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Effective Speaking

Your voice can reveal as much about your personal history as your appearance.

The sound of a voice and the content of speech can provide clues to an individual’s emotional
state and a dialect can indicate their geographic roots.

The voice is unique to the person to whom it belongs.

For instance, if self-esteem is low, it may be reflected by hesitancy in the voice, a shy person may
have a quiet voice, but someone who is confident in themselves will be more likely to have
command of their voice and clarity of speech.

Such nice topics are not supposed to be boring. Why not start it with a video.

A great Ted talk about “How to speak so that people want to listen” by “Julian Treasure”

Here is a 2 page quick pdf on Effective-speaking. Must have a glance at it.

There a great book from the world famous “Dale Carnegie” the pioneer of business skills.

“The Quick And Easy Way To Effective Speaking” you must consider going through it. If you think
Effective Speaking is important for you.

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