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Name: Ratria Tantri Isprastitis Subagyo

Prodi: Sarjana Terapan Gizi dan Dietetika

Movie Title: Before The Flood

Author: Mark Monroe

Production: National Geographic

Publication Year: 21 Oktober 2016

Duration: 1 jam 36 menit

Before the flood tells about Leonardo DiCaprico’s journey as a messenger of peace about climate
change. During his trip DiCaprico visited several regions, met with experts, scientists, politicians,
activists and people who have a role in tackling climate change. This film also provides an overview of
individuals, media and groups who do not believe in global warming.

This documentary is actually more focused on the role of fossil fuels and how they are handled
against global warming. Fossil fuels (petroleum, natural gas, and coal) have an important role in the
economic development of industrialized countries because they are very cheap and produce large
amounts of energy. Some members of the United States Congress and even the media (fox News) who
herded someone’s opinion by saying that global warming is a hoax because humans cannot change the
climate. Even the Governor of Florida, Rick Scott, forbids using the word “global warming” in official
government documents.

Before the flood is a very educative documentary film because it reviews important issues that
discuss the climate change problem currently being faced. Not many are interested in the issue of
climate change, so through a film that portrays the Oscar star’s journey that Leonardo DiCaprico as the
UN Peace Ambassador to various places in the world to raise awareness about climate change is
expected to open people’s eyes to the impacts of climate change, about how climate change which can
have a big impact on the environment in this life. The film begins with a painting from Leonardo
DiCaprico’s childhood hanging on his baby’s bed. He then began to see a story depicted in the painting
that is Adam and Eve in the garden of Eden, further showing worldly pleasures and increasing money
populations. The latter is something that is destroyed. This painting shows the future that will happen
to this earth.

Of Leonardo’s many trips to various countries, one of which is our country, Indonesia. More
precisely to the rain forests on the island of Sumatra which are burned by palm oil companies, where
they use palm oil as raw material for so many food products, cosmetics and detergents. Forests which
are supposed to be a source of life for humans and animals and plants, as well as sources of carbon
dioxide absorption are deliberately burned for business and political interests. Japan, China, India and
the largest United States are the biggest contributors of carbon dioxide and methane gas in the World.
If this continues it will result in global warming which is tiring of ice in the Arctic and increasing the
amount of water at sea, so that what is likely to happen is that the plains where we live will gradually

Kiribati, is one of the small island nations that will soon disappear from the surface of the earth
because this country is slowly sinking. Arctic sea, a geologist says that in 2040 the Arctic sea will be
passed by ships because some of the Arctic sea ice has disappeared, even ships can sail at the North Pole
during the summer. China is a world factory, coal plant and industry around the cities of Beijing and
Shandong consume coal equivalent to the total coal consumed by one American country. The result
they get the impact of pollution so that Chinese people must wear masks when outside the home for
fear of affecting their health.

Climate change is real and frightening. Therefore action is needed to prevent even worse things
from happening. A businessman built a Gigafactory factory that is making batteries and electric cars and
solar panels. He aspires to build hundreds of similar factories to provide renewable energy throughout
the world and build solar panels in small countries for rural electricity. This renewable energy is
expected to reduce fossil energy consumption. This film gives a very important touch to the audience,
including ourselves, who will make us understand that simple ideas can solve problems.

The end of this film provides a solution to glibal warming is to consume in different ways, by what is
purchased, what is eaten, and how to get energy. Then choose a leader who wants to fight climate

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