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प रवतन: वरदान या अ भशाप loosely translated as Change: Boon or Curse.

: Arun Garodia :

In good old days, during school time, possibly in class VII or VIII, was educated on the topic of व ानं:
वरदान या अ भशाप loosely translated as Science: Boon or Curse. A related issue emerges i.e. प रवतन:
वरदान या अ भशाप loosely translated as Change: Boon or Curse.

The Author feels the time has come where Corporate, Social, Spiritual Guru world over to discuss, write
and argue in support or against this important issue for overall educating the Public, Government,
Corporate and World at large.

The Author is convinced that Change is Inevitable AND Change is Must As well As Change is Pleasant. I
shall support my argument by giving few day to day and simple examples as why I believe in this theory.

1. Change of cloth from old to new is inevitable, must & pleasant.

2. Change of Car from old to new is inevitable, must & pleasant.
3. Change of Interior Decoration at home from old to new is inevitable, must & pleasant.
4. Change of up gradation in corporate life is inevitable, must & pleasant.
5. Change of Nature inevitable, must & pleasant.
6. In lighter vein, Change of underwear from old to new is inevitable, must & pleasant.

There are plethora of example, situation, incidents and happenings that are known as “Change” and
most such changes are inevitable, must & pleasant. It has been felt and seen that resistance to “Change”
inevitably brings downturn, hardship and supposedly ill luck and bed fortune.

The few example of resistance to change and its after effect in shape of downturn, hardship and
supposedly ill luck and bed fortune fallen upon can be seen in case of most steel manufacturers of our
country be it ESSAR, MONNET, BHUSHAN or ELECTROSEEL etc as they failed to perceive the change as
well as failed to change being remaining in their IVORY TOWER of “Core Area”.

The other example where resistance to change resulted in downturn, hardship and supposedly ill luck
and bed fortune fallen upon reputed REAL ESTATE Company namely AAMRAPALI Group, JAYPEE Group,
SUPERTECH Group and many others. In all cases Change was not accepted nor was expected Change in
economical condition was perceived and respected.

The immediate and more related examples are of the Multinational Pharma Company where resistance
to change resulted in downturn, hardship and supposedly ill luck and bed fortune if not fallen upon,
surely restricted their growth world over.

It is equally important to discuss the positive result of accepting & welcoming the Change. The change in
the fortune and luck can be seen in case of Reliance Group headed by Sri Mukesh Ambani, where he
changed the course at every stage from Textiles to Petroleum to Mobile Telephony and made every area
of his business as core area.

The Author is working in Corporate Sector.

The Author categorically submits that it is not the intention of author to shower the fame or defame any one.
The example of the positive result of accepting & welcoming the Change is clearly visible in fortune of
Tata Group, where they started from Brick & Mortar business and graduated to ultimate Technology
Business with TCS Limited. The two important changes the TATA undertook were 1) going beyond their
Core Area and 2) looked for Human Resources beyond the family.

It is important to mention that change of the team too is inevitable, must & pleasant. And there cannot
more apt example other than recent developments namely change in leadership at premier airlines of
India known as “Indigo”.

Needless to mention that resistance to Change mostly occurred being remaining & pursuing with the
thoughts that “CORE AREA & CORE SPECILIZATION” is the ladder to growth. This is no more relevant and
needs introspection at each stage as Change should be welcomed in all spheres of life name family life,
business life, and social life as well as most importantly in private life.

Lastly, the author vehemently submits that “There is no fun sticking to your “Core Area”, Core Team”,
Core Ideas” AND “Core Values”. We must bring and Welcome Change as is Change is Inevitable, Must &

The effect of not accepting the “Change” in social life shall be covered shortly.

The Author is working in Corporate Sector.

The Author categorically submits that it is not the intention of author to shower the fame or defame any one.

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