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Learning Center Tutor Training

West Los Angeles College


New Tutors/Student Tutor I/Level 1 Certified Tutor (CRLA)

Modules/Topics Assignments/Activities
1 Getting Started as a Tutor (Definition Define tutoring/role of tutor in
of Tutoring & Responsibilities, Basic own words, distinguish
Tutoring Guidelines/Tutoring Dos & differences in tutoring, teaching,
Don’ts, Setting Expectations, Policies supplemental instruction, develop
& Procedures) tutoring philosophy and personal
values, appropriate actions &
behavior role-play/identification

2 Holding a Successful Tutoring Session Assign beginning, middle, and

(Beginning and Ending a Session, end to various “parts” of a
Having a Student-Driven Agenda, tutoring session, tutors shadow
Active Learning, Summary, Planning experience tutor and write
for Follow Up) breakdown/report, establish bank
of welcoming phrases to open
and encouraging phrases to close
with, role-play scenarios

3 How We Learn & Learning Styles Describe/identify preferences of

(Learning Theory, Multiple each learning style and describe
Intelligence Theories, VARK, 8 Modes attributes, explore individual
of Intelligences, Adult Learners) learning style/preference and
strategies, explain principles of
Knowles’ theory of andragogy
and apply to our center/students

4 Effective Communication, Emotional Observe mock tutoring session,

Intelligence, Communication Skills, identify and explain why certain
Non-verbal Communication, behaviors are ineffective for
Cultural/Gender Differences in communication in scenarios,
Communication, Active Listening, and role-playing scenario with
Paraphrasing different student types

5 Role Modeling (Modeling Problem Tutor-created handout or mind

Solving, Assessing or Changing Study map that explains the SQ3R
Behaviors, Role Modeling, Critical method, mock email creation
Thinking Skills) requesting specific issues such as
clarification on assignment,
extension, or to request a meeting
6 Assisting Difficult Students, Dealing Small group role play,
with Difficult Tutoring Situations, De- observation of staged interactions
escalation to discuss strategies, matching
difficult behaviors to remedies or
solutions, identifying larger
issues or barriers that may be
contributing to student’s attitude
and knowing resources to direct
them to

7 Test Anxiety, Information Overload, Review and identify effective

and Memory Principles/ Mnemonics study methods, order sample of
tasks according to importance
and need, practice time-blocking
and time management (for study
and for tests), responding to
sample student scenarios with
reassuring and positive language

9 Sexual Harassment in the Workplace Respond to sample student

and Title IX, Establishing a Safe scenarios with best practices
Workplace Environment, Reporting keeping survivor safe and in
Harassment, Supporting Survivors, driver’s seat, choose effective
Championing Gender Diversity and and appropriate language and
Awareness, Providing Resources responses, identify resources on
and off campus

Returning Tutors/Student Tutor II/Level 2 Advanced Certified Tutor (CRLA)

1 Review of Level 1 (Certified Tutor) Supervisor observation and

Topics evaluation to ensure tutor is
carrying out all of the skills,
attitudes, and behaviors included
in the Level 1 training, formal
written assessment covering
Level 1 topics (score of at least

2 Understanding Group Process, Identify behaviors that would

Facilitating Group Sessions both negatively and positively
impact group sessions, resolve
and mediate sample conflicts,
delegating/assigning work during
a sample task, defining
compassionate leadership
qualities and best practices

3 Equity Mindset (Being a Warm Define culture and explaining

Demander, Cultural Awareness, how culture influences learning
Intercultural Communication, and tutoring, defining of terms
Diversity, & Special Needs Students, related to cultural diversity
Culture as a Resource, Safe to Fail (prejudice, stereotype, privilege,
Environments) etc.), tutor reflects on their own
cultural norms and how this
might impact a tutoring
relationship, mock tutoring
session using culturally
appropriate language that
encourages diverse viewpoints

4 Brain Dominance Theory Create additional tutoring

(Lateralization of Brain Function), activities to compare and contrast
Self-regulated Learning, and Memory characteristics of right/left brain
learning, develop and deliver
tutoring activities that address
specific brain-dominant traits,
suggests additional tools to help
learner adapt and obtain deeper
understanding of content

5 Deficit vs. Asset-Based Thinking - Choose appropriate language and

Promoting Strength-Based Thinking responses for mock tutoring
(Tara Yosso’s Community Cultural session (open, middle, close),
Wealth Model, Focusing on Potential define Yosso’s concepts, identify
and Strengths, Challenging Deficit- and discuss power of language
Based Narrative) and how it shapes interactions

6 Probing Questions (Socratic Method) Explain the difference between

clarifying and probing questions
(identifying the two), turn
clarifying question into a probing
question, small group exercise to
ask five different questions:
clarifying, probing, open-ended,
close-ended, and Socratic
Returning Tutors/Student Tutor III/Level 3 Master Certified Tutor (CRLA)

1 Review of Levels 1 & 2 (Certified Supervisor observation and

Tutor) Topics evaluation to ensure tutor is
carrying out all of the skills,
The Role of the Learning Center on the attitudes, and behaviors included
Campus, The Role of Learning Centers in the Level 1 and 2 training,
in Higher Education formal written assessment
(including assessing case studies)
covering Level 1 and 2 topics
(score of at least 85%)

2 How to Identify and Tutor Target Create population-specific

Populations materials to use during sessions,
discuss list of prescribed
behaviors or linguistic cues
during role play (without
prompting), reflection on tutoring
session with target population,
identify available campus
resources and makes appropriate

3 Training and Mentoring Other Tutors Develop plans, deliver trainings

in the Learning Center (Supervisory on topics appropriate for Levels 1
Skills) and 2, models appropriate
behaviors for junior tutors in
mock sessions and on tutoring
floor, explain evaluation process
and cycle and can recommend
specific corrective action, watch
recorded tutoring session and
correctly complete evaluation of
the session (strengths and areas
of opportunity)

4 Advanced Group Management Skills Develop relevant materials

(Group Interaction and Group (interview questionnaires,
Dynamics) rubrics, promotional materials),
assess effectiveness and
contributions of group members
and their impact on learning
community, identify group
members roles and how each is
essential to the group

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