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Hymn 2.

01 of the Rigveda
Translated by Dr. Kant Singh

You Agni, with brightness, be displayed now, shining forth then with passion, at
once from the stones, greatly.
Then, for the worship, be produced now, amongst the twigs, for the laud of the
men o lord of men, generate your flames.
Then Agni, for the offerer of the oblation, then for the purifier, then for the
sacrificial priest, then for the officiating priest, then for the igniter, join now.
Thus, o great ruler to you the priest approaches, then be mighty, and be set up
as the lord of the dwellers, of this tribe.
Agni, being venerable like the bull Indra, like Visnu the wide-stepper, we salute
You went procuring wealth o lord of the brahmins, you supported worshippers
Then Agni, for Lord Varuna, the upholder of law and order, then for Mitra, the
wonderful one, be generated o worthy of praise.
Then for Aryaman, o true lord, strive, partake of your portion, to the sages o lord,
be liberal.
To make you satiated Agni, is this worship, addressing this speech to you o
friend, the tribe calls out to you.
You are a quick mover, perisher, attainer of good horses, you make the people
bold, you abound in wealth.
Then Agni, ferocious, brilliant, greatly divine like the bold Marutas, for your
satiation o lord, we pour forth.
You procure as solicited, o red one, then be set up, bless the householders’
prayer, do nourish, befriend us then, protect those serving breathlessly.
You Agni, granter of wealth, we generate you o lord generator, do support us
with wealth.
You, o benevolent lord of people, wealth o lord, pour out now, o protector of
dwellers, strive then as worshipped.
Then Agni, come to the residents, o lord of the people, to the praising people,
granting well, making delighted.
Now the tribe propels you o radiant one then, in order to make fall thousands of
You Agni, like to a father, the men praise with desires, like to a brother is this
request, do be appeased o brilliant one.
Cause to exist your sons, as worshipped then o very favourable friend, protect
us in this assault.
Agni, the skilful ones, for wealth salute you with this eulogy, with speed o
powerful royal lord, do issue forth.
Now, with your brilliance, make us strong o granter, then for imparting readily to
those crying out loudly, spread out for sake of this worship.
Then Agni, o ancient lord of the worshippers, make strong the sacrificers for this
flourishing speech in Bharati.
You we invoke, let exist for a hundred years with your ability, then o Vrtra killer, o
lord of wealth, for this eloquent speech.
Then Agni, o good supporter, o most eminent one, with vigour now, with
excellent colours, come, be visible o handsome one.
Now, increasing with speed, being mighty, then abundant wealth, to everyone
To you Agni, o ancient one, is this mouthing, to you this speech, o radiant one,
by the effecting, by the singers.
Then come to the priests, dispense gifts that last long, then o lord consume the
oblation, abundantly the one laid on the fire.
Then Agni, the tribe propels you upon the unmanly, unfriendly ones, o lord
consume them greatly like the oblation.
To you, the mortals bestow the tasty mixture, you in the cavity, amongst the
twigs, be generated o radiant one.
You then, on blowing, spring up and surpass, thus moving to and fro, continue
majestically, be well produced, fill up moreover o lord, the empty ones.
Swiftly then here with your might, be generated all over, thus cover over the
land, and from the land to the skies.
Then, for these verses of the singers of this settlement, swell your form Agni, for
sake of the oblation poured by the sages.
For sake of this honour, distribute greatly indeed as desired, come to the
dwellers, make flourish, for sake of the quick speech of the sages o hero.

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