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- Interactive Desi n - June 2018

Creative Team Successes, Challenges & Steps to Address

Successes: beat the competition after two rounds in the RFP process to win $40,000 as a starting point for Lexus of Portland (with plenty of opportunity for H2), The Interactive Design Team held H2 pre­sales
creative strategy meetings with Sales teams from all territories to focus on winning revenue and partnering for the EOY rush, Our Ops Star of the Week was able to design and build all 6 ads and get approval
within four days-thanks to the quick action and smooth workflow, we didn't lose the opportunity to another vendor.

Testimonials: "Great news! We won the Lexus portland business. We were able to squeeze it away from the incumbent, Dataxu. That's 2 for 2!" - Account Executive, NAM West

Challenges: Clients have various budgets, production fees can take up to 50% of campaign costs in some markets-we would like to consider including design as an introductory gesture which may allow us to
cultivate relationships with new clients. We continue to push for the approval of the Creative Hub-members of PMM and Marketing have liked what they've seen and it should launch by end of next week. We are
awaiting pricing on special offerings such as our Sports Data-driven Creative DCO as we have been informed to seek pricing from sellers as the PMM team has apparently been relieved of this task.
Progress: In order to reduce costs we have rebranded executions while utilizing the same functionality-this allows us to provide a branded execution 3-5 days or half the time of a typical design and build. We
have provided electronic one sheets to generate awareness for our creative capabilities. Also, we held meetings on June 6 in NY with Sales, Marketing and Product Marketing Managers to discuss H2 and left
with a tremendous sense of optimism based: meeting with Pub Sales to present a streamlined process for pre-sales to win revenue efficiently, meeting with Product Marketing to present our Interactive Brand
Guidelines which resulted in discussions for a Creative Strategy Playbook which will utilize the guidelines as a design system with UX Design Best Practices, and a brief meeting with Corporate Marketing to review
projects we have been working on while offering to lend a hand if needed to scale projects and increase brand awareness

Next Steps: Continue to make an impact within the organization by providing internal support, schedule follow up calls with sales for generating winning pre-sales campaigns and plans for H2

Key Initiatives Progress Since Prior Update

Drive Utilization of our
Design Team to improve
Our reliability and efficiency for full-service campaigns and internal support projects continues to retain and win business for large clients in LATAM and NAM
efficiency in full service
Provide more "out of the
box" sales materials in We held meetings with Sales teams from literally every territory to plan H2 effectively and provide the tools needed (Creative Design & Development One sheet, Confluence
addition to quicker turn documentation and more) to win revenue and are generating internal support materials such as videos and one sheets to help further Ops initiatives
custom decks

Assist other internal teams We have commenced work on the recruiting video campaign for the People Team-we are working with them on not only the video but also helping to devise design and content
with design expertise strategy to can scale this campaign effectively to make the most of this global effort and attract talent and build brand equity.

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