CCTV Demo Lesson Plan

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I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson, 90% of the Senior Highschool TVL Electronics student will be able
a. identify all component and types of CCTV, cameras and functions
b. assemble all component of analog CCTV system
c. recommend the important of CCTV system for businesses and home security

II. Subject Matter


Subtopic: Tools and Equipment in CCTV installation

Reference: Electronic Product Assembly And Servicing NCII Competency Base learning Module 1
Training Regulations- Electronic Product Assembly And Servicing NC II

III. Instructional Materials

DVR Analog Multi-tester
CCTV camera Laptop
CCTV cable LED Monitor
CCTV camera power supply CCTV Tester
Electronics Tools
Hard Hat
IV. Instructional procedure

A. Preliminary Activities

“Good Morning Class” “Good Morning Sir”

Opening Prayer
“Let us start this day by thanking God and ask for his (student will stand in front and will lead the prayer.)
Student Please lead the prayer”
(students pick up pieces of papers and arrange
Arranging of chairs their chair)
“Before you take your seat kindly pick-up the pieces
under your chair and arrange your chairs.”
“Please sit-down class”

Checking of Attendance Student 1: present

“I will check your attendance and say PRESENT if your Student 2: present
name is called”.

“So how are you doing class?” “Doing well, sir!”

“That’s great!”

Review of previous topic

Before we begin to our new lesson for today, let us have
a recap on our past lesson,
So, who can still recall our past lesson? (Students will raise their hands)
So, let’s hear student A “The past lesson was about burglar alarm system”

B. Motivation
A sample video clip is play from a TV network (Students are watching the video)

Part of motivation
1. Why used CCTV? (Students will raise their hands and share their

(Teacher and student interaction0

C. Lesson Proper

CCTV Power Point Presentation

(Students are listening and watching power point
After 10-20 minutes

Class are you ready for the activity? “Sure sir!”

I will do the demonstration, ok then after this you will

make your own. Am I clear? “Yes, sir!”

o Break the students up into groups of 4 or less (Students participate in activity)

o Hand out the activity sheets and materials.
o They are assembling a CCTV security system
o Be sure to help them connect the camera to DVR,
and CCTV camera power supply
o They connect the DVR video out to the monitor
o As the students perform the experiments, stress
the different types of camera and DVR channel
V. Assessment


Assessment methods: (refer to rubric)

• Hands-on (Each student will perform a demonstration in
• Direct observation assembling a CCTV)
• Practical demonstration

VI. Assignment

For your assignment, read and advance study of “Student will copy the assignment”
next topic on Fire alarm system

“Do you have question?” “No more sir”

“If there’s none, let’s have our closing prayer, “AMEN”

“Goodbye everybody, you are dismissed” “Good bye sir””

Prepared by:
Rex C. Ladao ECT, LPT
Contact # 09559279544
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