Kyle Adrian D. de Leon: Mintal, Tugbok District, 8000 Davao City

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University of Southeastern Philippines

Mintal, Tugbok District, 8000 Davao City

Kyle Adrian D. de Leon

Strategic planning is important to an organization because it provides a sense of direction

and outlines measurable goals. Strategic planning is a tool that is useful for guiding day-to-day
decisions and also for evaluating progress and changing approaches when moving forward. In
order to make the most strategic planning, your company should give careful thought to the
strategic objectives it outlines, and then back up these goals with realistic, thoroughly
researched, quantifiable benchmarks for evaluating results. H.I.D. has no Organizational
Development and Corporate Planning Department to oversee long term strategic planning. The
dilemma of the organizations are managers coming from different departments having different
points of view and considerations, lack of agreement or compatibility between the president and
the senior manager’s objective, Inconsistencies in H.I.D. management’s view of the company in
the next ten years and of course no strategic planning.

H.I.D. is in the business of establishing and operating hotels. The company has twenty one
properties operating domestically and abroad. Bill Collins, currently president of H.I.D. and has
been the president for 5 years has an ambitious goal of expanding its operations aggressively.
The management team has different views on expansion, with concerns on human resources or
staffs that would work not to mention the location of hotels, profitability and market reach. Keith
Houck, the consultant hired, is now faced with the opportunity of aligning management’s goals
and objectives. Keith Houck was hired by Bill Collins, the president of H.I.D. to help the
company’s management team with their strategic planning. Keith was given all the materials
and resources he would need to do his task and he was introduced to the management team
immediately when he came on board. The company has four divisions that oversees operations
which forms a team of senior managers tha is accountable to the company president, Bill
Collins. The human resources division is managed by Karen Setz, operations of the hotels is
overseen by the COO Dave King, Tony Briggs is in charge of marketing and Art Johnson keeps
the accounting records. The ambitious goal of Bill Collin brought Keith Houck on board to
assess the company’s direction. Keith has to tackle the opportunity of unifying the company’s
objective that would benefit all the stakeholders of the company. H.I.D.’s organizational
structure includes four senior managers and a president, all of the having different opinions on
the direction that the company should be taking. Concerns vary from skills and competencies to
market strategy and expansion. The dicrepancy between the senior managers and the president
lead them to disagreements in what the company should be doing in the next few years. The
lack of a unifying vision impedes internal communication that helps in aligning rhe company’s

1. Follow the Four Management by objectives activities which are to set goals, action plan,
analysis of process, and evaluate overall performance.

2. Create a strategic plan for H.I.D. that includes a unifying vision statement for the
company and update mission statement.

3. Maintain the current mission statement of the company

1. Advantage: Following the four (4) steps involves setting the objectives at different
levels, units, individuals involved in the company so as to achieve a unified basis

Disadvantage: Time consuming, performing the four steps might be time consuming
especially when the company has to perform the review process.

2. Advantage: It provides a blueprint for decision making and also it provides a sense of
direction and outlines measurable goals.

Disadvantage: It could have difficulties in implementation and would require a clearly

communicated plan.
3. Advantage: Time would not be a problem since the mission statement is already being

Disadvantage: The management team’s view of the company would not be unified that
may result conflicts later on.

With these Alternative Course of Action I would choose number Two (2): Create a
strategic plan for H.I.D. that includes a unifying vision statement for the company and
update mission statement. Strategic Management follows a set of procedures that would
help the company in deciding for its long-term goals. It also involves Strategic Control
wherein the progress of the company with regards to its set of goals is being evaluated
and when discrepancies arise, corrective actions should be provided. An important part
of the planning process is to be aware of the business opportunities in the firm’s external
environment as well as within the firm. Once such opportunities get recognized the
managers can recognize the actions that needed to be taken to realize them. A realistic
look must be taken at the prospect of these new opportunities and SWOT (Strengths,
Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats) analysis should be done.

With the above analysis I therefore recommend Alternative Course of Action Number
Two (2) that recommends Create a strategic plan for H.I.D. that includes a unifying vision
statement for the company and update mission statement. In this course of action, In
order to make the most strategic planning, your company should give careful thought to
the strategic objectives it outlines, and then back up these goals with realistic, thoroughly
researched, quantifiable benchmarks for evaluating results which makes strategic
planning an ultimate tool for long-term planning of H.I,D. and for other company.

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