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Artificial Intelligence – a glimpse

In computer science, artificial intelligence is described as 'the study of

intelligent agents,' which means that machines are able to perceive their
surroundings and are able to maximise their chance of success at a particular
goal. This means that if machines become intelligent, they are likely to find
solutions to problems like all other living beings.

With the introduction of artificial intelligence there’s definitely gonna be a huge

change in the development of software and applications which will open the
door towards a whole new level of technological system.
A recent forrester report says about “How AI will change Software Development
and Applications”.

The key points in the report include :-

 Artificial Intelligence Will Improve, Accelerate, And Disrupt The

Software Development Life Cycle
A combination of AI technologies like advanced machine learning, deep
learning, natural language processing, and business rules will have an impact on
all steps of the software development life cycle, helping developers build better
software faster. AI will disrupt how developers build applications and the nature
of the applications they build.
 Artificial Intelligence Will Enable Developers To Build Apps That
Learn Like Humans
Machine learning and deep learning are the core AI technologies that
developers should get familiar with to build applications that learn on their
own. Developers will focus less on using coded rules to program applications to
be smart and instead program algorithms or configure them to self-learn.
Developers will integrate algorithms, compose, and source large data sets to
train and test such apps.
 Be Prepared For The Challenges And Risks of Artificial Intelligence
New AI-based systems will sit side by side with traditional programmed
software for a long time to come. Integrating new with old — or even new with
new — won't get any easier. Unrealistic expectations of AI techniques will
strengthen the sceptics. Plan for integration skills, look for the right types of
problems to solve, and set pragmatic expectations to avoid unattainable science
FRIEGHT WAVES , in their blog talks about the things that could go wrong as
the possibilities of Artificial intelligence are limitless.And also mentions the
possibility of an AI robot rising up against the human race.

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