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Object: Demonstrate the validity of Bernoulli’s equation when applied to steady flo

Bernoulli's Theorem
Volume Area of
Volume Time to Manomete
Sr Flow Manom duct
collect collect Dia of duct r head h
No Rate eter (π*d^2)/4
(m3) (s) (m)
(m^3/s) (m^2)
h1 0.025 0.00049063 0.21
h2 0.0205 0.0003299 0.21
h3 0.016 0.00020096 0.05
1 0.00465 10 0.000465
h4 0.0205 0.0003299 0.15
h5 0.0235 0.00043352 0.18
h6 0.025 0.00049063 0.19
h1 0.025 0.00049063 0.29
h2 0.0205 0.0003299 0.29
h3 0.016 0.00020096 0.09
2 0.00474 10 0.000474
h4 0.0205 0.0003299 0.21
h5 0.0235 0.00043352 0.24
h6 0.025 0.00049063 0.27
h1 0.025 0.00049063 0.224
h2 0.0205 0.0003299 0.2
h3 0.016 0.00020096 0.15
3 0.001 3.96 0.000253
h4 0.0205 0.0003299 0.176
h5 0.0235 0.00043352 0.172
h6 0.025 0.00049063 0.162
h1 0.025 0.00049063 0.18
h2 0.0205 0.0003299 0.163
h3 0.016 0.00020096 0.11
4 0.001 2.75 0.000364
h4 0.0205 0.0003299 0.154
h5 0.0235 0.00043352 0.168
h6 0.025 0.00049063 0.164
plied to steady flow of water in a tapered duct.

Dynamic Total Head
=(Vol Flow
Head V^2/2g (Static +
(m) Dynamic) (m)
0.947770701 0.0457833487 0.2557833487
1.409534058 0.101263316 0.311263316
2.313893312 0.2728900234 0.3228900234
1.409534058 0.101263316 0.251263316
1.072624152 0.0586402942 0.2386402942
0.947770701 0.0457833487 0.2357833487
0.966726115 0.047632996 0.337632996
1.437724739 0.105354354 0.395354354
2.360171178 0.2839147804 0.3739147804
1.437724739 0.105354354 0.315354354
1.094076635 0.061009362 0.301009362
0.966726115 0.047632996 0.317632996
0.514701152 0.0135024096 0.2375024096
0.765468697 0.0298645426 0.2298645426
1.256594609 0.0804806325 0.2304806325
0.765468697 0.0298645426 0.2058645426
0.582504699 0.0172941755 0.1892941755
0.514701152 0.0135024096 0.1755024096
0.741169658 0.0279985965 0.2079985965
1.102274923 0.0619271155 0.2249271155
1.809496236 0.1668846396 0.2768846396
1.102274923 0.0619271155 0.2159271155
0.838806766 0.0358612024 0.2038612024
0.741169658 0.0279985965 0.1919985965
l 0.62 V2 0
w 0.3

l 0.62 V1 0.004743
w 0.15
h 0.051
V= 0.004743
Rubric Marks

Roll No Obtained Total Roll No Obtained

1801-BEME 1 19 20 1801-BEME 20 18
1801-BEME 2 16 20 1801-BEME 21 19
1801-BEME 4 18 20 1801-BEME 22 18
1801-BEME 6 19 20 1801-BEME 26 18
1801-BEME 7 20 1801-BEME 35 17
1801-BEME 9 19 20 1801-BEME 37 19
1801-BEME 12 20 1801-BEME 39 19
1801-BEME 13 20
1801-BEME 15 20
1801-BEME 16 18 20
1801-BEME 17 15 20
1801-BEME 18 20
1801-BEME 19 14 20

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