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Philippine Literature during the American Period (Group 4)


2. HISTORICAL BACKGROUND Philippine Literature during the American Period Group 4 English 7 Galileo

3. HISTORICAL BACKGROUND •Philippine Independence •Philippine-American Conflicts •1900s-peace


4. THEMES OF LITERATURE Philippine Literature during the American Period Group 4 English 7 Galileo

5. THEMES OF LITERATURE •Desire for freedom •Love of Country •Fight against colonialism and

6. CHARACTERISTICS OF LITERATURE Philippine Literature during the American Period Group 4 English 7

7. CHARACTERISTICS OF LITERATURE •Nationalism •Freedom of Speech •Experience •Search and use of

a new medium

8. INFLUENCES OF THE AMERICANS Philippine Literature during the American Period Group 4 English 7

9. INFLUENCES OF THE AMERICAN •Schools •New education system •Cleanliness and Hygiene •English
Language •Politics •Freedom of Speech

10. NEWSPAPERS Philippine Literature during the American Period Group 4 English 7 Galileo

11. NEWSPAPERS El Grito Del Pueblo •a pro-labor and radical nationalist newspaper advocates
independence under the protection of the United States. •Founded by Pascual Poblete in 1899 with a
Tagalog version called “Ang Kapatid ng Bayan.”

12. NEWSPAPERS El Grito del Pueblo 1899 Pascual Poblete

13. NEWSPAPERS El Nuevo Dia •Founded by Sergio Osmena in 1900 •A Cebuano newspaper •Lasted for
3 years

14. NEWSPAPERS El Nuevo Dia 1900 Sergio Osmena

15. NEWSPAPERS El Renacimiento •Rafael Palma is the editor •The most influential newspaper in
Manila during the Spanish colonial period

16. NEWSPAPERS El Renacimiento 1900 Rafael Palma

17. NEWSPAPERS Manila Daily Bulletin •The Philippines’ largest broadsheet newspaper by circulation
•Now currently known as “The Manila Bulletin” •Founded in 1900 as a shipping journal •The second-
oldest Philippine newspaper, second only to the Manila Times

18. NEWSPAPERS Manila Daily Bulletin 1900

19. THREE GROUPS OF WRITERS Philippine Literature during the American Period Group 4 English 7
20. THREE GROUPS OF WRITERS •Spanish •English •Filipino

21. THREE GROUPS OF WRITERS: SPANISH Philippine Literature during the American Period Group 4
English 7 Galileo

22. THREE GROUPS OF WRITERS: SPANISH •The writers in Spanish were accustomed to write on
nationalism like honoring Rizal and other heroes. •Some writers: Cecilio Apostol, Fernando Ma.
Guerrero, Jesus Balomori, Manuel Bernabe and Claro M. Recto

23. THREE GROUPS OF WRITERS: SPANISH Cecilio Apostol •Masterpiece: A Rizal •His poems wee used to
teach the Spanish Language (RA 1881) •Pen name - Catulo

24. THREE GROUPS OF WRITERS: SPANISH Fernando Maria Guerro •Masterpiece: Crisalidas •Prince of
Filipino lyric poets in Spanish •Favorite theme – eternal sadness of things

25. THREE GROUPS OF WRITERS: SPANISH Claro M. Recto •Masterpiece: Bajo Los Cocoteros (Under the
Cocunut Trees) •Bajo Los Cocoteros was published in 1911 •He is the Father of Philippine Consitution

26. THREE GROUPS OF WRITERS: SPANISH Jesus Balmori •Works: Mi Casa de Nipa, Mi Choza de Nipa
•Pen name Batikuling •Poet Laureate in Spanish •Premio Zobel award for contributions to Philippine

27. THREE GROUPS OF WRITERS: SPANISH Manuel Bernabe •Translated Rubaiyat by Omar Khayyam in
Spanish •King of Balagtasan in Spanish

28. THREE GROUPS OF WRITERS: TAGALOG Philippine Literature during the American Period Group 4
English 7 Galileo

Inigo Ed. Regalado, Carlos Gatmaitan, Pedro Deogracias del Rosario, Ildefonso Santos, Amado V.
Hernandez, Nemencio Carabana, and Mar Antonio

Corazon De Jesus, Florentino Collantes, Patricio Mariano, Carlos Gatmaitan, and Amado V. Hernandez

Tolentino, Patricio Mariano, Severino Reyes, and Tomas Remigio.

32. THREE GROUPS OF WRITERS: TAGALOG Lope K. Santos •Masterpiece: Banaag at Sikat •Father of the
Filipino Grammar •“Apo” of the Tagalog writers

33. THREE GROUPS OF WRITERS: TAGALOG Amado V. Hernandez •Masterpiece: Luha ng Buwaya, Ang
Panday •First King of Balagtasan •A pillar in the Tagalog Literature

34. THREE GROUPS OF WRITERS: TAGALOG Jose Corazon De Jesus •Masterpiece: Ang Isang
Punongkahoy (A Tree) •The Legendary Lyric Poet •King of Balagtasan

35. THREE GROUPS OF WRITERS: TAGALOG Aurelio Tolentino •Masterpiece: Kahapon, Ngayon at Bukas
•Coined the word “dula” •Father of Tagalog Drama •CCP theater was named after him-Tanghalabg
Aurelio Tolentino
36. THREE GROUPS OF WRITERS: TAGALOG Severino Reyes •Masterpiece: Walang Sugat •Father of the
Tagalog Plays •Father of the Tagalog Zarzuela •Pen name- Lola Basyang

37. THREE GROUPS OF WRITERS: ENGLISH Philippine Literature during the American Period Group 4
English 7 Galileo

38. THREE GROUPS OF WRITERS: ENGLISH •The writers in English imitated the themes and methods of
the Americans. •The Period of Re-Orientation (1898-1910) •The Period of Imitation (1910-1925) •The
Period of Self-Discovery (1925-1941)

39. ESSAYS •Scholarly and characterized by sobriety, substance and structure •Political, social reflective
essays, critical essays, personal or familiar essays •Carlos P. Romulo, Vicente Hilario, Jorge C. Bocobo,
and Mauro Mendez

40. SHORT STORIES •Imitation of foreign models •Ignacio Manlapaz, Godfredo Rivera, Federico
Mangahas, Francisco B. Icasiano, Jose Lansang, Salvador P. Lopez, and Amando G. Dayrit

41. INFORMAL ESSAYS •Works are spiced with humor, wit, and satire •Ignacio Manalanpaz, Federico
Mangahas, Francisco B. Icasiano, Godefredo Rivers, Salvador P. Lopez, Jose Lansang and Amando G.

42. FRANCISO BENITEZ •First editor of Philippine Journal of Education •Became the Dean of UP College
of Education

43. PAZ MARQUEZ BENITEZ •First Filipino Modern English Language short story writer •One of the
founders of Philippine Women’s College •Dead Stars (1925)

44. ZOILO GALANG •A Child of Sorrow (1921)-first Philippine novel written in English •Nadia (1929),
Encyclopedia of The Philippines (1957) •Filipino encyclopedist and the 1st English-language Filipino

45. JOSE GARCIA VILLA •National Artist of the Philippines for Literature (1973) •Pen name- Doveglion
•Comma poet

46. MANUEL E. ARGUILLA •How my Brother Leon Brought Home a Wife (1940) •Epilogue to
Reconciliation (1936) •Republic Cultural Heritage Award 1972

47. NICK JOAQUIN •Republic Cultural Heritage Award (1961) •National Artist of the Philippines for
Literature (1976) •MOST important Filipino writer in ENGLISH •Pen name- Quijano de Manila •May Day
Eve (1947), The Woman Who Had Two Navels (1961), A Portrait of the Artist as a Filipino (1966),
Summer Solstice (1971)

48. CARMEN GUERRERO NAKPIL •Lifetime Achievement Award 2005 for her outstanding achievement in
history •Icon of Philippine Literature and Journalism

49. N.V.M GONZALES •Palanca Memorial Awardee for Literature •National Artist Award for Literature
(1997) •Centennial Award for Literature (1998) •The Winds of April, The Bamboo Dancers, A Season of
Grace, Children of the Ash-Covered Loam
50. THANK YOU FOR VIEWING! Made By: Giancarlo Trani Group 4 Members: Jennie Rose Mercullo
Giancarlo Trani Jamie Marie Matriz Princess Daniell Yambao Yohj Gabriel Orzame Joshua Ortiz
Xavier”Ashky” Badong


Philippine literature during american period

1. 1. The Filipino Revolutionists won against the Spaniards who colonized for more than 300
years. June 12, 1898 raised the Philippine flag as a symbol of our independence. Gen.
Emilio Aguinaldo was selected the first president of the Philippine Republic but this was short
2. 2. The filipino-american war resulted in the defeat of Gen. Miguel Malvar in 1903. The
peace movements started as early as 1900. Many filipino started writing again and the
nationalism of the people remain undaunted. Filipino writers went into all forms of literature
like news reporting, poetry, stories, plays, essays and novels. Their writings clearly depicted
their love of country and thier longings for
3. 3. A new group started to write in English. Hence, Spanish, Tagalog , the Vernaculars
and finally , English, were the mediums used in literature during these times. The writers in
Spanish were wont to write on nationalism like honoring Rizal and other heroes. The
writers in Tagalog continued in their lamentations on the conditions of the country and their
attempts to arouse love for one’s native tongue. The writers in English imitated the themes
and methods of the Americans.
4. 4. The UP college Folio was later replaced by the Philippine Collegian. Dead Stars by
Paz Marquez Benitez stand out as a model of perfection in character delineation, local color,
plot and message. 1933 Footnote to youth by Jose Garcia Villa
6. 6. KAHAPON, NGAYON AT BUKAS (Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow) Written by Aurelio
Tolentino TANIKALANG GINTO of Juan Abad MALAYA by Thomas Remigio WALANG
SUGAT by Severino Reyes
7. 7. Education became a very important issue for the united states colonial government,
since it allowed it to spread thier cultural values, particularly the english language, to the
filipino people. By 1901, public education was institutionalized in the philippines, with english
serving the medium of instruction.
8. 8. A. Literature in Spanish  a) Cecilio Apostol - wrote "A RIZAL" and is considered the best
poem in praise of the hero of bagumbayan.  b) Fernando Ma. Guerero - he collected the
best of his poem in a book called Crisalidas, and one of the poems written in this book was
"INVOCACION A RIZAL"  c) Jesus Balmori - well-known for his pen name of Batikuling. He
and Manuel Bernabe participated in a debate on the topic - "REMEMBRANCE and
FORGETFULNESS". He was elected Poet Laureate in spanish besting Manuel Bernabe. 
d) Manuel Bernabe - is a lyric poet. He was more attractive to the public in a debate with
balmori because of the melodious words he used. He defended OLVIDO  e) Claro M.
Recto - he collected his poems in a book entitled BAJO LOS COCOTEROS. One of his
writings dedicated to Rizal is "ANTE EL MARTIR".
9. 9. 1. Adelina Guerrea was first woman poet in the Philippines who was good in Spanish. She
obtained the Nobel Prize in her EL NIDO. 2. Isidro Marpori became famous for his four books
entitled Aroma de Ensueno. 3. Macario Adriatico wrote of Legend of Mindoro entitled La
Punta de Salto 4. Epifanio de los Santos
10. 10.  a) Lope K. Santos - "Father of the National language Grammar", he was also called
"apo" of the tagalog writers. "BANAAG AT SIKAT" was his master piece.  b) Jose Corazon
de Jesus - known as huseng batute, he was also called the poet of love in his time. "AG
ISANG PUNONG KAHOY", an elegy, is believed to be his masterpiece.  c) Armando V.
Hernandez - was dubbed "Poet of the Laborers", his masterpiece is "ANG PANDAY"  d)
Valeriano Hernandez Pena - known as Tandang Anong, he considers "NENA AT NENENG"
his masterpiece.  e) Inigo Ed Regalado - a popular story teller, novelist and newspaper
man. He reach the peak of his success by the "sumpong" of his pen.
11. 11. 1. Poet of the Heart (Makata ng Puso). These included Lope K. Santos, Iñigo Ed.
Regalado, Carlos Gatmaitan, Pedro Deogracias del Rosario, Ildefonso Santos, Amado V.
Hernandez, Nemecio Carabana, and Mar Antonio. 2. Poets of Life (Makata ng Buhay). 
Led by Lope K Santos, Jose Corazon de Jesus, Florentino Collantes, Patricio Mariano,
Carlos Garmaitan, and Amado V. Hernandez. 3. Poets of the Stage (Makata ng Tanghalan).
 Led by Aurelio Tolentino, Patricio Mariano, Severino Reyes, and Tomas Remigio.
12. 12. In a way, we can say that we can trace the beginnings of Philippine literature in English
with the coming of the Americans. For this purpose, we can divide this period into three time
frames, namely:
13. 13. The Period of Re-Orientation (1898-1910) English as a literary vehicle came with the
American occupation in August 13, 1898 and as they say, a choice bestowed on us by
history. By 1900, English came to be used as a medium of instruction in the public schools.
From the American forces were recruited the first teachers of English. By 1908, the primary
and intermediate grades were using English. It was also about this time when UP, the
forerunner in the use of English in higher education, was founded.
14. 14. THE PERIOD OF IMITATION (1910-1924) By 1919, the UP College Folio published
the literary compositions of the first Filipino writers in English. They were the pioneers in
short story writing. They were then groping their way into imitating American and British
models which resulted in a stilted, artificial and unnatural style, lacking vitality and
15. 15. PERIOD OF SELF-DISCOVERY AND GROWTH (1925-1941)  By this time, Filipino
writers had acquired the mastery of English writing. They now confidently and competently
wrote on a lot of subjects although the old-time favorites of love and youth persisted. They
went into all forms of writing like the novel and the drama.
16. 16.  Poetry. Noteworthy names in this field ,they wrote in free verse, in odes and sonnets
and in other types. Poetry was original, spontaneous, competently written and later,
incorporated social consciousness.  Short Story (1925-1941) Poetry and short story
flourished during these times.  Publications. The Philippine Free Press provided the first
incentives to Filipino writers in English by offering prizes to worthwhile contribution. Other
publication followed suit.  The Drama.(1925-1941) Drama during this period did not reach
the heights attained by the novel or the short story.
17. 17.  1941.html   

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