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Intensity of voluntariness: how they are

committed to do…
5.Role and position of NGOs & civil society
-GGSR’s impressive entry
6.Characteristics of educational system & values
-Provide long commitment
7.Expected of leaders
-Agenda: practices, measures & proposals
8.Historical traditions: impact on
-Understanding: what business model is implementation of CSR
proposed, role the company will play
-Vision: what project for society
Institutional reference framework & economic
REFERENCE FRAMEWORK and social history
(workplace, culture)

-European Commission Business system and culture

-Final declaration of the Lisbon European

Council by 2010 Approach to CSR

-Emphasis: commitment
CSR background on national framework
>what: social and environment (action)
The nation as economic and social space
>how: voluntary nature
-innovation -legitimation
CSR – what company voluntary wants to be
given -differentiation -CSR tailored

Where do we stand? CSR, Governance & Sustainability Framework

-Not only products/services but business

models, management models, and governance

-Europe and US CSR


1.Political and institutional structure

2.Political style and processes

3.Social structure: social hierarchy

ISSUES/TOPICS 4.Market: related to the activities of the
1.CSR players involved: how to develop company with regard to products, services and
companies’ relationship with their social market strategies
environments. This means identifying and
5.Environment: deals with the impact the
becoming better acquaintance with the various
players that affect business activities or that company’s activities have on the environment
may affected by them. (2 way process: provider 6.Accountability: related to information,
& recipient) transparency and how the company accounts
2.CSR and partnership relations: The creation for itself towards society with regard to CSR
of these areas of comfortable partnership policies and practices, and the channels it uses
proposes 2 aspects: first, dialogue enabling the to do so.
construction common vision and goals; and CSR as a process
second each player strictly plays its own part

3.CSR & creation of social capital: this also

imposes the need to promote an institutional
network making the importance of CSR possible
and visible.

4. CSR and business discourse: CSR only makes

sense if all organizations put their weight and
assume their own social responsibilities, and if
they do them as a result of a reflection on what
role they should play in the emerging society
-trajectory and direction to sustain commitment
5. CSR:Innovation and coherence: It is
imposible to develop if it is not linked to the -learning process
corporate identity, the way of doing things that
is particular to each organization and its culture. CSR as a relationship

6. CSR from rhetoric to good practice -nurture corporate identity and a trajectory

6 main areas of CSR CSR Dimensions

1.Vision and mission: strategic plans of -Explicit: Codes, reports, statements,
companies; related to the development of the organizational structure
concept of CSR, its articulation with corporate -Tacit: Organizational culture, history,
values, explication and formulation of those
leadership, etc
values and how they are integrated into the
strategy and governance of the organization. -Negative aspects: sanctions, prohibitions, rules
of procedure, etc.
3.Work: Related to the sphere of work and the -Propositional aspects: inquiry, innovation,
quality of its organization & development improvement, new relational dimension
LESSON 2: GGSR -partnerships

Why we need Strategic Vision? -leadership commitment

>promoting -link w/ governance issues

>contribution >European POV – collective research on CSR:

-Political institution/Public admin -sustainability and governance

-business sector -sustainable development

-economic & social development -strengthen economic competitiveness

Economic and social space -social cohesion

“Political thinker must be ‘good’ political leader. Literature of Government & CSR: More Pan-
Political leader must be ‘quality’ political European Vision
thinker” –Plato
Roome 2005
-Political leadership
-Culural factors
-Social leadership
-Political, social, business structure
Literature of Government & CSR: European
framework Matten & Moon 2005

European Commission 2001 -Social governance (comparing context of

European & American)
>Green paper: promoting European framework
for CSR Lenssen & Vorobey 2005

-role of business in society based on social

EC 2002a
contract and stakeholder theories
>CCCCSR: Business contribution to sustainable
development Roles in the Public Sector in Relation to CSR

>Public Sector
EC 2004

>Final report European multi-shareholder 1.Mandating

forum on CSR 2.Facilitating
Comparative study: European and American 3.Partnering
>American POV - evaluation and analysis of
public policies on CSR: >CSR Agenda

-promotions 1.Minimum standard

2.Public policy role of business 5.They play the role of creators of knowledge
networks, giving validity to those instruments,
3.Good corporate governance standards and tools that are already accepted
4.socially responsible investment and legitimized.

5.philanthropy & community development 6.They play a participatory role in the

international organizations that have adopted
6.stakeholder engagement CSR promotion and development measures on
an international scale, by transferring their
7.production & consumption
formal commitments to the national scale.
8.certification & management systems
7.They play the role or regulators often through
9.transparency & reporting enabling regulatory measures and transparency
measures, and less often through mandatory CSR guidelines regulations.

CSR as a Relational Approach CSR Framework: Beyond voluntary compliance

Vs. Legislation

1.Voluntary Compliance

-CSR starts where the law ends

-Efficiency, competitiveness, paying taxes, and

abiding by the law is what a company has to do
and beyond that point is where CSR starts

Government action in the field of CSR

Government Actions & Policies in the
Comparative Evaluation
framework of CSR
Social players
1.They play the role of facilitators in promotion
and discussion of development of CSR -The public sector

2.They play the role of promoters of CSR -The private sector

3.They play the role of mediators promoting -The civil society

multi-stakeholder dialogue between the players
involved, by facilitating information flows. National sustainability policy

4. They play a role related to partnering in the -In common with the environmentalist
development of partnership initiatives and tradition-green debate
projects with the participation of the public-
-brings social issues in the concept of
private sector
sustainable development

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