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Final Project Guidelines (21st Century Literature)

Material: “Condemned” by Wilfrido Ma. Guerrero

Drama: Effective Speech Delivery
Deadline: May 10, 2019 (Friday), until 5 in the afternoon ONLY
Late submission will NOT be tolerated. Early submission is highly encouraged.
 Task: Effective Speech Delivery (by pair)
 Feel free to choose your partner.
o Note that your partner mus t be your classmate in my class .
o Once you indicate who your partner is, you cannot change your partner for whatever reason. Doing so will result to a project
grade no higher than 50 points out of 100.
o If you end up doing the project alone, you shall receive a project grade no higher than 30 points out of 100.
o Learn the art of communication. Every problem has a solution. Moreover, do not isolate yourself.
 Output: Audiovisual recording, 2-7 minutes
 Objectives:
o To test one’s understanding of the meaning of the chosen scene through an audiovisual performance
o To effectively deliver one of the play’s famous scenes and communicate its underlying message by (a) understanding & capturing
the lines’ prevailing emotion based on the text and context, (b) articulating the lines clearly, confidently, & convincingly, (c)
making use of gestures and facial expressions in accordance to the speech’s overall message
o To develop one’s creativity and sense of cooperation by being able to deliver the chosen scene with a partner
 Since there are two characters in the famous scenes (note: you only have to perform one scene) , agree who will play whom. No
member can play two characters. Each one must assume one and the same character all throughout the video.
 Note that both of you must be seen in the video from start to finish, in ALL frames. You have to perform the scene together.
Again, learn the art of cooperation.
 Do your best to s tay in character while you’re on camera even in moments when your partner is speaking. Be consistent.
 Steps:
– Choose any of the following scenes:
 Pages 529-530 (From Fr. Lim: Pablo—(He doesn’t answer.) Pablo! until Pablo: Yes, yes. In my cell.)
 Pages 536-537 (From Pab lo: (without rising) Cristina! until Pab lo: If someday you should meet a b etter fellow—who can
offer you a b etter future—you’ll b e glad you didn’t marry me, that you were free)
 Pages 539-540 (From Pab lo: And so you came here—to feel pride in your work until Angela: Yes, son, let me take care of
her! I’ll b e a real mother to her—what I haven’t b een to you!)
– Understand and analyze the prevailing message of your chosen scene based on the text and context, then conceptualize how
you will deliver the lines .
– Practice before recording to save time (and battery). Mind your articulation, voice, gestures, facial expressions, and the like.
– Once you’re ready, start recording. Wear appropriate attire. Choose a decent backdrop. Make sure you’re not in a noisy place.
– Watch your recording. Observe your weak spots . Think of ways to improve.
– If you think your delivery is poor, record yourselves again. Since this is an audiovisual recording, you have the privilege to record
again and again until both of you are completely satisfied with the output. Don’t take this privilege for granted.
– Upload the video on YouTube and email me the link. Make sure you email the correct link to the correct email address
( Make sure there are no problems with the uploaded file. Do not be careless.
– Using other scenes/ speeches that are not part of the given options will result to a project grade of 0. FOLLOW
– You are only allowed to use the ORIGINAL TEXT. Do not paraphrase. You must follow the exact words found in the original text. Not
doing so will result to a project grade no higher than 30 points out of 100.
– No holding of scripts. Strategize well. Exert effort. Remember that you only have to deliver ONE SCENE.
– Lip syncing and doing voice-overs are not allowed. You must actually deliver the lines during the video shoot.
– No graphic scenes please.
– -10 points per missing sentence. You have to watch your project critically prior to submission to ensure no line is missing.
– Late submission will not be tolerated. Projects received after 5:00 in the afternoon of May 10 (note: 5:01 is considered LATE) will not
be considered and thus, will receive a grade of 0% in the particular component. Likewise, non-submission will automatically
result to a project grade of 0.
– You have more than a month to do the project. Do not cram.
– To avoid hassles and problems, upload the video beforehand and send the link early. Send it before 5:00 in the afternoon.
Better yet, send it before May 10 if possible.
– I will acknowledge receipt of your project as soon as possible. If you do not receive a reply from me within 30 minutes from the time of
sending, it probably means I have not received anything. Send it again.
– For early submission, you may email me from 7 in the morning to 5 in the afternoon starting April 15 until May 6. Do not email
me after 5 in the afternoon. Plus points will be given to those who will submit early. The earlier, the higher the plus points. (10
points-8 points-6 points-4 points)
– Internet connection problems, computer viruses, personal emergencies, carelessness, ignorance, and other excuses are not vali d
reasons for late submission. Remember that you can actually submit before the deadline. Plus, you are given more than 1 month to
finish the project. Be responsible. Learn to back up your files . Personal emergencies are not counted as a valid reason precisely
because if you do not cram, you can actually finish the task early. More so, since you are given more than 1 month to do this, you
can actually accomplish the task despite possible emergencies precisely because if you manage your time well, you real ly only
need a few days to finish the project. If you do not cram, personal matters will not be a hindrance to your task.
– Project Grade: By pair (make sure you help each other attain the goals)
– Grading System Acquired From (*revised accordingly):
 Understanding (100 pts.) + Characterization (100 pts.) + Ensemble Effect (100 pts.) + Overall Effect (100 pts.) = 100 POINTS
(AVERAGE SCORE) (HPS per category: 100 points; LPS per category: 55 points)

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