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Analysing the borrower

Discovery: Learn about the difficulties that borrowers and lenders face
The problems faced by borrowers to take up the franchisee
- Entrepreneurs who had potential but did not participate/ were not selected due to the credit
lending system

Immersion: Developing an understanding of their environment in order to understand their

experiences and motivation

Create journey map for a potential entrepreneur from expressing interest for Sarvajal till the
franchisee is launched
Create journey map for a bank/ NBFC from shortlisted prospect to screening and assessment of
credit worthiness

Loan components apart from interest rate which help in identifying the borrower’s preference
towards lenders

Comparative Analysis of Loan Components

Transactional loan components to be identified to analyse the relative importance to borrowers such
1. Average distance of lenders to borrowers
2. Sanctions in case of late or non-repayment
3. Conditions of lender for use of loans
4. Interest rate levels
5. Timely provision of loans
6. Loan amounts
7. Repayment periods
8. Securities required
9. Guarantor arrangements demanded by intermediaries

Survey Methodology
1) Get familiar with the borrower’s economic landscape and to identify financial intermediaries
and their clients
2) Interviews with lenders- Credit cooperatives, moneylenders to get details of the kind of
financial services they offer

Synthesise observations about borrowers and lenders

Framing problem statement according to specific users, in our case it would be the borrowers
primarily and then lenders
Analysis of challenges faced
1) Turn- Around- Time (TAT): The type of loan applied for and the NBFCs involved to identify
the reason for long TAT and if it can be reduced. Government scheme analysis where TAT is
high but lending rates are low
2) Geographical presence: Understanding of initiatives taken by banks to reach remote
3) High Interest Rate charged by NBFCs: Possibility of group lending programs to lower risk and
have joint liability
4) Mortgage requirement and documentation: Documents which lead to maximum rejection
and how can they be obtained in case of unavailability; alternative routes for swift

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