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Name: __________

Math: Graphing, Charts, Polls, and Number Patterns

TOTAL _______/ 11 Marks


A thriving business named “Monster Drinks Outlet Factory” in our community closes and lays off 500
workers. 500 workers from our community are now currently unemployed.

Karly decides to buy the building of the past business and aims to employ at least 50 workers for her
new grocery store.

Patrick also decides to help his community and opens a Sports Clothing store and will employ 40 new

Makayla is going to open a SUPER Restaurant complete with 24 Hour All You Can Eat Indigenous Cuisine
Buffet. She is going to employ 200 community members as workers. Essentially, complete with
construction workers, staff, waitresses, waiters, hosts, 4 Chefs focusing on Haudenoshaunee,
Anishinabe, Inuit, Metis Indigenous Cuisine, and Indigenous architects to design Indigenous Traditional
motifs, symbolism and sections for her new restaurant.

Business analysis project that each business will double their number of employees each successive

1. How many jobs did your community lose with the closing of “ Monster Drinks Outlet Factory” ? (
3 Marks)

2. When Karly, Patrick and Makayla decided to help the community by forming a Business Plan and
starting a business how many jobs did they potentially generate? ( 3 Marks)

3. After Karly, Patrick and Makyala form their own individual businesses how many workers are
still unemployed after their start-up business ventures? ( 3 Marks)

4. How important are start-up business plan ventures? ( 2 Marks)

Makayla 400

Patrick 80

Karly 100

Monster Drink-500 Factory Outlet

-600 -400 -200 0 200 400 600 800

Year Three Year Two Community Business

Business Year Two Year Three

Monster Drink-500 Factory Outlet -500 -500 -500

Karly 50 100 150

Patrick 40 80 120

Makayla 200 400 600


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