Unit 2 Atomic Structure Formative Quiz 1

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Atomic Structure Formative Quiz 1 ______/14 Marks

Pre-AP Chemistry Name____________________________________

1. Discuss experimental evidence used to develop the nuclear model of the atom. (3)

2. Use the mass spectrum below to answer the following questions.

a. How should the axes of this graph be labeled? Justify your reasoning. (2)
b. Identify this element. Justify your answer with calculations. (4)

Pre-AP Chemistry Unit 2 Atomic Structure Formative Quiz 1

3. Nitrogen has two stable isotopes, N-14 and N-15. Determine the percent abundance of
each isotope. (3)

4. Carbon has two stable isotopes, Carbon-12 and Carbon13. Carbon-12 has a percent
abundance of 98.93%. Sketch an intensity vs. mass spectrum for carbon. (2)

Pre-AP Chemistry Unit 2 Atomic Structure Formative Quiz 1

Atomic Structure Formative Quiz 1
Pre-AP Chemistry Name________Answer Key 14pts_________

1. Discuss experimental evidence used to develop the nuclear model of the atom.

The nuclear model of the atom was developed based on evidence that most alpha particles
moved through a sheet of gold foil unobstructed.

But sometimes an alpha particle would be deflected at 180o angle.

This demonstrated that the atom is mostly empty space with a dense nuclear core of
positively charged particles

It was further modified when evidence showed that the nucleus of the atom was heavier
than expected, leaving to the discovery of the neutron.


2. Use the mass spectrum below to answer the following questions.

a. How should the axes of this graph be labeled? Justify your reasoning.
b. Identify this element. Justify your answer with calculations.

a. Intensity on the y-axis, mass number on the x-axis. The most abundant
isotope peaks at 100. It is not possible to have a percent abundance of
100 and have multiple isotopes. (2pts)
b. This is Pb. 2.7/(100+45.8+42+2.7) = 0.014; 45.8/190.5 = 0.24; 42/190.5 =
0.22; 100/190.5 = 0.525. (204*0.014)+(206*.24)+(207*.22)+(208*.525) =

Pre-AP Chemistry Unit 2 Atomic Structure Formative Quiz 1

207. (4pts – 1 for total intensities, 2 for calculations, 1 for element
based on calculations)

3. Nitrogen has two stable isotopes, N-14 and N-15. Determine the percent abundance of
each isotope.

(x)(14) + (1-x)(15) = 14.007 (1pt)

x = 0.993 (1pt)
N-14 = 99.3% N-15 = 0.7% (1pt)

4. Carbon has two stable isotopes. Carbon-12 has a percent abundance of

98.93%. Sketch an intensity vs. mass spectrum for carbon.


Mass (u)

(2pts – 1 for labeled axes, 1 for data points)

Pre-AP Chemistry Unit 2 Atomic Structure Formative Quiz 1

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