Interview Skills E3L1

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Interview skills

Entry 3 – Level 1

Preparing for an interview

Complete this table with the actions you will need to think about in the lead up to an

When the interview is confirmed A few days before the interview The night before the interview
Planning an outfit

Design an outfit appropriate for an interview. You can use online shops to your own art
skills to show what you would wear.

Make a checklist of things to avoid when dressing for an interview:

Researching the company

Use the internet to research one of the following companies, or you can choose one of your
own if you like. Make sure you find out all the information in the table. You can choose to
research one of:

 Thomas Cook
 Ikon construction
 Mama Bears
 H&M
 Premier Homecare
 City Motors Bristol
 The Royal Marriott
 The Fire Service

Company name: _____________________________

Founded in: _________________________________

What are their Where are they What do they How many staff What is one
values? based? do? do they employ? interesting fact
about them?
Answering questions

Using the STAR method complete some answers to these common interview questions

Question: Situation Task Actions Result

Tell me about a Describe what was Explain what you Describe what actions What was the end
time… happening and where were doing you took and the skills result?
you needed
you worked as
part of a team

you came up
with a new idea

you have solved

a problem

you have
in writing

didn’t go right.
What did you

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