Lesson Plan 2 Strat

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Time Frame: 1 hour


Competency: Describe energy transformation in electrical power plants.

Strategy/Technique: Cooperative Learning (Jigsaw)

At the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
1. Identify the equipment used in power generation and transmission. [Cognitive
2. Describe the electric energy generation, transmission and distribution setup in the
country. [Psychomotor Domain]
3. Value the importance and benefits of energy transmission in electrical power plants
in our daily living. [Affective Domain]
Topic: Tracing Power Plants in the Philippines
References: Exploring Life Through Science- Physics BEC Compliant
Grade 9- Learner’s Material
Instructional Materials:
Laptop LCD Projector
Pictures Activity Handouts
Teacher’s Activity
 Prayer
 Checking of Attendance
 Collecting of Assignment
 Review
The teacher asks the students about the last discussion of their past lesson.


Ask for volunteers to draw or sketch on the board the equipment or
structures involved in supplying their homes with electric power from a generating
facility. (This activity would show you that your students are not empty when they
enter school.) After that you can show them a video talking about a power grid. [See
video attachment in the folder.] Then ask the students, “Where do we get all the
electric power we need for the community?” After that you can introduce the topic
and the lesson objectives.
Group the students into five groups. After the class is being divided, the
teacher shall assign seating arrangement for the groups.

Let them listen to the instruction. All of the members of the group shall
assign an expert in any of the given power plants in the Philippines. Let them choose
a secretary and a reporter. [The Secretary, writes down his/her group members.
The Reporter, reports his/her group’s conclusions or results, as recorded on the
worksheet.] Give each of the groups an envelope that contain worksheets and
handouts. Written in the handouts are the information that the students would
need, to answer the questions in the worksheet. The assigned experts in the power
plants shall proceed to a new group with the same experts in the same power plant.
When the students are through answering the first worksheet let them go back to
their original groups to discuss and answer the group worksheet. After answering
execute a nice clap. Before they start the activity let them read the rubric for the
activity for them to be guided.


Criteria 5 4 3
All members of the 1 member of the group 2 members of the
Teamwork group participate in the failed to participate in group failed to
given task. the given task. participate in the
given task.

Behavior All members work 1 member of the group 2 members of the

quietly. makes noise. group make noise.
The group presents the The group presents
Promptness work before the time. The group presents the the work 2 to 3
work on time. minutes late.
All of the questions were One to two questions Three to four
Correctness answered correctly. were not answered questions were not
correctly. answered correctly.

The students have only eight minutes to answer the activity.

The teacher would ask the following questions after the presentation of the
different groups.
1. How do you feel, while doing the activity?
2. What made you come up with your answers in the activity?

Let us now proceed to our discussion about our new topic.
[The teachers starts on discussing the lesson.]

Let us proceed. In our daily living, how important is energy transmission in
electrical power plants? And what are its benefits?
[Elicit answers from the students and don’t forget to acknowledge and
appreciate their answers.]

After the discussion that we had a while ago, identify the equipment used in
power generation and transmission.

What are the types of power plants used in our country?

What are the benefits of power plants?

What type of power plant is ideal to lessen dangers and pollution in our

[Elicit answers from the students and don’t forget to acknowledge and
appreciate their answers. And try to add some important details that the students
failed to stress.]
Get a 2 crosswise sheet of intermediate paper. Answer the following
questions. Write your answers in your answer sheet.
1. Using what you have learned from the discussion, sketch the flow of electricity from
the generation, transmission, up to the distribution on your house.


Research and study in advance the following:

 Steps to save electrical energy.
o While TV viewing
o Cooking
o Ironing clothes
o Refrigerators
o Air conditioners
o Charging

 http://www.physicsclassroom.com
 Exploring Life Through Science- Physics BEC Compliant
 Science and Technology- Physics (textbook)
 Grade 9 Learner’s Material
 Lesson Plans in Science IV

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