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Jamie L.

Curriculum Vitae
August 2015

Assistant Professor –Department of Biology

4059 Life Sciences Building Phone: (801) 422-6896
Brigham Young University Fax: (801) 422-0090
Provo, UT 84602 Email:


2010 – present Assistant Professor Brigham Young University

Department of Biology
2005 – 2010 Adjunct Faculty Chandler-Gilbert Community College
Department of Biology
2004 – 2005 Adjunct Faculty Rio Salado Community College
Department of Biology, online
2003 – 2008 Ph.D. Arizona State University, Biology
Advisor: Anton E. Lawson
Focus: Biological Science Education
2001 – 2003 Adjunct Faculty Utah Valley State College
Department of Biology
2000 – 2003 M.S. Brigham Young University, Zoology
Advisor: Michael R. Stark
Focus: Developmental Biology and
Molecular Evolution
1996 – 1999 B.S. magna cum laude Brigham Young University, Animal Science
Focus: Pre-veterinary/Pre-medical
Minor: Chemistry


 Heaps, A., Briggs, J., Dawson, T., Hansen, M., and Jensen, J. L. (In press).  Deriving
population growth models by growing fruit fly colonies.  American Biology Teacher.
 Jensen, J. L., Neeley, S., Hatch, J. B., & Piorczynski, T. (2015, Online). Learning 
scientific reasoning skills may be the key to retention in science, technology, 
engineering, and mathematics.  Journal of College Student Retention.  doi: 
 Manwaring, K. F., Jensen, J. L., Gill, R. A., & Bybee, S. M. (2015). Influencing 
highly religious undergraduate perceptions of evolution:  Mormons as a case study. 
Evolution: Education & Outreach, 8, 23.
 Weber, K. S., Jensen, J. L., & Johnson, S.M. (2015). Anticipation of personal genomics data
enhances interest and learning environment in Genomics and Molecular Biology
undergraduate courses. PLoSONE. 10(8).
 Jensen, J. L., Kummer, T. A., & Godoy, P. D. d. M. (2015). Improvements from a flipped
classroom may simply be the fruits of active learning. CBE-Life Sciences Education, 14, 1-
 Cottrell, S., Jensen, J. L., & Peck, S. L. (2014). Resuscitation and resurrection: The
ethics of cloning cheetahs, mammoths, and Neanderthals. Life Science, Society and
Policy, 10:3.
 Jensen, J. L., McDaniel, M. A., Woodard, S. M., & Kummer, T. A. (2014) Teaching
to the Test, or Testing to Teach: Exams Requiring Higher Order Thinking Skills
Encourage Greater Conceptual Understanding. Educational Psychology Review, 26,
 Morton, B. E., Svard, L., and Jensen, J. L. (2013). Further evidence for hemisity
sorting during career specialization. Journal of Career Assessment, 22(2), 315 – 326.
 Jensen, J. L., Berry, D. A., & Kummer, T. A. (2013). Investigating the effects of
exam length on performance and cognitive fatigue. PLoS ONE, 8(8), e70270.
 Jensen, J. L., Kummer, T. A., & Banjoko, A. (2013). Assessing the effects of prior
conceptions on learning gene expression. Journal of College Science Teaching,
42(4), 82-91.
 Jensen, J. L., Dario-Becker, J., Hughes, L. E., Amburn, D. S. K., and Shaw, J. A.
(2012) A call for a community of practice to assess the impact of emerging
technologies on undergraduate biology education. Journal of Microbiology and
Biology Education, 13(1), 21-27.
 Jensen, J. L. (2011) Higher education faculty versus high school teacher: Does
pedagogical preparation make a difference? Bioscene, 37(2), 30-36.
 Jensen, J. L., & Lawson, A. E. (2011). Effects of collaborative group composition
and inquiry instruction on reasoning gains and achievement in college biology. CBE –
Life Science Education, 10(1), 64-73.
 Jensen, J. L. (2009). Using the mystery of the cyclopic lamb to teach biotechnology.
The American Biology Teacher, 72(4), 345-351.
 Lawson, A. E., Oehrtman, M., & Jensen, J. L. (2008). Connecting science and
mathematics: The nature of scientific and statistical hypothesis testing. International
Journal of Science and Mathematics Education, 6(2), 405-416.

Manuscripts in review

 Arnold, K. M., Daniel, D. B., Jensen, J., McDaniel, M., & Marsh, E. J. (In review).
Structure building predicts grades in college psychology and biology. Applied
Cognitive Psychology.

Manuscripts in revision or preparation

 Jensen, J. L., McDaniel, M. A., Kummer, T. A., & Godoy, P. D. d. M. (In revision).
Testing effect on high level cognitive skills. Learning & Instruction.
 Buxton, A. N., Dawson, T., Wright, G., Bybee, S., & Jensen, J. L. (In revision)
Spiders or butterflies? Despite student preference, gender-biased lesson models do not
impact interest, attitude, and learning in biology. Science Education.
 Kummer, T. A., Whipple, C. J., & Jensen, J. L. (In revision) The prevalence and
persistence of misconceptions in tree thinking. American Biology Teacher.
 Manwaring, K. F., Jensen, J. L., Gill, R. A., & Bybee, S. M. (In prep) How
creationist views, religiosity, and scientific reasoning ability interact to influence
evolution acceptance
 Manwaring, K. F., Jensen, J. L., Gill, R. A., & Bybee, S. M. (In prep) How
acceptance of evolution relates to religiosity (and other factors) among Judeo-
Christian religions.
 Wiberg, H. K., Bailey, E. G., Jensen, J. L., Nelson, J., & Bell, J. D. (In prep, est.
Sept2015) Weekly formative midterms and creative grading enhance student learning
in an introductory science course. CBE-LSE.
 Jensen, J. L. (In prep, est. Sept2015) The constructivist crash course.
Curriculum/Textbook project with Pearson Publishing.
 Cox, S. E., Bell, J. D., Gill, R. A., Tass, S., & Jensen, J. L. (In prep, est. Oct2015)
Perceptions and influences behind teaching practices: Do teachers teach as they were
taught? CBE-Life Sciences Education.
 Dalgleish, J., Godoy, P. D. d. M., & Jensen, J. L. (In prep, est. Oct2015) Engineering
an educational exam experience. CBE-Life Sciences Education.
 Laidlaw, C., & Jensen, J. L. (In prep, est. Dec2015) Teaching life history strategy to
elementary students. American Biology Teacher.
 Jensen, J. L., Kummer, T. A., Briggs, J. (In prep, est. Dec2015) Is Bloom’s
Taxonomy enough? Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and


Extramural Funding
2013 Pearson Education, Biology Leadership Conference Catalytic Grant.
Investigating the Flipped Classroom. $5000.
2012 National Science Foundation, CAREER: Genetic Networks of Bract
Suppression in Maze. (PI: Clint Whipple); I am a collaborator supervising
the educational component and co-advising the PhD student in educational
research on tree thinking.
2011 – 2012 National Science Foundation, PGRP 0817707. Comparative evolutionary
genomics of cotton. $5,035,594. Senior personnel with Wendel et al.
2011 American Society for Cell Biology Childcare award. $650

Competitive Intramural Funding

2014 BYU Mentoring Environment Grant. BYU undergraduate explore the 
development of scientific reasoning ability in STEM majors and its correlation to 
student performance and retention.  $20,000
2014 BYU Teaching Enhancement Grant.  Writing Across the Curriculum.  $5,950
2013 BYU Mentoring Environment Grant. BYU undergraduates explore the flipped 
classroom in search of the best pedagogy for introductory biology.  $20,000
2013 Emmeline B. Wells Grant. Gender Bias in Lesson Contextual Factors for Life
Science Education. $25,000
2013 BYU Teaching Enhancement Grant. Improving Bio130 labs. $7000
2012 BYU David O. McKay Scholarly and Creative Works Grant. Assessing the
importance of accurate LDS doctrine in the classroom: Undergraduate
perceptions of evolution. Co-applicant with Seth Bybee. $20,000
2012 BYU Teaching Enhancement Grant. Isotopic analysis to enhance student
learning. $9000
2011 BYU Teaching Enhancement Grant. The implementation of inquiry-based
laboratories into Biology 100. $5169
2010 BYU David O. McKay Scholarly and Creative Works Grant. Assessment effects
on achievement and reasoning in introductory biology. $20,000
2010 BYU Faculty Development, Course Development Grant. $300

Funding for My Advised Students

2013 BYU ORCA Award. Ted Piorczynski. Testing the Validity of the LCTSR 12-
point Grading System. $1500.
2013 BYU ORCA Award. Jordan Hatch. Transferring Hypothetical Deductive
Reasoning. $1500.
2011 American Society for Cell Biology Travel Award. Tyler Kummer. $300.
2011 BYU ORCA Award. Liahona Hamblin. Student Resistance to the Inquiry
Method of Instruction in the Biological Sciences. $1500.

Declined Submissions (Proof of Effort)

Reviews Year Title, Amount
2015 PI. CAREER: Building Expertise in STEM by Focusing on Science
Process and Reasoning Skills. $860,752.
5 Good 2015 PI. National Science Foundation, IUSE: Collaborative Research:
The Flipped Classroom: Does It Work and Why? $263,238.
3 Fair; 1 Poor 2014 PI. CAREER: Building Expertise in STEM (BEST): A Program to
Develop Scientific Reasoning Ability in Tomorrow’s STEM
Graduates. $917,797.
3 Very Good; 1 2014 PI. National Science Foundation, IUSE: Collaborative Research:
Good Defining the Causal Mechanisms of the Flipped Classroom.
0%, 11.1%, 16.7% 2013 Co-Director. Howard Hughes Medical Institute – Undergraduate
Science Education: Transforming Initiative for Discovery-based
Education. $2,417,000.
3 Very Good; 2 2012 PI. National Science Foundation TUES: Using Assessment to
Good Increase Evolutionary Literacy. $199,935.
3 Excellent; 5 Very 2012 Co-PI. National Science Foundation AToL: Collaborative Research:
Good; 1 Good Novel and Integrative Approaches to Articulate the Pancrustacean
Tree of Life. $1,534,430.
1 Excellent; 3 2012 Co-PI. National Science Foundation PGRP: Understanding
Good; 1 Poor Polyploid Genomes Through DNA Sequencing. $764,212.
Not Invited 2012 Co-PI. NSF Preliminary Proposal: RUI Collaborative Research:
Molecular phylogenetics and evolution of mayflies (Ephemeroptera).
2 Excellent; 2 Very 2011 Co-PI. National Science Foundation RUI: Collaborative Research:
Good; 2 Good Molecular phylogenetics and evolution of mayflies (Ephemeroptera).
3 Very Good; 1 2011 PI. National Science Foundation TUES: Knowing the Audience:
Good; 2 Fair Using assessment to develop a model course for teaching and
learning evolution. $194,850.
4 Good 2011 Co-PI. National Science Foundation RCN-UBE: Biology Education
– Technology Assessment (BETA) Network. $495,369.
1 Excellent; 2 Very 2010 Co-PI. National Science Foundation RUI: Collaborative Research
Good; 1 Good; 2 RUI: Molecular phylogenetics and evolution of mayflies
Fair; 1 Poor (Ephemeroptera). $220,207.
3 Very Good; 4 2010 Co-PI. National Science Foundation AToL: Collaborative Research:
Good; 2 Fair; 1 Novel and Integrative Approaches to Articulate the Panscrustacean
Poor Tree of Life: Origin(s) and Innovation(s). $933,709.


2015 Society for the Advancement of Biology Education Research (SABER),

Invited Speaker, Minneapolis, MN.
2015 Gordon Research Conference – Biology Undergraduate Education Research,
Invited Participant, Poster Presentation, Lewiston, ME.
2015 Biology Leadership Conference, Invited Participant, Poster Presentation,
Pearson Education, Austin, TX.
2015 Participated in two-day Meta-analysis workshop hosted by McKay School
2015 Participated in statistics refresher course for faculty in McKay School
2014 – 2015 Participated in BYU’s Publish and Flourish prgoram
2014 Society for the Advancement of Biology Education Research (SABER), Poster
Presentation, Minneapolis, MN.
2014 National Academies Summer Institute Participant, Boulder, CO.
2014 AP Biology Exam ALD Validation Panelist, Newtown, PA.
2014 Center for Integrative Research on Cognition, Learning, and Education
Conference, Invited Speaker, Washington University, St. Louis, MO.
2014 Ran two-day professional development workshop on tree thinking for local
high school teachers, BYU.
2014 Biology Leadership Conference, Invited Speaker, Pearson Education, Amelia
Island, FL.
2013 Presentation to Chemistry Curriculum Committee on Writing Across the Core,
2013 Society for the Advancement of Biology Education Research (SABER),
Invited Speaker, Minneapolis, MN.
2013 Biology Leadership Conference, Invited Participant, Pearson Education,
Tucson, AZ.
2013 AAAS Vision & Change, Invited Participant, Washington, DC.
2013 AP Biology Standards Setting Panel, Philadelphia, PA.
2012 Center for Integrative Research on Cognition, Learning, and Education
Conference at Washington University, Invited Participant, St. Louis, MO.
2011 American Society for Cell Biology Conference with special sessions on
undergraduate education, Poster Presentation, Denver, CO
2011 American Association of Colleges and Universities Conference, Miami Beach,
2011 Local Grant Writing Conference, BYU
2010 American Society for Cell Biology Conference with special sessions on
undergraduate education, Philadelphia, PA
2010 – 2011 Wasatch Associates Program through BYU Center for the Improvement of
Teacher Education and Schooling
2010 National Science Foundation Regional Grants Conference, Salt Lake City, UT
2010 – 2011 BYU Faculty Development Seminar


Brigham Young University

2014 – present Women in Science – Guest Lecturer
2014 - present Dissertation (Bio 799R) – Sp’14 (1 student), Su’14 (1 student),
W’15 (1 student)
2014 Advanced Topics in Ecology & Evolution (Bio 559R) – W’14 (4
students), Sp’14 (2 students), Su’14 (2 students), W’15 (2
2013 – present Graduate Teaching Fellows Program Course I (Bio 679R) – F’13
(8 students), F’15 (10 students)
Graduate Teaching Fellows Program Course II (Bio 695R) – F’13
(2 students), F’14 (1 student),
Masters Thesis (Bio 699R) – W’13 (2 students), F’13 (1 student),
W’14 (1 student), Sp’14 (1 student), F’14 (1 student), W’15 (1
2010 – present Principles of Biology (Bio 100) – F’10 (80 students), W’11 (263
students), F’11 (158 students), W’12 (263 students), F’12 (521
students), W’13 (97 students), W’14 (162 students), F’14 (124
students), W’15 (134 students)
Mentored Research (Bio 494R) – W’11 (4 students), W’12 (2
students), Sp’12 (1 student), F’12 (6 students), W’13 (4 students),
F’13 (3 students), W’14 (6 students), F’14 (1 student), W’15 (4
Biology (Bio 130) – W’12 (59 students), W’13 (107 students),
F’14 (65 students)
Advanced Topics in Science Education (Bio 679R) – F’12 (13
2013 Biology 130 – Guest Lecturer
2012 Research Orientation (Bio 503) – Guest Lecturer
2011 Teaching Methods & Instruction in Biology (Bio 377) – F’11 (11
2011 Classroom Management & Lab Safety (Bio 379) – F’11 (11
2011 Exploration of Teaching in the Biological Sciences (Bio 276) –
Guest Lecturer
2011 – 2013 Research Orientation (Bio 503) – Guest Lecturer
2001 – 2003 Molecular Biology Laboratory – Lab Instructor
Advanced Physiology Laboratory - Lab Instructor
Chandler-Gilbert Community College
2005 – 2010 Biology (Majors Biology)
Arizona State University
2004 Anatomy Laboratory – Lab Instructor
2004 – 2005 Biology Laboratory (Non-Majors) – Lab Instructor
2006 Connecting Biology, Geology, and Mathematics (Graduate Course
for in-service teachers) – Lead Instructor
2007 Biology Laboratory (Majors) – Lab Instructor
Rio Salado Community College
2004 – 2005 Biology (on-line, pre-nursing course)
Utah Valley State College (Now Utah Valley University)
2002 – 2003 Biology (Non-Majors)
Mesa Public Schools
2000 Substitute Teacher (Grades 7-12)


Visiting Professor 
1. Patricia Godoy.  Visiting Professor from UNINORTE in Brazil. 2014

Graduate Students (6)

1. Clint Laidlaw. PhD Candidate. 2014 – present
2. Dane Berry. MS Candidate. 2013 – 2014 (Discontinued)
3. Amy Dawson Buxton. MS. 2013 - 2015
4. Tyler Kummer. PhD Candidate. 2012 – present
5. Stephanie Bagley Cox. MS. 2012 – 2014
6. Joseph Meldrum. MS Candidate. 2011 – 2012 (Discontinued)

Graduate Student Committees (6)

1. Christian Davies. PhD Candidate. 2010 – 2012 (Discontinued)
2. Sariah Cottrell. MS. 2012 – 2014
3. Christina Call. PhD Candidate. 2012 – 2014
4. Katie Manwaring. PhD Candidate. 2012 – present
5. Matthew Rytting. MS Candidate, TEE. 2015 – present
6. Caroline Williams, MS Candidate, School Psychology. 2015 – present

Undergraduate Students (47)

1. †*§Tyler Kummer – Bridging the gap between concrete and theoretical in teaching
gene expression; Designing a new model of intelligence. 2010 – 2012 (Now a current
PhD student).
2. *Stephanie Bagley – Teachers teach as they’ve been taught. 2011 – 2012
(subsequently finished a Masters Degree with me).
3. †*§Dane Berry – Examining cognitive fatigue during high-level testing; Designing a
reversed curriculum to match constructivist theory; Re-designing a textbook to match
a reversed curriculum; Supplemental laboratory experiences in introductory biology
(as part of a Teacher Enhancement Grant). 2011 – 2014.
4. †*§Steven Woodard – The effect of assessment format on student achievement;
Nutritional knowledge effects on eating habits and body image. 2010 – 2012.
5. Nathan Patterson – The effect of active verbalization during study periods on
student retention and performance. 2010 – 2011.
6. *Jordan Tall – Designing a reversed curriculum to match constructivist theory. 2010 –
7. Joseph Sorenson – Sorting and compiling data. 2011 – 2012.
8. †A.J. McCleary – The effects of class size and instructional technique on student
engagement. 2011 – 2014.
9. Darren Lynn – The effects of Adderall on students’ creative problem solving skills.
2011 – 2013.
10. †ψLiahona Hamblin – ORCA Undergraduate Research: Student Resistance to the 
Inquiry Method of Instruction in the Biological Sciences. 2011 – 2012.
11. Olivia Tateoka – Isotopic analysis of hair samples to ascertain nutritional changes
after education (as part of a Teaching Enhancement Grant). 2012 – 2013.
12. †ψ*§Jordan Hatch – Reasoning patterns by major: Are they transferrable? 2012 – 2015.
13. †Tyler Parsons – Traditional and Perceived Religiosity and Their Effect on the 
Understanding of Biological Concepts.  2012 – 2013.
14. Chrissy Parsons – Does the introduction of low­level “fluff” to high­level exams 
improve student attitudes without being detrimental to learning? 2012 – 2013.
15. Amy Dawson – Analyzing the effects of resistance to inquiry on long­term retention 
in high­ability students.  2012 – 2013 (subsequently finished a Masters Degree with
16. Mitchell Kroll – Does lateral transfer facilitate learning?  2012 – 2013. 
17. Michael Davis – A new Bloom’s Taxonomy to take into account cognitive load.  
2012 – 2013. 
18. Lauren Hatfield – The effect of exam banks on student study habits and ability to 
demonstrate conceptual understanding.  2012 – 2012. 
19. †*Adam Swan – Inquiry vs. Traditional Instruction in Introductory Biology.  2012 – 
20. Talita Bejarano – A new way to grade the LCTSR. 2012 – 2013. 
21. Leslie McNaughton – Perceived religiosity and learning of evolution.  2012.
22. Jacquelyn Johnson – Sorting and compiling data.  2012.
23. Lynsie Wolfe – Sorting and compiling data.  2012.
24. Erica Paxman – Transcribing interviews. 2013 
25. Beau Seager – A new Bloom’s Taxonomy to take into account cognitive load.  2013 –
26. Ryan Barney – Designing biotechnology lessons. 2013 – 2014 
27.  †ψ*§Ted Piorcynski – Effective grading mechanism of the Lawson’s Classroom Test 
of Scientific Reasoning ­ 2013 – 2015 
28. §AJ Heaps – Redesigning the way that we teach population growth 2013 ­ 2015
29. *§†Jace Briggs – Reevaluating Bloom’s Taxonomy 2013­2015 
30. §Megan Hansen – Redesigning the way that we teach population growth 2013 ­ 2015
31. †*Tanner Phillips – Evaluating the implementation of Vision and Change into 
Introductory Biology 2013 ­ current
32. *§Tyler Dawson – Assessing gender bias in lesson models in elementary schools 2013 
­ 2015
33. Andrew Schmutz – Evaluating the implementation of Vision and Change into 
Introductory Biology 2013 ­ 2015
34. *James Dalgleish – Evaluating the best methods of assessment in introductory biology
2013 ­ 2015
35. Ephraim Taylor – Investigating the causal mechanisms behind the flipped classroom 
2013 ­ 2015
36. Dallas Ralph – Data compilation and analysis 2013­2014
37. Sean McCombs – Data compilation and analysis 2014
38. Zachary Estiva – Journal club participation 2014 – 2014
39. Mako Dijkwel – Investigating gender bias in lesson models 2014 - 2014
40. †Erik Pierce(ratchapong kaosucharit) – Testing mechanisms of the flipped classroom
2015 - current
41. Sterling Rosqvist 2015 – current – Testing mechanisms of the flipped classroom;
development of the BEST App
42. †Tana Sowards – Testing mechanisms of the flipped classroom; development of the
BEST App 2015 - current
43. *†Andrea Johnson – Testing mechanisms of the flipped classroom; development of
the BEST App; Gender bias 2015 - current
44. Adam Judd – Investigating complexity in textbook figures 2015 - 2015
45. Kuan Yew Clive – Participant in journal club 2015 - 2015
46. Sam Earnshaw – Testing mechanisms of the flipped classroom; development of the
BEST App 2014 – 2015
47. Nicholas Abraham – Development of the BEST App 2015 – 2015

† These students applied for grants to fund their research (e.g., BYU ORCA). Successful
applicants are denoted with ψ.
* These students presented their research at local and/or National Scientific Meetings.
§ These students’ research resulted in a co-authored manuscript that is published, in review,
or in prep.



Ad Hoc Manuscript Reviewer

To date – 14
Reviewed for the following journals:  Psychology Research and Behavior 
Management, Journal of Microbiology and Biology Education, Frontiers in 
Integrative Physiology, The High School Journal, CBE­Life Science 
Education, Course Source, American Biology Teacher, British Journal of 
Education, Society, & Behavioural Science, Studies in Higher Education, 
Journal of Global Research in Education and Social Science, 

Ad Hoc Textbook/Online Module Reviewer

Freeman Publishers – 4 chapters
Sinauer Publishers – 1 chapter
SimBio – 1 online module
Pearson Publisher – 2 chapters
Wiley Publsihers – 1 online chapter

Grant Reviewer
To date – 2 (NSF)

Other Professional Capacities

Abstract Reviewer for SABER Conference – 2014 – 2015 
AP Biology Exam ALD Validation Panelist, Newtown, PA – 2014
Learning Catalytics, Pearson Education, question designer – 2013
Member of Advisory Board, Wiley Publishing – 2013 – current 
Conference Organizer, Evolution Conference, Snowbird, UT – 2013 
Member of Faculty Advisory Board, Pearson Publishing – 2013 – current  
AP Biology Standards Setting Panel, Philadelphia, PA – 2013 

University, College, and Department Service
Department Assessment Committee – 2010 to present; Chair 2011 – present 
o In charge of all Alignment Tables
o In charge of the Writing Across the Curriculum Initiative
Bio 130 Committee Chair and Lab Coordinator – 2011 – present
Graduate Teaching Fellows Program Chair – 2013 – present
Student Grant Reviewer (Office of Research and Creative Affairs, BYU) – 
2013 – present
Reviewer for Sant Endowment grants – 2015
Honors Thesis Reviewer – 2015
Biology Science Education Faculty Search Committee – 2013 – 2014
Clinical Faculty Associate Search Committee – 2012
Guest speaker, Women in Science Club event – 2012
Faculty Women’s Association – member; round-table discussion leader –
Invited curriculum designer for PDBio 120, 2009

Public Outreach
Faculty Advisor for the Humanitarian Aid Relief Team (HART) on­campus 
club – 2013 ­ present
Hobble Creek Elementary School Science Fair Judge – 2015
Summer Science Camp for children ages 4 – 11, 2013, 2014
Expanding Your Horizons Conference for Young Women, Conference
presenter, UVU, Orem, UT, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014
Hobble Creek Elementary School outreach:  3rd grade Biology Presentation, 
2011; 3rd grade and 5th grade Biology Presentations, 2014; 1st, 4th, and 6th 
grade Biology Presentations, 2015.
Beta testing of AP Bio Exam, 2012
Diagnostic Consulting and Education – Reports prepared for the following
disorders: Spinal muscular atrophy, idiopathic axonal sensorimotor
polyneuropathy, eosinophilic esophagitis, dishydrotic eczema, scleroderma,
Fabry’s syndrome, osteoporosis, Kennedy Disease, and Patau syndrome
(Trisomy 13), 2009 – current
Practical Biology for Women – Educating women on practical biological
matters, 2008 – 2010
Utah High School Association Science Fair Judge, 2002
Humanitarian Aide Relief Team (HART) – humanitarian outreach in Ghana,
West Africa, 1998 – 2000.
2009 Emerging Science & Mathematics Scholars, Outstanding Student Support


Research Presentations
2015 Society for the Advancement of Biology Education Research (SABER),
Invited Speaker, Minneapolis, MN.
2015 Gordon Research Conference – Biology Undergraduate Education 
Research, Invited Participant, Poster Presentation, Lewiston, ME.
2015 Biology Leadership Conference, Invited Participant, Poster 
Presentation, Pearson Education, Austin, TX.
2014 Society for the Advancement of Biology Education Research (SABER),
Poster Presentation, Minneapolis, MN.
2014 Center for Integrative Research on Cognition, Learning, and Education 
Conference, Invited Speaker, Washington University, St. Louis, MO.
2014 Women’s Symposium, Invited Speaker, BYU
2014 Biology Leadership Conference, Invited Speaker, Pearson Education, 
Amelia Island, FL.
2013 Seminar Presentation, Utah Valley University, Orem, UT
2013 Society for the Advancement of Biology Education Research (SABER),
Invited Speaker, Minneapolis, MN.
2013 Biology Leadership Conference, Invited Participant and poster 
presentation, Pearson Education, Tucson, AZ.
2013 AAAS Vision & Change, Invited Participant and poster presentation, 
Washington, DC.
2012 Women in Science Club, Invited Speaker, BYU.
2012 Southern Utah University, Department of Biology, Cedar City, UT
2011 American Society for Cell Biology Conference with special sessions on 
undergraduate education, Poster Presentation, Denver, CO
2011 Brigham Young University, Department of Biology, Ecolunch, Invited
2011 Brigham Young University, Department of Biology, IntroBio Meeting,
Invited Presenter.
2011 Wasatch Associates Program through BYU Center for the Improvement
of Teacher Education and Schooling, Invited speaker in 2011.
2010 Brigham Young University, Department of Physiology and
Developmental Biology, Invited Speaker.
2009 Brigham Young University, Department of Physiology and
Developmental Biology, Invited Speaker.
Professional Development
2014 National Academies Summer Institute Participant, Boulder, CO.
2012 Center for Integrative Research on Cognition, Learning, and Education
Conference at Washington University, Invited Participant, St. Louis,
2011 American Association of Colleges and Universities Conference, Miami
Beach, FL
2011 Local Grant Writing Conference, BYU
2010 American Society for Cell Biology Conference with special sessions on
undergraduate education, Philadelphia, PA
2010 – 2011 Wasatch Associates Program through BYU Center for the Improvement
of Teacher Education and Schooling.
2010 National Science Foundation Regional Grants Conference, Salt Lake
City, UT
2010 – 2011 BYU Faculty Development Seminar

Professional Memberships
Society for the Advancement of Biology Education Research July 2012 - current
National Association of Biology Teachers November 2009 – current
American Association for the Advancement of Science July 2006 – current
National Science Teachers Association August 2010 – 2015
The American Society for Cell Biology July 2009 – 2012
Adjunct Faculty Association July 2009 – 2010
Society for Molecular Biology and Evolution June 2002 – June 2003
Graduate Student Association, BYU 2002 – 2003


Anton Lawson Department of Organismal, Integrative and Systems Biology,

Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ 85287
(480) 965-2540, (Ph.D advisor)
Michael Stark Department of Physiology and Developmental Biology, Brigham
Young University, Provo, UT 84602
(801) 422-9498, (MS advisor)
Keith Crandall Director of the Computational Biology Institute, George Washington
University, Ashburn, VA 20147
(571) 553-0107, (Former Chair and Mentor)
Michael Whiting Department of Biology, Brigham Young University, Provo, UT
(801) 422-5651, (PD Committee Chair)

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