Multiple Choice: Encircle The Letter of The Correct Answer

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Southern Mindanao Colleges

Senior High Department

Preliminary Examination
Social Sciences 2
Name: _________________________________ Strand & Section: ______________________
Date: __________________________________ Permit No: ______________________

I. General Directions: Read each question carefully and give what is asked.
Multiple choice: Encircle the letter of the correct answer.
1. These are the famous philosophers of the Greece, except.
a. Heracles b. Plato c. Aristotle d. Socrates
2. What continent is the birthplace of mankind ?
a. Asia b. America c. Africa d. Australia
3. Who is the social scientist that developed the theory of evolution?
a. C. Durkheim b. C. Darwin c. C. Mendelev d. C. Vespucci
4. He is the successful king of Macedonia and consider as their respected military
leader who conquered many places in the continent.
a. King Phaimon b. Julius Ceasar c. King Herod d. Alexander
the Great
5. What continent is considered as the cradle of civilization?
a. Asia. b. Africa c. America d. Australia

TRUE OR FALSE: Write EYES if the statement is True and CREAM if the statement is

_______________1. The birth of social science responds to the needs of the man to free
himself from bondage.

_______________2. Treating the natives indifferently who are black in colour and with
kinky hair is justifiable.

_______________3. In order to understand your society you should understand your friend

_______________4. Women and men shared the same abilities. What men and women
can do depends on different situations.

_______________5. The study of politics, economics and anthropology relates to the

study of social sciences

_______________6. The world is composed of different cultures, ethnicity and breed thus
with the same gender.

_______________7. The concept of nationality and ethnicity are not interchangeable.

_______________8. Ethic groups are smaller cultural groups that share specific
environments, tradition and histories that are not necessarily subscribd to by the
mainstream culture.
_______________9. There are more than 110 tribal groups in the Philippines

_______________10. Bisexual are some individuals who are not attracted to any sexes

IDENTIFICATION: Write your answers on the space provided

_______________1. The identity that is tied to being part of a nation or a country

_______________2. These rfrs to the socialy constructed roles behaviors, activities and
attributes that a given society considers appropriate for men and women

_______________3. A person with this gender is inclined to be sexually attracted to a

person of the opposite sex

_______________4. A person with this gender is inclined to be sexually attracted to a

person of the same sex

_______________5. A male who is romantically and sexually attracted to another male

_______________6. A female who is romantically and sexually attracted to another


_______________7. These are some individuals who are attracted to both sexes

_______________8. This is the identity that is tied to being part of a nation or country.

_______________9. This is a number of indigenous ethnic groups in the Philippines.

_______________10. These refers to the socially constructed roles, behaviors and is the
preference of women and men’s role in the society

_______________11. This is a biological characteristics of humans such as female or male

_______________12. A type of gender that accommodates all type of sex

_______________13. These are some individuals who are attracted to multiple types of

_______________14. The oldest name of the continent which the land areas are still intact

_______________15. The most intelligent ape in the theory of evolution.

ENUMERATION: Give the correct answers only

1-7. The 7 continents of the world

8-12. The Industries of the early society

13-16 the biological capacities of human

17-19. The Status / Class system in the Philippines

20. Descriptive title of Soc Sci 2

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