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Name: Aidan Williams

Date : 24/9/19
Subject: English A
Teacher: Ms. Williams
Weed, cannabis, pot, ganja etc. It goes by many names, but its
most well known name worldwide is marijuana. It’s the drug that has
seen the most spotlight because of the heated debate if its use should
be legally allowed. In some countries, marijuana is legally used by adults
for recreational and medical use. But there are those who seem to think
that marijuana should be illegal, regardless of the use. Personally, I see
no problem with the legalization and use of the herb, as long as we use
it only to benefit mankind.
Marijuana is used for its medicinal properties. Doctors say it can
help with nausea during chemotherapy, chronic pain and muscle
spasms. It also is said to be able to treat forms of epilepsy. Marijuana is
also used in some religions, the most famous being rastafarian. The
rastafari believe smoking the herb brings them closer to their god,
Selassie. Other religions that use the herb are Sikhism, Taoism and
However, some people use marijuana to destroy the lives of
others. Marijuana is said to make people violent when smoked. In 2016,
a man murdered his wife while he was on a high. It also can increase the
risk of lung cancer when smoked. Marijuana is also used to make people
rich illegally. Marijuana is sold illegally for very high prices up to $18 a
gram which means 1 kilo of weed would cost up to $18,000 . There have
been cases where customs officers have found up to 100 kilos which
following the math, would be worth $1,800,000.
Marijuana is a plant, medicinal herb and illegal drug for some. I
see no problem with the legalization of the plant, because it’s just
another plant that can be used for medicinal purposes. Marijuana is also
used for religious purposes by various people whose have beliefs that
we have no right to infringe on. But, they are also others who have lost
everything and more to the plant. Marijuana could be used to cure
cancer in the future, or it could create more cancer. But who knows?

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