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A. Background

Learning the foreign language is important as it is essential to

every aspect and interaction in our everyday lives. Every sentence we use has

the purpose of enabling foreign language learners to move beyond

vocabulary and grammar to the functional aspect of communication.

Language is an integrate part of human life because in daily life, it is

used language to express our ideas, feeling or wishes perfectly. As a means of

communication, language is certainly charactrerized by having more or less

unitary grammatical, good speaking and phonological system. Speaking is

one of oral activity that plays essential role in human interaction. Many

people use a foreign language for work and business or for something else,

especially for tour guides they always use a foreign language for

communication with tourists where is the tour guides must have

communication skills to guiding tourists.

Communication skill are essential for an engineer who aspires to carry

out his / her professionsl practice in the global arena. Engineering

communication skill basically constitute several core elements such as the

fluency in the English language and the fundamentals of visual

communication ( Marc J Riemer, 2002 ).

One of the stakeholders that is needed in the trip tour is a Tour Guide,

because of a tour will not be complete without a tour guide. There is tourists

who do not feel the need to be accompanied by guides because they feel they

have enough to read the Guide Book but the results are definitely different if

tourists accompanied by guides in terms of time efficiency and systematic


The tour guide is someone who gives explanations and guidance to

tourists and other travelers about everything they were about to see and be

seen when they visited an object, place or specific tourist areas ( Suwarno,

2004: 13). The role of guides is not just giving an explanation of the

attractions but including helping all problems faced by tourists during the

tour. Even not seldom is it awkward to tell a personal problem to a person

Tour guide because he felt his relationship was so close during the trip.

The function of a tour guide is a function of service, almost as a maid

servant, specifically in the Tourism sector, providing accurate information

about objects in the region, helping guests in innumerable different ways.

Types of help required includes carrying bags and goods belonging to guests,

assisting guests who experience problems such as losing a passport, or

airplane tickets, or who experience an accident, or fall ill, or perhaps even in

the event of death, etc.

Tour guide sometimes have the approved when faced with tourists,

maybe this challenges can be taken from a tour guide or a tourist, the

challenges can be about personal limitations of skills, competences, etc.

Externally, they must also subscribe to rules and regulations of their areas of

operations, their employers and their clients. The guides are often pressed for

time, caught between their obligation to please their employers and the

tourists, and subject to government regulations.

In line with the ideas above, this research will conducted to obtain

"Tour Guide communication skills and difficulties in communicating with the

tourist”. In addition, it is also necessary to find solutions to improve the

communication skills of tour guides in the field in general. Communication

skills will be discussed further in the next part of this writing.

B. Problem Statement

Based on the background above, the reseracher composes two problem

as follows:

1. What difficulties faced by the Tour Guide at Indonesian in

communication with Tourist.

2. How to Ways the Tour Guide at Indonesian to solve

miscommunication with Tourist.

C. Objective of the Study

Based upon problem statements, the researcher directed this study to

the objectives as follow:

1. To know the difficulties faced by the Tour Guide at Indonesian

in communication with Tourist.

2. To know the ways Tour Guide at Indonesian to solve

miscommunication with Tourist.

D. Significance of the Study

The researcher would like to give more information about the

difficulty faced by the Tour Guide at Indonesian in communication with

Tourist and how to ways to solve miscommunication this problem. By this

study, they will also get some alternative solution to overcome the problem.

This research is hopefully useful a helpful for someone who wants to

know deeper about these expressions and as one of the way to increase the

performance of english communication skill.

This research will give contribution to the others especially to the Tour

Guide and reader to have information about the English communication

performance of the Tour Guide.

The result of this study will also be more useful for the management

Tourism at Indonesian. To know the weakness of the Tour Guide in

communication English with Tourist.

E. Scope of the Study

The researcher is focus on discussing about the difficulty tour guide in

communication with Tourist and to find ways to solve miscommunication.

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