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21st may 2015 retest

6.Child with recurrent headache, lncreasing in severity effecting school early morning. Vomiting
afterwards. Classical raised icp case
Task take hx ex from examiner dx n management yo mother
7. Postmenopausal for 15yr came with bloody discharge no hrt not sexually active dry vagina pap n
mamo 2 yrs back normal. Denying every postmenopausal symptom.
Take hx advice further test n mx
8. Rest
9. Colles fracture
Explain xray to patient tell the mx ,examiner gave his hand to show how to put plastercast
10. 50yr Patient with no existing medical condition came with lower abdominal pain increasing in
severity for 24 hr .
Do examination, tender all over max in left iliac fosa
Tell probable dx n further test n mx
5. Pt came from turkey ,stepped on rusty nail has copd
Task history immediate mx
Preventive advice
4. Recurrent headache in 27 yr female ,gave history of classic migraine
Task history ,tell patient all possible differentials
3 rest
2. 25 yr with cola color urine ,yesterday had sore throat.
Take history tell dd to pt n what investigation you would perform.
1. Ice induce psychosis
Tell parent about condition take relevant hx
Immediate mx
Longterm prognosis

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