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Memory Aid for Persons & Family Relations

(Family Code)
Article 1: Definition of Marriage

The Supreme Court ruled that a company

policy prohibiting employees of the same company from marrying
each other is an invalid exercise of management prerogative for the
Marriage failure of the employer to present any evidence of business
 A special contract which calls for a permanent necessity of the prohibition. Absence of such bona fide occupational
qualification renders the policy invalid.
union between a man & a woman for the
establishment of a family life. Its nature,
consequences and incidents of marriage are
governed by law and not subject to the agreement
of the parties.
 This is an inviolable permanent social institution.
R.A. No. 6955: The Act Prohibiting Mail
General Rule: The consequences of marriage are Order Brides
governed by law and cannot be subject to the  This law penalizes any person or entity who
compromise of both parties.
carries on a business of matching Filipino women
for marriage with a foreigner.
Exception: The choice of economic regime that will
 Marriage does not shed a spouse’s integrity and right to
govern their property relation during the marriage.
 The intimacies between husband and wife do not
justify any one of them breaking into the drawers
and cabinets of the other for any telltale evidence
of marital infidelity. Any evidence obtained
therefrom is inadmissible in evidence.

Intersexuality Article 2-6: Essential & Formal Requisites for Marriage

 Applies to human beings who cannot be classified Essential Requisite
as either male or female because they have the
biological characteristics of both a man and a

Legal Capacity
 Age must be 18 and above
a. For 18-21, parental consent is need absence of
which will render the marriage voidable.
Where the person is biologically or b. For 21-25, parental advise is needed absence of
naturally intersex, the determining factor in his gender classification will delay the issuance of the marriage license by
would be what the individual, at the time he reached the age of the Local Civil Registrar for 3 months.
majority, with good reason thinks of his/her sex. In this case, the
gender classification at his/her birth is deemed inconclusive since it  Sex must be male and female
is only at maturity is the gender of such person is fixed.  Legal Impediments (Absence of legal impediments)
a. Previous marriage and the manner it got dissolved.
b. Relationship of both parties must be not less than
4th degree from ascendant or 1st degree of

Sex reassignment surgery or sex change

does not make a man into a woman because there is no law that
allows sex change in the entry of the birth certificate due to sex
reassignment furthermore, under the Civil Register Law, a birth
certificate a historical record of the facts as they existed at the time Consent Freely Given
of birth. Thus, the sex of a person is determined at birth. A man w

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 Consent must be given in the presence of the

solemnizing officer with at least 2 witnesses of
legal age.
 The consent does not need to be expressed since
it can be deduced from the acts of the parties Valid Marriage Ceremony
showing that they take each as husband and wife.  The family code does not prescribe any particular
form of a marriage ceremony.
Formal Requisite  It only impose that the party will appear personally
before the solemnizing officer and that they take
each other as husband and wife in the presence of
at least two witnesses who are of legal age.
 Absence in any of the essential and formal requisite
Authority of Solemnizing Officer will render the marriage void.
 The person who solemnized the marriage must be  Defect in any of the essential requisite will make the
among those authorized in Article 7 of the Family marriage voidable or annullable particularly to the
Code to solemnize the marriage. giving of consent.
 The authority of the solemnizing officer to  Irregularities in the formal requisite do not affect the
solemnize the marriage is presumed unless it is validity of the marriage but the person responsible for
otherwise proven. such irregularity can be held civilly, criminally or
 It is not the duty of the solemnizing officer to administratively liable.
scrutinize the marriage license. Instances of Irregularities:
a. Marriage solemnized in a place other than in a church or
chamber of the judge.
General Rule: Defect in the authority of the solemnizing
b. Absence of two witnesses who are of legal age.
officer will render the marriage void. c. Issuance of a license in place where neither of the
parties reside.
Exception: If either one or both of the parties believe in d. Issuance of a license w/out the required supporting
good faith that the person who solemnized their papers or documents.
marriage is authorized by law to do so, then the e. Absence of a marriage contract.
marriage is considered valid. f. Issuance of license despite failure of the party to
present parental consent or parental advise when
g. Issuance of license despite absence of posting notice
and publication.
h. Failure to undergo marriage counseling.
Valid Marriage License i. Failure to pay the required fee for marriage license.
 This is considered the most important requisite in
the validity of marriage since it is in the issuance
of the license that the State can determine
whether or not there are impediments in the
 The marriage license must be secured from the Marriage certificate is not an essential or
formal requisite of a marriage. Failure to sign a marriage certificate
Local Civil Registrar of the place where either itself does not render the marriage void.
party resides, which takes 10 days from
application before it is issued.
 The license will be valid for 120 from the date of
 Absence of marriage license will render the
A marriage which preceded the issuance
marriage void only when it is supported by the
of the marriage is license is void and that the subsequent issuance
certification from the local civil registrar that no of such license cannot render the marriage valid or add an iota of
such marriage license was issued to the parties. validity to it.
 Any irregularities in the issuance of the marriage
Article 7: Persons Authorized to Solemnize Marriage
license will not render the marriage void as long as  This is a manifestation that the State is a party of the contract as it is
it does not affect the legal capacity of both parties. represented by the solemnizing officer.
1. Any incumbent member of the judiciary can solemnize
a marriage only when the ceremony is held within its
territorial jurisdiction, otherwise it is a mere irregularity.

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2. A priest, an imam, a rabbi, a minister or pastor following

this certain conditions:
a. Must be authorize by his/her church or religious sect.
b. Must act within the limits of the written authority granted
to him by his church or religious sect.
c. At least one of the contracting parties belongs to the
solemnizing officer’s church or religious sect.
3. A ship captain or airplane chief can solemnize marriage Marriage License
only if one of the parties is at the point of death and  This serves as the authority given by the State to
that the parties must be passengers or crew members the parties to enter into a contract of marriage.
of the ship or airplane while it was in transit.  It is the concern of the state to make marriages
4. Military commander provided they follow the requisites: secure and stable institution.
a. He must be a commissioner officer with a rank of 2nd
lieutenant ensign and above of the commanding military Article 11-16: Application for Marriage License
unit where the chaplain is assigned. REQUIRED DOCUMENTS FOR APPLICATION OF MARRIAGE
b. The assigned chaplain is absent at the time of marriage LICENSE
is solemnized. a. The original copy of birth certificate, in the absence
c. The marriage must in articulo mortis thereof, the original baptismal certificate of the parties.
d. The contracting parties must be a member of his unit or This document is exempt from documentary stamp tax and
a civilian. signature of the official person is enough to prove its authenticity.
e. The marriage must be done in the zone or area of
military operation.
f. There must be a widespread military activity over an
area and does not refer to a simulated exercise. Except in instances where:
5. Consul-General or Vice Consul or Consul can  The parents of the party concerned will
solemnize a marriage if both parties are Filipino and personally appear before the local civil
the marriage is done abroad. The consul is not only registrar and attest to the fact that the said
the solemnizing officer but performs the duties of the party is already of legal age.
civil registrar by issuing the marriage license.  When the local civil registrar shall be
 The marriage between a Filipino and a foreigner convinced by merely looking at the personal
by a consul is not considered valid. appearance of the party that they are of legal
6. Mayors, vice mayor or acting mayor can solemnize age.
marriages by virtue of the Local Government Code  When the party has been previously married.
which took effect on January 1, 1992. b. If either or the parties were previously married, the
Article 8: Venue of Marriage
death certificate of the deceased spouse or the judicial
decree of absolute divorce, annulment of marriage or
declaration of nullity of marriage.
c. In case either party is between the ages of 18-21, they
must present a parents consent, absence of which will
render the marriage voidable.

The venue of marriage stated in

this article is directory in nature. This must be in an affidavit of sworn
statement that the parents gave their consent.
General Rule: a marriage solemnized by a judge
outside of his court room or by a priest outside of the
church is valid however, the solemnizer can be held
liable for it since this will become an irregularity in the Preference is given to the father otherwise
marriage. the mother, surviving parent or legal guardian of
Exception: persons having charge of them shall give the
a. When one of the party is at the point of death. consent.
b. The marriage was contracted in a remote place. d. If the party is between the ages of 21-25, parental advice
c. When both of the parties request the solemnizing is required.
officer in writing to solemnize it elsewhere in
sworn statement.
Article 9, 10: Marriage License Absence of which will not affect the validity
of the marriage but will delay the issuance of the

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marriage for 3 months following complete thereof, but should not turn down the issuance of the
publication of the application. marriage license.
 Even if the LCR is made aware of the impediments of
the marriage, h is still duty bound to issue the license
except if he is restrained by the court at his own
This is in keeping of family tradition instance or of any interested party.
e. Certificate of marriage counseling in cases where  Only the court can intervene in issuing the marriage
parental consent or parental advice is required. license through a court order directing the LCR from
 If there is really a legal impediment in the marriage, the
LCR issuing officer can petition the court to restraint him
Failure to attach the counseling certificate from the issuing the marriage license or have the other
will cause the suspension of the issuance of party petition for it.
marriage license for 3 months. This is only an d. The LCR will collect payment of fees for the issuance
irregularity to the formal requisite. of the marriage license in the amount of ₱300.
However, it is free of charged for indigent people.
e. It shall be the duty to prepare the documents such as
the marriage certificate and affidavit for the
If one or both of the parties are below 25 solemnization of marriage in another place without
years old, both of them must attend. charge to all interested parties.
f. If a party to the marriage is a foreigner, he must present f. The LCR is the also the one to administer oaths to all
a certificate of legal capacity to marry issued by his parties interested and to prepare the documents
diplomatic or consular representative in the required.
Philippines. g. The LCR concerned, shall be the one to enter to all
g. Place of issue for the Marriage License, the parties should applications for marriage licenses filed with him in a
get a marriage license form the LCR in the municipality or registry book strictly in order which shall be recorded
city where either of the party resides. in the name of the applicants, the date of the marriage
Information needed to be specified to the LCR:
license was issued and such other data as may be
a. Full name of the contracting parties necessary.
b. Place of birth
c. Age and date of birth Article 20: Life of the Marriage License
d. Civil status
e. If previously married, how, when and where the
previous marriage was dissolved or annulled.
f. Present citizenship and citizenship
g. Degree of relationship of the contracting parties. The marriage license once issued is
h. Full name, residence and citizenship of the father. valid anywhere in the Philippine for a period of 120 days, if it
i. Full name, residence and citizenship of the is not used within that period is it automatically expired.
mother. Marriages solemnized using an expired marriage licensed is
j. Full name, residence and citizenship of the guardian considered null & void.
or person having charge, in case one of the
Article 21: Certificate of Legal Capacity to Marry
parties has neither father nor mother, and is under
21 years old.

Article 17-19:
DUTIES OF THE LOCAL CIVIL REGISTRAR If both party are foreigners:
 It is not necessary for them to present a birth
a. Upon receipt of the application for a marriage license, certificate instead they need to present certificate
the LCR must immediately post a notice to inform the of legal capacity to contract a marriage duly issued
public of the impending marriage. by their respective diplomatic or consular official.
b. The notice shall be posted in the bulletin board outside  The reason for this is that a person’s capacity to
of the LCR for 10 consecutive days showing the name marry is determined by his national law.
and residence of the couple.
 If the foreigner desires to have their marriage
 This will request any person having knowledge of
solemnized by their country’s consul general
any impediment to the marriage to inform the local
assigned in the Philippines, the marriage can be
civil registrar about it.
solemnized w/out a marriage license if their
c. If the LCR will be informed of any impediment of a
country allows the same.
party applying, he shall note down the particulars
Midterm Exam for Persons & Family Relations cma

b. It shall also be his duty to keep the 4th copy of the

marriage contract, the original marriage license
and in some cases affidavit of the contracting
parties regarding the solemnization of the
If both parties are stateless or marriage in a place other than his jurisdiction.
refugees from other countries:
 In lieu of the certificate of legal capacity will be
required to submit an affidavit stating the
circumstances showing such capacity to
contract marriage.
Is a photocopy of the Marriage Contract
Article 22-25: Marriage Certificate  No, unless it emanated from the office of the Local Civil

The rule is that if two persons

Marriage Certificate dwelling together presenting themselves as married shall be
 The best evidence to establish or prove marriage. presumed to be indeed married, in the absence of any
 It is a certification issued by the solemnizing officer counter-presumption or evidence showing the contrary.
that he performed or solemnized the marriage
between the parties. Absence of which will not
invalidate the marriage since it is not an essential
or a formal requisite.
What should be declared in the Marriage Contract?
1. The full name, sex and age of contracting parties. Semper Praesumitur Pro
2. Their citizenship, religion and habitual residence. Patrimonio: Always presume marriage
3. The date and precise time of the celebration of the  The law favors morality over and immorality, marriage
marriage so as to determine at what point will and not concubinage, legitimacy and not bastardy.
govern the property relation of the parties.
4. Must indicate that the proper marriage license has
been issued according to law
Except in cases of:
a. Articulo Mortis
A marriage may be proved by evidence of
b. Marriage in a far and remote place any kind such as “parol” evidence or testimony by one of the parties
c. Marriages among Muslims or members of or the witnesses to the marriage or by the person who solemnized
ethnic cultural communities the same.
d. Ratification of marital cohabitation
5. That both or either parties have secured the Competent evidence proving the fact of marriage
parental consent in appropriate cases. 1. Public and open cohabitation as husband & wife
6. Either or both parties have complied with the legal after the alleged marriage.
requirement regarding parental advice in 2. Birth & baptismal certificate of children born by the
appropriate cases. alleged spouses.
7. That the parties have entered into a marriage 3. Statement of such marriages in subsequent
settlement, it any, attaching the copy thereof. documents.
Duty of the Solemnizing Officer
a. It his duty to furnish either of the contracting
parties the original marriage certificate and to send
the duplicate and triplicate copies of it not later
than 15 days to the Local Civil Registrar of the
place where the marriage was solemnized, the It is the burden of proof upon the person
who attacked the validity of marriage to present a strong and
LCR in turn will issue a receipt to the solemnizing satisfactory evidence to rebut the presumption of its validity. The
officer. evidence to prove the invalidity of the marriage may even be
- 1 copy to the couple presented for the first time on appeal.
- 2 copies to the LCR
- 1 copy to keep for the solemnizing officer Article 26: “Lex Loci Celebraciones” Rule in Marriage

Midterm Exam for Persons & Family Relations cma

be capacitated again to remarry according to his

national law. This must be proven as a fact by the
Filipino spouse before he/she is entitled to remarry
again in our court.
 In this case the divorced Filipino citizen is not considered an
“Ipso Facto” capacitated to marry again. The Filipino citizen
must prove as a fact the divorce as enforced by the foreign
judgment by way of declaratory relief since our courts don’t
Lex Loci Celebraciones take judicial notice on the laws of other countries.
 This is based on the concept of international
comity. b. If the Filipino spouse has acquired the citizenship of her
 This is rule in marriage wherein it means that if the husband then such divorce is considered as valid here
in our country because of our adherence to the
marriage is celebrated abroad and is considered nationality principle in so far as the status of the person
valid there, it shall also be considered valid in the is concerned.
Philippines. However, if the marriage solemnized  What is important or the reckoning point is at the time when
abroad is in violation of our country’s laws and the divorce decree was availed of.
policies, our court is not bound to give effect to its
 The reason for this is that a State is considered
the conservator of its own moral and good order of
society, thus, it has the right to declare what
In a case wherein the Filipino citizen is the
marriages it will or will not recognize within its one who filed for a divorce in another country to his foreigner
borders. husband/wife, the foreigner spouse cannot anymore claim that he
Exception to the Lex Loci Celebraciones Rule: still an interest to the properties of the Filipino citizen here in the
 Except those pointed out under Article 35 (1), (4), (5), (6), 36, 37 Philippines or subsequently file an adultery case against the Filipino
and 38. since the foreigner spouse has lost his legal standing against the
1. If the party who is a Filipino is below 18 years old. Filipino for the foreigner is already considered divorced by his
2. If the marriage is bigamous or polygamous. national law.
3. If contracted through mistake of identity of the other party.
4. If the party whose previous marriage has been annulled or MARRIAGES EXEMPT FROM LICENSE REQUIREMENT
declared void, contracts a second marriage but failed to
record the judicial decree with the LCR, to partition the Article 27-32: Marriage under Articulo Mortis
conjugal properties and deliver the presumptive Legitime of
their children.
5. Where one of the party is psychologically incapacitated.
6. Marriages considered incestuous.
7. Marriages that are against public policy.

Articulo Mortis (Point of Death)

 This is a marriage done wherein one of the party is
Common law marriages considered at the point of death. This kind of marriage can be
abroad cannot be recognized here in the Philippines since our laws solemnized w/out the need of a marriage license
require marriages solemnized abroad. The word “solemnize” for necessity and practicability.
presupposes the performance of a marriage ceremony which is
absent in a common law marriage.  This can be solemnized by a ship captain or
airplane chief or a military commander, all of which
General Rule: Absolute divorce obtained in another must be in according to article 7 of the family
country is not valid here in the Philippines since we adhere code.
to the National Theory Duty of the person who solemnized the marriage
Requisites: under Articulo Mortis:
a. Must be a mixed marriage  He must execute an affidavit before the LCR
b. Foreigner spouse is the one who secured the divorce stating that he solemnized the marriage under
abroad articulo mortis and the he took all the necessary
c. After the divorce, the foreigner spouse must again be steps to ascertain the age and relationship of the
capacitated to remarry according to his national law. contracting parties and that he is convinced that
they have no legal impediments to marry each
a. When in a case of marriage between a Filipino other.
citizen and a foreigner and it is the foreigner who
filed for a divorce and after it was granted he must
Midterm Exam for Persons & Family Relations cma

 The original affidavit must submitted by him to the

LCR where the marriage was performed within a
period of 30 days
Article 28: Marriage in a Far and Remote Place
When the parties have already
been living together as husband and wife for at least 5
years without any legal impediments to marry each
other, the requirement of a marriage license is no
longer needed.

If the parties are residing in a far Requisites:

and remote place that it is difficult for them to secure 1. The party must live together as husband and wife
the required marriage license because their place has for at least 5 years.
no means of transportation, they will exempted from 2. There must be no legal impediments for them to
the license requirement. marry each other.
Duty of the person who solemnized the marriage: What to do:
 He must execute an affidavit after the celebration 1. Both parties must execute a joint affidavit stating
of the marriage stating that he solemnized the the foregoing fact and have it notarized by a
marriage in a far and remote place and the person duly authorized to administer the oath.
ascertained the age and relationship of the parties 2. The Solemnizing officer must ascertain first the
and the absence of any legal impediments. qualifications of the contracting parties if there are
 The reason for this is to encourage couples to any legal impediments.
marry and legalize their relationship instead of
cohabiting in an illicit relationship.

Article 33: Marriages among Muslims or Members of Ethnic Cultural

The falsity of an affidavit of marital
cohabitation, where the parties have in truth fallen short of the
minimum 5 year requirement, effectively renders the marriage “void
ad initio” for lack of marriage license.
Two Kinds of Defective Marriages
Code of Muslim Personal Laws of VOID VOIDABLE
the Philippines Defective from the very Not defective from the
 Signed into law on Feb. 4, 1977 beginning beginning
 This is the governing law on persons and family Cannot be ratified Can be ratified
relations among Muslims. Can be attacked Can only be attacked
- Under this law, marriage license is not collaterally directly
required for the validity of the marriage. The nullity of marriage can While voidable marriage
be raised even after the can only be questioned
death of the parties during the party’s lifetime.
The action to nullify the The annulment of a
marriage has no voidable marriage
prescriptive period prescribes
General rule: void Voidable marriages can be
For Muslims and Ethnic Cultural marriages can only be questioned by other
Communities assailed by the parties of persons not a party to the
- Under the family code, marriage license is not the marriage. marriage.
a requirement for the validity of the marriage
provided that both parties must be a Muslim or
 Void Ab Initio:
a member of the Ethnic Community.
1. Those contracted by any party below eighteen
Article 34: Ratification of Marital Cohabitation years of age even with the consent of parents or
2. Those solemnized by any person not legally
authorized to perform marriages unless such
marriages were contracted with either or both

Midterm Exam for Persons & Family Relations cma

parties believing in good faith that the solemnizing  No clear definition of the psychological incapacity was given since the
officer had the legal authority to do intention of the legislation was to leave the determination of it to the
- One of the situations where good faith is taken into courts on a case-to-case basis, as to whether a particular situation falls
considerations. under the psychological incapacity.
The Reason:
3. Those solemnized without a license, except those  The presence of psychological incapacity depends upon the facts
covered by the preceding Chapter of the case and it can be clearly deduced that the absence of
4. Those bigamous or polygamous marriages not definition was deliberately done because the situations
contemplated by the law vary from one case to another.
falling under article 41 which states presumptive
- Another instance where good faith is recognized
5. Those contracted through mistake of one
contracting party as to the identity of the other
6. Those subsequent marriages that void under
Article 53
Psychological Incapacity
 The basic determination of the existence of
psychological incapacity is the failure to comply
with the marital obligation.
 This is not insanity or mental illness
 It refers to the inability of a party to the marriage to
Collateral Attack of a Void comply with the essential marital obligations
Marriage because of psychological reason. It is not a
 The nullity of the marriage is not the principal or physical defect because a person who is
main issue of the case but is necessary to the psychological incapacitated is one who cannot
resolution of the main case. perform the essential marital obligations as he/she
refuses to do even if physically capacitated to do
 It can also refer to “lack of appreciation” of one’s
marital obligation and has nothing to do with
Good faith of the parties in entering
the marriage is immaterial and it does not validate an
otherwise void marriage.

The general guide as to the determination

as to whether there is psychological incapacity or not is the fact the
Divorce vs. Void Marriages “Psychological Incapacity” refers to the failure to comply with the
essential marital obligation.

- There is a valid marriage but the ground
occurred subsequent to the celebration of the
Quarrels and financial difficulties not
marriage. constitute psychological incapacity. Sexual infidelity on the other
hand, is not considered a psychological incapacity if it is not proven
that it already existed before the marriage

Void in Ab Initio
- From the very beginning there was no
- The ground for declaration of its nullity already
existing at the time the marriage was
celebrated but only manifested after its Duty of the Solicitor General
solemnization. - To uphold the sanctity of marriage if the marriage is
truly valid and also to expose a void marriage if the
Article 36: Void because of Psychological Incapacity ground of nullity also exists.
 This was introduced by E.O. No. 227 on July 17, 1987 as an amendment - Its duty is to ensure that there is no collusion or
to the Family Code. connivance as between the contracting parties.
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psychologist or psychiatrist is not a requirement for a

ESSENTIAL CHARACTERISTICS OF PSYCHOLOGICAL INCAPACITY declaration of psychological incapacity and that it is not a
1. Juridical antecedent condition “sine qua non” for such declaration. The court
- It must already be existing at the of the may base its decision on the totality of the evidence other
celebration of the marriage than the findings of such expert witness. However, expert
2. Gravity testimonies may help in the resolution of the case.
- It must be a very serious defect Testimony of the Psychologist did NOT constitute as sufficient
3. Incurability evidence for Psychological Incapacity:
- It is not curable  The diagnosis was only based on interviews with
- Also refers to party not being able to afford the petitioning spouse and that the psychologist did not
cure actually hear, see and evaluate the respondent who
was alleged to be psychologically incapacitated.
The testimony of the psychologist constituted as
hearsay. Furthermore, the psychologist failed to
explain how such personality disorder made the
respondent psychologically incapacitated and to
It is clear from the foregoing elements that
the intention of the law has been to confine the meaning of
prove the same is so grave and permanent.
(Jordan Chan Paz vs. Jeanice Paz G.R. No. 166579)
“psychological incapacity” to the most serious cases of personality
disorders clearly demonstrative of an utter insensitivity or inability to
give meaning and significance to the marriage. Testimony of the Psychologist CONSTITUTE as sufficient
evidence for Psychological Incapacity:
 The Supreme Court ruled that lack of personal
examination and interview of the respondent or any
person diagnosed with personality disorder, does
not per se invalidate the testimony of the doctors.
The decisions of the matrimonial tribunal Neither do their findings automatically constitute
of the Catholic Church involving psychological incapacity as a group hearsay that would result in their exclusion in
to annul the marriage is greatly helpful and persuasive to our Civil evidence. If the psychiatrist or psychologist’s
Courts. Although our courts are not bound by the decision of the assessment were not based solely on the narration
matrimonial tribunal, the said decision can be used by our Civil
Court as a guide in the determination of the existence psychological or personal interview of the petitioner but also on
incapacity. other informants such as respondent’s own son,
siblings and in-laws and sister-in-law who all
testified on their own observations of respondent’s
behavior and interactions with them.
(Reyes vs. Reyes G.R. No. 185286)
Guilty Party can petition for nullity of
- The action to declare the marriage void on the ground of
psychological incapacity can be filed even by the
incapacitated party. The law does not prohibit the guilty
party from bringing the action in court as a void marriage
is not ratifiable and the “Pari Delicto Rule” will not apply The testimony of the psychiatrist is found
here. to be general, not in depth, does not establish link between actions
of party and his supposed psychological incapacity

The Party who is declared psychologically

incapacitated may still contract another marriage Moral Damages
- The party who is declared psychologically incapacitated - Moral damages cannot be recovered from the guilty party
by the court may still contract marriage since this is a very in an action for declaration of nullity of marriage on the
limited and personal ground. Moreover, it does not mean ground of psychological incapacity. This is because a
that just because a person is psychologically psychological incapacitated person is not aware of his
incapacitated to perform his/her marital obligations with incapacity and therefore cannot be held answerable for
his or her current spouse, he/she will also psychologically moral damage.
incapacitated by another partner.

a. The burden of proof to show the nullity of marriage

belongs to the plaintiff.
Expert Testimonies b. The parties may medically or clinically identify the root
- During the trial for declaration of nullity of marriage on the
cause of the psychological incapacity alleged in the
ground of psychological incapacity, expert testimonies of a
Midterm Exam for Persons & Family Relations cma

complaint by an expert; however this is not anymore  Community of life and love
required but regarded as an option which may be  Rendering of mutual help
helpful in deciding the case.  The procreation and education of offspring
c. The incapacity must be proven to exist at the time of (c) The inability must be tantamount to a psychological
the celebration of the marriage, although it only abnormality.
becomes apparent after the celebration of the
d. The incapacity must be shown to be medically or
clinically permanent or incurable, however this is not
regarded as an absolute fact against everyone in the
same gender. It is not enough to prove that the spouse
e. The illness must also be grave enough to prevent the failed to meet his responsibility and duty as a married person; it is
party from assuming the essential marital obligations. essential that he must be shown to be incapable of doing so due to
some psychological illness.
f. The essential marital obligations must be those
mentioned in article 68-71 of the Family Code, as well
as Article 220, 221 and 225.
g. The interpretations given by the National Appellate
Matrimonial Tribunal of the Catholic Church in the
Philippines, while not controlling or decisive, should be
given great respect by our courts.


No. 136490, 343 SCRA 755
a. Hypersexuality-nymphomania
"Psychological incapacity must be characterized by (a) gravity, (b) juridical
b. Hypersexuality-styriasis antecedence, and (c) incurability." The foregoing guidelines do not require that a
c. Homosexuality physician examine the person to be declared psychologically incapacitated. In fact,
d. Lesbianism the root cause may not be "medically or clinically identified." What is important is the
e. Schizophrenia presence of evidence that can adequately establish the party's psychological
condition. For indeed, if the totality of evidence presented is enough to sustain a
f. Affective immaturity finding of psychological incapacity, then actual medical examination of the person
g. Anti-social personality disorder concerned need not be resorted to.
h. Dependent personality disorder
i. Vaginismus or psychic impotence
j. Sexual disorder
k. Psychoneurosis
l. Lack of interpersonal integration
m. Immature personality
n. Obsessive-compulsive Personality
o. Frigidity
p. Alcoholism and gambling Barcelona vs. Court of
q. Liar, cheat and swindler Appeals G.R. 130087
The obvious effect of the new Rules providing that “expert opinion need not be
r. Sexual neurosis alleged” in the petition is that there is also no need to allege the root cause of the
s. Hysterical personality psychological incapacity. Only experts in the fields of neurological and behavioral
t. Psychic immaturity sciences are competent to determine the root cause of psychological incapacity.
Since the new Rules do not require the petition to allege expert opinion on the
psychological incapacity, it follows that there is also no need to allege in the petition
the root cause of the psychological incapacity.

Najera vs. Najera G.R. No. 164817, July 3,

The decision of the National Appellate Matrimonial Tribunal to be
given weight and respect by our courts, it must be anchored in
Canon 1095, par. 3 which is the basis of Article 36. Thus, if the
decision of the said tribunal is based on par. 2 of Canon 1095, the
Dedel vs. Court of
court should not give weight to it. Appeals G.R. 151867, Jan. 29, 2004
In this case, respondent’s sexual infidelity can hardly qualify as being mentally or
REQUISITES FOR PSYCHOLOGICAL INCAPACITY AS A psychically ill to such an extent that she could not have known the obligations she
was assuming, or knowing them, could not have given a valid assumption thereof. It
GROUND FOR ANNULLMENT appears that respondent’s promiscuity did not exist prior to or at the inception of the
(a) A true inability to commit oneself to the essentials of marriage. What is, in fact, disclosed by the records is a blissful marital union at its
marriage. celebration, later affirmed in church rites, and which produced four children.

(b) This inability to commit oneself must refer to the Respondent’s sexual infidelity or perversion and abandonment do not by
essential obligations of marriage: themselves constitute psychological incapacity within the contemplation of the
Family Code. Neither could her emotional immaturity and irresponsibility be equated
 Conjugal act with psychological incapacity. It must be shown that these acts are manifestations of
Midterm Exam for Persons & Family Relations cma

a disordered personality which make respondent completely unable to discharge the (d) Between the adopting parent & the adopted child
essential obligations of the marital state, not merely due to her youth, immaturity16
or sexual promiscuity. (e) Between the surviving spouse of the adopted child and
the adopter
(f) Between the adopted children of the same adopter
(g) Between parties where on, with the intention to marry
the other, killed the other person’s spouse or his or her
own spouse.
 No prior criminal conviction by the court is required
by the law. Mere preponderance of evidence is
Republic vs. Quintero- required to prove the killing.
Hamano G.R. No. 149498
In proving psychological incapacity, we find no distinction between an alien spouse
and a Filipino spouse. We cannot be lenient in the application of the rules merely
because the spouse alleged to be psychologically incapacitated happens to be a
foreign national. The medical and clinical rules to determine psychological
incapacity were formulated on the basis of studies of human behavior in general.
Hence, the norms used for determining psychological incapacity should apply to any
person regardless of nationality.

These marriages are considered

against public policy because they do not serve the
fundamental objective of the state which is to nurture a
stable family unit that can effectively be the foundation of
Valid Marriages:
1. Between adopted and the parents of his adopter.
Tongol vs. Tongol G.R. 2. Between adopted and illegitimate children his adopter.
No. 157610 3. Between adopted and the relatives of his adopter.
it is true that the marital obligations of a husband and wife enumerated under the 4. Between the adopted and the former spouse of his adopter or
Family Code include the mutual responsibility of the spouses to manage the
household and provide support for the family, which means that compliance with this
between the adopter and the former spouse of his adopted.
obligation necessarily entails the management of the income and expenses of the 5. Between step-brother and step-sister.
household. While disagreements on money matters would, no doubt, affect the Article 39: Prescriptive Period
other aspects of one's marriage as to make the wedlock unsatisfactory, this is not a  Declaration for Absolute Nullity of a Marriage
sufficient ground to declare a marriage null and void. In the present case,
respondent's disagreement with her husband's handling of the family's business and - Has no prescription period as amended by E.O No.
finances and her propensity to start a fight with petitioner spouse regarding these 227 dated July 17, 1987 and further amended by R.A.
matters can hardly be considered as a manifestation of the kind of psychological
incapacity contemplated under Article 36 of the Family Code. In fact, the Court takes
No. 8533 dated on Feb. 23, 1998.
judicial notice of the fact that disagreements regarding money matters are a - There is no prescriptive period for an action to
common, and even normal, occurrence between husbands and wives. declare the marriage void since a null and void
Article 37: Void because incestuous marriage produces no legal effect, it being non-
 Marriages between the following are incestuous and existent.
void from the beginning whether the relationship Article 40: Void Subsequent Marriages
between the parties is legitimate or illegitimate:  When a marriage is void, a party to that marriage can
1. Between ascendants and descendants of any contract a subsequent marriage only after he/she has
degree. the previous marriage judicially declared null and void.
2. Between brothers and sisters, whether of full or
 A subsequent marriage contracted without having the
first marriage declared judicially null and void is
The reason why incestuous marriages are prohibited
considered void an initio.
by law:
1. It would tend to create confusion of rights and duties
incident to family relations.
2. It is abhorrent to the nature, not only of civilized men,
but of barbarous and semi-civilized people.
3. Such intermarriages often result in deficient and
degenerate offspring.
The reason why it is important that the
Article 37: Void because against public policy nullity of the marriage should be ascertained and
 The enumeration of void marriages in this article are exclusive and good declared by the court of competent jurisdiction is for
faith is immaterial. the sake of good order of society and for the peace of
(a) Between collateral blood relatives, whether legitimate mind of all persons concerned.
or illegitimate, up to 4th degree
(b) Between step-parents and step-children
(c) Between parents-in-law and children-in-law

Midterm Exam for Persons & Family Relations cma

One should not put the law in his hands

and decide for himself the nullity of his marriage. He should let the
court declare the nullity of such before he can contract another

The nullity of a previous marriage can only

or solely be established by a final judgment of the court declaring
such marriage void.

When the first marriage is undoubtedly

void and a party to that marriage contracted a 2nd marriage w/out
obtaining first a judicial declaration of nullity of marriage, would the
said party be guilty of bigamy?

Article 41-44: Declaration of Presumptive Death

Spouse is Presumed Dead
 This is the only instance where there is a valid bigamous marriage

If a spouse is absent for 4 consecutive years and the

present spouse has a reasonable and well-founded
belief that the absent spouse is already dead, he/she
may contract a second marriage provided that he/she
first obtain a judicial declaration of presumptive death
of the absent spouse.
 “Well-founded Belief”
- Supreme Court states that the meaning of the term
well-founded belief is the exercise of that degree of
due care diligence required in searching for a missing


Midterm Exam for Persons & Family Relations cma

1. The absentee spouse must have been absent for 4 or

2 years under the circumstance prescribed by law.
2. The present spouse must not know the whereabouts
of the absent spouse.
3. There must be a well-founded belief that the absent
spouse is already dead.
4. There must be an institution of a summary action for
the declaration of presumptive death of the absent
5. There must be final judgment declaring the absent
spouse presumptively dead.
 Republic of the Philippines vs. Gregorio Nolasco
The Supreme Court denied the petition of a Filipino seaman to declare his
wife presumptively dead for his failure to conduct a search for his missing
wife with such diligence to give rise to a well found belief that she was dead.

The 4-year period can be shorted to 2 years if the

presumptive death is under the circumstances of great
danger (Article 391 of the Civil Code)
 If the absent spouse was on a vessel and the
same was lost during sea voyage and he has
not been heard of for two years since the loss.
 The absent spouse was on an airplane which
was missing and such spouse was not heard
of for two years since the loss of the airplane.
 The absent spouse who was in the armed
forces has taken part in the war and has been
missing for two years.

Midterm Exam for Persons & Family Relations cma

 When the absent spouse has been in danger

of death under other circumstances.

The judicial declaration of presumptive

death under Article 41 of the Family Code is mandatorily required by
law only for the purpose of capacitating the present spouse to

If the
The extraordinary absence is only for the absent spouse turns out to be alive, then the
purpose of remarriage of the remaining spouse however, for the
division and liquidation of the estate and money of the previous
subsequent marriage contracted by the present
marriage, this will only happen after 4 years of consecutive absence spouse will be automatically terminated but only upon
of the absentee spouse. the execution of the affidavit of reappearance by the
reappearing spouse or any of the interested party.
General Rule: Judicial declaration of presumptive death is
required as such is a presumption that arises from law. Affidavit of Reappearance:
Exception: No judicial declaration of presumption of death is - This shall be recorded in the office of the Local Civil
needed in cases of Article 390 and 391 of the Civil Code before Registrar of the place where the present and the
the effectivity of the Family Code, since these are presumption
subsequent spouse resides.
that arises from law
- The recording of this document is the operative act
 Article 390:
that terminates the subsequent marriage without
- The person has been absent for 7 years, it being
unknown whether or not the absentee still lives. prejudice to the outcome of any judicial proceeding
- The absentee shall be presumed dead for all purposes questioning the reappearance.
except for succession, in which cases, the absentee
shall be presumed dead after the lapse of 10 years. Who can execute the Affidavit?
 Article 391: (a) Reappearing spouse
- An absentee who is 75 years old and above is (b) Or any interested party such as the parents of
presumed dead if he has been absent for 5 years, still spouses, their children, the remarried spouse or
unknown whether or not the absentee is still alive. even the subsequent spouse of the remarried

Bigamous but Valid Marriage:

- The fact that the absent spouse is still alive renders
the subsequent marriage as a bigamous but valid
The decision of the court declaring the marriage.
spouse presumptively dead under article 41 is unappealable and is
immediately executor since it falls under the Summary Judicial
- This means that the second marriage is bigamous yet
Proceedings in the Family Law. it is still valid by virtue of the judicial declaration of
presumptive death.
1. The children of the subsequent marriage conceived are
considered legitimate. However, children born after the
second marriage is dissolved are considered

2. The property relations of the parties; be it absolute or

conjugal partnership, shall be dissolved and liquidated.
 The party who contracted the marriage in bad faith
shall forfeit his/her share in the net profit community
property in favor of their common children, or if
there none, the children of the guilty spouse by a

Midterm Exam for Persons & Family Relations cma

previous marriage or in default thereof, by the

innocent spouse. 2. Either party was of unsound mind, unless such party
after coming to reason freely cohabited with other as
3. A donation by reason of marriage made by the innocent husband and wife.
spouse in favor of the guilty spouse is revoked by
operation of law. 3. The consent of either party was obtained by fraud,
unless such party afterwards, with full knowledge of
4. The designation of the guilty spouse as the beneficiary the facts constituting the fraud, freely cohabited with
of the insurance policy of the innocent spouse may be other as husband and wife.
revoked by the latter even if there is a designation that it - Vitiated consent must be proven by preponderance of evidence which
may include the actuation of the parties previous to the marriage.
is irrevocable.
4. The consent of either party was obtained through
5. The party who contracted the subsequent marriage in force, intimidation or undue influence, unless when
bad faith shall be disqualified to inherit from the such has disappeared or ceased to exist, the party
innocent spouse. thereafter freely cohabited with the other as husband
and wife.
- This is appreciated only when the one of the contracting parties is
compelled by a reasonable and well-founded fear of an imminent and
grave evil upon his person and property or upon the person or
property of his/her spouse, descendants or ascendants, to give his
- To determine the degree of the of intimidation, the age, sex and
condition of the person shall be borne in mind.

CANNOT be ratified by Cohabitation

5. Either party was physically incapable of consummating
the marriage with the other, or such incapacity
continues and appears to be incurable.
- This refers to impotency and not sterility.
- Potency is always presumed, thus, whoever claims that his/her
If both parties are spouse is impotent has the burden of proving it. However, the
presumption of potency is rebutted if the wife remains a virgin after
guilty of bad faith, the marriage shall be void ab initio three years from the time of their cohabitation, which is called the
and all donations are revoked by law. Since the Doctrine of Triennial Cohabitation.
marriage is void, the separation of property will be
6. Either party was inflicted with a sexually transmissible
governed by co-ownership under Article 147 or 148 of
disease found to be serious and appears to be
the Family Code.
- This is a ground to annul of marriage if it is both serious and
incurable. It can be a ground a ground if it already existed at the time
of the marriage and it was concealed by the guilty spouse.
 Any of the following circumstances shall constitute
The subsequent marriage entered into 1. Non-disclosure of a previous conviction by final
after the judicial declaration of presumptive death can only be judgment of the other party of a crime involving moral
terminated when the first spouse files an affidavit of reappearance. turpitude.
- It is not necessary for the spouse to verify first before the marriage
whether or not the other spouse has a previous conviction since the
burden of proof is on the convicted party to divulge is criminal
Article 45-46: Grounds for Annulment of Marriage 2. Concealment by the wife of the fact that the time of the
 The grounds for the annulment of a voidable marriage, she was pregnant by a man other than his
marriage enumerated in article 45 of the Family Code husband.
- This could only be appreciated as a fraud when the concealment of
must already be existing at the time of celebration of the pregnancy is still very possible. Thus, the husband could no
the marriage. If the grounds occurred only after the longer claim concealment of pregnancy when it is very obvious that
celebration of the marriage it cannot be used as a ground to the woman is already pregnant.
- The reason why this is a ground for annulment is because, any child
annul the marriage. born after the celebration of marriage is considered a legitimate child
of the husband, and it would be unfair for the man to take care of the
child which is not his.
Can be Ratified by Cohabitation
(Cohabitation means sexual intercourse) 3. Concealment of sexually transmissible disease,
1. Absence of parental consent for a party who is over 18 regardless of nature, existing at the time of the
but below 21 years of age. Unless, after reaching the marriage.
age of 21, such party freely cohabitated with the other
and both lived together as husband and wife.
Midterm Exam for Persons & Family Relations cma

4. Concealment of drug addiction, habitual alcoholism or

homosexuality or lesbianism existing at the time of
- Only when it already existed at the time of the marriage and was
concealed by said party from the other
 No other misrepresentation or deceit as to character,
health, rank, fortune or chastity shall constitute such
fraud as will give grounds for action for the annulment If the ground is vitiated consent through
of marriage. force, intimidation or undue influence
- The prescriptive period is 5 years from the time
the force, intimation or undue influence ceased to
- The party may only be instituted by the party
whose consent was vitiated.
The grounds for annulment is exclusive,
thus, only those specified in Articles 45-46 of the Family Code shall
be considered.

Article 47: Prescriptive Period for Annulment of Marriage

If the ground is physical incapability to

consummate the marriage or sexually transmissible
- This is physical incapability to do the sexual act.
If the ground is absence of parental - The action for annulment can be filed by the
consent injured party within 5 years from the time of the
- The prescriptive period is 5 years from the time celebration of the marriage.
the party who did not secure the parental consent
reaches 21 years old. Article 48-49: Procedures in Annulment & Nullity of Marriage
- The parents of the party who did not acquire a STEP 1:
parental consent can also annul the marriage at Filing in the Family Court the complaint for Annulment or
any time before their son/daughter reaches 21 Declaration of Marriage
years old.  The defendant shall be served with summons and a
In this order: father, mother, legal guardian copy of the complaint whereby he is given 15 days to
file his answer from receipt thereof.

If no answer is filed by the defendant within 15 days:

 The court cannot declare the defendant in default
 The court will order the prosecuting attorney or fiscal
assigned to it to enter his appearance for the State
If the ground is insanity - To take steps to prevent collusion between the
- No prescriptive period but will be ratified by parties
cohabitation if after the insane becomes sane still - To insure that evidence is not fabricated or
continued to cohabit with the other spouse. suppressed
- The sane spouse or the relatives or guardian of - To defend a valid marriage
the insane spouse may annul the marriage at any - To expose an invalid one
time before the death of either spouse.  After conducting an investigation, the fiscal is
- The insane spouse may annul the marriage only mandated by law to make a report to the court on the
during his lucid interval. result of his investigation. If there is no collusion the
fiscal will submit a report of no collusion to the court.
 The court cannot render judgment on the basis of stipulation of facts
or confession of judgment. An Annulment case cannot be
terminated compromise agreement and no valid compromise is
legally possible on the issue of the validity of marriage
 A full blown hearing is required in case where the plaintiff is required
to prove his case in court. The policy of the State is to be cautious
and strict in granting annulment of marriage, thus, the law strictly
If the ground is fraud
prohibits the annulment of marriage w/out trial.
- The action prescribed after 5 years from the
discovery of the fraud.
Midterm Exam for Persons & Family Relations cma

 The State shall be represented by the OSG or by the parent designated by the court. The court shall take into
Fiscal in all cases of nullity and annulment of marriage: account all relevant considerations, especially the choice
of the child over 7 years old, unless the parent chosen is
 Although Article 48 does not specifically state the unfit.
OSG, such office is nevertheless can intervene in the No child under 7 years old shall be separated from the
proceeding considering that issue of validity of the mother unless the court finds compelling reasons to order
marriage is vested with public interest. otherwise. ”
 Republic vs. Joy, G.R. No. 152577, September 21, 2005: - Should the court award the custody of the child to one
It is their duty not only to defend the validity of the marriage and parent during the pendency of the case, the other
prevent collusion between the parties but also to expose an invalid spouse should have visitorial rights unless the court, for
one. The prosecuting attorney is required to actively participate in some compelling reason, deprives him or her of such
the proceedings and submit a memorandum. rights. However, visitorial can be reinstated if it showed
General Rule: The Fiscal must actively intervene in the that the deprivation is too harsh or is no longer present.
case and submit a report to the court that there was no STEP 3:
collusion between the parties. Upon receipt of verified petition for declaration of absolute
nullity of Marriage or Annulment of Marriage or Legal
Exception: If the annulment or declaration of nullity of Separation
marriage was strongly opposed & heatedly contested by The Court may issue Provisional Orders:
the defendant by hiring a lawyer who filed several  This upon application under oath of any parties may issue
pleadings and actively participated in the trial of the case. provisional orders and protection orders with or w/out a
 The non-intervention of the fiscal to assure lack of collusion bond, for such period and under such terms and conditions
between the parties is not fatal to the validity of the as the court may deem necessary.
proceedings in court especially when it was not shown that Includes:
evidence was suppressed or fabricated by any of the parties. 1) Spousal support
2) Child support
In this case, the strict application of Article 48 and 60 of the
3) Child custody
Family Code is unwarranted. 4) Visitation rights
 Compromise Agreement of Property Separation: 5) Hold departure order
 The partial voluntary separation of property agreed 6) Order of protection
Article 50-54: Decree of Annulment and Nullity of Marriage
upon by the parties through a compromise agreement
approved by the court prior to the declaration of nullity
of marriage is valid. Effects of Annulment and Nullity of Marriage
 Manquilan vs. Manquilan, G.R. No. 155409, June 8, 2007:
The non-participation of the prosecuting attorney or the Solicitor
General in the nullity of marriage case does not invalidate the
compromise agreement previously entered into the by the parties.
An agreement to separate property is not itself an indicator of
collusion. In fact, there is no need for the Fiscal to participate in the
negotiation leading to the agreement.
STEP 2: Shall be according to Article 43 of
During the Pendency of the Action of Annulment or the Family Code
Declaration of Nullity of Marriage 1. Children under voidable marriage will still be
considered legitimate however for children born
under a void marriage, they will become
illegitimate children
 Children conceived and born before the nullity
of marriage on the ground of psychological
The support of the spouses and the incapacity under 36 became final are
custody & support of the common children: considered legitimate
 Children conceived and born of subsequent
General Rule: The support of the spouses and the void marriage under Article 53 are also
custody and support of the common children will be considered legitimate.
primarily governed by whatever agreement the parties 2. Properties may be separated to whatever
have made. agreement they may have agreed to.
3. Donations to one another will remain valid but if
In the absence of such agreement: the done is the guilty spouse, then the donation
 The support of the spouse and common children will be revoked by operation of law.
- Shall be taken from the conjugal or absolute community 4. Insurance beneficiaries designated to the guilt
until the marriage is dissolved.
spouse may be revoked even if it is irrevocable.
 The custody of the common children
- This shall be resolved in accordance with Article 213 of
5. The guilty spouse is barred from inheritance to the
the Family Code which states that “in case of separation innocent spouse either by testate or intestate
of the parents, parental authority shall be exercised by the succession.
Midterm Exam for Persons & Family Relations cma

- In the eyes of the law, the husband and wife are

still married to each other but they are already
allowed to live separately.

Article 55: Grounds for Legal Separation

Grounds for Legal Separation:
Dissolution of the conjugal  These are exclusive grounds and therefore no other grounds
partnership for legal separation can be invoked except those stated in
a. The properties will be liquidated and distributive Article 55
 These grounds need not to exist prior to the marriage as
according to the comprise agreement of the
they even usually occur after the marriage
spouses or to their pre-nuptial agreement.
However, absence of which, the absolute
1. Repeated physical violence or grossly abusive conduct
community of property regime will govern.
directed against the petitioner, a common child or a
b. If the union is without marriage
- The property regime shall be governed by the rule of co-ownership child of the petitioner.
provided for in Articles147 & 148, and not the conjugal partnership 2. Physical violence or moral pressure to compel the
of gains or absolute community property.
petitioner to change religious or political affiliation.
c. All creditors of both parties must be notified and 3. Attempt of respondent to corrupt or induce the
the conjugal dwelling shall be adjudicated in favor petitioner, a common child, or child of the petitioner to
of the spouse with whom majority of the common engage in prostitution or connivance in such corruption
children choose to remain. or inducement.
4. Final judgment sentencing the respondent to
imprisonment of more than 6 years, even if pardoned.
5. Drug addiction or habitual alcoholism of the
6. Lesbianism or homosexuality of the respondent.
7. Contracting of the respondent of a subsequent
Presumptive Legitime bigamous marriage, whether in the Philippines or
- This is the part of the testator’s property which he abroad.
cannot dispose of because the law has reserved it 8. Sexual infidelity or perversion
for certain heirs called compulsory heirs. 9. Attempt by the respondent against the life of the
 The presumptive Legitime of the children shall be delivered to
them in cash, property or sound security and it must be
provided in the decree - This must not be justified by self-defense or that
- This is only required only in the dissolution of marriage the spouse attacked was caught in flagrante
in Article 40. It is not required in other forms of void delicto having carnal knowledge with another man
marriages because said marriages are to be governed or woman.
by co-ownership. - Criminal conviction is not required as the attempt
on the life of another spouse may be proven by
preponderance of evidence.
10. Abandonment of petitioner by respondent without
justifiable cause for more than 1 year.

The partition and distribution of

the properties of the spouses and the delivery of the
presumptive legitimes to be children shall be recorded
in the Office of the LCR and in the Registry of Deeds
in order to bind the 3rd person. Criminal conviction of adultery or
- Non-compliance of the said requirement will concubinage
render the subsequent marriage of the parties null - is not required in the action for legal separation. The
and void court may grant legal separation by mere
preponderance of evidence.
 Legal Separation a.k.a. Relative Divorce
- This does not dissolve the marriage as it is nothing
more than a separation in bed-and-board (a
mensa et thoro) of the spouses.
Other acts of sexual infidelity short of
adultery and concubinage are enough as long as the said
acts constitute a clear betrayal of the trust of one spouse.
Midterm Exam for Persons & Family Relations cma

Thus, even a husband single act of sexual intercourse with

another woman is already ground for legal separation.

Lesbianism, homosexuality, drug  This means that both parties are at fault or have
addiction and habitual alcoholism given ground for legal separation.
- Can only be a ground for legal separation if they occur
during the marriage.
- If said defects already existed before the marriage and
they were concealed from the other spouse, they could
be grounds for annulment of marriage.

Article 56-57: Defense for Legal Separation

Grounds for Dismissal for Legal Separation:
1. Where the aggrieved party condoned the offense
or act complained of  This refers to an arrangement between the
2. Where the aggrieved party has consented to the spouses to obtain a decree of legal separation by
commission of the offense or act constituting the secret maneuvers or pretensions by making it
grounds for legal separation appear that a valid ground exist even if there is
3. Where there is connivance between the parties in none.
the commission of the offense or act constituting
Article 58-59: Procedures for Legal Separation
the ground for legal separation
 Death of one party extinguishes a pending action for legal
4. Where both parties have given ground for legal separation.
5. Where there is collusion between the parties to
obtain the decree of legal separation
6. Where the action is barred by prescription STEP 1:
- An action for legal separation shall be filed within 5 years
from the time of occurrence of the cause. Filing in the Family Court the complaint for Annulment or
 The court may take judicial notice of prescription. If prescription is Declaration of Marriage
apparent from the allegations in the complaint for legal separation,  The defendant shall be served with summons and a
the court can dismiss it “motu proprio”. Thus, even if prescription is copy of the complaint whereby he is given 15 days to
not interposed as a defense but it becomes manifest after trial, the file his answer from receipt thereof.
court may stil dismiss the complaint.

If no answer is filed by the defendant within 15 days:

 The court cannot declare the defendant in default
 The court will order the prosecuting attorney or fiscal
assigned to it to enter his appearance for the State
- To take steps to prevent collusion between the
Condonation - To insure that evidence is not fabricated or
 An act of forgiving and is given after the fact, while suppressed
consent is given after the act that gives rise to the - To defend a valid marriage
ground for legal separation. - To expose an invalid one
 After conducting an investigation, the fiscal is
mandated by law to make a report to the court on the
result of his investigation. If there is no collusion the
fiscal will submit a report of no collusion to the court.

General Rule: The Fiscal must actively intervene in the

case and submit a report to the court that there was no
Connivance collusion between the parties.
 This happens when the spouse participated in the
downfall of the other as by providing actively the Exception: If the annulment or declaration of nullity of
opportunity for the wrong doing directly or marriage was strongly opposed & heatedly contested by
Midterm Exam for Persons & Family Relations cma

the defendant by hiring a lawyer who filed several

pleadings and actively participated in the trial of the case.
 The non-intervention of the fiscal to assure lack of collusion
between the parties is not fatal to the validity of the
proceedings in court especially when it was not shown that
evidence was suppressed or fabricated by any of the parties.
In this case, the strict application of Article 48 and 60 of the
Family Code is unwarranted.

Before the court will commence to the hearing of the case, Support
it should allow a “Six Months Cooling-off Period” to lapse of the parties and their common children and
from the filing of the complaint custody
 This is intended to give the parties enough time to - The support for the parties and their common
further contemplate their positions and allow the children will be taken from the absolute community
healing balm of time to aid them in the process. or conjugal partnership.
 This is a mandatory requirement and its non- - If the court awards the custody of their minor
compliance renders the decision infirm. However, what children to one spouse, the other spouse should
is only prevented is the hearing of the case on its be given visitorial rights.
merits. It does not involve the hearing of other
Article 63-64: Effects of Legal Separation
incidents such as custody of minor children, support
“pendete lite” and alimony.
1) The spouses shall be entitled to live separately from
 The court may also entertain prayers of injunctions
each other, but the marriage bond shall not be
within the period or even motion to dismiss.
 Ocampo vs. Florencio 107 Phil. 35
No decree of legal separation may be issued unless the court has taken 2) The absolute community or conjugal partnership shall
steps towards the reconciliation of the spouses and is fully satisfied, be dissolved and liquidated but the offending spouse
despite such efforts, that reconciliation is highly improbable. Likewise,
the court cannot render judgment on the basis of stipulation of facts or shall have no right to any share of the net profits,
confession of judgment. which shall be forfeited in accordance with article
3) The custody of the minor children shall be awarded to
STEP 3: the innocent spouse, subject to the provisions of 213
Spouses are entitled to live separately from each other of this code.
 After the filing of the petition for legal separation the 4) The offending spouse shall be disqualified form
parties are already entitled to live separately from each inheriting from the innocent spouse by intestate
other. succession. Moreover, provisions in favor of the
offending spouse in the will of the innocent spouse
shall be revoked by operation of law.
6. A donation by reason of marriage made by the innocent
spouse in favor of the guilty spouse is revoked by
operation of law.
- The action to revoke the donation under Legal
Separation must be brought within five years from
the time the decree of legal separation has
become final.
ration of Conjugal Properties 7. The designation of the guilty spouse as the beneficiary
- In the absence of written agreement of both of the insurance policy of the innocent spouse may be
parties as to the administration of the absolute revoked by the latter even if there is a designation that it
community or conjugal partnership property shall is irrevocable.
be decided by the court.
Article 65-66: Effects of Reconciliation
- If neither of the parties is fit to administer it, the
court may appoint a third person to manage the
community properties.

Midterm Exam for Persons & Family Relations cma

- This shall continue to subsist, unless the

spouses agree to revive their former
property regime.

A corresponding joint
manifestation under oath signed by them shall be filed
with the court in the same proceeding for legal Joint Manifestation of
separation Reconciliation specifications:
Effects: 1. The properties to be contributed anew to the
restored regime
2. Those to be retained as separate properties of
each spouse
3. The names of all their known creditors, their
addresses and the amounts owing to them

For pending cases

- It shall be terminated right away

The agreement of revival must be

in writing and attached to the motion filed in court
trying the legal separation case.
If the decree has already been
- The decree shall be set aside.

Creditors of both parties must be

duly notified by furnishing them copies of both the
agreement and the motion.
Separation of properties and any  Once the court approves the agreement, the order of the
forfeiture of share to the guilty party already court must be recorded in the proper registries of properties.
effected  Those creditors that were not listed or not notified shall not
be prejudiced by the recording of the order in the proper


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