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Assignment 1: Professional Task

Course Year 11 Physics Module Kinematics Duration 5 weeks

Overview/ purpose of the unit

This unit explores motion in a straight line and focuses on the inquiry question ‘How is the motion of an object moving in a straight line described and predicted? ’
founded in the first module of the stage 6 syllabus, Kinematics. This unit aims to give students a structured approach to the topic uterlising different
teaching strategies and experimentation to create an interesting and engaging learning environment.

› designs and evaluates investigations in order to obtain primary and secondary data and information PH11/12- 2
› conducts investigations to collect valid and reliable primary and secondary data and information PH11/12-3
› selects and processes appropriate qualitative and quantitative data and information using a range of appropriate media PH11/12-4
› analyses and evaluates primary and secondary data and information PH11/12-5
› solves scientific problems using primary and secondary data, critical thinking skills and scientific processes PH11/12-6
› describes and analyses motion in terms of scalar and vector quantities in two dimensions and makes quantitative measurements and calculations for
distance, displacement, speed, velocity and acceleration PH11-8
Learning Across the curriculum Areas
Information and communication technology capability
Personal and social capability
Work and enterprise
Critical and creative thinking

Study notes/blog - Students are required to make study notes in either a separate note book or on an online blog. This task is to be completed each week
and made available to the teacher for review and marking. In the study notes/blog students are to record key concepts and ideas studied during the week
and wright clear concise study notes. These notes can be used as evidence of learning and can be assessed in any way below:
Assessment for learning: The teacher is to uses these study notes/blog to either review concepts that are misunderstood by the class or induvial

1 Year 11 Physics | Kinematics

Assignment 1: Professional Task

students and adjust their teaching accordingly.

Assessment as learning: This task can be used as a self-assessment task for student to identify where they need to improve and helps them monitor
and guide their own learning.
Assessment of learning: These study notes/blogs can be used to assess individual student’s level of understanding of the topic.

Depth studies - is to be conducted during the entire kinematics module or at the end of the module.

Learning Intentions:
At the end of this sequence of activities students should be able to:
1. Use key terminology and apply to real world situations
2. Solve problems involving vector addition and subtraction and relative velocity.
3. Conduct investigations into average and instantaneous velocity and measuring motion
4. Construct and analyse displacement-time and velocity-time graphs
5. Derive equations of motion and use to solve problems

2 Year 11 Physics | Kinematics

Assignment 1: Professional Task

Motion in a Straight Line

Inquiry Question: How is the motion of an object moving in a straight line described and predicted?
Syllabus Content Skill outcomes and content Teaching & Learning Strategies
Students: A student: Describing Motion
describe uniform straight- PH11-4: selects and processes appropriate  students work through the definitions and examples of the
line (rectilinear) motion and qualitative and quantitative data and information following: Describing motion, vector and Scaler, distance and
uniformly accelerated using a range of appropriate media displacement, Speed and velocity, acceleration
motion through:  apply quantitative processes where appropriate o physical demonstration of Vector and scaler. on a field get
 qualitative descriptions all the students to stand together and ask them to run for
 the use of scalar and 20 steps. (students go in every direction), explain that you
vector quantities just gave them a scaler (magnitude but no direction). Do it
again but this time give a direction, explain that this is a
vector (magnitude and direction). Link this to speed and
o Physical demonstration of Distance and displacement.
Setup a course a ziz-zag pattern using poles or trees. Have
students walk or run the course with holding a piece of
string and measure the path taken by measuring the
string (distance). Have the students do this in multiple
different paths. Explain that this is distance or distance
travelled. Do the same thig but this time the use witches
hates as the course, and the string is to be kept in tension
and above the witch’s hats.
 Research Task: students to define key terms: distance,
displacement, speed, velocity, acceleration, vector and scalar.
o Differentiation, Advanced students can also give examples
of each.
 Students to compare vector and scalar quantities and classify
quantities as scalar and vector

3 Year 11 Physics | Kinematics

Assignment 1: Professional Task

 Students complete calculations relating speed, distance and time

and velocity, displacement and time from text book
 Students are to write study notes in their study books on topic
(Teacher to check notes on last lesson of week or first lesson
following week)
Students: A Student: Vectors, vector addition and subtraction
calculate the relative PH11-4: selects and processes appropriate  Students, investigate what a vector is and how it represents the
velocity of two objects qualitative and quantitative data and information magnitude and direction of a body in motion.
moving along the same line using a range of appropriate media  Models of adding and subtracting vectors along a straight line is
using vector analysis  apply quantitative processes where appropriate presented
o Practical: students are to add and subtract vectors out on
PH11-6: solves scientific problems using primary a field. Using a compass, trundle wheels and coloured
and secondary data, critical thinking skills and ribbon, students are to use the techniques of adding and
scientific processes subtracting and physically construct the vectors on the
 use scientific evidence and critical thinking skills field and measure the resultant vector.
to solve problems  Problems involving vector addition and subtraction are completed
by students.
o Differentiation, a range of problems are to be given in
order to cater for a range of students
Relative Velocity
 Teacher models that relative velocity is an application of vector
subtraction and that the velocity of B relative to A is determined
𝑣𝐵 𝑡𝑜 𝐴 = 𝑣𝐴 − 𝑣𝐵
 Students calculate relative velocities of objects travelling:
(a) towards each other,
(b) away from each other and
(c) in the same direction at different speeds.
 Differentiation, a range of problems are to be given in order to
cater for a range of students this can include problems with more
than two perspectives.
 Students are to write study notes in their study books on topic
Students: PH11-3: conducts investigations to collect valid and Instantaneous vs Average Velocity
4 Year 11 Physics | Kinematics
Assignment 1: Professional Task

Conduct a practical reliable primary and secondary data and  Students to conduct an investigation into instantaneous and
investigation to gather data information average velocity of an object. This can be done using ICT tools
to facilitate the analysis of  employ and evaluate safe work practices and or practical experiments.
instantaneous and average manage risks o Interactive tool for students to understand concept,
velocity through :  use appropriate technologies to ensure and
 quantitative, first-hand evaluate accuracy instantaneous-velocity
measurements PH11-4: selects and processes appropriate o Video explaining instantaneous and average velocity,
 the graphical qualitative and quantitative data and information
representation and using a range of appropriate media 1/ap-one-dimensional-motion/instantaneous-
interpretation of data  apply quantitative processes where appropriate velocity-and-speed/v/instantaneous-speed-and-
(ACSPH061) velocity
o Experiment, students are to form groups of 5, 4
students have a stopwatch each and stand 5 meters
apart, the 5th is the runner. The runner is to run 20
meter as fast as they can while the 4 other students
measure the time taken for the runner to run in 5
meter section they are running. The students are to
work out the velocity of the runner for each of the 4,
5 meter section as well as the combined velocity and
comment why the values are different.
Graphing Motion
 Students are introduced to displacement-time graphs and
velocity-time graphs. Students are asked to brainstorm what
the different sections of the graphs mean. (‘Resource -
Graphing motion’ (page 8)is used as a scaffold to help explain
how to read and produce the graphs)
 In groups, with a ping pong ball and whiteboard, students
collaboratively construct a displacement-time graph and
velocity-time graph for a bouncing ping pong ball
 Students are to investigate different examples of motion and
construct graphs for each type; Constant, stationary,
 Differentiation, advanced students should see if there is a link

5 Year 11 Physics | Kinematics

Assignment 1: Professional Task

between the graphs and if the characteristic of the graphs

 Students are to write study notes in their study books or
online blog (through vestural class room) on topic. (Teacher to
check notes on last lesson of week or first lesson following
Use mathematical PH11-5: analyses and evaluates primary and Equations of Motion
modelling and graphs, secondary data and information  Teacher is to explain the equations of motion and how they
selected from a range of  derive trends, patterns and relationships in data are derived from velocity-time graphs (‘Resource - Derivation
technologies, to analyse and information of equation of motion’ (page 13) is to be used as a scaffold to
and derive relationships PH11-4: selects and processes appropriate assist students in the derivation).
between time, distance, qualitative and quantitative data and information  Teacher is to demonstrate methods of solving problems using
displacement, speed, using a range of appropriate media the equations of motion and how they should be laid
velocity and acceleration in  apply quantitative processes where appropriate out.(‘Resource - Solving problems using the motion equations’
rectilinear motion, (page 16) is to be used as a scaffold to assist students learning
including: a useful strategy in solving these problems).
𝑆 = 𝑢𝑡 + 𝑎𝑡 2
2  Students are to work on problems surrounding the equations of
𝑣 = 𝑢 + 𝑎𝑡 motion
𝑣 2 = 𝑢2 + 2𝑎𝑠 o Differentiation, a range of problems are to be given in
(ACSPH061) order to cater for a range of students.
o Scaffolds on problem solving are also presented to
 Students are to write study notes in their study books or online
blog (through vestural class room) on topic. (Teacher to check
notes on last lesson of week or first lesson following week)
conduct practical PH11-3: conducts investigations to collect valid and Measuring Motion
investigations selecting reliable primary and secondary data and Students plan presented with a scaffold of how to develop and
from a range of information conduct a valid and reliable experiment, selecting materials to obtain
technologies, to record and  use appropriate technologies to ensure and data to calculate velocity and acceleration.
analyse the motion of evaluate accuracy
objects in a variety of PH11-4: selects and processes appropriate Examples of experiments are:
situations in one dimension qualitative and quantitative data and information  Use of a data logger and air track to record motion.
in order to measure or using a range of appropriate media  Analysing motion of a uniformly accelerating dynamics trolley or
6 Year 11 Physics | Kinematics
Assignment 1: Professional Task

calculate:  apply quantitative processes where appropriate similar along a bench using:
 time Students are to evaluate their investigation for validity, reliability and
 distance PH11-2: designs and evaluates investigations in accuracy.
 displacement order to obtain primary and secondary data and  Students are to write study notes in their study books or online
 speed information blog (through vestural class room) on topic. (Teacher to check
 velocity  assess risks, consider ethical issues and select notes on last lesson of week or first lesson following week)
 acceleration appropriate materials and technologies when
designing and planning an investigation
 justify and evaluate the use of variables and
experimental controls to ensure that a valid
procedure is developed that allows for the
reliable collection of data
 evaluate and modify an investigation in
response to new evidence
PH11-5: analyses and evaluates primary and
secondary data and information
 assess the relevance, accuracy, validity and
reliability of primary and secondary data and
suggest improvements to investigations
 assess error, uncertainty and limitations in data

7 Year 11 Physics | Kinematics

Assignment 1: Professional Task
Program Evaluations:
Teacher Evaluation

Student Evaluation

8 Year 11 Physics | Kinematics

Assignment 1: Professional Task

Graphing motion: link between Displacement vs time graphs, velocity

vs time graphs
Recall that velocity is found by dividing the displacement of an object by the time taken, 𝑣 = . Also
that acceleration is found by dividing velocity by time, 𝑎 = 𝑡 , and that these can be used to create
displacement vs time graphs and velocity vs time graphs respectively.

Characteristic of displacement vs time and velocity vs time graphs

_____________________ _____________________ _____________________

Displacement vs time graphs

What each section of a displacement vs time graph means.

Figure 1: Displacement vs Time Graph (retrieved from

Graph section Gradient Speed


9 Year 11 Physics | Kinematics

Assignment 1: Professional Task

In a distance vs time graph the gradient of a line is equal to the speed of the object. Hence the
greater the gradient the faster the object is moving. To find the speed of the object the change in
displacement is divided by the change in time.

𝑐ℎ𝑎𝑛𝑔𝑒 𝑖𝑛 𝑑𝑖𝑠𝑝𝑙𝑎𝑐𝑒𝑚𝑒𝑛𝑡
𝑆𝑝𝑒𝑒𝑑 =
𝑐ℎ𝑎𝑛𝑔𝑒 𝑖𝑛 𝑡𝑖𝑚𝑒

Figure 2: Displacement vs Time Graph (retrieved from

A) Calculate the speed of the green object in the above graph from 0 to 4 seconds.

B) Calculate the speed of the purple object in the above graph from 0 to 2 seconds.

10 Year 11 Physics | Kinematics

Assignment 1: Professional Task

Velocity vs time graphs

Figure 3: Velocity vs Time Graph (retrieved from

Section of Graph Gradient Velocity Acceleration


Acceleration is calculated by finding the gradient of the object’s line between a selected time period.
This is calculated by,

𝑐ℎ𝑎𝑛𝑔𝑒 𝑖𝑛 𝑣𝑒𝑙𝑜𝑐𝑖𝑡𝑦
𝑎𝑐𝑐𝑙𝑒𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 =
𝑐ℎ𝑎𝑛𝑔𝑒 𝑖𝑛 𝑡𝑖𝑚𝑒

Figure 4: Velocity vs Time Graph (retrieved from

11 Year 11 Physics | Kinematics

Assignment 1: Professional Task

A) Calculate the speed of the purple object in the above graph from 0 to 4 seconds

To calculate the total displacement of an object from the velocity vs time graph the area under the
curve is measured to give the displacement.

A) Calculate the total displacement of from the map in figure 4.

12 Year 11 Physics | Kinematics

Assignment 1: Professional Task

Derivation of equation of motion

Prior Knowledge

Symbol Property of Motion Units Key Equations

Displacement m Acceleration =

Initial Velocity m.s-1

Final Velocity m.s-1

Acceleration m.s-2

Time s

First equation of motion is derived from the equation of average acceleration. To illustrate this
construct a velocity vs time graph for the following scenario.

An object has an initial velocity (non-zero) of u m.s . At time t = 0 it experiences a force that

causes it is accelerate at a m.s for a time t s. At time t s, the object has a final velocity of v

m.s .

Write an expression for the gradient of this line in the velocity vs time graph.


From our previous work, recall that the gradient of a velocity vs time graph equals the acceleration

Rearrange to make V the subject: ____________________________________________(Equation 1)

13 Year 11 Physics | Kinematics

Assignment 1: Professional Task

The second equation of motion is derived by looking at the area under a curve. This is equal to the

Using the velocity vs time graph above find the two expressions for the different sections area under
the curve.

Area of rectangle (A1) Area of triangle (A2)

Total area =__________ = _____________ + _____________ (equation 2)

To find the third equation of motion, equation 1 and 2 are combined to find a new equation.

Step 1: Rearrange equation 1 to make t the subject:


Step 2: Substitute this equation into equation 2


Step 3: Rearrange to make v the subject,







Limitations of these equations:

They can only be used when acceleration is constant.

14 Year 11 Physics | Kinematics

Assignment 1: Professional Task


Equation Variables
s a v u t

15 Year 11 Physics | Kinematics

Assignment 1: Professional Task

Solving problems using the motion equations

Question 1
A Spacecraft is traveling with a velocity of 3250m/s. Suddenly, the spacecraft starts to decelerate at
10m/s2. What is the velocity of the spacecraft when its displacement is 215km, relative to the initial
point of deceleration?

Step 1: Construct a free body diagram and label with known and unknown values.

Step 2: Determine what values are given in the question and what need to be found, by constructing
and filling out the table.

S a v u t

Step 3: convert values into the same base SI units.

s a v u t

Step 4: select appropriate equation. (look for an equations that has the unknown variable and the
other know variables).


Step 5: substitute values from the table in Step 3 into equation found in step 4 and solve for the







16 Year 11 Physics | Kinematics

Assignment 1: Professional Task

Question 2
A ball is dropped from rest, from the top of a tall building. After three seconds of free fall , what is
the displacement of the ball?

Step 1: Construct a free body diagram and label with known and unknown values.

Step 2: determine what values are given in the question and what need to be found, by constructing
and filling out the table.

S a v u t

Step 3: convert values into the same base SI units.

s a v u t

Step 4: select appropriate equation. (look for an equations that has the unknown variable and the
other know variables).


Step 5: substitute values from the table in Step 3 into equation found in step 4 and solve for the








17 Year 11 Physics | Kinematics

Assignment 1: Professional Task

Question 3
A ball is dropped from rest, from the top of a tall building. After three seconds of free fall, what is
the velocity of the ball?

Step 1: Construct a free body diagram and label with known and unknown values.

Step 2: determine what values are given in the question and what need to be found, by constructing
and filling out the table.

S a v u t

Step 3: convert values into the same base SI units.

s a v u t

Step 4: select appropriate equation. (look for an equations that has the unknown variable and the
other know variables).


Step 5: substitute values from the table in Step 3 into equation found in step 4 and solve for the








18 Year 11 Physics | Kinematics

Assignment 1: Professional Task

Practice Questions
Q1) A car goes from 0 to 95km/h with an acceleration of +2.35m/s2. How long does it take the car to
reach this speed?

Q2) A top fuel dragster can go from 0 to 95km/h in 0.6s. Find its acceleration?

19 Year 11 Physics | Kinematics

Assignment 1: Professional Task

Q3) A jetliner, is landing with a speed of 69m/s. Once the jet has touched down, it has 750m of
runway in which to reduce its speed to 6.1m/s. Calculate the average acceleration of the plane
during landing.

Q4) A coin is tossed in the air vertically upwards with an initial speed of 5.0m/s. in the absence of air
resistance how high does the coin go above its point of release? What is the total time for the coin
to return to its starting point?

20 Year 11 Physics | Kinematics

Assignment 1: Professional Task

The unit plan has been designed to have a logical flow in teaching the first section of
kinematics to Year 11 students. The unit plan brings different strategies to the classroom in order to
account for students of differing levels and backgrounds. It does this by using pedagogies such as
scaffolding, differentiation to convey the content to the students and assessment for/as/of learning
to ensure students understand the content. The unit plan also aims to motivate students by
introducing as many experiments and interactive aspects into the lessons as practical. There is also a
focus on key general abilities that are embedded in the unit plan and the lesson content.

Scaffolding is used extensively throughout the unit and can be highlighted in the different
resources produced. Scaffolding is an essential pedagogy for teachers to use it allows for teacher to
build clear understanding of concepts and gives support to students that need it while allowing
advanced students to work ahead (Gibbons, 2002). Scaffolding is also a key strategy used in
supporting EAL/D students and students with learning difficulties as it allows teachers to remove
the language barrier and allows students to learn the skill and concepts (Gibbons, 2009).
Scaffolding also incorporates different High Impact Teaching Strategies (HITS) such as Structured
Lessons, Explicit Teaching, Worked Examples and differentiated teaching. By having these four
HITS incorporated into the lessons, teachers create a structured and engaging class that caters
for all ability levels that is based on researched evidence (Department of education and training
[DET], 2017). An example of scaffolding is in ‘Resource - Solving problems using the motion
equations’. This resource gives students a structure and method to solving equations in a logical and
step-by-step manner and slowly removes the support until students are solving the question with no
support or prompts to steps.

Differentiation is another key pedagogy used in the unit plan. Differentiation is a key
strategy used by teachers to cater for a wide range of students with different skill levels. Research
shows that when the differentiation strategy is consistently applied, meaningful learning can be
achieved by all students (DET,2017). In the unit plan, students with high abilities are supported by
giving them areas of the topic that they can explore in further depth. For example in the section of
the unit plan ‘Graphing Motion’ students with high ability are asked to determine the link between
the displacement and velocity graphs. While at the same time lower ability students or students with
EAL/D considerations are catered for by providing scaffolds on how to solve the problems. This
allows the teacher to cater for a large variety of students within the class.

21 Year 11 Physics | Kinematics

Assignment 1: Professional Task

Throughout the unit there is a mechanism for teachers to conduct assessment for/as/of
learning. This method of assessment allows teachers to gather evidence and make judgements
regarding student achievements and comprehension of the source material and skills required ().
The mechanism used for this type of assessment is done through study notes/learning diary. This is
to take the form of either a learning blog through the virtual classroom, incorporating ICT skills into
the unit work or in a study book. The study notes allows for all three styles of formative assessment
to take place. This allows the teacher to review student progress (assessment for learning) and tailor
the ongoing work accordingly. The study notes can be used to identify an individual student’s
progress and understanding of the work (assessment of learning) and the student themselves can
assess their knowledge of a topic while writing the notes (assessment as learning).

The stage 6 syllabus aims to promote and encourage practical investigations in the teaching
of students (NSW Education Standards Authority, 2017). In order to incorporate the syllabus’ aim of
practical demonstration and investigation, an effort has been made to include practical and physical
demonstration of different concepts. An example of these is in describing motion and the difference
in a vector and scaler where the students act as scalers and vectors. This allows students to
consolidate the theory in a practical way and presents students with a memorable way to remember
the difference between the two.

22 Year 11 Physics | Kinematics

Assignment 1: Professional Task

Department of education and training.(2017).High Impact Teaching Strategies: Excellence in

Teaching and Learning. Retrieved from


Gibbons, P. (2002). Scaffolding Language Scaffolding Learning: Teaching Second Language

Learners in the Mainstream Classroom. Portsmouth, New Hampshire: Heinemann

Gibbons, P. (2009). English Learners Academic Literacy and Thinking: Learning in the Challenge

Zone. Portsmouth, New Hampshire: Heinemann

NSW Education Standards Authority. (2017). NSW Syllabus for the Australian Curriculum: Physics

Stage 6 Syllabus.

NSW Education Standards Authority. (2018). Assessment for, as and of learning. Retrieved from

23 Year 11 Physics | Kinematics

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