Case Study 2

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Case Study #2

Understanding the Self

Submitted by:
Cucal, Aivan
Gumpal, Jameelah Mujahid
Nacional, JoyMonica
Ojerio, Diana Nathalie
Pagaduan, Joanna Lanoza
Filipinos Buying Behavior

Filipinos are people who buy things a lot. Sales talking to them are easy, they
are more likely to stick to the brands that they know, sales or because of the freebies that they
can have when they buy the product. Consumers make decision on buying everyday. And
there was a survey held, that according to Nielsen, it showed that advertising is strongly
influences the Filipino respondents’ preference for a brand. There are four insights form the
online survey, they are: Filipinos love freebies, Filipino shop around, loyal to brands, TV
remains main source of product life and advertising influence brand.

Costumers or consumers are the one that buys your products and services. People who
make the decision to buy the product are the customers/consumers/buyers because they are
the one who will use the product. The one who influences the decision to buy the products are
the one who sells it. Vendors, seller, or a sales lady are the one who advertises or shows the
product to the customers. There are two ways to influence human behavior, according to
Simon Sinek, you can manipulate or inspire them. The purchase decision was made by
making up the customers mind that the product is a need that they can use in anything or
anywhere. Customers buy products because they needed it. They buy because they perceive
some "benefit" to those features (James, 2018.) Consumer prefers one brand over another
because that band was already tested and proven that is why they are continuing buying the
same brand of that product. People buy brand name products for a variety of reasons. From
having good experiences with the brand in the past, to wanting to portray a certain image
(Kokemuller, 2019.)

In this present time you can buy now anywhere, you can go to mall, you can look in
the streets and because of the modern technology you can just browse it to you mobile phones
or any gadgets that you have. Customers buy product when they are run out of it or when they
needed to buy a certain product. Customers buy expensive brands over another because of the
quality. Products and consumer perceptions are variable, so changes in strategy may be
required to better address customer needs, technological developments, new laws and
regulations, and the overall product life-cycle(“Customer Perception and Product Strategies”,
2019.) The product perceived as a value for premium. The important social factors are:
reference groups, family, role and status. (Perreau, 2014.) Lifestyle of a consumer depends
upon various factors and any change in one of the factors leads to a change in the behavior of
the consumer. The products we consume are a part of our lifestyle (Bbamantra, 2019.) A
person’s buying decisions are also influenced by personal characteristics unique to each
individual, such as gender and personality. Although personality is one of the least useful
concepts in the study of consumer behavior, some marketers believe that personality
influences the types and brands of products purchased. For instance, the type of car, clothes,
or jewelry a consumer buys may reflect one or more personality traits (Gitman et al., 2018).
Buyer behavior has a very important role to play. There are so many demographic factors like
age, sex, income, occupation, education, marital status and family background which affect
the behavior of consumers (Kumar, 2014). You can understand about the spirit of poverty
when buying a product by thinking or considering the amount of money that they have and
they can use or give to buy the product. You can demonstrate spirit of poverty when buying a
product if you show that you ae not contented or satisfied of what you have. Being an
impulsive buyer and criticizing other people for spending their money.

James, G. (2018). 6 Ways To Convince Customers To Buy. Retrieved from

Kukemuller, N. (January 28, 2019) Why Do People Buy Brand Names. Retrieved

August 19, 2019. Customer Perception and Product Strategy. Retrieved from

Bbmantra. (September 16, 2015). Lifestyle Self Concept. Retrieved from

Gitman, L.J. et al., (September 28, 2018) Introduction to business. Retrieved from

Kumar, R. (2014). Impact of Demographic Factors on Consumer Behaviour - A

Consumer Behaviour Survey in Himachal Pradesh. Retrieved from

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