Celestial Nav 3

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(Determine position and the accuracy of resultant position fix by any

means )

1. The position of the ship is found by taking a series of bearings using a magnetic
compass. How should an error of 5 degrees WEST be applied to the compass
A. Subtract 5 degrees to the bearings
B. Add the 5 degrees to the bearings
C. The same error applies to all bearings and therefore
it can be ignored
D. I don’t know

2. The positions of the ship provided by the GPS should always be confirmed by other
means, when possible. Which of the following suggested methods would be the
most accurate?
A. The ranges of three distinctive shore objects on the
B. Compass bearings of three shore objects
C. Bearing and distance from a navigational Buoy
D. I don’t know

3. What is important to check when transferring a position

from the GPS output to a paper chart?
A. Any necessary corrections are applied to
convert between the GPS datum and the chart
B. It is important to ensure that the GPS is setup on 2 dimensional and not 3
dimensional position fixes.
C. Ensure that the GPS is setup on the same datum as the chart
D. I don’t know

4. When navigating using the GPS, how does the GPS display indicate when the
accuracy of the displayed position is reduced?
A. A large HDOP value is displayed on the screen
B. A large "Correction Factor" number is displayed
on the screen
C. The GPS display flashes and sounds an alarm
D. I don’t know

5. Which of the following figures drawn on the plane of the Meridian is correct for an
observer in position Latitude 30°00' North; Longitude 15°00' West, when observing
the sun on the meridian, if the sun's Declination is 15°00' South?
A. Figure 4 is correct.
B. Figure 1 is correct.
C. Figure 2 is correct.
D. I don’t know

6. Which of the four calculations illustrated is the correct one to determine the latitude
of the observer when the sun is on the meridian?
A. Calculation 3 is correct.
B. Calculation 1 is correct.
C. Calculation 2 is correct.
D. I don’t know

7. Which of the four figures illustrated shows the correct position line for the
following situation: Latitude 50°00'N, Longitude 30°00'W, Time 1200 GMT.
Course steered: 090° True, Speed: 12 knots, bearing of the sun: 200°, Intercept
correction: 00°02' Towards (observed altitude - computed altitude).
A. Figure 2 is correct.
B. Figure 1 is correct.
C. Figure 3 is correct.
D. I don’t know


8. A vessel's position should be plotted using bearings of .
A. Buoys close at hand
B. Fixed known objects on shore
C. Buoys at a distance
D. I don’t know

9. If Loran-C signals become unsynchronized, the receiver operator is warned because

A. Signals begin to blink
B. Signals begin to shift
C. Stations discontinue transmission
D. I don’t know

10. When using a buoy as an aid to navigation which of the following should be
A. The buoy should be considered to always be in the charted location.
B. If the light is flashing, the buoy should be considered to be in the charted
C. The buoy may not be in the charted position.
D. I don’t know

11. When taking an amplitude, the Sun's center should be observed on the visible
horizon when .
A. In high latitudes
B. The Sun is near or at a solstice
C. The declination is of a different name from the latitude
D. I don’t know

12. When navigating a vessel, you .

A. Should never rely on a floating aid to maintain its exact position
B. Can always rely on a buoy to show proper light characteristics
C. Should assume a wreck buoy is directly over the wreck
D. I don’t know
13. Civil twilight begins at 1910 zone time on 20 July 1981. Your DR position at that
time is LAT 22°16'N, LONG 150°06'W. Which statement concerning the planets
available for evening sights is TRUE?
A. Venus will have a westerly meridian angle.
B. Mars will set about one hour after the Sun sets.
C. Mars, Venus, Jupiter, and Saturn will be above the horizon.
D. I don’t know

14. When should a navigator rely on the position of floating aids to navigation?
A. During calm weather only
B. During daylight only
C. Only when fixed aids are not available
D. I don’t know

15. While steering a course of 150°T, you wish to observe a body for a latitude check.
What would the azimuth have to be?
A. 000°T
B. 090°T
C. 150°T
D. I don’t know

16. For navigational purposes, each great circle on the Earth has a length of
A. 3,600 miles
B. 21,600 miles
C. 12,500 miles
D. I don’t know

17. The LMT of LAN is 1210. Your longitude is 70°30'E. Which time would you use
to enter the Nautical Almanac to determine the declination of the Sun at LAN?
A. 1842
B. 1652
C. 0728
D. I don’t know
18. A position obtained by taking lines of position from one object at different times
and advancing them to a common time is a(n) .
A. Dead-reckoning position
B. Running fix
C. Fix
D. I don’t know

19. The parallax angle will vary the most with the time of year for .
A. Venus
B. Jupiter
C. Saturn
D. I don’t know

20. The zone time of LAN is 1152. Your longitude is 73°15'E. What time would you
use to enter the Nautical Almanac to determine the declination of the Sun at LAN?
A. 0659
B. 0652
C. 1859
D. I don’t know

21. A single line of position combined with a dead-reckoning position results in a(n)
A. Assumed position B.
Estimated position C.
D. I don’t know

22. The rate of increase in hour angle is the slowest for .

A. The Sun
B. The Moon
C. Mars
D. Idon’t know
23. All Loran-C transmitting stations are equipped with cesium frequency standards
which permit .
A. Every station in one chain to transmit at the same tim
B. Each station to transmit without reference to another station
C. Each station to only depend on the master for synchronization and signal
D. Idon’t know

24. Your longitude is 179°59'W. The LMT at this longitude is 23h 56m of the 4th day
of the month. Six minutes later your position is 179°59'E longitude. Your LMT and
date is now .
A. 00h 02m on the 4th
B. 00h 02m on the 5th
C. 00h 02m on the 6 th

D. I don’t know

25. Which position includes the effects of wind and current?

A. Dead reckoning position
B. Leeway position
C. Estimated position
D. I don’t know

26. The GHA of the first point of Aries is 315° and the GHA of a planet is 150°. What
is the right ascension of the planet?
A. 7 hours
B. 11 hours
C. 19 hours
D. I don’t know

27. What describes an accurate position that is NOT based on any prior position?
A. Dead-reckoning position
B. Estimated position
C. Fix
D. I don’t know
28. If the radio signal ground wave extends out for less distance than the minimum
skywave distance, there is an area in which no signal is receive This is called the
A. Skip zone
B. Blackout zone
C. Diffraction zone
D. I don’t know

29. How many fixed objects are needed to plot a running fix?
A. None
B. One
C. Two
D. I don’t know

30. The part of a sextant mounted directly over the pivot of the index arm is the
A. Index mirror
B. Horizon glass
C. Micrometer drum
D. I don’t know

31. On 6 July 1981, at 1000 zone time, you cross the 180th meridian steaming westwar
What is your local time?
A. It is 1000, 5 July
B. It is 1000, 6 July.
C. It is 1000, 7 July.
D. I don’t know


32. The horizon glass of a sextant is .

A. Silvered on its half nearer the frame
B. Mounted on the index arm
C. Between the horizon and the shade glasses
D. I don’t know
33. Civil twilight occurs at 0558 zone time on 30 December 1981. Your DR position at
that time is LAT 15°02'N, LONG 46°02'W. Which statement concerning the
planets available for morning sights is TRUE?
A. At 0558, Mars can be used for an ex-meridian observation.
B. Venus, Jupiter, and Mars sights will yield a good three line fix
C. Saturn will be near the prime vertical.
D. I don’t know

34. When navigating using GPS, what is an indicator of the geometry of the satellites
that your receiver is locked onto?
A. Horizontal Dilution of Precision
B. Selective Availability
C. Doppler Shifting
D. I don’t know

35. Because of the reflecting properties of a sextant, if the sextant altitude reads 60° on
the limb, the actual arc of the limb from 0° to the 60° reading is _.
A. 20°
B. 30°
C. 40°
D. I don’t know

36. The difference between local apparent time (LAT) and local mean time (LMT) is
indicated by the .
A. Equation of time
B. Difference of longitude between the local and central meridian in time unit
C. Longitude in time units
D. I don’t know

37. Which aid is NOT marked on a chart with a magenta circle?

A. Aero light
B. Radar transponder beacon
C. Radio beacon
D. I don’t know
38. When using GPS, how many theoretical position lines are required for a two-
dimensional fix?
A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. I don’t know

39. A sextant having an index error that is "on the arc" has a .
A. Positive correction
B. Dip error
C. Negative correction
D. I don’t know

40. The equation of time is 12m 00s and the mean Sun is ahead of the apparent Sun. If
you are on the central meridian of your time zone, at what zone time will the
apparent Sun cross the meridian?
A. 1148
B. 1200
C. 1212
D. I don’t know

41. At 0000 you fix your position and plot a new DR track line. At 0200 you again fix
your position and it is 0.5 mile east of your DR. Which statement is TRUE?
A. The current is westerly at 0.5 knot.
B. You must increase speed to compensate for the current.
C. The drift is 0.25 knot.
D. I don’t know


42. A sextant having an index error that is "off the arc" has a .
A. Positive correction
B. Dip error
C. Negative correction
D. I don’t know
43. The equation of time is 8m 40s. The apparent Sun is ahead of the mean Sun. If you
are on the central meridian of your time zone, the apparent Sun will cross your
meridian at .
A. 11-51-20 ZT
B. 12-00-00 ZT
C. 12-04-20 ZT
D. I don’t know

(Determine and allow for compass errors )

1. Gyrocompass repeaters reproduce the indications of the master gyrocompass.

They are .
A. Accurate only in the Polar regions
B. Accurate electronic servomechanisms
C. Hand operated
D. I don’t know

2. Lines on a chart which connect points of equal magnetic variation are called
A. Magnetic latitudes
B. Magnetic declinations
C. Isogonic lines
D. I don’t know

3. You are proceeding up a channel at night. It is marked by a range which bears

185°T. You steady up on a compass course of 180° with the range in line dead ahea
This indicates that you(r) .
A. Must come right to get on the range
B. Course is in error
C. Compass has some easterly error
D. I don’t know

4. As a vessel changes course to starboard, the compass card in a magnetic compass

A. Remains aligned with compass north
B. Turns counterclockwise to port
C. First turns to starboard then counterclockwise to port
D. I don’t know
5. You would find the variation on a polyconic projection chart .
A. On the compass rose
B. On the mileage scale
C. Written on the chart title
D. I don’t know

6. What is an advantage of the magnetic compass aboard

A. Compass error is negligible at or near the
earth's magnetic poles.
B. It does not have to be checked as often.
C. It is reliable due to it's essential simplicity.
D. I don’t know

7. You are using a radar in which your own ship is shown at the center, and the
heading flash always points to 0°. If bearings are measured in relation to the flash,
what type of bearings are produced?
A. Relative
B. True
C. Compass
D. I don’t know

8. Magnetic compass deviation .

A. Varies depending upon the bearing used
B. Is the angular difference between magnetic
north and compass north
C. Is the angular difference between
geographic and magnetic meridians
D. I don’t know

9. Deviation in a compass is caused by the .

A. Influence of the magnetic materials of the vessel
B. Vessel's heading
C. Earth's magnetic field
D. I don’t know

10. Magnetic variation changes with a change in .

A. The vessel's heading
B. Sea conditions
C. The vessel's position
D. I don’t know

11. What is the basic principle of the magnetic compass?

A. Magnetic materials of the same polarity repel each other and those of
opposite polarity attract.
B. The Earth's magnetic lines of force are parallel to the surface of the Earth.
C. Magnetic meridians connect points of equal magnetic variation.
D. I don’t know

12. Variation is not constant; it is different with every change in .

A. Speed
B. Vessel heading
C. Geographical location
D. I don’t know

13. Variation is the angular measurement between .

A. Compass north and magnetic north
B. Compass north and true north
C. Magnetic meridian and the geographic meridian
D. I don’t know

14. A relative bearing is always measured from .

A. The vessel's head
B. Magnetic north
C. The vessel's beam
D. I don’t know

15. The compass rose on a nautical chart indicates both variation and .
A. Deviation
B. Annual rate of variation change
C. Precession
D. I don’t know

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