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*** Cranberry is a native evergreen shrub that grows throughout north America .Historically
,cranberry fruits or leaves were used for bladder, stomach and liver disorders, as well as
diabetes , wounds , and other conditions .Its Latin or scientific name is Vaccinium Macrocarpon
.Cranberries contain 180% water and 10% carbohydrates.

Urinary tract infections can develop in both men and women, but women are 10 times more
likely to get UTI as compared to men.

UTI is a painful condition that causes burning, urgency and frequency in urination. Normally
physicians recommend antibiotics, but antibiotics have some side effect as they also disturb the
normal flora and can add to inconvenience. Therefore, Cranberry is a better alternative,
because it is natural and safe remedy.

Cranberry has the property that it does not allow the bacteria to stick to the bladder wall and
thus helps in preventing from urinary tract infections .The most common pathogen involved in
UTI is E.coli. Some E.coli stick with cranberry and then flushes out with urination ,but, some
E.coli are resistant to cranberry and do not stick with cranberry .Therefore there is chance of
UTI recurrence ,therefore ,to avoid recurrence , combination of cranberry with D-mannose is
very effective .Because the cranberry resistant E.coli stick with D-mannose and then flushes out
with the urination.

D-mannose is a simple sugar related to glucose, that is found in many fruits, including
peaches, apples, oranges, cranberries and blueberries .It is also produced in your body .D-
mannose is considered a safe and natural food supplement. Since it isn’t metabolized, it does
not interfere with blood sugar regulation, and is therefore safe for diabetics. Although D-
mannose is present in cranberries, but does not contain enough D- mannose to have
therapeutic effect. D-mannose not only blocks the bacteria from sticking to the bladder cell wall
but also prevents bacteria from colonizing in the bladder.

Similarly Bearberries are primarily for urinary tract disorders, including infections of the kidney,
bladder and urethra; swelling of the urinary tract, increased urination, painful urination and urine
that contains excess uric acid or other acids .It is also used for constipation and bronchitis (lung

Bearberries can reduce bacteria in urine. It can also reduce swelling and have a drying effect on
tissues. Therefore, it is useful in swelling of the bladder; urethra and urinary tract .It is also
useful in preventing and treating kidney infections. Bearberries also increase the sensitivity of
bacteria to antibiotics such as B-lactams.

Vitamin C has also an important role in preventing UTI’s by acidifying the urine. Therefore, urine
acidified by vitamin C may be deadly to many of the bacteria that cause urinary infections,
including E.coli.
*** Biocare offers Cranose; A Unique 4x Formula which contains Cranberry, D-mannose,
Bearberry, and Vit. C.

** Cranose is a “Natural and safe solution for Recurrent UTI’s.

** Cranose has an Ultimate Bacterial Anti-adherence Formula which helps in maintaining a

healthy urinary tract.

** Cranberry in Cranose contains PAC’s (proanthocyanidins) which inhibits the mannose

resistant adhesins (P.Fimbre) of uropathogenic E.coli.

** Therefore, Cranose inhibits bacterial growth and biofilm production of E.coli.

** Cranose Alleviates the Pain and Burning sensation while urinating.


** D-mannose in Cranose is a simple sugar and is found naturally in high amounts in many fruits
such as apples, oranges, peaches, blueberries and cranberries.

** Research on D-mannose found that this sugar coats the walls of urinary tract system, which
makes it harder for bacteria to latch on. Therefore, when combined with cranberry gives a
synergistic effect and reduces the chance of recurrent UTI’s


** Cranose also contains Bearberry which has Diuretic, urinary antiseptic, Astringent and Anti-
inflammatory properties.

Vitamin C

** Vitamin C in Cranose makes urine more acidic and, therefore, more hostile to bacteria. And it
also Re-enforces the body’s immune system.

Dr. I am sure that now you will agree with me that Cranose is a “Natural and Safe Solution
Recurrent UTI’s , and I am confident that you will extend the benefits of Cranose to your next
coming patient with UTI.
Calcium is essential in maintaining total body health .Our body needs it every day not
just to keep our bones and teeth strong over our lifetime but to ensure proper
functioning of muscles and nerves. Many people think that they are getting enough
calcium every day, but the fact is, they are not so .Calcium deficiency is usually due to
an inadequate intake of calcium when blood calcium levels drop too low, the vital
mineral is borrowed from the bones. It is returned to the bones from calcium supplied
through diet or supplements.

When it comes to supplements, Cal-K , a Red Algae Calcium, also known as ALGAS
CALCAREAS , is a plant based (algae derived) Calcium. Unlike traditional rock
calcium’s (calcium carbonate and calcium citrate), Algae calcium is a body friendly form
of calcium. It comes naturally chock full of more than a dozen trace minerals.

What makes the Red Algae (CAL-K) so unique is that it mimics the mineral composition
in human bones, both in quantity and variety. It is also incredibly usable by the human
body because it is plant based.

CAL-K contains Algae Calcium, Vitamin D3, Magnesium, Vitamin C, Vitamin K2 with a
sum of 74 different minerals unlike lime rock calcium.

Magnesium is important for bone formation and helps in activating vitamin D in the

Vitamin K2 reduces Bone Loss during menopausal transition. It also stimulates bone
formation and suppress bone resorption.

Vitamin D 3 is important for calcium absorption and bone metabolism. Calcium and
vitamin D3, both work together to protect our bones. Calcium helps build and maintain
bones. While vitamin D helps our bodies effectively absorb calcium.

Vitamin C is an important anti-oxidant and helps also helps in bone formation.

** When weak bones, make life Brittle:

** Biocare Offers:

The Ideal Support to Produce Stronger Bones.

CAL-K is A Combination of Red Algae Calcium, Vitamin D3, Magnesium, Vitamin C and
Vitamin K2.

** Cal-K is “The Complete Calcium Restorative” which contains 74 different minerals

unlike Lime Rock Calcium.

Due to which

** CAL-K Empower Bone Strength and Alleviate Joint Discomfort.

Dr. as Red Algae (Cal-K) mimics the mineral composition in human bones , both in
quantity and variety. That’s why,

** CAL-K has a wide range of Positive Effects Beyond that of Traditional Calcium.

** Thus Making Bones Stronger by Restoring Bone Density.

**Dr. another important feature of CAL-K is that CAL-K contains Magnesium, which is
important for bone formation by helping to Assimilate Calcium into the Bone.

** Furthermore, Magnesium in CAL-K also has an important role in Activating Vitamin D

in the Kidneys.

** CAL-K also contains Vitamin K2 , which Reduces Bone Loss During Menopausal

Moreover, Vitamin K2 also sustains the Lumber BMD, Prevents Osteoporotic and
Vertebral Fractures in Patients.

** Dr. CAL-K also contains another important Vitamin, which is Vitamin D3. Vitamin D3
helps in calcium Absorption and Bone Metabolism.

** Vitamin C in CAL-K also helps in Bone Formation by Influencing Bone Matrix Genes
in Osteoblasts. Vitamin C is an important Anti-oxidant.


1 Tab./Twice a day.
Dr. you will agree now that CAL-K is the Right Calcium Supplement for your Patients
having Calcium Deficiency. I am sure that you will Extend the Benefits of CAL-K to your
next coming patient with Calcium Deficiency.

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