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Teaching Mathematics: Issues and solutions

Mary E. Little

A Feature Article Published in

TEACHING Exceptional Children Plus

Volume 6, Issue 1, October 2009

Copyright © 2009 by the author. This work is licensed to the public under the Creative Commons Attri-
bution License
Teaching Mathematics: Issues and solutions.

Mary E. Little


The ability to compute, problem solve, and apply concepts and skills in mathematics influences
multiple decisions in our lives. The National Research Council (1989) reported that mathematics
is especially evident in our technology-rich society, where number sense and problem solving
skills have increased the importance and demands of advanced levels of proficiency. However,
mathematics is often challenging for students with and without disabilities to master. Compari-
son studies have focused on student results which show US students not performing as well in
math as students in many other developed countries (USDOE, 2000). This manuscript describes
the changing context and expectations of math standards and curriculum, given the specific char-
acteristics of students with disabilities. Various research-based instructional methods and strate-
gies are described to address the revised standards in math for teachers to effectively meet the
learning needs of students with and without disabilities to master mathematics.

Mathematics, progress monitoring, standard

Little, M.E. (2009). Teaching Mathematics: Issues and Solutions TEACHING Exceptional Chil-
dren Plus, 6(1) Article 1. Retrieved [date] from

Mathematics is used throughout our Concerns regarding the poor math per-
lives - every day. The National Mathematics formance of students with disabilities have
Advisory Panel (2008) reported that mathe- also increased. Researchers have noted that
matics is the invisible culture of our age and math difficulties emerge in elementary school
emphasizes that mathematics is embedded in grades and continue as students progress
our lives in many ways: practical, civic, pro- through secondary school, typically perform-
fessional, recreational, and cultural. This is ing over two grade levels behind their peers
especially evident in our technology-rich so- without disabilities (Cawley, Parmer, Yan, &
ciety. Number sense and problem-solving Miller, 1998). Specifically, students fail to
skills have increasing importance, as technol- achieve a sufficient conceptual understanding
ogy (e.g., calculators, computers, software of the core concepts that underlie operations
programs, etc.) enhances both the opportuni- and algorithms used to solve problems that
ties for, as well as the demands of, advanced involve whole and rational numbers (Fuchs &
levels of proficiency in mathematics. Fuchs, 2001).

Current Issues to Consider

Mathematics is embedded in Changing Policies
our lives in many ways: practical, To address these issues, Congress
civic, professional, recreational, passed the No Child Left Behind Act
and cultural. (NCLB), with the purpose of ensuring that all
children have a fair, equal, and significant
opportunity to obtain a high-quality education
Mathematics is often challenging for students
and reach, at a minimum, proficiency on chal-
with and without disabilities to master. Com-
lenging state academic achievement standards
parison studies from recent commissions and
and state academic assessments (20 U.S.C. §
reports have focused on student results
6301). NCLB focuses attention on the general
(NCES, 2004). Students in the United States
education curriculum by requiring that states
are not performing as well in math as students
develop challenging academic standards for
in many other developed countries (USDOE,
both content and student achievement for all
2000). In both 1995 and 2003, U.S. fourth-
children in mathematics, reading/language
graders showed no measurable gain in
arts, and science (20 U.S.C. §§
mathematics and twenty-three percent of
6311(b)(1)(A)-(C)). The development of new
grade four students and thirty-two percent of
content standards was initiated to define and
grade eight students scored below the “basic”
to raise the expectations for the general edu-
level (NCES, 2004). Additionally, in the
cation curriculum.
2005 NAEP report, only two percent of U.S.
students attained advanced levels of mathe-
Changing Standards in Mathematics
matics achievement by grade 12 (NCES,
When beginning the revision of math
2006). These data regarding mathematics
standards, it was important to determine pos-
suggest that math achievement of U.S. stu-
sible reasons for the decline of student per-
dents was lower in 2003 than in 1995 relative
formance in mathematics, as well as consider
to their peers in 14 other countries.
the new federal requirements and mandates

related to increased rigor and accountability inclusion of students with disabilities have
for results of all students. One explanation is been raised, as there is little mention of stu-
that mathematics instruction includes too dents with disabilities in the development of
many superficially taught topics in a given the standards (Woodward & Montague, 2002)
year. More successful approaches, found par- and the process approach to teaching math
ticularly in Asian countries, tended to focus may not meet the needs for explicit instruc-
on few topics. The lessons are often devoted tion needed by some students, especially stu-
to the analysis of a few examples, and teach- dents with disabilities (Jackson & Neel,
ers encourage students to share different solu- 2006).
tions to problems (Office of Educational Re-
search and Improvement, 1998; Stigler & Characteristics of Students with Disabilities
Hiebert, 1999). Initially, students who demonstrate
When considering issues related to poor skills in numerical calculation abilities
reported student results and recent revisions were described as students with dyscalculia
to federal legislation, the National Council of (Johnson & Myklebust, 1967) and were eligi-
Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) initiated ble to receive special educational services if
reform efforts in math education, including a the instructional needs met the criteria (IDEA,
revision of the suggested math standards. As a 2004). Presently, it is estimated that between
result of published concerns about student four and seven percent of the school-age
achievement, NCTM recently revised their population experience some form of
curriculum standards to include an increased mathematics-focused disability (Gross-Tsur,
process approach for a deeper understanding Monar, & Shalev, 1996). Approximately, one-
of a decreased amount of standards (NCTM, fourth of the students identified with learning
2000). The Curriculum Focal Points outline disabilities were identified because they un-
comprehensive standards to ensure deeper, derperformed in mathematics (Brian, Bay,
pedagogical content knowledge of conceptual Lopez-Reyna, & Donahue, 1991). It has been
understanding. One significant change in the found that students with learning disabilities
mathematics standards is the shift in impor- in mathematics perform several grade levels
tance from memorizing computational facts to below their general education peers (Cawley,
applying problem-solving to real life situa- Parmer, Yan & Miller, 1998; Wagner, 1995),
tions. NCTM highlights the importance of struggle in basic mathematics skills and have
giving students opportunities to use and dis- difficulty in problem-solving situations (Mac-
cuss multiple representations during problem- cini & Hughes, 2000). Difficulties in mathe-
solving (NCTM, 2000). matics are part of a larger educational con-
The continued focus of the revised cern. Students who exhibit deficits in mathe-
standards on high-level conceptual learning matics skills also show evidence of social
and problem-solving (Maccini & Gagnon, deficits such as deficiencies in self-help skills
2002) has been cited as being responsible for and poor organization (Rourke, 1993). In ad-
the instructional shift away from procedural dition, students with learning disabilities are
practice for fluency of number facts (Gold- frequently characterized as having perceptual
smith & Mark, 1999). Concerns regarding and neurological concerns that impact learn-
these new curriculum standards ing. Students with difficulties in math often
( as related to the successful have other related difficulties, such as in

memory, poor calculation skills, number re- ficulties remembering information that
versals, and difficulty understanding concep- was presented. This is especially evi-
tual and/or procedural processes, especially as dent with the abstract symbols used in
represented through symbols and signs (Bry- mathematics (e.g., minus, greater than,
ant, Hartman, & Kim, 2003; Bryant, Bryant, less than, etc.).
& Hammill, 2000).
There are several factors that may in- Considerations for Instruction in
terfere with learning and subsequent mastery Mathematics
of concepts and skills in mathematics by stu- Current legislation, reforms and re-
dents with disabilities (Ginsburg, 1997): vised curriculum standards in mathematics
1. Perceptual skills: By definition, stu- focus attention on research-based instruction
dents with learning disabilities have for all students. Difficulties with learning
difficulty with spatial relationships, mathematics occur in one or more domains
distances, and sequencing. These dif- and on a continuum of needs, from temporary
ficulties may interfere with the acqui- to severe problems, which may manifest at
sition of and demonstration of math different points in a child’s learning. Multiple
concepts and skills, such as estimating instructional approaches and interventions
size and distance, and problem- may be necessary, since difficulties may be
solving. encountered at different ages and in different
2. Language: Vocabulary and language mathematical domains. Various research-
of mathematical concepts is not only based instructional approaches and metacog-
varied, but also abstract. Students with nitive strategies both enhance and scaffold
difficulties and/or disabilities in the instruction for student mastery of abstract
area of language may also have diffi- concepts (National Math Advisory Panel,
culties with understanding such 2008), especially within inclusive math
mathematical concepts as first, sec- classes (McLeskey, Hoppey, Williamson and
ond, greater than, less than, as well as Rentz, 2004; Miller and Hudson, 2007).
associated vocabulary terms such as
vertex, complimentary, acute, etc. For Instructional Solutions
students who have deficits in both Mathematics instruction for students
reading and mathematics, the diffi- with and without disabilities should include
culty with word-problem solving is the recommended instructional practices:
accentuated (Jitendra, DiPipi, & 1. differentiated instruction;
Perron-Jones, 2002). 2. metacognitive strategies and in-
3. Reasoning: Students with disabilities structional routines;
may not possess with abstract reason- 3. progress monitoring and formative
ing skills necessary for higher level assessment procedures; and
math skills development. These skills 4. computer-assisted instruction and
in reasoning may also present difficul- Universal Design for Learning
ties if instruction in mathematics is at (UDL).
the conceptual, abstract level.
4. Memory: Many students with learn-
ing and behavioral problems have dif-

Differentiate Instruction Using Levels of Concrete-Representational-Abstract (CRA).
Learning This instructional approach to differentiating
Differentiated instruction is an ap- instruction in math involves a sequence of
proach to planning and teaching based on the instruction (Maccini, Mulcahy, & Wilson,
premise that teachers must consider who they 2007; Miller & Hudson, 2007) to master
are teaching as well as what they are teaching. complex concepts and algorithms in mathe-
The goal is student mastery of the curriculum. matics. CRA involves utilizing manipulatives
Development of differentiated instruction oc- (concrete). Once the student has mastered the
curs along a continuum, beginning with units math concept using manipulatives, the objects
and lessons. Teachers start with the essential are replaced with pictorial representations,
understandings and goals of the curriculum such as a picture of the object (representa-
for the lesson or unit. Differentiating instruc- tional). This level is a critical bridge between
tion includes clarity of the standards and the concrete manipulatives and the abstract
learning goals of the curriculum, on-going symbols (e.g., equations, algorithm, etc.), as
assessment and adjustment, use of flexible this step builds the mental schema bridging
grouping, and planning learning tasks that are these two levels. It is critical to develop
respectful of each student’s needs (Tomlin- mathematics conceptual knowledge during
son, 1999). the representational level of learning. Once
Differentiated instruction may be im- the student is able to comprehend representa-
plemented in a variety of ways in mathemat- tional figures and designs, Arabic symbols
ics classrooms. One way to differentiate in- and explanation of the algorithm (abstract) is
struction incorporates planning and teaching taught. Successful performance at the abstract
within flexible groups based upon students’ level is the goal, as mathematics is most often
levels of learning. Levels of learning is a expressed and assessed at this level. The three
research-based instructional approach to levels of CRA are sequentially interrelated
and interconnected. Each level prepares the
student for the next level of learning (Witzel,
Differentiated instruction may 2005). The connections between the levels of
be implemented in a variety of learning are critical to foster student learning.
ways in mathematics class- For example, lessons and units must be de-
rooms. signed to be easily represented pictorially and
described abstractly. When lessons and units
are planned to address the levels of learning,
teaching and differentiating mathematics that the teacher will be able to differentiate in-
has been researched in mathematics education struction to meet the students’ needs for con-
and special education. Levels of learning is tent master.
most often described as an instructional se-
quence more commonly referred to as

Figure 1: Example of C-R-A using Base ten blocks with subtraction with borrowing

Concrete Representations Abstract

43 43 43
-26 -26 -26
4 longs + 3 shorts 4 longs + 3 shorts 40 + 3
2 longs + 6 shorts 2 longs + 6 shorts -(20 + 6)

3 longs + 1 long and 3 shorts 3 long tallies + 1 long tally and 30 + 10 + 3

2 longs + 6 shorts 3 short tallies -(20 + 6)
2 long tallies + 6 short tallies

3 longs + 13 shorts 3 long tallies + 13 short tallies 30 + 13

2 longs + 6 shorts 2 long tallies + 6 short tallies -(20 + 6)

1 long + 7 shorts 1 long tally + 7 short 10 + 7

17 tallies 17

Metacognitive Strategies and Instructional tacognitive strategies include mnemonic de-

Routines vices, problem-solving routines, self-
Metacognition refers to higher order monitoring skills, and the use of graphic or-
thinking that involves active control over the ganizers. Graphic organizers are designed to
cognitive processes engaged in learning assist students in representing patterns, inter-
(Montague et al, 2000). Metacognitive strate- preting data, and analyzing information rele-
gies teach students how to think about what vant to problem-solving. Other metacognitive
they are doing and learning. Activities such as strategies include prior knowledge prompts,
planning how to approach a given learning advance organizers, mnemonics, and visual
task, paraphrasing and monitoring for com- organizers (See Figure 2 for several research-
prehension, analyzing all parts of problems, based sample metacognitive strategies.)
and evaluating progress toward the comple-
tion of a task are metacognitive in nature. Me-

Definition Classroom Use Research-Base

KWL Charts
Visual, organizational As students generate Cart, E., and D. Ogle
tool to increase engage- their knowledge, prior (1987). K-W-L Plus: A
ment in active thinking knowledge and pre- strategy for comprehen-
in math by: assessment of a topic is sion and summarization.
– (K) describing conducted. Questions Journal of Reading, 30,
what is KNOWN engage the learners in 626-631.
about a topi their learning. Summa-
– (W) questioning rizing learning provides
about the poten- a post organizer and in-
tial learning formal assessment in-
– (L) summarizing formation.
concepts learned
after instruction
The Paraphrasing Strat- 1. Read the problem. Montague, M (2005).
egy is designed to help 2. Underline or highlight Math problem solving for
students restate the math key terms. elementary students in
problem in their own 3. Restate the problem in disabilities.
words, therefore your own words. Retrieved from the Web
strengthening their com- 4. Write a numerical February 29, 2009.
prehension of the prob- sentence http://www.k8accesscenter
lem. .org

Strategies that students Teacher predetermines Out of Memory (2008).

and teachers can create critical information and
Retrieved from the Web
to help students remem- key ideas from content
March 3, 2009.
ber content. The verbal and generates list of
information promotes facts. Then, through the
recall of unfamiliar in- use of a memory devise
formation and content. from first letters, teacher
creates a mnemonic. EX:
PEMDAS and Please
Excuse My Dear Aunt
Sally or PEMDAS to
remember the order of
Parenthesis, Exponent,
Multiplication & Divi-
sion (left to right), Addi-
tion & Subtraction (left
to right).

In addition, the use of accommoda- Progress Monitoring and Formative
tions by teachers may be necessary when con- Assessment
sidering the instructional needs of students Assessment is the process of gathering
within the context of specific math curricular evidence about a student’s knowledge of,
goals and lesson objectives. The use of ac- ability to use, and disposition toward mathe-
commodations does not alter the standard in matics and of making inferences from that
mathematics or curriculum goal taught for evidence for a variety of purposes (National
mastery by the students. Instead, accommoda- Mathematics Advisory Panel, 2008). Fur-
tions involve a wide range of techniques and thermore, assessment tasks should match stu-
support systems to assure that all students dent’s needs, the curriculum, and instructional
participate and demonstrate mastery of that strategies. In other words, the teacher should
standard in mathematics or curriculum goal. not teach one way and assess another way.
Accommodations may be considered and im- Assessment should be viewed as a tool to as-
plemented in five general areas: instructional sist the teacher design and revise instruction
methods and materials; assignments and for the student. In order to determine the ef-
classroom assessments; time demands and fectiveness of one’s instruction, a teacher ad-
scheduling; learning environment; and use of ministers various assessments on one or more
special communication systems. When select- skills to determine the growth rate of learning
ing accommodations, educators must analyze during the instruction and or intervention in
the learning needs of each student within the mathematics.
context of classroom and curriculum expecta- Educational assessment is the system-
tions. For example, a student’s disability in atic process whereby information about stu-
reading affects the student’s mathematics dent learning is collected to make instruc-
achievement when encountering word prob- tional decisions. Typically, assessment is
lems. Thus, if the student displays effective equated with testing. Although testing is one
listening comprehension, then an appropriate way to answer educationally relevant ques-
accommodation would be to read aloud word tions, it is not the only way. Information
problems (Johnson, 2000). In this example, about students can and should be obtained
reading the problems aloud enables the stu- through other techniques, including observa-
dent to successfully participate and master the tions, interviews, checklists, and rating scales
mathematics curriculum as a result of appro- (See Figure 3). Progress monitoring instru-
priate accommodations. It is important to ex- ments provide valuable data of student per-
amine the effectiveness of different accom- formance for this systematic process of in-
modations in the classroom and keep a record structional decision-making by teachers (All-
of the student performance before using the sopp et al, 2008). Stecker and Fuchs (2000)
accommodation in a high stakes environment. found that student performance increased
Consult state and school district policies and when teachers made instructional adjustments
procedures regarding the use of accommoda- based on individualized curriculum-based
tions within the mathematics classrooms and measurement data. Frequent assessment and
district and state assessments. linked instructional interventions are essential

to increasing student mathematics perform- conduct experiments comparing heights, dis-
ance. tance, or temperature using some of the latest
Instructional Technology and Universal 2. Modify text: Change text to match
Design for Learning the interests and reading level of students.
Universal Design for Learning (UDL) 3. Text-to-speech: Record textbooks
is a theoretical framework developed to guide for students or have students record their
the development of curricula that are flexible work through digital pictures with verbal ex-
and supportive of all students (Hitchcock, C., planations.
Meyer, A., Rose, D., & Jackson, R., 2002). 4. Manipulatives: As mentioned pre-
The concept of UDL was inspired by the uni- viously, the use of concrete objects is impor-
versal design movement in architecture. This tant for conceptual understanding. Use con-
movement calls for the design of structures crete objects that match the purpose of the
that anticipate the needs of individuals with lesson at the level students should understand
disabilities and accommodate these needs it.
from the outset. Universally designed struc- 5. Simulations/virtual reality: Inter-
tures are indeed more usable by individuals acting with media that shows the concept to
with disabilities, but in addition they offer student allows the student to see the social
unforeseen benefits for all users. Similarly, relevance of a standard and how they might
but uniquely, UDL calls for the design of cur- use the information in their environment.
ricula with the needs of all students in mind, 6. Technology tools: From calculators
so that methods, materials, and assessment to the internet to simple concrete objects,
are usable by all. Traditional curricula may work to increase student interactions with the
present barriers that limit students' access to mathematical skills and concepts.
information and learning. In contrast, a UDL 7. Concept maps: Graphic organizers
curriculum is designed to be innately flexible, may be used to help students make connec-
enriched with multiple media, including assis- tions between what mathematical concepts
tive and augmentative technology, so that al- and skills (Edyburn et al, 2005; Rose, 2000).
ternatives can be accessed whenever appro- Both instructional and assistive tech-
priate. A UDL curriculum takes on the burden nology provide resources within the educa-
of adaptation so that the student doesn't have tional environment (Edyburn, Higgins, and
to, minimizing barriers and maximizing ac- Boone, 2005). Instructional technology is es-
cess to both information and learning. There- sentially tools for enhancing the delivery of
fore, instructional needs of students can be appropriately designed, research-based in-
offered in a wide variety of solutions in vari- structional strategies during mathematics in-
ous curricular areas including mathematics. struction within the classroom setting. Typi-
Specifically, the National Center on Access- cally, applications of instructional technology
ing the General Curriculum (NCAGC) rec- in classrooms include media such as DVDs,
ommends eight curriculum enhancements that video, and more complicated forms of tech-
are effective in classrooms, which include: nology such as the internet and hypermedia.
1. Anchor instruction: Use authentic Instruction in mathematics is often enhanced
problem situations in conventional and digital through the use of technology. (See Figure 4
environments. For example, have students for examples).

Student Characteristics UDL Access Tools Resources
Antonio’s mind tends to wan- Antonio uses cognitive organ- Inspiration and Kidspiration
der in math class, but he can izers and concept mapping
stay on task if he has a visual software to visually depict les-
representation of the lesson’s son concept.
Steven is a bright student in Steven uses screen-reading OmniPage & OmniForm
understanding math concepts, software that translates text
however, has difficulty decod- pages to spoken text by scan-
ing and understanding the vo- ning the printed page using
cabulary contained in math optical character recognition
problems. (OCP) software and listens to
the text to audible speech.
Marcus understands complex Marcus uses virtual manipula- Gizmos
math concepts at the concrete tives, an extensive set of math
level, using manipulatives. manipulatives available on line
However, his gross and fine in virtual classroom labs.
motor skills, as well as his in
class behaviors, limit his use of
Susan learns her math facts, Susan practices her math fact FASTT Math:
but needs to develop increased knowledge and recall to in-
accuracy and fluency with this crease both her accuracy and
skill. speed with computer software
that targets math fluency.
Lashawn reads and under- Lashawn maps out the CMAP:
stands the math word prob- problem-solving process visu-
lems, but has difficulty se- ally to use the information to
quencing the facts and details solve the word problem.
presented to create an equation
to solve the problem.

Numerous types of software programs Two websites to consult when planning and
include features specifically to support stu- using technology in conjunction with mathe-
dents in mathematics. Virtual manipulatives matics instruction include:
are very useful technology tools. They sup- • National Library of Virtual Ma-
port complex thinking activities, enable stu- nipulatives: This site offers samples,
dents to experiment with various solutions to resources, lesson plans using the lev-
problems, and provide a visual way to look at els of learning and mathematics cur-
data. In addition, students with gross or fine riculum frameworks.
motor problems can often use virtual manipu-
latives easier than classroom sets of materials.

• National Council of Teachers of affected-teachers and their students.
Mathematics: This site offers lesson
plans and resources describing in-
structional technology in mathematics.

Students with Disabilities and Mathematics

Comprehensive reform in mathemat-
ics involves numerous stakeholders in a
process of continuous improvement (Little
& Houston, 2003). An important initial step
is to establish, articulate, and sustain the vi-
sion for high expectations for all students in
mathematics within the school. Since an in-
creased number of students with disabilities
are participating in classes with students
without disabilities (Nolet & McLaughlin,
2000), teachers need to be aware of and im-
plement research-based instruction to meet
the needs in mathematics for all students,
with and without disabilities. In addition, the
current reauthorization of IDEIA (2004) and
the No Child Left Behind Act (2002) have
placed a significant amount of pressure on
teachers to demonstrate that all students are
learning mathematics. Research-based in-
structional practices of differentiated in-
struction, levels of learning, metacognitive
strategies, accommodations, and technology
are often implemented in mathematics to
meet the instructional needs of students with
and without disabilities (McLeskey, Hoppey,
Williamson & Rentz, 2004). Continuously
monitoring student performance through
various assessments and action research by
teachers provides results of student learning
to address instructional decisions and school
accountability. Most importantly, however,
actively engaging students through levels of
learning, metacognitive strategies, accom-
modations, technology will have the greatest
impact and use with those most directly

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Mary E. Little, Ph.D. is an Associate
specific and otherwise: A neuropsy Professor and Graduate Program Co-
chological perspective. Journal of ordinator in Exceptional Student
Learning Disabilities, 26 (4), 214- Education at the University of Central
226. Florida, Orlando, FL.


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