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The Expanded Breastfeeding Promotion Act: Support for Breastfeeding Mothers in the Workplace

Last March 16, President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo signed Republic Act 10028 or the
“Expanded Breastfeeding Promotion Act of 2009” which builds on RA 7600 (or the
“Rooming-in and Breastfeeding Act of 1992”). Sen. Pia Cayetano, its principal author
and advocate for breastfeeding, in an article by said, “Indeed it takes an
entire community to raise a child. What we are aiming for is an entire enlightened
community, with high awareness on the advantages of breast milk, in order to raise
entire generations of breast-fed, healthy children and empowered breastfeeding

What are some of the provisions of this Act?

Private enterprises as well as government agencies, including government-owned

and controlled corporations, are required to put up lactation stations.Expenses
incurred by private health and non-health facilities, establishments or institutions in
complying with the law will now be deductible expenses (for income tax purposes)
that can be up to twice the actual amount incurred.The law requires “lactation
periods” for breastfeeding employees, in addition to time-off for meals, to allow
them time to express their breast milk. This period should be less no less than a total
of 40 minutes for every eight-hour working


What is this law about?
This law amends Republic Act 7600.

This law requires Health Institutions (i.e. hospitals, infirmaries, health centers, lying-in
clinics, or puericulture centers with obstetrical and pediatric services) to provide equipment,
facilities, and supplies for breastmilk collections, storage and utlization.

Health Institutions are encouraged to set up Milk Banks for storage of

breastmilk. The stored breastmilk will be given to children in neonatal intensive care units.

The law now requires Health Institutions, Public Places (i.e. schools, public transportation
terminals, shopping malls, etc.) and Work Places (i.e. work premises, whether private
enterprises or government agencies) to establish Lactation Stations.
Lactation Stations should be private, clean, sanitary and well-ventilated rooms or areas
where nursing mothers can wash up, breastfeed or express their milk comfortably and store
Important Things to remember:
1. These places have to have Lactation Stations:

 Hospitals
 Infirmaries
 Health Centers
 Lying-In Clinics
 Schools
 Public Transportation Terminals
 Shopping Malls
 Your office
If not, you can report this matter to the Department of Health (651-7801 or 651-7800 loc.
1105) and the violating institution can be fined from P50,000.00 to P200,000.00.

2. A Lactation Station should have:

 Lavatory for hand-washing
 Refrigeration for storing breastmilk
 Electrical outlets for breast pumps
 A small table
 Comfortable seats
If not, you can report this matter to the Department of Health (651-7801 or 651-7800 loc.
1105) and the violating institution can be fined from P50,000.00 to P200,000.00.

3. A Lactation Station should NOT be in a toilet or a rest room.

4. Employees who are breastfeeding have a right to be granted breaks so that they
can breastfeed. A nursing employee is entitled to at least 40 minutes for
breastfeeding for every 8-hour work period

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