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ME321A: Advance Mechanics of Solids

Home Assignment 4
Due on 18 Sep. 2019 (Wed.) 5pm - 6pm
in NL 211 (opposite ESA/ME321A lab).

Question 1
Given a strain tensor S in a fixed coordinate system {E, êi } in R3 as
 λ

[ ] 0 2 x1 x2 0
S E =  λ2 x1 x2 0 0 ,
0 0 0
where λ ∈ R.
Verify that S is an incompatible strain tensor.

Question 2
Let u(r) be a given displacement field.
The strain tensor S is given by
1[ T
S= (∇u) + (∇u) (1)
Strain-displacement compatibility equations are given by
( )T
∇× ∇×S =0 (2)
Check if the necessary conditions for the strain-displacement compatibility equations are satisfied ie.,
check if (1) satisfies (2).

Question 3
Let the total displacement field be given by
utotal (r) = u(r) + u0 + R0 · (r − r0 ) (3)
where u0 and r0 are constant vectors, and R0 is a constant second order rotation tensor such that ||R0 || << 1.
Check if the following holds:
( ) [ ( )]T
∇ u0 + R0 · (r − r0 ) + ∇ u0 + R0 · (r − r0 ) =0

Question 4
Let u(r) be the displacement field.
1( ) 1( )
S= ∇u + (∇u)T and R= ∇u − (∇u)T
2 2
Show that
Rji,k = Sik,j − Sjk,i

Question 5
Show that
[ ( ) ( )]T [ ( )]
∇× S+ ξ−r × ∇×S = − (ξ − r) × ∇ × S × ∇
where ξ and r are any vectors in R3 .

Earlier version had a minor typo as (ξ + r) in LHS.

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