A. fully aft with the mixture at idle. Explanation. Refer JAR-25.925.
compared to the engine. Option B. fully aft with the mixture at rich.
Option C. is due to the power stroke of the Option C. fully forward with the mixture at
engine and may have a more detrimental effect idle. Question Number. 25. A tracking check
than aerodynamic vibration. Correct Answer is. fully aft with the mixture at compares.
Correct Answer is. is due to the power stroke of rich. Option A. 2 Adjacent blades.
the engine and may have a more detrimental effect Explanation. Jepperson Powerplant Page 2-16 Option B. 2 Opposite blades.
than aerodynamic vibration. refers- rich mixture cools the cylinders. Option C. any 2 blades.
Explanation. Jepperson Aircraft Propellers and Correct Answer is. any 2 blades.
Control page 16 refers. Explanation. Refer Jepperson Aircraft Propellers
Question Number. 22. Operation with the and Controls Page 32.
engine at maximum boost should be limited
Question Number. 19. Aerodynamic to.
Correction Factor (A C F). Option A. prop at fine to prevent overstressing Question Number. 26. A line of indentations
Option A. corrects for static balance. the engine. at one blade section can be.
Option B. is indicated in the form of degrees and Option B. prop at course to prevent Option A. blended within limits.
minutes of pitch. overstressing the engine. Option B. left for up to 12 months.
Option C. corrects for dynamic balance. Option C. prop at windmill to prevent Option C. declared unserviceable.
overstressing the engine. Correct Answer is. declared unserviceable.
Explanation. Jepperson Aircraft Propellers and Correct Answer is. conversion of rough or sharp
Control Page 126 Refer. Question Number. 30. Blade angle is edges into smooth depression.
measured using a. Explanation. Jepperson Aircraft Propellers and
Option A. clinometer. Controls Page 21.Blending is the smoothing of a
Question Number. 27. Propeller vibration due Option B. propeller protractor. defect.
to a problem with propeller installations would have Option C. bevel protractor.
a. Correct Answer is. propeller protractor.
Option A. the same frequency as turbine Explanation. Refer Jepperson Aircraft Propellers Question Number. 34. Removal of material
vibration. and Controls Fig 1-7. from the propeller blade tips, resulting in a
Option B. lower frequency than turbine reduction in propeller diameter is called.
vibration. Option A. tipping.
Option C. higher frequency than turbine Question Number. 31. In the Beta range, Option B. cropping.
vibration. angle of attack increases. The fuel flow increases, Option C. topping.
Correct Answer is. lower frequency than turbine and what else increases?. Correct Answer is. cropping.
vibration. Option A. Fuel temperature. Explanation. If you crop one blade (normally 1 inch
Explanation. Propeller RPM is always less than Gas Option B. EPR and fuel temperature. maximum) the opposite blade must also be
Turbine RPM therefore vibration frequency will Option C. RPM and EGT. cropped.
always be less. Correct Answer is. RPM and EGT.
Explanation. If fuel flow increases then RPM and
EGT of the Gas Generator must increase. Question Number. 35. Prior to using the
Question Number. 28. Preloading propeller universal propeller protractor.
blades before installation prevents. Option A. ensure the propeller blade is at the
Option A. blade distortion. Question Number. 32. With a propeller horizontal.
Option B. blade flutter. defect, the frequency of vibration will be. Option B. determine the reference blade
Option C. aerodynamic imbalance on the Option A. higher than a auxiliary gearbox station.
blades. defect. Option C. check date stamp for serviceability.
Correct Answer is. blade flutter. Option B. lower than a turbine defect. Correct Answer is. determine the reference blade
Explanation. Preloading refers to shimming the Option C. higher than a turbine defect. station.
blade gear boss when being mated with the bevel Correct Answer is. lower than a turbine defect. Explanation. Jepperson Aircraft Propellers and
gear cams in the hub. Explanation. Propeller vibration is always lower Controls Page 3 refers.
then turbine vibration.

Question Number. 29. When unfeathering a Question Number. 36. To fit a new front cone
propeller, the blade should be put into what Question Number. 33. Blending of propeller to a prop shaft firstly.
position to stop propeller overspeed?. blade defects refers to the. Option A. etch the propeller serial number to
Option A. Negative pitch. Option A. repainting of blade tips after the rear face.
Option B. Fine pitch. cropping. Option B. cut in half with a hacksaw and etch a
Option C. Coarse pitch. Option B. matching of paint finishes for unique serial number to both halves.
Correct Answer is. Coarse pitch. appearances. Option C. coat in Engineers blue to ensure
Explanation. A Prop moved to coarse pitch will Option C. conversion of rough or sharp edges seating in the propeller front boss.
rotate the engine without overspeeding. into smooth depression. Correct Answer is. cut in half with a hacksaw and
etch a unique serial number to both halves.
Explanation. Jepperson Aircraft Propellers and Question Number. 40. The power output of a Option C. 1/8 inch maximum difference
Controls Page 30 refers. turboprop engine is checked by. between all blades.
Option A. reference RPM. Correct Answer is. 1/8 inch maximum difference
Option B. reference Thrust. between all blades.
Question Number. 37. Blade tracking is Option C. reference Torque. Explanation. Jepperson Aircraft Propellers and
adjusted by. Correct Answer is. reference Torque. Controls Page 43 refers.
Option A. adding lead wool to the blade shank. Explanation. Rolls Royce Jet Engine Page 137.
Option B. re-seating the propeller on the front
and rear cones. Question Number. 44. After a lightning
Option C. by fitting shims to the propeller shaft Question Number. 41. Immediately after strike.
hub. blending out damage to to a blade the repair must Option A. the prop must be tracked.
Correct Answer is. by fitting shims to the be. Option B. the propeller shaft should be checked
propeller shaft hub. Option A. re-protected against corrosion. for concentricity.
Explanation. Jepperson Aircraft Propellers and Option B. crack checked. Option C. the heater elements should be
Controls Page 33 refers. Option C. balanced. checked for continuity and insulation.
Correct Answer is. crack checked. Correct Answer is. the heater elements should be
Explanation. Crack check before re-protection. checked for continuity and insulation.
Question Number. 38. Which of the following Explanation. Taken from unattributed notes- has
functions requires the use of a propeller blade anyone got a reference?.
station?. Question Number. 42. How is the efficiency
Option A. Indexing blades. of a turbo prop engine assessed?.
Option B. Propeller balancing. Option A. By correcting propeller RPM for Question Number. 45. After overspeeding to
Option C. Measuring blade angle. ambient Air temperature and barometric 110%.
Correct Answer is. Measuring blade angle. pressure. Option A. no action is required.
Explanation. NIL. Option B. By comparing compressor and Option B. return propeller for overhaul.
propeller RPM against a reference figure. Option C. remove propeller for inspection.
Option C. By comparing torque meter pressure Correct Answer is. no action is required.
Question Number. 39. To conduct a power against a reference figure. Explanation. Up to 115% no action is necessary.
check of an internal combustion engine Correct Answer is. By correcting propeller RPM
requires. for ambient Air temperature and barometric
Option A. coarse pitch setting and advance the pressure. Question Number. 46. Indentations to the
throttle to the target RPM. Explanation. Rolls Royce The Jet Engine Page 138 blade face are measured.
Option B. fine pitch setting and advance the Refers. Option A. individually.
engine to the target RPM setting. Option B. individually and collectively.
Option C. fine pitch setting and advance the Option C. collectively.
engine to the max RPM setting. Question Number. 43. The limits for a Correct Answer is. individually and collectively.
Correct Answer is. fine pitch setting and advance tracking check are. Explanation. Taken from unattributed notes- has
the engine to the target RPM setting. Option A. 1/4 inch maximum difference anyone got a reference?.
Explanation. Jepperson A&P Powerplant Page 2-16 between adjacent blades.
refers. Option B. 1/8 inch maximum difference
between opposite blades. Question Number. 47. When a propeller has
had a report of overspeeding.
Option A. procedure is dependant on the extent Option B. made on the ground with the engine Explanation. A correspondent reports that for a
of overspeeding. stationary. SAAB 340 the power lever is set at ground idle (940
Option B. the propeller must be removed and Option C. made on the ground with the engine RPM) and the condition lever at unfeather.
sent to the manufacturer. running.
Option C. the propeller must be removed and Correct Answer is. made on the ground with the
tracked. engine stationary. Question Number. 54. How is the
Correct Answer is. procedure is dependant on Explanation. Governor spring pressure may be concentricity of a propeller shaft
the extent of overspeeding. adjusted but only with the engine stationary!!. checked?.
Explanation. CAIPS Lflt PL/1-4 refers inspection Option A. Micrometer.
after overspeeding depends upon amount of Option B. Dial Test Indicator (DTI).
overspeed. Question Number. 51. When a propeller is Option C. Ring gauge.
removed, the securing parts are kept Correct Answer is. Dial Test Indicator (DTI).
with. Explanation. CAIPs show DTI's checking
Question Number. 48. The most significant Option A. all separately in cases. concentricity of crankshafts etc.
effect of stone chips on a propeller is. Option B. the propeller.
Option A. thrust output of the propeller. Option C. the engine.
Option B. structural integrity of the propeller. Correct Answer is. the engine. Question Number. 55. Propeller slip rings
Option C. aerodynamic capability of the Explanation. It is believed that the securing parts should be.
propeller. stay with the engine, but no reference can be found Option A. lubricated with silicon grease.
Correct Answer is. structural integrity of the to support this. Option B. lubricated with graphite grease.
propeller. Option C. cleaned and left dry.
Explanation. Cracks are initiated by stone chips Correct Answer is. cleaned and left dry.
etc. Question Number. 52. During engine warm Explanation. CAIPs PL/1-4 para 3.2.8 refers.
up the mixture should be at.
Option A. rich, blades at feather.
Question Number. 49. Ground running an Option B. lean, blades at superfine. Question Number. 56. A splined hub is found
aircraft with a fixed pitch prop with its tail into wind Option C. rich, blades at superfine. be loose with the.
causes the engine RPM to. Correct Answer is. rich, blades at superfine. Option A. excessive spline wear.
Option A. increase. Explanation. A&P Mechanics EA65 states that Option B. front cones bottomed against the
Option B. stay the same regardless of wind engines should not be warmed up with a lean front end of the splines.
direction. mixture and you would not do it with the prop in Option C. retaining nut torque loading too low.
Option C. decrease. feather, the engine load would be too great Correct Answer is. front cones bottomed against
Correct Answer is. decrease. therefore b must be correct. the front end of the splines.
Explanation. A head wind on a dead engine will Explanation. Cones used to centralise hubs on
cause the prop to windmill. Therefore a tail wind shafts. If they do not seat properly the hub cannot
must do the opposite. Question Number. 53. When unfeathering a be held firm. See Jeppesen propellers and controls
propeller use. fig 5-19.
Option A. minimum RPM/min throttle.
Question Number. 50. Adjustments to a Option B. any RPM min throttle.
variable pitch propeller are. Option C. maximum RPM/min throttle. Question Number. 57. When measuring RPM
Option A. made in the air using the Correct Answer is. minimum RPM/min throttle. on a supercharged engine with variable
synchronizer. pitch.
Option A. maximum boost pressure and actual Explanation. system is a hydromatic type propeller
air pressure is used. Question Number. 60. How is blending control. The feather/defeather switch is auto
Option B. engine boost pressure and actual air carried out on an aluminium propeller deselected by a pressure switch sensing the
pressure is used. blade?. pressure build up in the hub after the desired
Option C. zero boost pressure and actual air Option A. By using a course file and peening. position has been reached.
pressure is used. Option B. By using a needle file and finish with
Correct Answer is. zero boost pressure and actual emery cloth.
air pressure is used. Option C. By using a scraper. Question Number. 63. On a Hartzell prop
Explanation. CAIPs Leaflet EL/3-2 para 9.8.3 refers Correct Answer is. By using a needle file and with counterweights, full oil supply would
to testing on the fine pitch stops and at the same finish with emery cloth. indicate.
manifold pressure indicated before the engine was Explanation. Jeppersen Aircraft Propellers and Option A. on-speed condition.
started (IE zero boost), corrected for. Controls Page 21 refers. Option B. overspeed condition.
Option C. underspeed condition.
Correct Answer is. overspeed condition.
Question Number. 58. On propeller securing Question Number. 61. Where would you find Explanation. The counterweights are the clue
plates circlips should be. information on RPM and Power ratings?. here. This is a single acting propeller, therefore if
Option A. annealed and the springiness put back Option A. Painted onto the propeller. the tank is full the spring must be fully extended to
into the circlip before it can be used again. Option B. Engine Log book. counteract an overspeed condition.
Option B. used once only. Option C. Etched on the Propeller.
Option C. used again as long as the circlip Correct Answer is. Engine Log book.
springs back first time. Explanation. CAIPs leaflet EL/3-2 states that the Question Number. 64. If a 2 blade prop is
Correct Answer is. used once only. reference RPM is recorded in the engine log book placed on a knife edge and it ends up horizontal
Explanation. Lycoming have issued mandatory for power assurance checks. (blades at 3 and 9 o'clock positions), it is said to be
service bulletin 240S dated 3 Feb 2003 stating that in balance.
circlips, lockplates shims and retaining rings must be Option A. vertically.
replaced at overhaul or removal regardless of Question Number. 62. During a test on the Option B. horizontally.
condition. feathering and un-feathering systems, 1) after Option C. dynamically.
selecting Feather and pressing the feather button, it Correct Answer is. horizontally.
remained pressed for about 5 seconds then Explanation. Jeppersen Aircraft Propellers and
Question Number. 59. The cause of propeller automatically deselected. 2) When un-feather was Controls Page 20 refers.
out-of-track vibration is. selected and the button pressed, it remained in for
Option A. propeller blade angle too large. a short period and then autodeselected. These 2
Option B. static imbalance. situations would indicate. Question Number. 65. High Engine Oil
Option C. blade stiffness not exactly matched. Option A. both systems are working correctly. pressure may be caused by.
Correct Answer is. blade stiffness not exactly Option B. the Feathering Pump is Unserviceable Option A. blocked scavenge filter.
matched. since the button did not de-press immediately. Option B. restricted pump operation.
Explanation. Vibration caused by blades being out Option C. there is nothing wrong with the Option C. higher oil pressure.
of track means that the blades do not rotate in the Feathering motor but the Un-Feathering pump is Correct Answer is. blocked scavenge filter.
same plane of rotation. Variable blade stiffness unserv. Explanation. Restriction of flow in the circuit,
could cause the blades to flex and thus cause the Correct Answer is. both systems are working assuming the pump is a full flow (gear) type, will
blades not to track in the same plane. correctly. give this indication.
Question Number. 69. Which of the following Option C. should never be done.
Question Number. 66. Which of the following determines oil and grease specifications for Correct Answer is. may be necessary to achieve
defects is cause for rejection of wooden lubrication of propellers?. final balancing.
propellers?. Option A. Propeller manufacturers. Explanation. NIL.
Option A. An oversize hub or bolthole or Option B. Engine Manufacturers.
elongated bolt holes. Option C. Airframe manufacturers.
Option B. No protective coating on propeller. Correct Answer is. Propeller manufacturers. Question Number. 73. Apparent engine
Option C. Solder missing from screw heads Explanation. AC65-12A. roughness is often a result of propeller unbalance.
securing metal tipping. The effect of an unbalanced propeller will usually
Correct Answer is. An oversize hub or bolthole or be.
elongated bolt holes. Question Number. 70. What type of Option A. greater at high RPM.
Explanation. Solder or finish can be replaced imbalance will cause a two-bladed propeller to have Option B. greater at low RPM.
elongated holes cannot. a persistent tendency to come to rest in a horizontal Option C. approximately the same at all speeds.
position (with the blades parallel to the ground) Correct Answer is. greater at high RPM.
while being checked on a propeller balance Explanation. AC65-12A.
Question Number. 67. Inspection of a beam?.
propeller blade by dye penetrant inspection is Option A. Harmonic.
accomplished to detect. Option B. Vertical. Question Number. 74. Propeller aerodynamic
Option A. cracks. Option C. Horizontal. (thrust) imbalance can be largely eliminated
Option B. corrosion at the blade tip. Correct Answer is. Vertical. by.
Option C. torsional stress. Explanation. AC65-12A. Option A. correct blade contouring and angle
Correct Answer is. cracks. setting.
Explanation. Dye penetrant techniques are used to Option B. static balancing.
detect surface cracks. Question Number. 71. What is the purpose of Option C. keeping the propeller blades within
an arbor used in balancing a propeller?. the same plane of rotation.
Option A. To support the propeller on the Correct Answer is. correct blade contouring and
Question Number. 68. Which of the following balance knives. angle setting.
is used to correct horizontal imbalance of a wooden Option B. To mark the propeller blades where Explanation. AC65-12A.
propeller?. weights are to be be attached.
Option A. Shellac. Option C. To level the balance stand.
Option B. Brass screws. Correct Answer is. To support the propeller on Question Number. 75. Propellers exposed to
Option C. Solder. the balance knives. salt spray should be flushed with.
Correct Answer is. Solder. Explanation. AC65-12A. Option A. fresh water.
Explanation. CAIPs state that adding solder to the Option B. soapy water.
metal tiping of the blade is the correct method for Option C. stoddard solvent.
horizontal balance. Brass screws are added for Question Number. 72. The application of Correct Answer is. fresh water.
vertical imbalance on the lightwieght side of the more protective coating on one blade than another Explanation. AC65-12A.
hub. when refinishing a wood propeller.
Option A. has little or no effect on operating
characteristics. Question Number. 76. How can a steel
Option B. may be necessary to achieve final propeller hub be tested for cracks?.
balancing. Option A. By magnetic particle inspection.
Option B. By anodizing. Option B. remove one of the two grease nipples Option A. If a separate metal hub is used, final
Option C. By etching. for the blade, and grease the blade through the track should be accomplished prior to installing the
Correct Answer is. By magnetic particle remaining nipple. hub in the propeller.
inspection. Option C. pump grease into both grease nipples Option B. NAS close-tolerance bolts should be
Explanation. AC65-12A. for the blade simultaneously. used to install the propeller.
Correct Answer is. remove one of the two grease Option C. Inspect the bolts for tightness after
nipples for the blade, and grease the blade through the first flight and again after the first 25 hours of
Question Number. 77. Which of the following the remaining nipple. flying.
defects is cause of rejection of a wood Explanation. NIL. Correct Answer is. Inspect the bolts for tightness
propeller?. after the first flight and again after the first 25 hours
Option A. An oversize hub or bolt hole, or of flying.
elongated bolt holes. Question Number. 80. When running-up an Explanation. AC43.13-1B.
Option B. Solder missing from screw heads engine and testing a newly installed hydromatic
securing metal tipping. propeller, it is necessary to exercise the propeller by
Option C. No protective coating on propeller. moving the governor control through its entire Question Number. 83. If the propeller cone
Correct Answer is. An oversize hub or bolt hole, travel several times to. or hub cone seats show evidence of galling and
or elongated bolt holes. Option A. remove any entrapped air. wear, the most likely cause is.
Explanation. AC43.13-1B. Option B. test the maximum RPM setting of the Option A. the propeller retaining nut was not
governor. tight enough during previous operation.
Option C. seat the blades fully against the low Option B. the front cone was not fully bottomed
Question Number. 78. Longitudinal (fore and pitch stop. against the crankshaft splines during installation.
aft) clearance of constant speed propeller blades or Correct Answer is. remove any entrapped air. Option C. the pitch change stops were located
cuffs must be at least 1/2 inch (12.7 mm) between Explanation. NIL. incorrectly, causing the cone seats to act as the high
propeller parts and stationary parts of the aircraft. pitch stop.
This clearance is with the propeller Correct Answer is. the propeller retaining nut
blades. Question Number. 81. What is indicated was not tight enough during previous operation.
Option A. at the lowest pitch angle. when the front cone bottoms while installing a Explanation. AC65-12A.
Option B. at take-off pitch (maximum thrust) propeller?.
angle. Option A. Blade angles are incorrect.
Option C. feathered or in the most critical pitch Option B. Propeller-dome combination is Question Number. 84. On aircraft equiped
configuration. incorrect. with hydraulically operated constant speed
Correct Answer is. feathered or in the most Option C. Rear cone should be moved forward. propellers, all ignition and magneto checking is
critical pitch configuration. Correct Answer is. Rear cone should be moved done with the propeller in which
Explanation. JAR 23. forward. position?.
Explanation. AC65-12A. Option A. Low RPM.
Option B. High pitch range.
Question Number. 79. When lubricating a Option C. High RPM.
Hartzell propeller blade with grease, to prevent Question Number. 82. Which of the following Correct Answer is. High RPM.
damage to the blade seals, the service manual may statements concerning the installation of a new Explanation. AC65-12A.
recommend on some models to. fixed-pitch wood propeller is true?.
Option A. remove the seals prior to greasing and
reinstall them afterwards.
Question Number. 85. Oil leakage around the Correct Answer is. Full increase, low propeller
rear cone of a hydromatic propeller usually blade pitch angle. Question Number. 92. It is important that
indicates a defective. Explanation. AC65-12A. nicks in aluminium alloy propeller blades be
Option A. spider-shaft oil seal. repaired as soon as possible in order to.
Option B. piston gasket. Option A. maintain equal aerodynamic
Option C. dome-barrel oil seal. Question Number. 89. If a flanged propeller characteristics between blades.
Correct Answer is. spider-shaft oil seal. shaft has dowel pins. Option B. eliminate stress concentration points.
Explanation. NIL. Option A. the propeller can be installed in only Option C. equalize the centrifugal loads
one position. between the blades.
Option B. check carefully for front cone Correct Answer is. eliminate stress concentration
Question Number. 86. Maximum taper bottoming against the pins. points.
contact between crankshaft and propeller hub is Option C. install the propeller so that the blades Explanation. AC43.13-1B.
determined by using. are positioned for hand propping.
Option A. a micrometer. Correct Answer is. the propeller can be installed
Option B. a surface gauge. in only one position. Question Number. 93. Minor surface damage
Option C. bearing blue colour transfer. Explanation. AC65-12A. located in a repairable area, but not on the leading
Correct Answer is. bearing blue colour transfer. or trailing edges of aluminium blades, may be
Explanation. NIL. repaired by first.
Question Number. 90. Repairs of aluminium Option A. filing with a half round or flat file.
alloy adjustable pitch propellers are not permitted Option B. sanding and applying a proper filler.
Question Number. 87. Propeller blade to be made on the. Option C. filing with a riffle file.
tracking is the process of determining. Option A. face. Correct Answer is. filing with a riffle file.
Option A. the plane of rotation of the propeller Option B. shank. Explanation. NIL.
with respect to the aircraft longitudinal axis. Option C. back.
Option B. that the blade angles are within Correct Answer is. shank.
specified tolerance of each other. Explanation. AC43.13-1B. Question Number. 94. Minor surface damage
Option C. the positions of the tips of the located in a repairable area, but not on the leading
propeller blades relative to each other. or trailing edges of composite blades, may be
Correct Answer is. the positions of the tips of the Question Number. 91. Which of the following repaired by.
propeller blades relative to each other. methods is used to straighten a bent aluminium Option A. filing with a riffle file.
Explanation. AC65-12A. propeller blade that is within repairable Option B. sanding and applying a proper filler.
limits?. Option C. filing with a half round or flat file.
Option A. Either hot or cold straightening, Correct Answer is. sanding and applying a proper
Question Number. 88. In what position is the depending on the location and severity of filler.
constant-speed propeller control placed to check damage. Explanation. NIL.
the magnetos?. Option B. Cold straightening only.
Option A. Full decrease, low propeller blade Option C. Careful heating to accomplish
pitch angle. straightening, followed by heat treatment to store Question Number. 95. After removal of
Option B. Full increase, low propeller blade original strength. aluminium blade damage, the affected surface
pitch angle. Correct Answer is. Cold straightening only. should be polished with.
Option C. Full increase, high propeller blade Explanation. AC43.13-1B. Option A. fine steel wool.
pitch angle. Option B. very fine sandpaper.
Option C. powdered soapstone. Option C. Any repairs that would require Question Number. 3. When storing wooden
Correct Answer is. very fine sandpaper. shortening and re-contouring of blades. propellers.
Explanation. AC43.13-1B. Correct Answer is. A transverse crack of any Option A. store in a dry well ventilated and
size. illuminated location.
Explanation. AC43.13-1B. Option B. store in a horizontal position.
Question Number. 96. When preparing a Option C. wrap in greaseproof paper.
propeller blade for inspection it should be cleaned Correct Answer is. store in a horizontal position.
with. Question Number. 100. What is the acceptable Explanation. Jepperson A&P Powerplant Page 12-
Option A. mild soap and water. amount of cushion in a governor control 54 refers.
Option B. steel wool. lever?.
Option C. methyl ethyl ketone. Option A. 1/8 inch.
Correct Answer is. mild soap and water. Option B. 3/8 inch. Question Number. 4. A wooden propeller
Explanation. AC65-12A. Option C. 1/4 inch. should be stored.
Correct Answer is. 1/8 inch. Option A. a dry and well ventilated area.
Explanation. NIL. Option B. in a room with high humidity to stop it
Question Number. 97. What method would drying and cracking.
you use to inspect an aluminium propeller blade Option C. a warm but light storeroom.
when a crack is suspected?. Correct Answer is. a dry and well ventilated
Option A. Dye penetrant inspection. 17.7 Propeller Storage and Preservation. area.
Option B. Magnetic particle inspection. Explanation. A&P Technician Powerplant textbook
Option C. A bright light and magnifying glass. 12-54.
Correct Answer is. Dye penetrant inspection.
Explanation. AC43.13-1B. Question Number. 1. Rubber components
should be stored in. Question Number. 5. A wooden propeller in
Option A. the dark. storage.
Question Number. 98. Removal of propeller Option B. natural light. Option A. should not be wrapped at-all.
blade tips within the Type Certificate Data Sheet Option C. flouresent light. Option B. should be wrapped tightly.
limits to correct a defect is. Correct Answer is. the dark. Option C. should be wrapped loosely.
Option A. a major repair. Explanation. NIL. Correct Answer is. should not be wrapped at-all.
Option B. permitted under the privileges and Explanation. A&P Technician Powerplant textbook
limitations of a category B1 licence. 12-54.
Option C. a major modification. Question Number. 2. The maximum storage
Correct Answer is. a major repair. periods for installed propellers are detailed in
Explanation. NIL. the. Question Number. 6. A VP propeller
Option A. propeller overhaul and repair manual. mechanism, for storage for long periods
Option B. Airworthiness Notices. should.
Question Number. 99. Which of the following Option C. aircraft Maintenance Manual. Option A. should be completely emptied and
generally renders an aluminium alloy propeller Correct Answer is. aircraft Maintenance Manual. dried.
unrepairable?. Explanation. NIL. Option B. be filled with special inhibiting oil to
Option A. A transverse crack of any size. prevent condensation and corrosion.
Option B. Any slag inclusions or cold shuts. Option C. be filled with the normal operating oil
to prevent condensation and corrosion.
Correct Answer is. should be completely emptied
and dried.
Explanation. NIL.

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