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Crime and Punishment

Are the following actions crimes?

Yes, a No, not a Punishment

crime crime
Cheating on a test
Copying a CD
Downloading illegal material
Stealing food for your hungry family
Driving 20 km/h faster than allowed
Not giving enough food to your dog
Asking about someone’s salary at work
Not returning borrowed money
Copying your friend’s book
Writing on the wall of a building
Spitting on the street
Smoking in a restaurant
Throwing your cigarette on the street
Calling someone a liar in a newspaper
Stealing someone’s password
Sending an email from your friend’s
email when he/she isn’t looking
Selling your country’s information
Transporting an elephant in your car
Robbing a bank
Lying in court
Cutting down a tree in a park
Lying on a job interview
Taking money you find on the street
Hitting a child
Selling a product that you know is
Killing a person who jumps in front of
your car (accidental killing)
Drinking alcohol on the street
Smoking next to an air conditioner
Making a building without smoke
Sleeping at work
What do people do in prison? Just sit?

Is it good to keep people in prison for a long time? Why or why not?

Which is a bigger crime: stealing money when nobody can see you, or hurting someone for their

Why do criminals commit crime repeatedly?

Is prison for punishment or helping to recover?

Should prisoners be forced to work?

Who should pay for the maintenance of prisons? The government, the prisoners or someone else?

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