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Maria Guadalupe Meza Montes


Idioma Extranjero III

13 de octubre de 2019
Part 1

I'm going to my friend's party if... he has pizza to eat and rock music
If I have time tomorrow, ... I will go to the cinema to watch the ¨it¨
movie and eat popcorn
My friend Caty won't pass her driving test she's scared
I can enter the platform if... I have my correct password
We can prepare diner if ... we had all the ingredients.
She can get a promotion and a better she finishes studying at the university
salary if...
The company was almost in bankruptcy, it the bank authorizes the loan
can continue operating only if...

I'd buy new jeans if... If I had have money I would have bought
new jeans
if there were good music on the radio If there were good music on the radio
tonight, ... tonight I would wake UP
My bedroom would be nicer if… If my bedroom were cleaned by me, it
would be nicer
if my family had more money... If my family had more money I wouldn´t
- I'd feel happier if... If Leon Team won all matches I would feel
If I saw an accident car happen, If I saw an accident car I would call to
emergency number
I could invite my friends to my home if... I could invite my friends to my home if I
had a house.

Part 2
SCENARIO 1 A marketing strategy.-
If you were a Marketing Manager for a National Corporation and if you were given 20,000
USD for a marketing campaign; consider that would have to use all that money to promote
the product (or service) of the company you work for, please, mention at least three ways
to spend that money. (Do not forget to use auxiliaries would/could/might)
Your paragraph goes here:
They are three ways to spend the marketing campaign:
1) I could use a Facebook page if I had a profile in this one.
2) I would use a publish on newspaper if I might had money.
3) I would use a motley in the Nation Corporation if there were somebody who wants to

SCENARIO 2 Being a congressman / congresswoman

If you were elected congressman / congresswoman in Mexico Republic, what would you
do to...? a) improve economy
b) increase quality of Mexicans life
c) decrease delinquency
Your paragraph goes here:
If I was a congresswoman I would decrease delinquency in the country. I could use a
methodology to eliminate stoles in homes, drug narcotraffic, kidnappings. I could find a
political program to improve education to people can get a job much better.
SCENARIO 3 Owner of a TV Network
If you were the president of a TV Network for instance (Televisa / CNN / OnceTV / ESPN
/ Azteca /...)
a) What would you do to increase Culture in Mexico population?
b) What programs, series, movies or TV commercials would you eliminate in order to
diminish ignorance?
Your paragraph goes here:
If I was a president of a TV Network in Mexico I could remove all programs whose purpose
is violence between peoples. I could make a government program to improve education
in child and young from high school and university. It can to help us to have a country
with professional peoples in different areas such as engineering, social sciences, etc.

SCENARIO 4 Being an HR Manager under pressure

If you were the Human Resources Manager at a big company (5,000 employees in
Mexico) and if you were notified that there is an imminent company downsizing, so you
have to come up with a plan for cost reduction. What strategies would you suggest to the
executives of the corporation (you may consider to include a workforce layoff)?
Your paragraph goes here:
If I was a Human Resources Manager at a big enterprise I could change employees who
are trained much better to get a best result in productivity from company. I might change
work methodology in different areas in production department to improve efficiency in
company and we can make a work faster with a least resources from enterprise.

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