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Criteria Marks Total

5 4 3 2 1
Excellent Satisfactory Poor
Able to identify and understand Unable to identify and
Able to identify and understand
Identification of Main Issues/ Problems (20 m) all of the main issues in the understand the issues in case
some of the issues in the case study
case study study
Insightful and thorough Relevant discussion of some of the No discussion of issues
Analysis / Discussion of Issues (30m)
discussion of all the issues issues in the case
Well-thought and highly
Provide comments (30m) Adequate comments No comments
relevant comments
Exceptional adaptation to relate No effort to relate to theories
Relate to theories / concepts (20m) adaptation to theories /concepts
to theories / concepts / concepts



Criteria Marks Total

5 4 3 2 1
Excellent Satisfactory Poor
Able to identify and understand Unable to identify and
Able to identify and understand
Identification of Main Issues/ Problems (20 m) all of the main issues in the understand the issues in case
some of the issues in the case study
case study study
Insightful and thorough Relevant discussion of some of the No discussion of issues
Analysis / Discussion of Issues (30m)
discussion of all the issues issues in the case
Well-thought and highly
Provide comments (30m) Adequate comments No comments
relevant comments
Exceptional adaptation to relate No effort to relate to theories
Relate to theories / concepts (20m) adaptation to theories /concepts
to theories / concepts / concepts


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