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Republic of the Philippines

Municipal Social Welfare and Development

Municipality of Sibalom
Sibalom, Antique

Home Study Report

August 19, 2019

I. Identifying Information:
Husband Wife
Name Luis Y. Bello III Rosemay C. Bello
Age/Sex 46 years old 43 years old
Date of Birth April 2, 1973 May 2, 1976
Place of Birth General St. Sibalom, General St. Sibalom,
Antique Antique
Civil Status Married Married
Date of Marriage/No. of September 18, 2010/ 9 September 18, 2010/ 9
Years Married years years
Citizenship Filipino Filipino
Religion Roman Catholic Roman Catholic
Educational Attainment College Graduate College Graduate
Occupation/Position College Instructor/Marine Gov’t. Employee/Senior
Engineering Instructor Education Program
Specialist Human
Resource Development
Annual Income P250,000.00 P460,000.00
Employer Saint Anthony’s College DEPED Antique Division
Office Dev’t.
Home Address Villavert St. Sibalom, Villavert St. Sibalom,
Antique Antique
Contact Number/s 09561620349 09667333931

Family Composition:

Name Age Relationship with Applicant Educ ’l. Attainment Occupation

Louise Gabriel 4 yrs.&10 months old Prospective Adoptive Parents Kinder I Pupil
Delos Santos
II. Background Information:

Male Petitioner

Luis Bello III is the 5 th child among 8 siblings in the family, 4 of which are
girls and 4 are boys. Luis is fondly called by his family and close friends as “
Piyok“. He is 5’6” in height and weigh about 80 kg. He has a fair complexion,
medium bdy bulit and has chingky eyes. His peers describe him as simple, thrifty,
peace loving person, humble and quiet.
He finished his elementary education at Sta. Rita Academy, Sibalom,
Antique and in Saint Anthony College in his secondary education. He was able to
finish his course in Electrical Engineering at Central Philippine University, Iloilo
City. Luis childhood experience was a happy one and surrounded with a very
supportive family. Luis consider his Aunt Helen Yan Miguel (maternal side) as
significant person in his life besides his parents, as his aunt's presence united the
family and strengthen his feeling of belongingness.
He worked as an overseas worker for 8 years, from 2006 – 2014, and
before deciding to engage in family business for him to have more time with his
family. Luis wanted to have secure and stable job and he is currently working as
Engineering Instructor in the Maritime Department at Saint Anthony ’s College,
San Jose, Antique starting this June 2019.
Luis came from a business minded family since they own a store
managed by his Chinese grandfather and at the same time, they have a farm.
Luis grew up in a marketplace, since most of the time his parents were helping
the store and they were trained to undergo business enterprising. Luis and
siblings were exposed to Chinese traits and customs of being thrifty, persevering
and goal oriented. They become more responsible when their father died, at the
age of 52 years old, due to excessive intake of alcohol. They were tasked to
help their mother in their business and they learned to value their health in the
proces. Luis learned from his parents that they should help one another and that
"family first" concept should be prioritized. They were taught how to be
responsible especially when they have assigned task to perform. They also
value that the discipline and scolding by their parents are lessons for them to be
better persons. Even though far from perfect, Luis grew up in a healthy
environment, loved and cherished.

Female Petitioner

Rosemay is the 4th child among 5 siblings in the family. 4 of te siblings are
girls and only 1 boy. She is 5'1” in height and weighed 54 kg with fair ( morena )
complexio and has a regular body built.
People who knew her, describe her as responsible, committed, peace loving
person, caring, loving and God fearing person. She finished her elementary
education at Fornier Elementary School, Sibalom, Antique and secondary
education in Polytechnic State College of Antique. She took her tertiary education
at West Visayas State University taking up Bachelor of Science in Secondary
Education and pursue her post graduate education at University of the
Philippines. Rosemay's father was a Provincial Sheriff and died last 2003 while
her mother was an elementary school teacher who died last 2009. All of
Rosemay's siblings have their work and family of their own.
Rosemay is a consistent honor student during her elementary years and
active in school activities during her high school days. She was reared by her
parents giving importance to education. Rosemay parents and siblings are very
important to her because they are her source of strength, happiness and love.
Rosemay is presently connected with the Department of Education,
Schools Division of Antique as Senior Education Program Specialist.
Rosemay came from a simple family were education is their primary goal.
The family means to survive were through the earnings of both parents. The
family experienced many difficulties but because of their strong relationship with
each other, they were able to overcome it and succeeded. The siblings practice
division of labor were each one of them are given task especially household
chores. They were molded the value of respect and kissing the hands of their
elders is practice in the family. Rosemay has a loving and caring family and
absence or no history of child abuse. As to handle conflict and stress, they were
taught to take things positively and accept the responsibility in order to solve the

III. Health Status:

Luis and Rosemay are both mentally and physically healthy. They don ’t
have medical history as to operation and other serious illnesses. They
experienced minor illness like fever but immediate remedy was done for their fast
recovery. The family is also health conscious as they prepare healthy food like
vegetables, fish and fruits in their daily diet.

IV. Motivation for Adoption:

The couple stayed together for 9 years and 11 months. They never lost
hope that someday they can have a child whom they want to love, care and call
as their own. They have consulted a doctor to get help for them to have a baby
but they failed.
Luis and Rosemay submitted for medical consultation hoping that they can
have a child but they were advised by the attending physician to result for
adoption or going through medical process. It was a friend who approached them
that she knew someone who wants to give upa child since they cannot provide
his needs and their earnings is not enough to feed additional child in the family.
They both agree and accepted the offer for an adoption as they are both willing
to accept responsibility and love. After the baby, Louise Gabriel was placed in
their careby the biological parents, the couple stopped their doctor appointments
as they are already contented with the presence of the baby as God ’s gift to them.
They were both excited, happy and enjoyed the presence of the baby. The
families of both husband and wife, welcomed the idea of adoption. They love and
adore the presence of the child in the family.

V. Child Care Plan:

Luis and Rosemay identified Joy Cuayson Ballarta ( Rosemay sister )

married and childless to be the custodian of Loiuse Gabriel in case of their
incapacity or death. They are praying for the approval of the adoption and
preparing all necessary documents to include the child as their beneficiary. They
enrolled Louise Gabriel to a private school run by the assumption sisters to
ensure that the child will learn the core values of honesty, truth, love and respect.
They are working hard for the good future of the child and started years ago to
save in the bank for the child education and other needs in the future. The
couple tried to discuss to the child little by little the issue of adoption for the child
to understand if this will be brought out earlier.

VI. Marital and Family Relationship/Functioning:

Luis and Rosemay is married for 9 years and 11 months. They live
happily and God as the center of their marriage. They have arguments, conflict
and misunderstanding but they resolved it by communicating, accepting one ’s
mistake and a heart willing to accept. They are also both open to suggestions,
criticism and even seek professional help when needed. Since they got married
they did not experienced major marital conflict or misunderstanding. They can
both settled their problems overnight.

VII. Parenting Experiences with Children:

Luis and Rosemay used to take care of their nieces and nephews. The
couple have the big heart for children. They are patient when it comes to
attending children and this behavior was shown during my home visitation. They
understand the dynamics of child behavior and their responses. Both of them
are working as a team to discipline and make possible solutions to make the
child feel better. Communication is their main tool used to explain especially to
teach the child right from wrong. They also instill to the mind of Louise Gabriel
the importance of being respectful, God Fearing and the value of saving money.

VIII. Employment History/Financial Resources

Luis is a retired seaman and presently employed at Saint Anthony ’s

College as Maritime Instructor while Rosemay is a teacher and now a senior
education program specialist. They have a poultry and farm tilled as additional
earning of the family. Luis has an annual income of P300, 000.00 while
Rosemary is earning P 576,096.00 annually. Both of them are members of GSIS
and SSS and planning to get life insurance and accident insurance where Louise
Gabriel is the beneficiary. They also plan to get an educational insurance for
Louise Gabriel. The total assets of the couple this year amounted to P3.5 million
excluding earning from their poultry project and farming venture.

IX. Description of Home/Community:

The couple is residing in a private subdivision and their home is 500

square meter wide. It is approximately 200 meters away from the market and 100
meters away from the livestock facility. It is accessible to public plaza, churches,
Municipal Hall and drug stores. The house is made up of concrete materials, with
4 bedrooms well-furnished. With furniture and enclose with concrete fence. They
acquired the property last 2006 and started the construction of their house last
2009. They hired caretaker to clean and do some household chores for them.
Neighbors are composed of professionals and God fearing families. Neighbors
welcome Louise Gabriel in their houses especially those families with children
whom the child use to play and interact.
X. Social, Ethno-cultural, Linguistic and Religious Identity:

Luis and Rosemay are both Roman Catholic they see to it that every
Sunday they attend mass with Louise Gabriel. They are also active in the
community and can be counted on when their services and support is needed.
They actively participate in school where Louise Gabriel is enrolled and interact
with parents and community.

XI. Character References:

1. Josephine C. Pavillar – Neighborhood and Childhood Friend ( Rosemay )

2. Marites Perales -Neighbor
3. Ma. Leda Ortega – co teacher

The three persons mentioned above guaranteed that the couple Luis and
Rosemay has the capacity to adopt the child Louise Gabriel. Both of them are
emotionally matured, mentally sound, financially capable, physically fit and
morally upright to take care and guide and prepare a bright future of the child.

XII. Evaluation and Recommendation:

Luis and Rosemay are sincere of their intention to give their best for the
welfare of Louise Gabriel. The presence of Louise Gabriel in their life is a gift
from God since they had been praying and working hard to have a child in the
family but their effort were not realized. Louise Gabriel serve as the light, it gives
color and hope that God never leave them, instead their prayers were granted.
Despite of long years of waiting, they become closer and stronger in facing the
challenges in life as a couple. They explore everything for the brighter future of
the Child and improving their financial resources to help the needs of the child
and family.
Strong family support shown and positive responses on adoption by
immediate family members and relatives is also important to the couple. This
made them feel that everyone is united to realized their plans to have Louise
Gabriel in their life.
Considering that Louise Gabriel Delos Santos, their prospective adoptive
son, is Legally Available for Adoption as per certification issued by DSWD on July
29, 2019, it is therefore recommended that the petition for adoption filed to the

Prepared by:


License # 7382
Social Welfare Officer III



License # 5916
Municipal Social Welfare and Development Officer

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