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Information and Communication
Technology for Education
Strategic Plan
(DepED ICT4E Strategic Plan)
Abbreviations......................................................................................................................................... iii

Foreword................................................................................................................................................ iv

Our Vision for ICT in Education ...............................................................................................................1

Policy Context: Importance of the DepED ICT4E Strategic Plan .............................................................2

ICT in Education – Global ....................................................................................................................2
ICT in Education – Asia-Pacific ............................................................................................................2
ICT in DepED: past and present ..........................................................................................................3

Moving Towards An Enhanced Curriculum.............................................................................................5

The ICT-enabled Curriculum ...............................................................................................................9

Stage 1: Enhancing ICT use in the existing curriculum....................................................................9
Stage 2: Full integration of ICT in the enriched curriculum ............................................................9
Pre Elementary & Elementary Schools .....................................................................................10
Pre Elementary..........................................................................................................................10
Elementary ................................................................................................................................10
Secondary Schools ....................................................................................................................11
General High Schools and Other Types.................................................................................11
Technical-Vocational High Schools .......................................................................................14
ALS Curriculum..........................................................................................................................14

Multimedia Instructional Materials Development ...........................................................................15

Elementary Schools.......................................................................................................................15
Secondary Schools ........................................................................................................................15
General High Schools and Other Types.....................................................................................15
Tech-Voc High Schools ..............................................................................................................16
Alternative Learning Systems........................................................................................................16

ICT-enabled Assessment ...................................................................................................................17

Pre-Elementary and Elementary Schools......................................................................................17
Pre Elementary..........................................................................................................................17
Elementary ................................................................................................................................17
Secondary Schools ........................................................................................................................18
General High Schools and Other Types.....................................................................................18
Tech-Voc High Schools ..............................................................................................................18
Alternative Learning Systems........................................................................................................18

Competency Standards and Professional Development ......................................................................20

Education Managers .........................................................................................................................20
School Administrators.......................................................................................................................21
Non-Teaching Personnel/Administrative Personnel ........................................................................21

Professional Development....................................................................................................................24
Elementary Schools.......................................................................................................................24
Secondary Schools ........................................................................................................................24
General High Schools and Other Types.....................................................................................24
Tech-Voc High Schools ..............................................................................................................25
Alternative Learning Systems........................................................................................................25
School Administrators.......................................................................................................................26
Administrative/Non-Teaching Personnel..........................................................................................26

Enterprise Architecture.........................................................................................................................27
EA – Administration and Management.............................................................................................27
EA – Pedagogy...................................................................................................................................28
Elementary Schools.......................................................................................................................28
Secondary Schools ........................................................................................................................28
General High Schools and Other Types.....................................................................................28
Tech-Voc High Schools ..............................................................................................................29
Community Learning Centers .......................................................................................................29

Strengthening Schools and the Community’s Role...........................................................................30
The Role of Community ....................................................................................................................31
(a) Parents.....................................................................................................................................31
(b) Tertiary institutions .................................................................................................................31
(c) The private sector ....................................................................................................................31
(d) Community centers .................................................................................................................31
(e) Local government units ...........................................................................................................32

Implementation ....................................................................................................................................33


Glossary................................................................................................................................................. 41

Annex 1: Acknowledgements/Process..................................................................................................42

ALS Alternative Learning System
BEC Basic Education Curriculum
BESRA Basic Education Sector Reform Agenda
CHED Commission on Higher Education
DepED Department of Education
EFA Education for All
ICT Information and Communication Technology
ICT4E Information and Communication Technology for Education
ICTU Information and Communication Technology Unit
ICT-TC Information and Communication Technology Technical Committee
MDG Millennium Development Goal
MTPDP Medium Term Philippine Development Plan
SFI Schools First Initiative
TEI Teacher Education Institution
TEC Teacher Education Council
UNESCO United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization


Worldwide, Information and Communication Technology (ICT) is radically transforming the way we
live. ICT is pervasive in our work, study and personal lives. Today’s learners are growing up in a
world characterized by technological change and innovation. Educators have recognized that there is
a need to equip learners with the necessary skills and experiences that will enable them to become
contributing members of the global community.

Research has shown that ICT has the power to increase motivation and learner engagement and
helps to develop life-long learning skills. As a powerful educational tool, ICT can facilitate the
transformation of school education. But to make this happen it is vital to bring about the changes to
the mind set and culture among teachers, administrators, parents and students; the way in which
the curriculum is designed and delivered and how students are currently assessed. Thus, harnessing
ICT continues be an important challenge to educators.

Since the 1990s, the Philippine Educational system has been grappling with this challenge. This
DepED ICT4E Strategic Plan is the most recent of various efforts to transform basic education in the
country. It has been developed collaboratively by education stakeholders from all areas of the
Philippines. It recognizes that ICT provides schools and learners with exciting opportunities for
learning and collaboration. It provides a description of knowledge, understanding, skills, capacities
and values related to ICT that all learners in the Philippines should have. Its goal is to continue to
help our students develop:

• abilities to seek, evaluate, organise and present information;

• higher order thinking skills;
• habits of life-long learning to fully participate in the information age; and,
• an understanding of the pervasive impact of ICT on their daily lives and the society.

The successful implementation of the DepED five-year ICT4E Strategic Plan will lead to the
commencement of a new era in education. However, success will require close cooperation among
the education stakeholders. This policy document will provide the direction needed to integrate ICT
within the Philippine education system and help move the country forward.

Our Vision for ICT in Education
Following the overall vision of the Department of Education (DepED), our vision is “21st Century
Education For All Filipinos, Anytime, Anywhere. This means an ICT-enabled education system that
transforms students into dynamic life-long learners and values-centered, productive and responsible

ICT plays a major role in creating a new and improved model of teaching and learning where
education happens anytime, anywhere. To achieve this vision, we will continue to use ICT to:

• revitalize our schools to make them into dynamic, collaborative and innovative learning
institutions where students can become more motivated, inquisitive and creative learners.
• link up our students with the vast networked world of knowledge and information to enable
them to acquire a broad knowledge base and a global outlook and provide them with the
resources for the development of a creative mind;
• develop in our students skills and capabilities to critically and intelligently seek, absorb,
analyse, manage and present information;
• create new knowledge and products; and
• develop in our students habits of self-learning to nurture the attitude and capability for
lifelong learning.

In order to achieve our vision within the next five years, we aim to:

• completely integrate ICT into the curriculum, which includes the development of multimedia
instructional materials, and ICT enabled assessment;
• intensify competency based professional development programs;
• establish the necessary ICT infrastructure and applications.
• develop processes and systems that ensure efficient, transparent and effective governance;

The key thrusts of this strategy are:

• Enhancing Curriculum
• Empowering Teachers, Administrators, Officials and Students
• Strengthening Schools, Governance and Management

The following chapters will detail each of the above thrusts.

Policy Context: Importance of the DepED ICT4E Strategic Plan
The experiences of other countries which are further down the path of ICT integration in education
offer valuable insight and guidance in the development of this Strategic Plan.

ICT in Education – Global

A World Bank global survey of ICT in Education initiatives1 revealed the following:

• It is generally believed that ICT can empower teachers and learners, promote change and
foster the development of 21st century skills, but data to support these are still limited;
• ICT is very rarely seen as central to the overall learning process. Even in the most advanced
schools in OECD countries, ICT is generally not considered central to the teaching and
learning process;
• An enduring problem is that existing initiatives put technology before education. One of the
difficulties of ICT use in education is that educational planners and technology advocates
think of the ICT first and then investigate the educational applications of this technology
only later;
• In general, the impact of ICT use on student achievement remains difficult to measure and
open to much reasonable debate;
• Positive impact is more likely to occur when ICT use is linked to constructivist pedagogy;
• ICT is seen to be less effective when the goals for their use are not clear. The specific goals
for ICT use in education are, in practice, often only very broadly or rather loosely defined.

ICT in Education – Asia-Pacific

Asia-Pacific countries have recognized the importance of ICT in education. They have responded to
this challenge by formulating policies and developing strategies in different ways. A short summary
of ICT initiatives in Asia-Pacific reveals that:

• Australia, South Korea and Singapore have almost all classrooms equipped with computers
and other ICT tools, high student-to-computer ratio, high Internet connectivity, ICT-
integrated curriculum and extensive online delivery.
• Thailand, Malaysia and India have formulated national ICT policies and master plans, but ICT
is yet to be fully integrated and there is a lot of variation in ICT implementation across the
education system.
• Lao PDR, Cambodia and Bangladesh have just begun efforts towards ICT integration and
formulation of policies and are beginning to run pilot ICT projects.

The Philippines has been compared to many South-East Asian countries in recent years in terms of
status of ICT within the education system. Many of our neighbours have introduced ICT Strategic
Plan or Policy documents in recent years and many are further down the track of implementation
and evaluation. For example, China introduced its first five-year ICT plan in 1996 and Singapore in

Michael Trocano. Knowldege Maps: ICT in Education Washington, DC: WB, 2005. Available at:

ICT in DepED: past and present

The Philippines supports the goals of major international movements like the Millennium
Development Goals and Education For All. These provide a global policy environment for the
directions of interventions towards improving educational outcomes. Translating these into national
priorities, the Medium-term Philippine Development Plan 2004-2010 recognizes that the boundaries
between school, home and work are quickly diminishing. This shows that unlike before, the role of
ICT in education is no longer disputed. In line with this, the Basic Education Sector Agenda has
outlined strategies in utilizing ICT for Pedagogy, Training and Governance within DepED. Also, the
principle of School-based Management requires schools to be empowered and to have the
necessary support structure in order to improve performance. Thus, ICT can play a major role not
just in learning outcomes, but in system governance as well.

DepED has always been quick to recognize the potential of ICT in education. It introduced the use of
radio broadcast in education in the 1960s and educational television in the 1970s. Through the
support of Channel 4, the Tulong Aral program of the 1980s was the first major initiative that
combined the use of radio and television in public basic education. There were also private sector
initiatives in educational radio and TV since the early 1980s. Among them were children’s television
shows such as Kulit Bulilit and Batibot. Kulit Bulilit was a children’s variety show and Batibot was
patterned after Sesame Street which aired on Philippine television in the 1970s. However, these
“edutainment” initiatives were not closely linked to the curriculum. Private-public partnership in
educational television started in the 1990s with ABS-CBN Foundation’s Sine’Skwela and Foundation
to Upgrade Science Education’s Continuing Studies through Television (FUSE-CONSTEL). Sine’Skwela
is a curriculum based children’s TV Program on Elementary Science. FUSE-CONSTEL is a teacher
training program for high school teachers in English, Science and Math.

The milestone that ushered the age of computers in the public school system is the DepED
Modernization Program (1996-2005). The main components of this program were the
computerization project and the School of the Future project. This program introduced the use of
information technology in the improvement of the teaching and learning process, educational
management and operations. This program was also supported by other government agencies and
the private sector.

Since then, the Philippine Government has shown serious commitment to ICT in education by
implementing initiatives that apply ICT in teaching and learning. The various bureaus of the
Department have already begun enhancing the curriculum, acquiring multimedia materials, training
personnel, establishing ICT governance structures and procuring equipment, albeit in varying
degrees. The most advanced in terms of ICT utilization is BSE, because they were the main focus of
the modernization program. BALS, due to its small size, has been able to maximize donor support
and has made the most progress in ICT utilization within the past five years. The large size of BEE, on
the other hand, has been a challenge in delivering ICT-enhanced pedagogy to majority of public
school students. Lastly, the recently formed Task Force on Technical and Vocational Education is just
beginning to intensify ICT utilization, but its small size might allow it to achieve significant successes
in less time.

However, more needs to be done in terms of ICT integration in DepED. Currently, it does not have a
dedicated office that oversees and harmonizes all ICT initiatives. Also, it has not been able to ensure
the ICT skills of all its existing and incoming teachers. It has only limited capacity to develop its own
multimedia materials. Student-computer ratios and teacher-computer ratios in public schools are

slow to improve. The education system as a whole lacks infrastructure for networking and internet
connectivity. These and other challenges hinder the performance of the entire Department. As a
result, most administrative and pedagogical processes are still highly dependent on traditional
technologies and inefficient paradigms.

Fortunately, more government funds are being channeled into ICT for education to address this
situation. Private sector and foreign donors are increasing their support for this agenda. Big projects
like the TEEP, SEDIP, BEAM, STRIVE and the CPC series have paved the way in intensifying the
utilization of ICT in education. Some noteworthy initiatives include school-based information
systems, curriculum support materials and teacher training. New resources made available by the
BESRA and the Adopt-a-School program are also geared towards, among other thrusts,
strengthening ICT utilization in the Department.

Given these past, current and planned initiatives, there is now a need to consolidate efforts and help
to ensure that the Philippines will realize its ICT4E goals. DepED will lead and coordinate all ICT
initiatives in basic education involving all agencies and stakeholders. This ICT4E plan will provide a
threshold level of hardware for schools, training for teachers, curriculum standards, instructional
materials and any necessary support in implementing ICT4E initiatives. Through this DepED ICT4E
Strategic Plan, we will transform learners to be proficient, adaptable life-long learners with ICT
playing a major role in creating a new and improved model of teaching and learning where
education happens anytime, anywhere.

Moving Towards An Enhanced Curriculum
The overall curricular goals outlined in BEC remain valid. ICT is simply a tool to more effectively and
efficiently achieve these goals. However, to be able to effectively use this tool, students, teachers,
school managers and administrators should achieve a certain level of competence in the use of ICT.

ICT Learning targets for students have been identified in the following six areas:

• Basic operations and concepts

• Social, ethical and human issues
• ICT for Producing
• ICT for Communicating
• ICT for Researching
• ICT for Problem-solving

Students will acquire these skills, attributes and knowledge progressively across the formal years of
schooling (Table 1). ICT will be embedded across the curriculum and will be perceived and used as a
new approach to teaching and learning.

Competency standards for ALS learners and Technical-Vocational High School Students are in Tables
2 and 3 respectively.

Table 1: ICT Learning Targets for Students (K-2, 3-6, Y1-Y4)
Basic operations and Social, ethical and ICT for ICT for Problem-
Grades ICT for Communicating ICT for Researching
concepts human issues Producing solving
Use ICT for
Discuss basic issues Use basic ICT to Use ICT to communicate
Use basic devices Use ICT to access new problem-solving
related to produce with others in support of
K–2 successfully e.g. sources of information for e.g. calculators,
responsible use of materials to learning and personal
mouse, keyboard, VCR learning. computers,
ICT. support learning. interests.
learning packages
Understand and Use content Use ICT to collaborate
demonstrate ethical specific tools, with peers, teachers and Select and use various
Use ICT devices Select and use
use of ICT and such as software others via collaborative sources of electronic
3–6 efficiently and appropriate ICT for
discuss and simulations tools to investigate information to complete
effectively problem-solving
consequences of to support learning-related topics or learning tasks.
misuse. learning. issues.
Use ICT devices
efficiently and Select and use various
effectively. Demonstrate and Confidently and routinely sources of electronic Select and use
Use ICT to
Make informed advocate ethic and communicate via ICT information for research, appropriate ICT for
develop, design
choices regarding ICT safe use of ICT with peers, teacher and problem solving and problem-solving,
Y1 – Y4 and produce
and needs. among peers, family others to continue information analysis. Be decision making
Understand the and local learning outside formal able to apply criteria to and real-world
advantages and community. settings. determine credibility of problems.
disadvantages of information.
different devices.

Table 2: ICT Learning Targets for Technical-Vocational High School Students (ICT Subject/Specialization) *
Basic Competencies Common Competencies Core Competencies

(Covers the knowledge, skills and (Covers the knowledge, skills, attitudes and (Defines the competency required to
attitudes required to gather, interpret values needed to apply quality standards in properly perform basic typing operations
Year Level and convey information in response to the workplace. The unit also includes the using a word processing application. This
workplace requirements) application of relevant safety procedures and may include creating and formatting
regulations, organisation procedures and documents, creating tables, printing labels,
customer requirements.) and mail merge.)

Obtain and convey Complete relevant Assess quality of Engage in quality Create documents Create and format
workplace work related received materials improvement tables
information documents Format document
1st year to
Assess their own according to user Add images
2nd year
Participate in work requirements
workplace meetings Mail merge and
and discussions Change page print word
appearance and processing
layout documents

Participate in Practice career Apply quality Prepare and interpret Install computer Configure
workplace professionalism standards technical drawing systems and computer systems
2nd year to communication networks and networks
4th year Practice Perform computer Use hand tools
Work in a team occupational health operations Diagnose and Maintain computer
(Computer environment and safety Terminate and connect troubleshoot systems and
Hardware procedures Perform electrical wiring and computer systems networks
Servicing) mensuration and electronic circuits

* Source: DepED Tech-Voc Education Competency-based curriculum (CBC) and TESDA Training Regulations and Standards

Table 3: ICT Learning Targets for ALS Learners

LS 1 LS 2 LS 3 LS 4 LS 5
Basic Operations & Sustainable Use of Development of Self
Learning Problem Solving & Expanding One’s World
Concepts Communication Skills Resources/ and Sense of
Strand Critical Thinking Vision
Productivity Community
Use ICT to Understand and
Use basic devices
communicate with Use ICT for problem- Use basic ICT skills to demonstrate ethical Discuss basic issues
successfully e.g.
Basic others in support of solving e.g. produce materials for use of ICT and discuss related to expanding
mouse, keyboard,
learning and personal calculators. livelihood purposes consequences of one’s world view
interests misuse
Use ICT to team up Use content specific
Use modern ICT Select and use Use ICT to access
with peers, MTs, and tools, such as Select and use various
gadgets & devices appropriate ICT for new sources of
others via collaborative software and sources of ICT
A&E EL efficiently and analyzing information for
tools to investigate simulations to information to improve
effectively e.g. encountered development of
learning- related support personal and relationship with others
digicam, videocam problem oneself
topics/issues family needs
Make good choices Communicate Select and use various
regarding needs confidently via ICT with sources of ICT
Select and use Use ICT to develop, Demonstrate and
for ICT peers, MTs, information for research,
appropriate ICT for design and produce advocate ethic and
information. Instructional information, and analysis
A&E SL problem-solving, local/ safe use of ICT
Identify the managers, and others for adopting oneself to
decision making and community-based among peers, family
advantages/disadv and continue learning other people’s life and
real-world problems products and local community
antages of informally after environment
different devices sessions

The ICT-enabled Curriculum

The use of ICT in teaching and learning must be accompanied by a corresponding enhancement of
the school curriculum. This ICT4E Strategic Plan envisages that curriculum reform will proceed in
two stages. In the initial stage, ICT will be integrated within the existing curriculum. The second
stage will see the full integration of ICT in the enriched curriculum. Details of these two stages are
summarized below.

Stage 1: Enhancing ICT use in the existing curriculum

This will involve:

• reviewing the existing curricula and content with a view to suggesting common teaching and
learning strategies using ICT;
• identifying ICT resources (e.g. relevant web-sites or courseware) that can serve the general
purpose and specific elements of teaching and learning in subjects, cross-curricular areas
and integrated studies;
• encouraging school-based efforts to adapt ICT to different learning areas, subjects, interests
and abilities of students, and stakeholder expectations;
• encouraging schools to use ICT to make internal assessment less labour intensive; and
• conducting research on the impact of ICT on student learning from the experience of the
more pioneering schools to facilitate informed decisions regarding the curriculum and
assessment modes.

Stage 2: Full integration of ICT in the enriched curriculum

DepED will conduct a comprehensive review of the school curriculum to cater for new
developments. ICT will become a core competency for students, and paradigm changes arising from
the use of ICT will be comprehensively integrated into the new school curriculum. It is proposed that
future technology-related subjects should adopt a more open approach to its curriculum format so
that updated elements could be accommodated readily without a major revision.

This may involve but is not limited to:

• developing a learner-centered, life-skills oriented curriculum

• creating more opportunities for collaborative learning activities
• mainstreaming of ICT integration models validated and proven effective during Stage 1
• deploying new delivery systems that support paradigm changes in the curriculum

Since the implementation of BEC in 2002, review of existing curriculum is ongoing and ICT
integration into the curriculum has started. ICT integration is happening at the delivery mode and
ICT is taught in elementary at secondary as a separate subject on computer education. The school-
based management system will be used to help schools adapt to the enhanced ICT-based teaching
and learning styles.
It is seen that Stage 1 will be completed within 3 years of this plan’s implementation. Stage 2 will
start on year 4 with a review of the curriculum content in light of the radical changes brought about
by ICT in society, economy and politics.

Pre Elementary & Elementary Schools

Pre Elementary

Pre elementary education is not part of the formal basic educational ladder. However, Republic Act
232 defines elementary education to include pre-elementary. The Department, however, recognizes
the importance of sound early childhood development. It has exercised steps to integrate preschool
education in the basic education system. Competencies for five-year old Filipino children have been
developed through an interagency initiative spearheaded by the Department of Education and the
Department of Social Welfare and Development. The competencies focus on the development of
gross and fine motor facilities, the ability to understand and express thoughts and feelings through
language and the formation of concepts, sensory discrimination, reading and number readiness. An
ICT-enhanced preschool curriculum shall provide for opportunities for children to further advance
their physical and mental development through early exposure and awareness of technology.
Computers shall be used in play activities. Likewise, children who manifest high aptitude and
giftedness shall be further stimulated through multimedia technology and computers. Reading and
numeracy readiness shall be developed using interactive voice-over books and electronic calculators
and the like.


The ICT-enhanced curriculum in elementary schools is envisioned to provide for the development of
the 21st century skills among 6-11 year old children. These skills enable all types of learners to utilize
available and appropriate ICT equipment/ facilities to address their daily life situations. Specifically,
the ICT curriculum in the elementary level focuses on the integration of the use of ICT appropriately
in the development of skills in all learning areas. Through ICT, the learners will be able to acquire
new skills and concepts in the different learning areas. Likewise, thru the ICT-enhanced curriculum,
the skills of the learners in thinking critically, communicating, researching, problem solving,
producing and creating outputs in relation to their lessons are enhanced. A design framework shall
be developed to guide actual classroom implementation of the ICT-enhanced curriculum.

The goal of the ICT-enhanced curriculum is concretized thru the ICT-based instructional model
proposed by the Bureau of Elementary Education (BEE) which is presented in the framework found

The teaching-learning process in an ICT-enhanced curriculum shall adhere to the tenets of the Basic
Elementary Competencies (BEC)-elementary level. It shall provide for activities that call for hands-on
and minds-on learning, interactive learning, value-laden, integrative learning and application of
learning in real situations.

In an ICT-enhanced classroom, learning may take place with the whole class, in small groups or
individually. In a whole class set-up, teaching is facilitated with the use of inactive whiteboard,
television, LCD equipment, PC and multimedia materials. Learners may have the opportunity to
experience learning through Internet and stand alone multimedia materials. In a small group set-up,
learning takes place through collaboration/ cooperation with the use of PC and other ICT equipment.
The ICT media promote interaction among learners, between learners and teachers, and between
learners and instructional materials. The vision of ICT learning in elementary schools is to enable the
learners to individually engage in activities utilizing ICT tools for learning through a one-on-one
learner-PC model.

Secondary Schools

General High Schools and Other Types

The Bureau of Secondary Education’s (BSE) redefined Secondary Education Curriculum (SEC)
highlights the core skills for the 21st century. These core skills shall be implemented in the special
programs in select secondary schools across the nation. The design focuses on the results/outcomes

as indicators of the disciplines contributory to the attainment of the overall goal of functional
literacy, particularly in the following domains relative to the application of ICT.

• Communication skills
o Ability to clearly express one’s ideas and feelings orally and non-verbally
o Ability to access, process and utilize available basic and multimedia information
• Critical Problem Solving
o Innovativeness and creativity
o Future orientation
• Sustainable Use of Resources/Productivity
o Sustainable use of resources (including time) and appropriate technology

The redefined SEC specifies what the students are expected to know and be able to do and the levels
of proficiency that they are expected to demonstrate in regard to the use of ICT. These are
embedded under the content/performance standards. To ensure that standards will be captured,
essential understandings are identified and translated into essential questions.

ICT Learning Standards for Students (Table 5) defines the level of ICT application which is embedded
in the refined SEC.

Table 4: ICT Learning Standards
Year Basic Operation Social, ethical and ICT for Producing ICT for Communicating ICT for Researching ICT for Problem Solving
And Concepts Human issues
I Use basic devices Discuss and observe basic Use basic ICT Communicate knowledge Identify various and Use ICT for successful
issues related to the procedures to by exchanging e-mail appropriate sources of problem solving
responsible use of ICT produce materials to messages with others information
support learning
II Use appropriate ICT Interpret and observe Use appropriate Exchange information Use ICT to access Select and use
devices efficiently and ethical and legal content tools such as and ideas for identified appropriate sources of appropriate ICT for
effectively considerations in utilizing software and purposes through e-mail information for learning problem solving
ICT simulations to efficiently and effectively
support learning
III Use ICT devices for Understand and Use ICT to develop Exchange ideas with Select and use various Select and use
identified purposes demonstrate ethical use and produce learning others through online sources of electronic appropriate ICT for
successfully of ICT products forums and websites information to complete problem-solving and
learning tasks decision-making on real
Discuss consequences of word problems
misuse of ICT
IV Recognize and Demonstrate and Use ICT to enhance Use ICT to collaborate, Select and use various Understand the purpose
demonstrate skills in advocate ethic and safe learning, increase publish and interact with sources of electronic and demonstrate the use
operating technological use of ICT among peers, productivity and peers, experts and other information for research, of the design process in
systems efficiently and family and local promote creativity audiences problem solving and problem solving
effectively community information analysis.
Use ICT in developing
Make informed choices Apply criteria to new understanding and
regarding ICT and needs determine integrity and thinking
accurateness of
Understand the information
advantages and
disadvantages of
different devices

Technical-Vocational High Schools

ICT is being used in Technical-Vocational High School (TechVoc HS) to:

• provide TechVoc HS students with 21st century skills;

• prepare the students for local and international certification in ICT and other technical fields;
• expose the students to industry ICT standards
• prepare the students for employment and/or entrepreneurial activity should they decide not
to continue higher learning (i.e. IT technician, IT programmer, and other related ICT

A subject on the use of the computer and basic productivity software (PC Operations) is mandatory
for all TechVoc HS students. “PC Hardware Servicing” is offered as one of the specializations in
TechVoc HS in the Arts and Trades category.

To respond to the rapidly growing need for skilled ICT workers, the establishment of ICT TechVoc HS
is deemed necessary.2 This ICT TechVoc HS will offer wide range of ICT specializations which include
Networking, Database Management, Programming, Multimedia Arts, Digital Music, etc. By June
2010 16 Regional ICT TVHS will be opened.

In all TechVoc HS, ICT shall be used to enhance learning in tech-voc specializations (ie Arts and
Trades, Agriculture and Fishery) as well as related/academic subjects (ie English, Science and Math).

Emergent ICT skills requirements for Arts and Trades, Agriculture, and Fishery will be studied and
new subjects to develop such skills will be develop and implemented.

ALS Curriculum

The Alternative Learning System (ALS) aims to develop functionally literate ALS learners through
acquiring necessary basic life-skills that can be used in their daily lives.

The ALS Curriculum will be enhanced towards becoming an ICT-enhanced ALS Curriculum through
the following:

• Inclusion of life skills strategies in identified points within the curriculum;

• Integration of activities within the A&E session guides where ICT can be utilized through the
use of website links and existing ICT learning materials; and
• Use of other supplementary/multi-media learning materials appropriate for use of ALS
learners; and
• Review and evaluation of core competencies versus the number of core module.

At present, Technical-Vocational High Schools (TechVoc HS) have three categories (1) Arts and Trades, (2) Agriculture and
(3) Fishery Schools. The ICT TechVoc HS will be a fourth category

Multimedia Instructional Materials Development

Already, various independent initiatives within DepED have developed customized teaching and
learning digital content tied to the curriculum. These materials are being collated and are available
for use by teachers through the DepED website. However, access to existing digital content remains
limited and creating a comprehensive inventory of these materials continues to be a challenge.

In anticipation of the more widespread use of Multimedia Instructional Materials (MIM), a sector-
wide Digital Content Development and Usability Framework has been drafted.

In the course of this plan’s implementation, DepED will intensify the development and acquisition of
MIM as supplement to, not as a replacement of, existing (printed) instructional materials.

In the first year of this plan’s implementation, DepED would undertake the following:

• Adopt the aforementioned Digital Content Development and Usability Framework. From
then on it would serve as a guide in the development, adaption, adoption and/or acquisition
of MIM.
• Develop and adopt an IPR Framework and Guidance on MIM based on open content
principles to facilitate the sharing of existing digital content – be they be those in the public
domain, those that were donated to DepED, or those developed by its teachers -- on a
national level.
• Provide incentives to encourage the development of regional/local content by teachers and
other education personnel and officials.
• Establish procurement guidelines for commercially developed MIM. The copyright of
commercial MIM shall be procured under existing rules and regulations. Schools may
independently source MIM only for “special and local needs”

Elementary Schools

In the next three years, elementary schools shall utilize existing multimedia instructional materials
which were reviewed by the schools and at the central office for suitability and appropriateness to
the learners and learning competencies.

Schools shall be empowered to develop multimedia instructional materials based on their needs.
Likewise, incentives shall be provided to encourage teachers to develop and utilize their own
multimedia resources. Multimedia instructional materials developed by schools shall be shared with
other elementary teachers through the Internet.

Secondary Schools

General High Schools and Other Types

In the first year of this plan’s implementation, DepED, through the Bureau of Secondary Education
(BSE), will further define the learning activities that HS students will undertake to attain the
standards that they will need to succeed in the 21st century.
Learning activities would be aligned with the standards and would be designed to promote
attainment of desired results. These activities would address one or more specific standards. They
would involve significant content and processes from the standards and should lead to products and
performances that can be used to assess student learning. They would promote active learning and
should include the application of ICT, where appropriate.

DepED, through BSE, would spearhead the identification and development of digital multimedia
instructional materials, and the facilities that students need to carry out the activities and attain the
standards. These MIM would be utilized for the enhancement of the teaching-learning process in
English, Science and Mathematics following the implementation of the 2010 refined SEC.

Tech-Voc High Schools

For the effective implementation of ICT curriculum for technical-vocational high schools, the
following shall be developed:

• Teachers guide for all specializations

These multimedia materials will guide the teachers in each specialization (ie Arts and Trade,
Agriculture and Fishery) to effectively implement the curriculum requirement following the required
ICT standards. Basically these materials will have curriculum content, strategies and assessment

• Student module
Interactive, Web-based, Computer-Aided and other digital instruction materials will be developed to
help students internalize the utilization and application of ICT. Eventually, instructional materials
simulating hands-on experience will also be developed.

• Training modules for Teachers and Administrators

These materials will guide the trainers in the conduct of training, emphasizing the content,
strategies, monitoring and evaluation.

Alternative Learning Systems

In 2006, the Bureau of Alternative Learning System (BALS,) in partnership with the Commission on
Information and Communication Technology (CICT) engaged in a project called eSkwela to deliver
secondary level alternative learning to out-of-school youth and adults through the use of interactive
electronic-modules (e-modules).

Utilizing the existing secondary core modules of the ALS Accreditation and Equivalency (A&E), the
eSkwela project has developed almost 150 A&E e-modules that are being used in four (4) pilot
project sites. An additional 120 A&E e-modules are being developed. BALS will continue the project
through the following activities:

• Reproduction, distribution and utilization of existing 35 e-modules in Region, Division and

existing CLCs;
• Development of 69 basic literacy (levels 2&3) modules, 30 informal educatation modules,
and 15 ALIVE e-modules; and
• Utilization of basic literacy, informal, and ALIVE e-modules in ICT-ready CeLCs.

ICT-enabled Assessment

DepED through BESRA is developing an Assessment Framework which requires a re-

conceptualization of the national assessment system of the Department. This framework entails a
range of actions that include development of assessment standards, tests and other instruments,
conduct of training and advocacy programs and the formalization of assessment roles and
responsibilities. Dovetailing with this major initiative, ICT will have the dual role of being one of the
areas to be assessed and enabling the efficient and effective implementation of the assessment

The goals and outcomes of this plan are well articulated and will serve as the basis for the indicators
in the actual instruments that will assess ICT integration and competencies. But more importantly, a
sound approach in the use of ICT in assessment will open up new possibilities in the menu of
available assessment methods. ICT can greatly improve assessment planning, collecting and
analyzing of data and recording and reporting of findings. The main goal would be to lessen the
reliance on traditional pen-and-paper tests and conduct a multi-dimensional portfolio assessment of
the learner.

Pre-Elementary and Elementary Schools

Pre Elementary

Assessment in preschools is conducted through informal observations of the desired behaviors

among children. Technology is envisioned to stimulate inquisitiveness, curiosity and latent creativity
among children, the manifestation of which are measured through their involvement in play
activities and responses in interactive multimedia games. A significant success indicator that shall be
measured formally is the readiness of children vis-à-vis their developmental milestones (physical,
social, mental, emotional) through the School Readiness Assessment Test (SReA).

All preschool aged children in public elementary schools shall be made ready to cope with the
expectations of grade 1. Preschool teachers of the department shall be capacitated to record,
interpret and provide feedback on the results of the SReA utilizing different media technologies.


ICT-enabled assessment in elementary schools comprises the evaluation tools which utilize available
ICT interactive assessment of the performance of the learners. Teachers evaluate the learners using
available and appropriate ICT-enhanced assessment tools. Likewise, teachers shall be able to record
and give immediate feedback on the performance of the learners using the different ICT media
forms. Schools shall be encouraged to establish item banks in all learning areas. The ICT-based item
banks may be utilized either for summative, formative or for practice exercises.

By 2010, all ICT-enabled schools shall have progressively increased their mean percentage scores in
achievement tests by at least 5% in all learning areas particularly English, Science and Mathematics.
90% of the teachers shall have advanced from basic and proficient competencies to advanced level
through continuous competency-based INSET.

Secondary Schools

General High Schools and Other Types

The refined SEC defines the acceptable evidence of student’s attainment of desired results. It
determines authentic performance tasks that the student is expected to do to demonstrate the
desired understandings. Likewise, it defines the criteria, including the application of ICT, where
appropriate, against which the student’s performances or products shall be judged. These products
and performances indicate how students are expected to present evidence of their learning or
demonstrate conceptual understanding, and content and skill acquisition. The products and
performances should promote self-understanding, self-monitoring, and self-assessment. They
should include opportunities for authentic audiences to experience and critique results. Likewise,
they should permit choices and combinations of oral, written, visual, and kinesthetic modes and the
application of ICT, where appropriate

The use of ICT-enabled assessment in General HS shall commence by 2010 during the
institutionalization of the refined SEC. Prior to this, available ICT-enabled assessment tools may be
used while teachers are provided with the required capacity building to promote the development
of ICT-enabled assessment tools.

Tech-Voc High Schools

By 2010, all TechVoc HS shall utilize ICT-enabled assessment. In the first year of this plan’s
implementation the following will be undertaken:

• Development of monitoring/survey tools which will serve as basis for the assessment of
student learning
• Definition of the criteria on how to assess learning of the students in the utilization of ICT
• Formulation of recommendation to respond to the needs as per result of the assessment

Alternative Learning Systems

Assessing learners to tracking learning progress will be the main responsibility of CeLC managers. To
accomplish this, they would:

• Maintain a learning management system (LMS) that will hold records and results of
assessment activities in every session. This LMS will give the center managers the chance to
keep track of the skills/competencies gained versus the finished e-modules and how his
learners advances;
• Develop portfolios of learners that will keep physical outputs and records. This will also
serve as one of the bases in determining the progress and readiness of ALS learners to take
the A&E Test.3

The A&E Test is usually given to ALS learners after a period of 10 months learning intervention. If they passed this test,
they will be recognized as graduates and will be given a certificate which is comparable to the diploma given to regular
formal elementary or secondary graduates.

By 2010, on-line A&E testing shall also be conducted.

Competency Standards and Professional Development
In order to realize this ICT4E masterplan, ICT competency standards for teachers, education
managers, school officials and non-teaching personnel/administrative staff shall be developed and
adopted. A Competency Standards “is a document that specifies in a structured format how people
should perform a job or work role. Organisations use competency standards. … Competency
standards attempt to capture the various dimensions that, when taken together, account for
'competent' performance.”4


Teachers need to embrace the changes ICT will effect on teaching and learning. The teachers’ role
will shift from the traditional provider of knowledge to the facilitator of learning. In order to make
these changes more easily, they should become habitual users of ICT. They should continue to look
for opportunities to upgrade their competencies, share their experiences and create a culture of
collaboration in order to support each other.

Towards this goal, the DepED ICT Competency Standard for Teachers which has been developed will
be adopted during the first year of this plan’s implementation. This standard has three levels (Basic,
Proficient and Advanced) in 6 domains (ICT; Pedagogy; Organization and Administration; Teacher
Professional Development; Social, Ethical Legal and Human Issues; and, Evaluation and Assessment).
(Table 5). It is based on existing national (NICS Teachers) and international (UNESCO, etc) standards.

DepED will further refine the different levels of ICT competency of its ICT Competency Standard, and
develop the corresponding assessment tools within the first year of this plan’s implementation .

Teachers will be required to work towards the attainment of the DepED ICT Competency Standard.
To assist them, a comprehensive professional development program for teachers will be developed.
This program will be built on existing in service training initiatives.

DepED will also revise its hiring requirements such that all new hires by the third year of this plan’s
implementation would have achieved the basic level of competency based on the DepED ICT
Competency Standard. To achieve this goal it will be recommended to the CHED that TEIs should
align their courses to the said DepED ICT competency standard. Thus, collaboration between TEIs,
the Commission on Higher Education (CHED), PRC and DepED will be essential.

Schools will be responsible for the progressive attainment of these competencies by their teachers
as part of their annual performance appraisal. DepED will conduct a yearly assessment of the
effectiveness of the comprehensive in-service training program and compliance of this directive
beginning the third year of this plan’s implementation

Education Managers

DepED will adopt National ICT Compentency Standards for Career Executive Service Officials, which
was jointly developed by the CICT and the CESB, as the Competency Standards for its Education


School Administrators

The increasing autonomy for administrators will give schools the flexibility to adapt to the new
teaching and learning styles needed to effectively integrate ICT. However, this increase in decision-
making capabilities is accompanied by the commensurate increase in responsibilities. School
administrators will be expected to lead in fulfilling our shared vision for comprehensive ICT
integration and fostering an environment and culture conducive to the realization of this ICT4E plan.
To do this, they will have to increase their understanding of how ICT can support learning, enable
staff to explore innovative practices integrating ICT, and have the confidence and capability to lead
and manage the change required to maximize the benefits of these technologies.

Within the first year of this plan’s implementation, DepED will develop and adopt an ICT
Competency Standards for School Administrators based on international standards such as
ISTE/NETS that would serve as a basis for a comprehensive capability building program for School

Non-Teaching Personnel/Administrative Personnel

DepED will adopt an industry-based ICT Competency Standards relevant to its Non-Teacher
Personnel/Administrative staff.

In recognition of the need for Chief Technology Officers (CTO) in all Schools, a preliminary version off
the ICT Competency Standards for School CTOs has been formulated. This standard is based on the
global standard for School CTOs. This standard will be finalized and adopted during the first year of
this plan’s implementation.

Table 5: ICT Competency Levels for Teachers
Organization & Social, Ethical, Legal, Assessment and
Competency Levels ICT Pedagogy Professional
Administration and Human Issues Evaluation
Acquire technological Use ICT to set
Use technology for skills for professional learning targets,
classroom development. collect data for
activities and assessment and
Use technology with Understand and
Have basic knowledge presentations. Use tools and evaluation
Basic the whole class, small demonstrate the
of hardware and applications to:
A teacher needs to be aware of groups, and individual social, ethical,
software, web Select ,use and -develop instructional Monitor, evaluate and
the uses of ICT for teaching and activities and assure legal and human issues
browsers, and other develop appropriate materials, control
learning equitable access. surrounding the use of
multimedia devices. instructional -communicate with students’ use of
materials using various students, technology for
online and off line parents, teachers, educational and
sources administrators, and recreational
others. purposes
Use computers and
Make use of networks, Facilitate equitable technologies to: Apply technology to
Monitor, evaluate and Facilitate equitable
collaborate, create and access to technology -effectively and facilitate a variety of
facilitate students’ use access to technology
manage complex resources for all appropriately to appropriate
Proficient of tools and resources for all
projects students communicate assessment and
A teacher will be expected to be a applications to students
information in a evaluation
more fluent, critical and reflective collaborate, access
Demonstrate continual Plan, promote and variety of formats strategies to recognize
user and must be able to information, and Plan, promote and
growth in technology model safe and -develop diversity of learners,
demonstrate appropriate and communicate to model safe and
knowledge and skills to healthy use of performance tasks and use
efficient use of ICT beyond basic analyze and solve healthy use of
stay abreast of current technology that require students results to refine design
forms. problems. technology
and emerging resources to locate and analyze of
technologies information learning activities
-use a variety of media
to communicate
Organization & Social, Ethical, Legal, Assessment and
Competency Levels ICT Pedagogy Professional
Administration and Human Issues Evaluation
Model ICT learning
Use computers and
processes, where
Advanced Model self-directed other
A teacher will be able to further Model and attitude towards new technologies to
-apply their cognitive Facilitate students' use Facilitate students' use
explore the range of possibilities continuously learn and content, applications effectively
skills, of technology that of technology that
for use of ICT across the use ICT to create and software. communicate and
-need special addresses their social addresses their
curriculum and design student applications and Experiment and collect information on
attention; needs and cultural social needs and
learning activities that integrate software and continuously learn, use student learning using
-fall below average, identity cultural
ICT tools that take into account professional and experiment ICT to a variety of methods
-need tutorial, identity
students’ different learning knowledge create instructional for assessment and
styles. This includes adopting communities. yearmaterials and evaluation.
-gifted that need
emerging technologies. models.
special organization
and advanced lessons

Professional Development
A comprehensive training program for Teachers, Education Managers, School Administrators and
Administrative staffwill be developed and implemented by the first quarter of 2009. DepED will
work with other government agencies (CHED, TESDA, CICT) and private sector partners such as Intel,
Microsoft, Oracle, Cisco, etc. in the program’s development and implementation,


Only teachers who are confident and capable users of ICT can equip students to meet the ICT
challenge. These teachers will need support to make the transition to a new, more collaborative
approach to teaching and learning. As facilitators of learning they will need to develop their
pedagogy to be more interactive, dynamic and adaptable.

Teachers will be provided with professional development in order to attain capability in the DepED
ICT Competency Standards for Teachers.

Elementary Schools

Capability building for elementary teachers will center on developing and enhancing the teachers’
skills in ICT and in using ICT media to enrich teaching. This will come in the form of training in
different modalities (distance and face-to-face). Different types of training shall be utilized including
mentoring, coaching and peer tutoring. Teachers shall be profiled in terms of basic, proficient and
advance levels according to the DepED ICT competency standard for teachers.

Based on existing and proposed budgets for teacher training, it is anticipated that at least 30,000
Elementary school teachers will be capacitated in the development of ICT-enhanced lessons by 2010.

Secondary Schools

General High Schools and Other Types

At the secondary level, the capability building of teachers will be based on the approved ICT teaching
standards of the Department which include

• identification of topics across the learning areas where ICT will be integrated;
• development of appropriate ICT-based instructional materials to support full integration
• training on the use of ICT-based instructional materials to enhance creativity in the teaching-
learning process.

Effort in building up the capacity of teachers is aimed at providing a personalized approach to

developing the student’s multiple intelligences.

Based on existing and anticipated budget by 2010, all first year HS teachers across all learning areas
shall have been trained on the integration of ICT.
Tech-Voc High Schools

Capacity Building for TechVoc HS Teachers includes:

• Training on the effective curriculum implementation, strategies and assessment

• Training on the utilization of ICT multimedia instructional materials
• Training on use and maintenance of laboratory equipment and facilities
• Training on the development of other multimedia instructional support

The following in-service ICT trainings are also deemed necessary:

• Content delivery
• Skills enhancement training for all teachers of tech-voc high schools
• Assessment of learning
• Using the Internet for Research

By 2010, all 1st and 2nd Year Tech Voc HS teachers (in all areas in four categories) will be trained in
ICT for education.

Alternative Learning Systems

The following will be conducted for ALS facilitators, particularly the Mobile Teachers (MTs), District
ALS Coordinators (DALSCs) and BPOSA Instructional Managers (IMs):

• ICT training on basic, proficiency and advanced levels will be given to them in order to
equipped them on the” know-how” to maximize the utilization of available, most
appropriate educational teaching-learning approaches and strategies through the web;
• Training on the utilization and management of the learning management system (LMS) that
goes with the use of assessment tools; and
• Training on new approaches to facilitation of learning through the use of
• non-threatening language or communication
• more interesting session activities, and
• effective encouraging techniques that will greatly improve the way they handle sessions
with their learners.

Training on the effective implementation of the programs and projects through ICT shall also be
conducted. This would include:

• Training on the maintenance and management of BALS website linked to the DepED web-
site; and
• Training on utilization of M&E Instrument for ALS Standards.

By 2010, all mobile teachers, district coordinators and IMs will be trained in the use of ICT in
Alternative Learning.

School Administrators

Professional development will be provided to school administrators on the different dimensions of

ICT integration, which includes developing a school ICT policy and strategy. The professional
development will provide a structure and mechanism that will encourage and support schools in
establishing their own vision, goals and strategies which are consistent with this ICT4E Strategic Plan.
This professional development should be designed so that school administrators are able to lead in:

• developing a plan to progressively implement ICT. This should include areas such as the use
of ICT in different subjects, in administration, assessment, preparation of materials and
associated school activities;
• adhering to DepED’s ICT standards for hardware, software, ICT learning resources and
• ensuring that teachers become innovators and agents of change; and
• developing tools for teacher feedback so that a culture of constant re-evaluation and
continuous improvement is created.

DepED will develop and implement the necessary training modules that will fully elaborate the focus
areas listed above, which includes a dedicated ICT leadership training for school administrators.
DepED will also aim to establish structures such as online communities and recurring programs to
support school administrator’s ICT training and sustain the momentum of such training. This training
program will build on the ReimaginED series launched in 2007.

A specific budget for school administrators training will be established. As a result, it is expected that
by 2010, all school administrators would have been trained in ICT for school administration.

Administrative/Non-Teaching Personnel

In the first year of this plan’s implementation, a comprehensive training plan to help
Administrative/Non-Teaching Staff achieve the relevant ICT competency standard shall be developed
and implemented.

Enterprise Architecture
In the first year of its implementation, DepED will design and implement an Enterprise Architecture
(EA) to guide the development of interoperable ICT systems in the Department.5 This EA would
define the various hardware and systems for pedagogy and professional development as well as
governance and management.

The following principles of shall guide the design and will be promoted by the DepED EA:

• Interoperable – allowing, through Open Standards, the exchange, reuse, interchangeability

and interpretation of data

• User-centric - prioritizing services fulfilling user requirements over perceived hardware or

software constraints

• Sustainable – maintaining balance and resiliency while addressing organizational, technical,

financial and legal issues in a manner that allows an ecosystem to thrive and evolve.

• Flexible – adapting seamlessly and quickly to new information, technologies, protocols and
relationships while integrating them as warranted into market-making and government

• Collaborative – allowing other government agency, industry partners, parents, teachers, and
other stakeholders to create, grow and form communities of interested parties that can
leverage strengths, solve common problems, innovate and build upon existing efforts.6

EA – Administration and Management

The DepED EA would help achieve efficiency and effectiveness in operations. Through it, the DepED
will establish an integrated service network that ensures efficient, transparent and effective
governance and management. This relies on timely access to information, knowledge and funding.
The EA would prescribe systems that would minimize the burden of data collection and reporting
from key school personnel to allow them to focus on their critical tasks in pedagogy.

Among the systems that will be developed, in the order of priority, are:

• School-based Information Management System (includes raw data on enrollment, assets, no

of teachers, etc)
• Enterprise Learning Management System,
• Human Resource Information System – that interfaces w/ GSIS, PhilHealth, BIR, DBM, banks,
• Resources Management System
• Performance Management System
• Globalized Service Support

Enterprise architecture is an Department-wide framework for incorporating “business” processes, information flows,
applications, and infrastructure to support agency goals. (Adapted from

• Executive Information System (enhanced BEIS) with Geographical Information System (GIS)

Within the first year of this plan’s implementation, the DepED would design and adopt a
comprehensive service delivery framework for administration/management, including ICT
equipment for administrative use in schools.

In the course of this plan’s implementation, the current DepED data center will be transformed into
the DepED data and digital content center.

EA – Pedagogy

In terms of pedagogy, the EA will allow the deployment of new modes of delivery envisioned by this
ICT4E strategic plan. It shall pave the way for more collaborative and learner-centered pedagogy.
The EA will help fulfill the goal of providing anytime, anywhere 21st century education for all.

It is envisaged that this ICT4E Strategic Plan will bring all schools and teachers to certain threshold
levels of ICT provision and skills. This will directly aid our students in acquiring 21st century skills.

During the five-year period, the Department will provide the following to public schools and would
serve as the minimum requirement for private schools:

Elementary Schools

The realization of the ICT-enhanced teaching and learning process shall be facilitated through a
classroom enriched with various ICT instructional equipment. The provision of the equipment shall
be based on a classroom instructional model that allows the teacher to use the different ICT media
to enhance daily lessons in all subject areas.

By 2010, at least 50% of all “complete” elementary schools shall be provided the basic ICT package
to enable them to achieve at least an annual increase 5% in their achievement level. The package for
each school consists of 1 computer for the teacher, an interactive whiteboard, digital camera, a 32”
colored television, a DVD an LCD and wireless microphone and PA system. As the schools
progressively perform, ICT packages which include additional computers shall be provided.

Secondary Schools

General High Schools and Other Types

By the end of this plan, each public high school will have access to two learning stations (1 for ICT
skills development and 1 for ICT integration in subject matter areas);
Each ICT skills development station would include 10+1 PCs with multi-user terminals
Each ICT integration learning station would include TV set, LCD projector with document camera,
microphone, interactive board and video lessons

All school computers (including library, administrative offices and faculty rooms) will be connected
to a school Intranet and all public high schools will have access to the Internet. Furthermore, all
schools will be provided with curriculum and technical support.

Tech-Voc High Schools

All Tech-Voc HS will have computer lab, an ICT workshop and multimedia classroom. There will be
1:1 computer to student ratio. All TechVoc school computers (including library, administrative
offices and faculty rooms) will be connected to a school Intranet and all Tech Voc HS will have access
to the Internet. For Regional TechVoc ICT HS, student will be provided with mobile computing
devices (Laptops, notebooks, netbooks) all schools. All 261 Tech-Voc high schools including the
Regional ICT TVHS will be provided with curriculum multimedia materials and technical support

Community Learning Centers

All community learning centers will be equipped with a television, a DVD player, computers. Absent
a physical CLC, mobile teachers will have laptops with wireless internet connection and a projector.
All community learning centers will have access to the Internet and all community learning centers
will be provided with curriculum and technical support.

The DepED EA shall also facilitate the creation of a distance-mode in-service training program. While
there is no doubt that training programs are most effective when conducted face-to-face and over
an extended period of time, distance mode training is called for in view of the perennial resource
constraints of DepED and the need to fast track capability building.

ICT Governance means “specifying the decision rights and accountability framework to encourage
desirable behavior in the use of ICT”. ICT Governance determines who makes the final decisions on
ICT in DepED. It is distinct from ICT “management” which is the process of making and
implementing final decisions on ICT.

The DepED will adopt an ICT Governance Framework in order to: 1) properly evaluate the ICT in the
context of the Department’s needs and challenges; 2) set the direction of proposed ICT plans and
policies; and 3) the monitor the performance of plans and conformance with policies.7 DepED ICT
governance comprises the following:

• stakeholder engagement and representation

• strategic planning for information and technology investment, procurement and deployment
• policy development and agreement
• high level monitoring of program delivery
• ‘business as usual’ performance monitoring
• standards selection and implementation
• risk management
• policing policy, standards, conformance with legislation, and proper use8

The DepED ICT governance framework will be comprised of 1) a set of principles, 2) decision-making
hierarchy and 3) tailor-made suite of reporting and monitoring processes.9

DepED has taken an initial step in setting up an ICT governance framework in DepEd Order 1 s 2007.
Within the first year of this plan’s implementation it will have a working ICT Governance Framework.

This ICT4E strategic plan recognizes the important role of DepED senior officials in ICT governance.

DepED is committed to ensuring that this ICT4E Plan is based on sound technology and efficient
processes. To ensure this, a dedicated unit led by the DepED CIO is necessary. ICT coordinators shall
serve as de facto CTO at their level.

Strengthening Schools and the Community’s Role

The successful integration of ICT into the Philippine education system will require a coordinated and
comprehensive approach. DepED will lead in developing, implementing and coordinating all
activities towards achieving our vision. DepED’s coordinating role includes planning and sustaining
investment strategies to achieve our vision and facilitating collaboration between all key

School-based Management is the flagship program of the DepED towards carefully decentralizing
the public basic education sector. It is guided by the fact that schools should be supported in order
to be capable of making their own decisions regarding operational matters. This requires a total

Ziolkowski and Clark “Standards of ICT Governance” p. 79

community approach to the provision of basic education: employing effective and efficient processes
and drawing in vital stakeholder support. By dovetailing again with this major initiative, integrating
ICT into school operations will occur at different levels:

• Integration Level 1 – Standard

• Integration Level 2 – Progressive
• Integration Level 3 – Mature

On the third year of this plan’s implementation, and after the establishment of the School-based
Information System, DepED will develop benchmarks corresponding to the three Integration Levels
above to assist teachers to more meaningfully integrate ICT across the curriculum.

The Role of Community

As learning will increasingly occur anywhere, anytime, the community will play a vital role as
partners of DepED in ensuring a safe and responsible ICT learning environment. The wider
community comprises the following groups: (a) parents, (b) tertiary institutions, (c) the private
sector, (d) community centers and (e) local government units.

(a) Parents

In alignment with school-based management, it is recognized that parents will play a vital role in
encouraging and guiding their children towards the achievement of 21st century skills. They are also
the most important support mechanism for the success of SBM.

(b) Tertiary institutions

Tertiary institutions are well situated to be models of ICT implementation and use for schools. Many
university departments and research groups have conducted successful programs, so that they are
able to provide support and advice to schools.

(c) The private sector

DepED sees the private sector as an important partner in the implementation of this ICT4E strategy.
Thus, it will continue to encourage the private sector to become involved in helping schools achieve
the strategic thrusts of this Plan.

(d) Community centers

Local community facilities such as Community eCenters and local Internet Cafes will play an
important role in overcoming the digital divide. Equity of access is an issue facing many Philippine
students. While there are plans to increase the number of computers and access to ICT in each
school, schools should continue to seek alternative ICT access for their students. This may include
establishing an agreement with local Internet Cafes, providing students with vouchers to use in the
cafes and where possible, making use of public internet access points.

(e) Local government units

With the implementation of SBM, the role of LGUs in school operations become increasingly
important. They can provide significant resources that will enable schools to achieve the goals
articulated in this plan. Strong relationships between LGUs and all public schools in its area of
responsibility may be the key to achieving sustainable ICT-enabled schools.

In the interim, the Undersecretary for Programs will oversee the implementation of this Strategic
Plan with support from a fully-staffed ICT TC and the Information and Communication Technology
Unit – Technical Service (ICTU-TS). In this, the Undersecretary for Programs will be guided by the
targets and outcomes as outlined in Table 6 below.

It is underscored that all DepED units will be responsible for the implementation of this ICT4E
Strategic Plan.

With the adoption of the DepED ICT Goverance Framework, management of this plan will be
transferred to the appropriate office.

As part of the implementation process, there is a need for on-going monitoring and evaluation
(M&E) of the Five-Year ICT Strategic Plan. There will be two key issues. The first is to evaluate the
outcomes and the performance of the sector (ie elementary, secondary, ALS), if necessary, help
correct the direction, which the strategic and action-planning process is taking.

Second is to examine the impacts that ICT has made on possible changes in roles and interactions of
the teacher and the students. This will give an indication of the degree of integration of ICT in the
education system.

Consistent with this framework, an evaluation of teachers’ changing competence, beliefs and
attitude towards ICT use in classrooms should also be conducted to shed light on how these factors
impinge on the nature and extent of changes that have emerged in terms of classroom roles and
interactions. In order to achieve this, it is desirable and important that more in-depth qualitative
studies be conducted to provide more vivid descriptions of the actual roles and functions of ICT
inside classrooms, how it interacts with teachers and students, as well as how the school and system
level factors contribute to/constrain the classroom implementation.

Findings from this study will inform DepED as to the kinds of policy adjustments that need to be
made to enhance the implementation of ICT in schools to achieve the policy visions.

Table 5: Implementation Schedule (including Targets and Outcomes)
Goals Outcomes Strategies Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Success indicators
To completely Stage 1: An Review the existing curricula and
integrate ICT into the enhanced level of content with a view to suggesting Common teaching
curriculum awareness and use common teaching and learning strategies using ICT
of ICT in the existing strategies using ICT.
curriculum Identify ICT resources that can
serve the general purpose and Common ICT
specific elements of teaching and resources that can
learning in subjects, cross- be used in teaching
curricular areas and integrated and learning
Encourage school-based efforts to
adapt ICT to different learning
areas, subjects, interests and
abilities of students, and
Schools in different
stakeholder expectations
integration levels of
Encourage schools to use ICT to
ICT in operations
make internal assessment less
based on
labour intensive
benchmarks that
Conduct research on the impact of
will be developed by
ICT on student learning from the
experience of the more pioneering
schools to facilitate informed
decisions regarding the curriculum
and assessment modes
Stage 2: The full Conduct a comprehensive review
integration of ICT in of the school curriculum to cater ICT enriched
the enriched for new developments. curriculum
Intensify relevant School Provide school administrators with
professional Administrators professional development on the
development leading in fulfilling different dimensions of ICT
programs the shared ICT vision integration 50% of school heads
and fostering a trained on the
conducive different dimensions
environment and of ICT integration
culture for the
realization of the
ICT4E plan
Teachers equipped All TEIs to align their courses to 100% of TEIs that
with the necessary the DepED ICT competency modified / aligned
skills to be confident standard their courses to the
and capable users of DepED ICT
ICT competency
All teachers must attain the Basic New hiring policies
Level of ICT competency prior to that will ensure that
entry into the profession all new hires are at
least at the Basic
level of ICT
Provide teachers with professional
development in order to attain the
Basic, Proficient and Advanced
levels of ICT competencies in the
six domains of (1) ICT, (2)
Pedagogy, (3) Organization and Elementary: one-
Administration, (4) Professional fifth and one-tenth
Development, (5) Social, Ethical, of teachers reached
Legal and Human Issues and (6) "basic" and
Evaluation and Assessment "proficient" levels
respectively. At least
one teacher per
school at 35
"advanced" level
Secondary: all
teachers reached
"proficient" level. At
least one-third
reached "advanced"
Tech-Voc: all ICT
teachers reached
“proficient” level. At
least one-third
reached the
“advanced” level of
ALS: one-third of
mobile teachers
reached “proficient”
level. At least one-
third reached the
“advanced” level of
DepED officials, Provide professional development
All non-teaching
managers and non- programs on the appropriate and
teaching staff effective use of ICT for educational
completed PD
officials, managers and non-
teaching staff

Develop processes Establishment of a Develop and finalize interoperable

and systems that fully integrated software systems and operational
ensure efficient, system for processes that comprise the
transparent and governance. different components of the
effective governance enterprise architecture Major software
systems and
developed, utilized
and ready to be
integrated in the
Integrate ICT into SBM to ensure Improved SBM
sustainability and a whole-school guidelines and
approach to ICT integration practice that
benchmarks of ICT
Appoint a DepED CIO which will be DepED CIO hired,
supported by the appropriate comprehensive ICT
offices and a comprehensive ICT governance
governance framework framework
implemented and
capacitated offices
that oversee ICT
Assess, utilize and Fully integrated Review the existing sources of 100% of schools
further develop digital content across digital content with a view to reviewed and
appropriate digital the curriculum. integrating it within the existing integrated digital
content curriculum content into
Develop tailor-made digital User-generated
content for sharing and content shared and
collaborating across DepED used in pedagogy,
schools training and
Establish the An enterprise-wide Design and implement an overall DepED Enterprise
necessary ICT ICT infrastructure ICT enterprise architecture Architecture
infrastructure that underpins the designed and
delivery of the ICT implemented
Strategic Plan for Ensure the integration ICT systems
Education. for pedagogy and professional
development with ICT systems for Integration of all
governance and management independent but
software systems
into the enterprise
Continuous and timely delivery of Elementary:
infrastructure and services to utilization of any of
schools and administrative units the four classroom
models; one-fourth
of schools with
access to the
internet; all school
connected to a
school intranet; all
schools with
internet and
intranet with
curriculum and
technical support
utilization of three
learning stations; all
schools with access
to the internet; all
school computers
connected to a
school intranet; all
schools with
internet and
intranet with
curriculum and
technical support
Tech-Voc: all schools
with computer labs,

ICT workshops and
classrooms; all
schools with access
to the internet; all
school computers
connected to a
school intranet; all
schools with
internet and
intranet with
curriculum and
technical support
ALS: all community
learning centers
with television, DVD
player and
computers (else, all
mobile teachers
with laptop and
projector); all CLCs
with access to the
internet; all CLCs
with curriculum and
technical support

The vision described in this Five-Year DepED ICT4E Strategic Plan is to transform our students into
dynamic life long learners and productive and responsible citizens. This vision sees our schools as
dynamic and innovative learning institutions where students will be critical thinkers and creative
learners. Our students will be linked to the vast networked world of knowledge and information.
This will enable them to acquire a broader knowledge base and a more global outlook. Our vision
aims to develop in our students the capabilities to critically and intelligently seek, absorb, analyse,
manage and present information. It also sees them as producers of new knowledge and products.
This plan also envisions to develop habits of self-learning among students to nurture lifelong

In order to achieve our vision we aim to integrate ICT into the curriculum so that it prepares our
students to be digitally competent lifelong learners. Relevant professional development will be
provided that will prepare ICT-competent teachers that are integral to the success of this vision.
Supporting our vision will be systems and infrastructure that ensure efficient, transparent and
effective governance.

Today’s learners are growing up in a world characterized by technological change and innovation.
DepED has recognized that there is a need to equip learners with the necessary skills and
experiences that will enable them to become contributing members of the global community..

The successful implementation of the ICT4E Strategic Plan will lead to a new era in education. It is
the aim of DepED that this policy document will provide the direction needed to integrate ICT within
the Philippine education system and help move the country forward.
Classroom instructional model A classroom designed to provide large-screen projection
video, sounds, and data from software, CD-ROM, and Internet
sources (definition used by the ICTU)
Courseware Digitally developed instructional materials
DepED administrators Executives, directors, superintendents, chiefs, supervisors
Digital Content Digitally developed instructional materials
Digital Age A period of time when emerging technologies are pervasively
used by society
Digitally Competent Attributes of lifelong learning including abilities such as the
capability to critically and intelligently seek, absorb, analyze,
manage and present information
Education Stakeholders Schools (administrators, teachers, students), local
communities, parents, local government units, and foreign &
local funding agencies, the private sector (business and
academic communities, non – governmental organizations,
private foundations, individuals)
Emerging Technologies New developments in the field of technology that have
educational applications
Enterprise Architecture Detailed operational plan for ICT
ICT Information and Communication Technology encompasses
information and communication devices and the software
that enables them to function. This may include: hardware,
processes, and systems for storing, managing, communicating
and sharing information
ICT integration ICT is used as an integral tool in the learning process to
extend student learning capabilities
Information Age Also refers to global information age, knowledge society,
digital age
Lifelong Learning A competency acquired by learners that enable them to
continue learning outside of formal schooling
Learners All students, all teachers, parents, administrators, and the
wider community
School administrators School heads (principals, OICs, TICs), head teachers,
Students’ Common term denoting pupils (elementary K-6), students
(secondary Y1-Y4),ALS learners (all ages), technical-vocational
high school students
Learning Stations Spaces in secondary schools, one for ICT skills development
and two for ICT integration in subject matter areas (e.g,
library, computer laboratory and multimedia room)
Pedagogy Process of teaching and learning
Teachers Facilitators of learning

Annex 1: Acknowledgements/Process
We want to express appreciation to AusAID for conducting the project “Building Capacity of ICT
Strategic Implementation for Basic Education in the Philippines” which commenced in August 2007.
The aim was to strengthen the capacity of the Department of Education (DepED) in the Philippines to
develop and implement a cost-effective strategy for the use of ICT in Basic Education. The principal
objective was to develop a Strategic Plan for the successful use of ICT in relevant aspects of the
school system which will be formally adopted and implemented by DepED.

A team of key personnel from central and regional offices of the Department of Education
underwent training and professional development in the leadership and management of ICT-
enhanced educational interventions. Queensland University of Technology as project leader
coordinated the drafting of this plan. The team members are listed below:

Members Role Description

Mr Mari Paul C. Soriano Director, Technical Service
Ms Maria Victoria D. Abcede Bureau of Secondary Education
Mr Albert Alano Property Division
Ms Ofelia Algo EDPITAF
Ms Erlinda Atienza ICT Regional Coordinator, DepED CARAGA
Ms Angelita Esdicul Bureau of Elementary Education
Ms Juanita Ferido ICT Regional Coordinator, DepED NCR
Mr Deogracias Genito IT Office I, Database Management Unit, Research & Statistics
Division, Office of Planning Services
Mr Elmer Guizano Information and Communications Technology Unit, TS
Mr Eric Labre IMCS
Ms Abigail Lanceta Bureau of Alternative Learning Systems
Mr Gilbert Morong Budget Division
Ms Elizabeth Perfecto ICT Regional Coordinator, Region III
Ms Yrrah Pineda Technical-Vocational Education Task Force
Mr Ferdinand San Jose Information and Communications Technology Unit
Ms Rhodora Sison ICT Regional Coordinator, DepED Region VIII
Mr Renato A. San Juan Jr. Bureau of Alternative Learning Systems
Mr Nicholas Tenazas EDPITAF

Others who assisted at various times throughout the course of our work included the consultants
listed below:

Dr. Emmanuel Lallana DepED ICT Consultant

Mr. John Macasio DepED ICT Consultant
Mr Elcid C Pangilinan Special Assistant to the Secretary
Mr Ricardo Santos Special Assistant to the Secretary
Ms Maria Fe Ferriols Beacon Frontline Solutions Inc.

During the period August 2007 to April 2008, the team formulated practical plans around ICT
implementation and usage in schools, involving the selection of realistic priority areas to ensure the
successful use of ICT in relevant aspects of the school system. The process included three training
workshops, conducted in Manila and Brisbane. Evaluation/research studies and lessons learnt from

the experiences of other countries which are further down the path of ICT integration offered
valuable insights and provided guidance in the development of this Five-Year Strategic Plan.


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