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ZAUNER ORNAMENTS: As she put the finishing touches on the annual financial statements for Zaunet ‘Omaments, Chia-yi Yu contemplated her schedule for the next few weeks. As the new controller for Zauner Omaments in Taiwan, Yu thought the slow-sales period in January would be the perfect time for her fo focus on Zauner’s management-accounting procedures, Yu had recently retumed to Taiwan from graduate business schoo! in | Burope, and she was anxious to apply the knowledge she had gained at school to her new Job. As a first step, Yu decided to research Zauner’s current costing methods, BACKGROUND Zaunet Ornaments was a wholly owned subsidiary of Zauner Crystal, Inc., a large manufscturer of crystal and glass products headquartered in Vienna, Austria. | Although originally established as an industrial-glass producer, Zauner Crystal reinvented itself after the Second World War as a producer of fine crystal, glass tableware, and other similar products. The company cnjoyed an international reputation as a producer of high- quality glass and crystal at affordable prices owing to the skills of its master artisans, as well as the application of innovative technology in the manufacturing process. Zauner | crystal was used in fine restaurants, hotels, and residences throughout the world. ZAUNER ORNAMENTS | Several years previously, management at Zauner Crystal recognized that growth in the fine-crystal and glass-tableware markets was beginning to slow, forcing the company to search for other growth opportunities. After extensive research, management concluded that expanding into glass Christmas-tree omaments would allow the company not only to continue to grow, but also to take advantage of Zauner Crystal’s unique | capabilities. The company leased a small manufacturing facility in Taiwan, and began producing the following three products there: Omaments Sales Price per Box per Box* | ‘Small glass ball omaments 12 $9.00 Large glass ball omaments 6 $11.00 | Specialty glass ball omaments 1 $17.00 | “Note: All monetary amounts are expressed in U.S. dollars ‘CASE: ZAUNER ORNAMENTS 109 COST ACCOUNTING AT ZAUNER ORNAMENTS: In the third week of January, Yu called the sales department to inquire about price-setting procedures for the different product lines. She quickly discovered that the sales department investigated the prices of similar products available in the marketplace and set Zauner’s prices accordingly. Yu knew that the company was profitable overall, but wondered if the prices set by the sales department were sufficient to ensure that the individual product lines were profitable. She decided fo have one of her senior analysts, ‘Yung Chen, prepare an analysis of unit-product costs for each of Zauner’s three products. She thought this might be helpful in determining whether any adjustments in the product prices were warranted. To assist Chen in his task, Yu provided him with a schedule of the factory’s annual overhead costs, as follows Overhead Item ‘Annual Cost Production scheduling $85,000 Machine setups 160,000 Equipment depreciation 720,000 Plant depreciation 150,000 Quality inspection 70,000 Packing 185,000 Plant administration 300,000 Total overhead 81,120,000 Later that day, Chen retumed to Yu's office with a schedule showing his calculation of product costs for each of Zauner's three products (Exhibit 1). Chen calculated the cost per box for each product, using a traditional volume-based costing system. Budgeted overhead was allocated to each product line, based on the planned production of omaments. Chen and Yu were dismayed by the results of Chen's analysis, according to his calculations, Zauner was selling small glass ornaments for $9.00 a box, but it was costing the company $21.12 a box to produce those oznaments! ‘Yu took these results to the director of Operations, David Metz, “I’m really worried about our pricing and the efficiency of our manufacturing processes,” Yu told Metz. “According to this product-cost analysis, we are losing money on both the small and large glass ornaments we produce, while making money on the specialty ornaments. Surely, that can’t be the case, can it? Are our costs really that much higher than other firms in the industry?” Metz looked at Chen’s schedule and shook his head. “I think 1 see the problem hero,” he told Yu. “You've allocated overhead to each product based on. production units, Why don’t you try this analysis again, this time allocating overhead to each product based upon direct materials and direct labor? I think that method better approximates the actual use of the overhead resource by each product line, and it should fix your problem.” ‘Yu retumed to her office and instructed Chen to redo his analysis using direct materials plus direct Iabor as the allocation base for overhead expenses. Chen soon returned with the product-cost schedule shown in Exhibié 2. “Look!” he told Yu, “I 110 PART Ii: FUNDAMENTALS OF PRODUCT AND SERVICE COSTING REQUIRED think Metz, was correct, Allocating overhead based on direct materials and direct labor gives us product costs that are below our current sales price for each product line. I think we're fine now.” Yu felt better after secing Chen’s second analysis, but she was not fully convinced that the revised schedule captured Zauner’s product costs in the most accurate manner. While Chen was working on his analysis, Yu met with the manufacturing department to gain a better understanding of Zauner's operations. ‘The results of these meetings are summarized in Exhibit 3. She learned that, while all three omaments were made on the same procluction lines, specialty omaments underwent an additional painting process. In the specialty-painting department, 24 fully utilized workers hand-painted intricate designs on the inside of each specialty omament. Yu also discussed with Manufacturing the types of overhead at Zaunet and the specific activities that could be generating the company’s ovethead costs. She discovered that both production scheduling and machine-setup costs appeared to be driven primarily by the number of batches required for the annual production volume. Because the number of batches varied by product type, Yu concluded that total yearly batches might be an appropriate means of allocating production-scheduling and machine-setup costs to the different product lines, In addition, she had a little more difficulty ascertaining the root cause of equipment depreciation. It was unclear whether equipment depreciation occurred because of the number of machine operations performed or because of the machine run time, Based on feedback from the manufacturing department, she decided that the number of machine operations was the better indicator of equipment depreciation, She also thought that plant depreciation could reasonably be based on the factory square footage used to manufacture, paint, and store each box. Her discussions also led her 10 conclude that the number of inspections performed drove inspection costs, while the number of boxes used drove packaging costs. Plant administration (which included supervision, labor relations, and clerical costs) appeared to be the most problematic in deciding how best to allocate these costs. Yu would have to make that decision soon, and in the meantime, had gathered the data in Exhibits 4 and 5, which she thought might be useful in her deliberations. ‘After seeing Zauner’s manufacturing process, Yu recalled reading about activity- based costing (ABC) in graduate school. She remembered that companies used ABC systems to assign indirect manufacturing costs to products based on the activities performed on those products. Yu thought she might be able to use ABC to reflect Zauner’s product costs more accurately, thereby improving product-pricing decisions. 1. Determine the best base for allocating piant-administration costs. 2, Calculate the ABC costs for cach product on a per-box basis. What do these results tell you about activty-based costing versus costing based ‘on standard volume or ditect materials plus direct labor? 4, What changes, ifany, should management make to Zauner’s pricing steategy? CASE: ZAUNER ORNAMENTS Tit ‘O000OL 01s © “000 00T I ‘DOOCOT smoureno Kqeroods ooo'osz, 00's$ 000°0S 9 000'00E. ‘Sse paxopoo aire] oooort $s ors = 00's zt (ntoer ssef8 paxojoo [ets PWC we Sago “wae sro) wonpaRT Tol Tae Wa Ray swe §—jozequMN, wayskg ZaySoD paseg-ouMJoA :83505 onporg Jo woREMITED SINGNWVNYO WANAWZ Tq ae ons $ “OOTOLTT S$ “OOTTGGOT S ‘0008 ‘o00'0es Isbt $ “SIETSPT _—SIETST OOR00L cows = “000OT 1 oroaT suroumewio Aqmoods Let $ 6PeSTS ore39¢ ooo'ose oo'ss ——ono'os 9 o00'00¢ SSUfB paiojoo aBrey 8 S$ Sito S$ SizOSL $ OOOO $ ors = ono'se a ooo'oe ‘86013 pozojoo emg xoq iad” “SOS THIOL PeaqTSAQ, Tana Og TOT ‘saxog jo ~ x0g ied SHURE aonporg, 3809 TROL, pareoory rol, TaeWd BaMN smeUETIQ «= goequmN, ‘waysks SunsOD pasea-TC PuE -WIC_ :51509 yonporg Jo MoREMOTE) SINSINVNYO SANOVZ cara zo v I s 0s 000001 = stuourenx0 Kqeroadg s0 z 9 r OSL oon'v0e 5e{3 pascjoo aBIeT 1 1 a r 008 oov'ozr ——_SS¥FB pavojoo [Teg KOT DA xOg eT og ied jscEMO Ted “Saqeg “Space oN aBmoog bg — suonoadsuy = sjmourems = suonetedQ §=— yo aqui jo saqumyy SOREL yonporg 4q weg GrAnoy SINDAVNUO WINAVZ enaneey “86 00'00s 009, gtr 00°94, o00'067, 406 coo'ors 008 zt ooo'0s ooo'ose ss ooo'sss oott emt 00's o00'ssz, %SL ooo'sts ose at 00's o00's6z OL ooo'ocss 0c, cL 000%06$ o00%o0Es pest] Aysedey” S150 GET Semon Tomuosied meg 1809 omanuy | “ s150D UONENSURUpY yd IO. % werq rel — Jo.raqum Sopa qd TOL, FEC YaMNO pur s1s0D woRENsTUTEIPY sue 1e2k-IARL [ESOT SLNAINVNYO UANAVZ PRONE 6661 00c von VIN VIN VIN pom Aroedes mma 9% ooo'ezss ooz'eves oos'ess 0z'ESS 1809 s0qu] roMP THIOL, ooz't ost ow 009 szomo1sn9 Jo xoqumny, ve id (@onured) Aqesods 86 WIN, vN WN Aqepods-10N ‘yeuuosiod sae. 0006s oostzis, ooe'tss, oor'ses © ss09 Aucquaate Spo TROL ase SESE SOGTEEO Aaeisads SSID seq pam are] pasep yeu ‘sur sonporg Aq ered] Ie: SINSWVNUO WANAVZ SRP = =]

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